My goddaughter is my best friend’s daughter. She has a big brother, two years older than her.

Facebook has reminded me this, and my heart just melted. In 2012, when he was almost three. He couldn’t say his name properly so he called himself Dido. As for my name, he decided I was Tata.

For those of you who don’t understand Spanish: Tata loves Dido and Dido loves Tata.

That’s what he told me.

Even now, that he’s almost a teenager and is no longer a baby, whenever he sees me there’s this big smile in his face and he comes to hug me and kiss me. I love this little man more than you can imagine, and every single time I feel so fortunate to have such a wonderful person in my life.

Tata loves Dido to the infinity and beyond (now that your little sister is not reading and she won’t scold me because I’m hers!).

