Marriage Not Dating: Episode 9

One overnight trip sends everyone’s relationship status into turmoil, which shouldn’t really be a surprise given how many ulterior motives are floating around in this love hexagon. I’d say the true miracle is that they even last 24 hours without coming to blows. You’ll be amazed at how many shirts come off and how many kisses are stolen before anyone starts to wonder what the heck is real and what isn’t. Perhaps when you get so good at fake love, you stop being able to recognize the real deal.


Sohn Ho-young & Danny Ahn (god) – “하루만” (Just One Day) for the Marriage Not Dating OST [ Download ]

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EPISODE 9: “One night in a faraway place”

Some crazy person thought it was a good idea to gather our main cast in a remote location and hand them drinks: They each take turns downing a shot and look back and forth expectantly.

Jang-mi narrates: “The six of us will spend the night in a faraway place. When the day is over, all six of us will have kissed someone. Through that kiss, some will confirm their love, and some will be hurt.”

She ends her foreshadowing voiceover by saying that it’s a common occurrence on a summer vacation, aka Han Yeo-reum’s vacation.

Rewind to Jang-mi the runaway bride, as she escapes the bridal shopping day from hell and leaves Ki-tae standing in the street calling her name. Jang-mi’s mom gives Se-ah the once-over and asks suspiciously who she is, and Ki-tae’s mom has no qualms about calling her his ex-fiancée.

Jang-mi’s mom huffs that she gets now why her daughter was so reluctant to agree to this wedding, and says she’ll have to rethink things too. Ki-tae’s mom looks pretty satisfied with the outcome.

Jang-mi ignores Ki-tae’s calls and finally asks Yeo-reum where they’re going. He just tells her they’re going far away, since they promised to run away together. Ki-tae keeps calling Jang-mi frantically, and Se-ah comments meekly that she really did want to help this time. She asks if this isn’t an engagement that’s supposed to be broken anyway, and adds that Ki-tae seems uncharacteristically serious.

He drives in silence to Hoon-dong’s restaurant and tells her to take a cab home. He runs up the steps and demands to know where Jang-mi is, because he saw her getting into Hoon-dong’s car. But when Hoon-dong says he sent Yeo-reum to get his car washed, Ki-tae’s face hardens.

Hoon-dong chases after him flailing, “Did he kidnap her?!” He calls Yeo-reum, who tells him that they’re going to the beach. Ki-tae asks for Jang-mi, and she finally answers to say that she’s sorry, but she doesn’t want to be found right now. She says that if his mother calls her name one more time she doesn’t know what horrible thing she might do, and that she’s scaring herself right now.

Ki-tae jumps in the car to go after her, and Hoon-dong hops in too, using his stolen car as an excuse to come along. Se-ah joins them, having overheard everything, and insists that she’s been wanting to go to the beach.

Yeo-reum drives Jang-mi to the ocean with the top down, like a picture-perfect honeymoon getaway right out of movie. But she couldn’t be farther from the happy bride if she tried, and spends the ride lost in her funk. It’s only when her veil comes flying off in the wind that she suddenly feels the weight lifted, and begins to smile.

They sit on the beach, and Jang-mi confesses that she doesn’t really know what happened—just that she didn’t like seeing her mother in that position, trying so hard to please someone else and not even realizing that she’s being belittled in the process.

Yeo-reum chides her for getting wrapped up with real emotions in the fake marriage all over again, and Jang-mi agrees with a smile. She gets up and says they should go back and return the expensive dress, and Yeo-reum assures her that Ki-tae has lots of money and he’ll pay for it.

Ki-tae calls out on cue: “It’s MY money!” Jang-mi gapes, and then Hoon-dong and Se-ah show up beside him. She realizes that he must’ve traced her phone again and starts racing toward the ocean, determined to be rid of her godforsaken traceable smartphone.

But of course she trips and falls in her giant dress, ha, and all three boys race to her side. All we see is legs and arms buried under a mountain of tulle, and the boys shouting, “Flip her! Flip her over!” Lol.

