Possessed final thoughts


    I’ve never been so frustrated with a drama like this. I knew that it was a dark show but did they have to kill everybody on the show. Like every single character? Did they have to kill the entire police force? And the shaman? They didn’t even leave the sisters in the church. Isn’t it overkill (pun intended. Or is it? I’m bad at making puns.)

    Also did they suddenly have to make us sympathise with hwang dae du? After 15 episodes? They showed us glimpses of his story but it was never explored fully. So why bother at the end?

    And I was really disappointed by pil seong. I’ve never seen such a passive hero. All he did in the entire show was scream at HDD over the phone. I know his adversary was a spirit with supernatural powers. But he should’ve done some police work atleast. He never tried anything except call the dead detective in his body and that guy did all the work. Even seo jong didn’t utilise her capabilities fully.

    And what about pil seong’s ability? They introduced it but failed to capitalise on it.

    That’s doesn’t mean I didn’t like the show. The characters were wonderful,if only they hadn’t killed everyone.

    The leads love story was so heartbreaking and tragic. Never thought I would be this invested in a romance in a supernatural thriller. But they nailed it.


      +100000000% agree – It was good – but soooo dark and the ending left me like you. Really? You had to kill off the nuns??????
      I’m glad I watched it, but it isn’t on my list for a rewatch.
      The only thing that saved it at the end – was the very end after the credits.
      Yes – big sigh……………………..


        The ending was a small consolation. I’m really angry at how pil seong let everyone die around him. I know it’s difficult to kill your love. Even I don’t want that. But do something else. Use your detective intuition and skill! Hone your
        newfound abilities! All he did was whine and mope around and run away.


          It wasn’t Pil Seong’s fault. Even when people did what Hwang Dae Du wanted, he still found loop holes to keep killing people. “oh too bad you were a minute late” or “oh I’m not killing people, I’m judging them for God’. He was going to kill everyone regardless of what Pil Seong did. I knew he would never keep his word from the start and any cop should know that too. You can’t trust the devil. He just wanted to see if he could make Pil Seong evil, and he failed, which was the point of the drama. And unfortunately, they were powerless against this villain…he was way too overpowered. The shaman’s abilities, the detective they summoned, and everyone else were completely useless, which was the frustrating thing for me. There was no hope.


      I just watched the last 2 episodes and… this show unfortunately fell from grace, for me. the 1st 8 episodes were pure gold!!! Ultimately, what didn’t work for me was that all the episodes from then on felt like “filler episodes” — like the writers realized too late that the plot had moved too fast but they have 8 eps left so they just stuck more and more random plot lines and HDD-KangPilSong murder-of-the-day challenges and more of KPS crying and crying and crying and…

      it just stopped working for me but I felt the compelling need to finish the show. and like you @supperwhopotterlock , I just didn’t understand why EVERYONE had to die. Not a single character was left. That was just cruel and unusual punishment.

      What I was actually satisfied with is that our Couple didn’t find some deux-machina way of surviving this unsurmountable ordeal. There was truly no hope. They died. heartbreaking but as real as fiction can get. I was disappointed they bothered with a hint at a reincarnation in the end credits. Reincarnations make no one happy. no one.

      all to say, I won’t be adding this show to a rewatch list but… yeah, it was an ok show.

      glad I have people to chat about it with!
