Whenever I’ve to attend blood donation camps, I get irritated. Because it’s always on a Sunday. I know people are only free on that day but so am I! I deserve one sunday! Yes, the only job that i have there is to check the donors blood pressure. But it’s ALWAYS ON A SUNDAY. Few people refuse to listen to me when I say they’re having high BP and so they can’t donate because the camps are usually in remote areas and most of the times we don’t have the required supplies to manage them if something happens. They insist on donating. And few people lie about their ages and say they’re 18-20ish when they clearly look way younger. Most of these camps are conducted by organisations and I’m pretty sure they give them some incentives. Otherwise why would they be so eager to donate??? I’m not saying that everyone does that. There are genuine people who do it as a selfless act and maybe I’m just being judgemental and an awful person for thinking that without knowing the whole picture just because I’m irritated about losing my sundays.

Now I know blood donation is a very important thing and it’s good that many people do it. But I understood the magnitude of it only when the need for blood happened in my family and we needed donors for my mom’s heart surgery. I stay in a different city from my parents for studies and I couldn’t get leave for being there for her surgery. I was feeling extremely helpless and didn’t know what I could do to help. I’m someone who struggles at making friends because I’m bad at making conversations and even worse when it comes to maintaining the few friendships that I do have. With a lot of apprehension I contacted my old classmates from school and college and I was extremely surprised and touched when they all rallied to give me whatever help they could in the form of donor helplines and even donors themselves!!!! Donors who were friend of a friend or a family member of my classmates. Within a day, we got the required number of donors! Now I feel ashamed for thinking that people would turn their backs on me just because I wasn’t a good friend. Anyone will come to help when the need arises. I’m so glad that such acts of kindness and goodwill still exist.

I would like to thank everyone who is a blood donor. As I’m unable to donate myself, I appreciate these people more and it increased after my mom’s surgery. So even though I still get irritated, I can manage losing my sundays here and there because somewhere, someone is getting this blood.
Thank you for your patience reading my ramblings.
Love, february.


    I feel you on the struggling with making friends and maintaining them. My introvertedness (is that a word lol?) seems to have intensified in recent years, with people draining my energy a lot more than they use to, even though I like them. Your story is really touching and I admire you for returning that kindness – even at the expense of Sundays!


      Thank you for thinking my story was touching 🤭. I don’t really think I’m being kind. I’m just doing whatever I’m supposed to do Or rather forced to.
      Me too! Even though I wish I had many friends, I don’t really like putting effort into making them and I would rather spend my free time lazing around on my own than being with a huge crowd of people. I prefer silence and being alone. So it’s mostly my fault for my inability to make friends. Earlier I used to feel bad but now I’ve gotten used to it. I would rather not spend that much time and energy getting to know people even though it’s detrimental😅. Guess my introvertedness has intensified too(I don’t care if it’s a real word or not😅).


    That’s a really nice story! I hope your mother recovered well.


    I have been a volunteer in our local Red Cross and have met a good group of people. Now we have a chat group that has our blood type as our nickname and whenever someone needs a blood, we tag those and ask if they could donate. I do encourage anyone that is able and healthy to donate blood because it’s always needed.


      I understood on a practical(or impartial? detached? I don’t know) level, that its a good thing to donate but when the need hit too close to home, that’s when I really could grasp the importance of it.
      That is a really effective way- blood group as nickname. Keep up the good work.