While Jang-mi cleans up at a guesthouse, Hoon-dong smacks Yeo-reum upside the head for running off with his bestie’s girl. Aw, that’s adorable. Yeo-reum runs to Ki-tae for a rescue, insisting that Hoon-dong should be told the truth. But Ki-tae just enjoys the petty retribution and says he deserves it, leaving Hoon-dong to chase him around the yard.

Jang-mi changes into some giant ajumma flower pants, and momentarily recalls the look on Ki-tae’s face when he first saw her in the wedding dress. This time he scans her up and down and calls it a perfect look for her, and she scowls. She asks why he came, and he asks why he wouldn’t, when the woman he’s going to marry runs off with another man.

She complains that even if it’s a fake wedding, he still left her all alone to do everything and deal with both moms. He says he knows, and that’s why he came. He apologizes sincerely for the hard time she’s had because of him, and for not being there with her. That’s cute.

She seems appeased at that, but then Se-ah interrupts to tell her that her mom found out about his past relationship with Se-ah, putting their engagement back on the rocks. Se-ah says that’s the reason Ki-tae came all the way down here, and Jang-mi grouses for believing that he was actually sorry. Urg, he IS sorry! Don’t believe her!

Se-ah tries to lighten the mood (and skip right past his explanation) by inviting Jang-mi to go tanning with her, but Jang-mi insists she’s going home. Ki-tae points out that she has no car and no money, so Jang-mi reluctantly lets herself get dragged to the beach with Se-ah.

Ki-tae trails after them with a look of warning at Yeo-reum, and Hoon-dong follows it up with a hilarious three-part mime act: I’m watching you. Make one false move, and you’re dead.

Jang-mi sits out on the beach grumpily, still in her flower pants. Se-ah swears she’s on their side and only wants one tiny gift from Ki-tae, who’s holding out on her. Jang-mi tries to find some common ground with Se-ah, and says she must’ve had a hard time prepping a wedding with Ki-tae, and understands why it fell through.

But Se-ah just counters that she didn’t have a hard time at all, and Jang-mi points out that she doesn’t really seem to know how to make friends. Among other things. Ki-tae plops down on the other chair beside Jang-mi and takes off his shirt, and Jang-mi stares back and forth from Ki-tae to Se-ah, wondering what the hell she’s doing stuck in between them.

She tells Ki-tae to stop being cheap and just give Se-ah the present she wants, and he just clears his throat uncomfortably. Things take a swing back in Jang-mi’s direction when Yeo-reum joins them and takes his shirt off… and well, there really is no need to explain the reaction it induces, is there?

Ki-tae looks over at Jang-mi going googly-eyed and stares down at his chest self-consciously, and suddenly reaches for his shirt complaining that it’s cold. Hee. Se-ah doesn’t miss a beat and asks Ki-tae to help her with her tanning oil, and Jang-mi watches with a hairy eyeball as Ki-tae rubs oil on Se-ah’s back right in front her.

Jang-mi kicks up her half-exposed leg (from her ajumma pants being hiked up, no less) and demands that Yeo-reum put oil on her too. Hahaha.

Yeo-reum suggests they go elsewhere for some private time, and Ki-tae gets all pouty-faced, shouting after them and going ignored. Thankfully Hoon-dong shows up to be a mood-killer and forces everyone to play together where he can keep an eye on them.

So Yeo-reum picks Jang-mi up and tosses her in the ocean, and even Hoon-dong joins in on the fun. Ki-tae watches jealously, wishing he could play but warring with his desire to look above it all. He mutters that they’re so childish… and then runs in after them. Eventually Yeo-reum tosses Se-ah in too, and they have fun splashing around.

Back in the city, Hyun-hee comes out of the drugstore with a long face (uh-oh) and calls Jang-mi needing to talk. It sounds like she really needs a friend today, so Jang-mi asks if she wants to come to where she is.

At the same time, Ki-tae’s mom tells the rest of the family that the engagement is off, and tattles on Dad’s wish for Ki-tae to marry Se-ah for her father’s connections. Grandma yells at him for being selfish, so Dad swears the kids’ happiness comes first, and Mom just look at him skeptically.

