Day Nine

I saw this video from the author Nic Stone yesterday, and in it she says that love is one of the most basic human longings and one of the most basic human necessities.

That really struck me. Not because it was a new or novel concept, but because in the context she was speaking, it really was easy to see how simple it is for people to choose not to love. It made me think about how easy it is to be kind, and yet how hard we have made it to be kind. Why is basic kindness seen as a weakness?

And from there it made me think about love, and how love is…I don’t know if I can say love is easy, but it is something we are all capable of. It’s something we can all give and we are all worthy of receiving. There is no finite amount of love in the world. It grows because it wants to grow; no, because it needs to grow. We choose love, but also, sometimes love chooses us. There are so many kinds of love in this world. Some love is painful, some love fades, some love is enduring, some love breaks under pressure.

But it’s all love.

We all long for it.

We all need it.

Most importantly: we are all worthy of it.


P.S. “Lovesick Girls” by Blackpink felt appropriate today.