Matchmakers – Mother in Law
That MIL likes power is obvious, and she doesn’t hesitate to order the guard silenced … I do not assume she means shushing him.
She has been dismissed a couple of times with no reason other than her gender, and she has heard her gender talked about as if they … we … are nothing but playthings.
On the other hand she often gets through with her ideas simply because she is smarter than any of the men in the top of the Left State Minister Fraction.
Here is a little extra subtitled biogifology showing why she might change her goals from being allowed to give advice and to have some righteously angry feminist agenda.
First gif: She would be completely able to express her own anger and frustration, but needs to shut up, because only the illusion that she is just giving advice makes it possible for her to attend those meetings.
So it’s been necessary for me to call on Luther, the certified Anger Translator that has earlier worked with Barack Obama.
(Like here: )

(Tech Detail)Ufortunately with so much happening, the solution sometimes suffers. For some reason it seems to not be able to flatten the picture completely?

MIL stays silent through the first gif, and the men continue to plan how to catch the child that five(?) grown men were unable to cheat, and unable to catch and discreetly kill.
