They are still filming, although the ending is supposed to be broadcasted in two weeks.
    Is this a common thing in SK film industry?


      It was very current in the past. The broadcasting catched up the filming and they always finished the drama in a hurry. The main actors didn’t have a lot of time to sleep. Ot if they were hurt, they had to continue to film short time after.


      Many Kdramas if produced by Netflix will be fully pre-produced and 100% completed filming, but if it is a drama filmed and produced by one of Korea’s own networks, then it will usually fall into this type of “live-shoot” situation, wherein the drama is still filming as it is airing, and the only fully pre-produced episodes are maybe the first 2-3. For reality/tv shows, I’ve realized that the turnover for an episode is usually 2-3 weeks, but movies are fully pre-produced and finished quite ahead of time before it is released in theatres


        Thanks. So it is very common, I can only imagine the stres placed not only on the actors, but the staff also. They did add a thord PD, I see that didn’t help much. Or maybe it did and they will finish on time? 🤣
        I was wondering if they are making any changes due to public outcry, because I saw that they cut the HAHA cameo real fast.


          Yes, what also comes with the live-shoot system of most Korean dramas is the last minute change ups that may happen during editing, filming, and even the final scripts— worst of all, the final script of scenes or episodes that are supposed to happen on the day of— which then will definitely cause lots of stress, things to be rushed, filming to be extended, etc.
          I’m not sure how it is now or if conditions have improved since I last checked out a Kdrama (it’s been a while), but at the peak of what I consider to be the worst filming and production conditions of a Kdrama was when a Kdrama would be filming, editing, and airing it’s finale episode all on the same day the drama wraps/finishes filming and the cast & crew having their wrap-up party to attend to that same evening 😰 Conditions just constantly in a state of “Go! Go! Go”


            Changes to a script and editing of an episode to make it what it is when it finally airs does sometimes also get impacted by public sentiment, like you’ve mentioned


            I thought those days were over, but it seems that they will have the wrap up party as you said, right near the finale.
            I hope they don’t make any changes and keep the level of the production high, even if we are to be heartbroken.
            Thank you for all your insights 😊