Mom says that Jang-mi ran off with someone else, perhaps the person she wants to be with more than Ki-tae. But Aunt bursts her bubble with the latest picture sent from Ki-tae just moments ago, of Jang-mi and Ki-tae looking happy and snuggly on the beach. Ki-tae makes sure to send them to Jang-mi’s parents as well, and Mom instantly cheers up to see that they’re together.

Jang-mi recoils when she sees the group drinking, determined not to go home without having some fun. She asks if she’s the strange one for thinking it’s weird that they’re all drinking together. (Dude, you’re not the only one—it’s weird!) But they just sit her down and insist that fun will be had.

Se-ah suggests a dangerous game of Truth (or Drink), and when the spinny bottle lands on Ki-tae, Yeo-reum asks how far he went with Se-ah when they were dating. Ki-tae drinks. When it lands on Yeo-reum next, Ki-tae asks how many women have cried over him. He starts to count, then sees the cloud over Jang-mi’s face, and chooses to drink.

On Se-ah’s turn, Hoon-dong asks if she’s ever once let a man into her heart (technically he says “chest”). She says that Ki-tae’s touch remains on her chest, and enjoys the round of reactions before clarifying that her breast implants are Ki-tae’s handiwork.

Nobody wants to ask Hoon-dong anything, poor guy, and so when it’s Ki-tae’s turn again, Yeo-reum asks if he really likes Jang-mi. Everyone waits with bated breath, and he stuns them all with a simple, “Yes.” Omo.

Jang-mi’s heart starts to race, and she jumps up in protest that he can’t lie in the Truth Game. She points the bottle at herself and says she’ll tell the truth: her engagement to Ki-tae is all a big show. Hoon-dong fiiiiinally learns the truth and pitches a fit that he’s been made a fool of, when he was struggling with his feelings thinking his best friend had stolen his girl.

He whines that they all knew and he was left out of the loop, and Hyun-hee arrives, saying that she didn’t know either. She looks at Jang-mi with hurt eyes, having come all the way here because she thinks of her as a friend, and Jang-mi swears she meant to tell her.

Hoon-dong ushers her over and hands her a drink to toast amongst the friends who were left out of the big secret, and Hyun-hee notably doesn’t drink.

Now that the cat’s out of the bag, Yeo-reum happily sidles up to Jang-mi openly. He takes her away for some alone time, and Ki-tae watches them go with a long face. Out by the lighthouse, Yeo-reum suggests that they spend the rest of the trip on their own. As soon as he says it though, Ki-tae’s voice rings out, calling out for Jang-mi.

They hide to get away from him, and end up eavesdropping when Se-ah comes looking for Ki-tae and asks why he’s so obsessed with finding Jang-mi. She tells him that she got a room for the night, and she’s done trying to threaten or trick him—this time she’ll just ask. He asks if she’s serious about this, and she says that she really wants a child.

Jang-mi finally understands what she meant by “present” earlier, and Yeo-reum has to cover her mouth from yelping out loud. Se-ah grabs Ki-tae for a kiss, and Jang-mi averts her eyes, wondering to herself why she feels this way.

She’s so flustered that she trips and falls, and Ki-tae breaks free from Se-ah to run after her. Ki-tae tells her she needs stitches, and balks when Yeo-reum piggybacks her. They go to a nearby clinic, where a woman recognizes Ki-tae and Se-ah as the doctors who came here a few years back to perform facial reconstruction surgeries for children who were born with deformities.

Her daughter was one of the patients, and she thanks them for changing her child’s life. She watches Ki-tae and Se-ah stitch up Jang-mi’s leg together and heaps compliments on them for being such a lovely couple, and asks if they have kids yet. Se-ah lets her believe they’re married and says they’re trying, which doesn’t go lost on Jang-mi.

