“Like Flowers in Sand”: I’m not a fan of this new development. Not at all. Sigh. Why can’t we have a good thing? The KD Goddess is not giving us a break.



    Are you OK?

    I could be totally misreading, but stress and worry seem to shine through a lot of your comments. I can’t do anything about it at this distance except wish you well and hope that you have sources of peace and comfort to offset the general crappiness of the world.


      Thanks Elinor. Life has been a bit hard, being sick hasn’t helped and the world as it is, has sipped into my psyche but I am not suffering like countless millions are so just living with the blues, stress and worry which I try to control but not always that well. I have comfort and good people around me but not always easy to quieten my mind. I’ll get a hold of myself soon as they say in KDs. Please take care.
