Beanie level: Water maid

Beanies, i’m planning on watching 7 Day Queen but i’m wary about the ending. Is it too tragic? Too depressing? Compare to The Princess’s Man (which is one of my favourite) how was it?


    You’ll cry a good deal, but its satisfyingly tragic(?)
    Atleast the leads ended up together in Princess’ man….


      Okay… i think i’ll just save it for later. When i need a good cry 😅


    I was not able to watch The Princess’ Man beanie. But I assure you that you will not regret watching the 7 Day Queen. The ending is bittersweet for me.


So, i finished A Love So Beautiful last week (or was it two weeks ago?) and i still can’t get over it!. It was the cuuuuuutest thing ever and lots of squealing and face hurting from too much smiling. It’s been such a long time since a drama felt like this, really. You know that feeling you got when you first watched all those classic romcoms more than a decade ago and that’s what got you into kdrama in the first place and everything felt heart-fluttering and funny and swoony and, you know, all the feels (and you rarely got these feelings anymore this past years, sadly). This one surely feels exactly like that if not better. Also, this drama is not perfect, but aside from its flaw the rest of the drama is everything i could possibly want a drama to be and that includes the ending. The last episode was perfect, it’s such a rarety in dramaland these days. The only thing i disliked about it, well, the fact that it was the end. You know you liked a drama sooo much when you’re only in ep 9 and you already count how many episodes left to enjoy and dreaded the day when you won’t have any episode left to watch 😅.


    I like the last three episodes. It so cute, and I like how Jiang Chen apologizes for everything in the park and xiaoxie just appear in front of him to show that she want to start again. When the drama end, I imagine if this is will be adapt to Kdrama, who will be Jiang Chen? 😁 He is so cute


To beanies who recommended a love so beautiful here on fan wall, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I’m on ep. 8 now and i can’t stop squealing 😆


I marathoned ep.1-6 of Just Between Lovers over the weekend and thank goodness ep 7 & 8 came afterwards but now i have to deal with this oh-so-familiar pain of having to wait a week for next episode😣


Hypnotized 😮


Why am i doing this to myself 😭


This is why i should never get too emotionally attached to a fictional character 😔


In love with this




Imagine if J. K. Rowling reveal that Harry will die 8 years after the end of the book. There would be chaos.


I\’m so upset right now. This whole thing is just so frustrating ugggggghhhhghh. When i asked more story for Jiwon and Sungmin at the end of season 1 i didn\’t ask for this.
I mean we are all upset over things that\’s not even happened in the official storyline. Yes they give us those epilogues but what we see on screen is still vague. We only hear it from the writer\’s words. I know he/she\’s the writer and all but still.. If they really not planning for a season 3 then they should\’ve just leave it at that. The story would\’ve been just fine without those epilogue. Why take away our chance to live in peace knowing the characters we loved so dearly are doing fine and have a bright future ahead? Why can\’t we have nice thing?

This just ruined everything for me cause now all i can i think about this show is the imminent death of a character that never happened in the story instead of the actual story that i enjoyed over the course of 14 episodes. I can\’t even rewatch this show anymore. It\’s not like when you hate a show at first watch so you just decide not to watch it ever again. I love this show soooo much but now I can\’t even enjoy it anymore. The writer took that away from me.


    i resolve in searching fanfic about alternate ending for them and failed hahaha. someone’s kind enough to write reply 1988’s and 1994’s and had put me at ease


Okay i\’m much calmer now. Let\’s talk about the ending. Like everyone said this is slice-of-life so that ending kinda make sense. But those epilogues!!!! I was hoping till the last minute that the show would just surprise us and be like haha got yaaa you\’ve been fooled!! But nothing. Nothing. If not for that epilogue we all would\’ve been live in peace right now 😭


After THAT ending, there has to be season 3, right? right? RIGHTTTT?????