Radily’s Five Word Ratings (RFWR)
(Number refers to live-watching drama count)

#57 – Find Me in Your Memory / Memoirs of the Man (MBC)
Subjective: 1/5, Even the cuteness was dampened
Objective: 1/5, Not trusting this writer again

In general, anything rated below 3/5 on the objective mark is NOT recommended by Radily for watching.

RFWR Directory

#1 – #51 -> 2018 / 2019 / 2020 Shows (till March)
#52 -> How to Buy a Friend
#53 – #54 -> Hi Bye, Mama! / Nobody Knows
#55 – #56 -> 365: Repeat the Year / Welcome


    Oh no! I stopped at ep. 9 (10-11) and was meaning to binge the rest. I can deal with some stupid writing, but was the ending ok?


      If you stopped around the period when the present stalker arc comes to its climax (hopefully I didn’t spoil too much for you), it gets worse from then onwards all to the way till the end. The ending is the default happy ending with no attention paid to the non-romance stuff except for a few meta blurbs here and there. But I still think you can finish the show for a bean!


        Thanks! Yes, I made it to the point where the creepy director got arrested and the OTP kissed. I thought that would make a great ending so I stopped there LOL.

        I’m resigned that my bean count is going to be terrible this year. I so far have only 2 beans: CRASH LANDING ON YOU and I’LL FIND YOU ON A BEAUTIFUL DAY.
