Perfect Marriage Revenge

From a suggestion to select a “bad” drama to watch for the Fanwall Community Watch the PMR juggernaut sucker-punched us from the first episode by being “so good”. It got upgraded from getting a mere Hangout to full recapping. The Fanwalls are twinkling with Beanies comments, theories, speculations flying fast and furious along with many many many admirable gifs and screencaps. We have spoken about fashion (“Quelle horreur” couture of the ML which can soak half the sea), art (famous paintings’ “counterfeits” painted by FL), the numerous wedding dresses worn by the FL (one in photo and one ripped, worn for husband not-to-be and one for trial and one for wedding with ML), the character appropriate jewelry worn by the ladies, color coded vegetable dresses worn by ML’s mom, who just fell head-over-heels for her daughter-in-law despite dire warnings, the many many interactions of the In-laws in various permutations and combinations and so much more.

Beanies do you think it is time to up the ante for our PMR Fanwall Challenge.

Since the drama has dashed our hopes of watching a “bad” drama by being so spectacularly wonderful and chock-full of witty dialogues should we have a post wherein we collate these gems for posterity.

Perhaps we can have interested Beanies make a post for one episode and all of us can contribute by posting our favorite quotes in that episode.

This is perhaps just a sneaky fun way to rewatch the episodes. 🤣

Otteke Beanies…?

Shall I start with the Perfect Marriage Revenge: Dial a Quote for Episode 1.

Please contribute happily and copiously.

To start off I will add few quotes from Episode 1 along with approximate timestamps.

1. Timestamp: 28 minutes. Do-guk and Yi-joo’s first meeting that we see. He is commenting on her portrait of the Hanwool family including her husband and herself.

I read somewhere that the goal of hyperrealism is not to portray someone as they are in reality,ย  but to reveal the fact that any portrayal, however real, is ultimately fake.

2. Timestamp: 31 minutes. Yi-joo’s chanelling her Hallmark greeting card vibe is explaining to evil step sister and punchable face husband not-to-be how she can express love and Do-guk gives a lovely snort in response. Hee.

Love isn’t just about saying “I love you.” “I’m sorry.” “Thank you.” I can express my feelings through those words or actions.

3. Timestamp: 31 minutes. I also like evil step-sister’s remark to the Hallmark-ed nonsense above. 🙄

I’m sorry.” “Thank you.” Those are things you say when you want to avoid something.ย  Love should make you feel certain. You should know that someone loves you just from the way they look at you.
Am I wrong Do-guk sshi?

4. Timestamp: 31 minutes. And our already whipped Do-guk who just snorted at Yi-joo’s speil immediately picks up cudgels on her behalf.

Not so sure. Everyone does it differently. I think Yi-joo’s way is just fine…
To Han Yi-joo, Mr. Yoo looks so handsome like this. It makes me think, “A man could be so loved by a woman like this.” As a man, isn’t this praise worth being jealous of?

So I’m leaving it in your hands Beanies … what do you say??


    Happy to do this going forward!! Don’t think I have the time-management skills to also rewatch right now 😜