Meanwhile, Se-ah explains to Jang-mi that she doesn’t see the need to trap herself in a traditional version of family in order to raise a child and be happy. Jang-mi says she can follow her line of thinking, but frankly doesn’t understand her. Se-ah knows that other people think she’s just selfish, but she thinks that maybe the only person who can understand her is Ki-tae, and Jang-mi acknowledges that they’re similar.

Ki-tae and Yeo-reum skip past the metaphorical dick-waving and just go to the bathroom together. Why waste words when a trip to the urinal will do?

When the boys return, Se-ah asks Ki-tae to get his car, which he runs to get when he realizes the alternative is Yeo-reum piggybacking Jang-mi all the way back again. Once he’s gone, Se-ah offers to give them some alone time, which leaves Yeo-reum smiling and Jang-mi a little conflicted.

Back at the guesthouse, Hyun-hee helps a drunk Hoon-dong back to the room and tries to have a conversation with him. You picked now of all times? He sighs that it’s always the same talk—Oppa, what are we? Oppa, what am I to you?–and waves her off dismissively, passing out on the floor.

When Ki-tae returns with the car, Se-ah is there alone. Jang-mi and Yeo-reum look around her expensive hotel suite, and Jang-mi freezes when Ki-tae calls. Se-ah tries to tell him that they want to be alone, and asks again why he’s so bent out of shape over Jang-mi.

He attempts to gloss over it like he’s just concerned because Jang-mi is so hapless and needs to be looked after, but all it takes is one glance at his tracking app (that shows she’s at a hotel) for him to flip out.

He goes tearing into the suite looking for her, but no one’s there. He hears her phone ringing from the bedroom and goes in, but all he finds is Jang-mi’s phone sitting on the bed. That’s when Se-ah comes in behind him and closes the door. Ki-tae’s jaw drops in shock and disbelief and asks if this was her plan all along.

What? Okay seriously, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?

Jang-mi and Yeo-reum are out on a boat, and she wonders if they did the right thing. How can you even ask that? She sighs that Ki-tae seems like a different person when he’s with Se-ah, and wonders which is the real Gong Ki-tae.

Yeo-reum asks what’s real for her, and Jang-mi answers hesitantly, “You?” He leans in to kiss her.

Ki-tae asks why Se-ah is going to such lengths and argues that if she wants a baby, it could be with anyone—why him? She calls him dumb and asks if he really doesn’t know why it has to be him.

As Yeo-reum kisses Jang-mi, he reaches around her waist to draw her closer, but she actually jumps back at his touch. Ruh-roh. Well that’s telling.

She even surprises herself, and then quickly makes the excuse that she’s worried about leaving Hyun-hee alone with Hoon-dong. He lets her off the hook and they agree to go back.

Jang-mi sits there for a moment, reeling as it dawns on her that Ki-tae’s Truth Game confession and his kiss with Se-ah are getting to her.

Se-ah wraps her arms around Ki-tae’s neck and comes close for a kiss, but Jang-mi’s phone starts to ring with a call from Hyun-hee. She sighs as her calls go unanswered, and gingerly takes out the pregnancy test in her bag.

Back in the hotel room, Se-ah turns off Jang-mi’s phone and starts to unbutton her shirt. She gets two buttons down before Ki-tae finally puts his hand over hers to stop her. It took you long enough.

Se-ah trembles at the rejection and asks, “Is it because of Joo Jang-mi?” He doesn’t answer, but gives her arm a sympathetic squeeze before walking out. Once he’s gone, her hands shake as she tries to re-button her shirt, and she bursts into tears.

Jang-mi and Yeo-reum arrive back at the guesthouse but Hyun-hee is nowhere to be found. Jang-mi discovers the pregnancy test that Hyun-hee threw away in the bathroom, and realizes this is what she needed to talk about.

Ki-tae arrives outside and he and Yeo-reum exchange barbs about their lack of stamina, when Jang-mi runs out still holding the pregnancy test and worrying about Hyun-hee. Ki-tae notices the test and guesses right away that Hoon-dong screwed up royally, and remembers that Hyun-hee called Jang-mi’s phone.

She checks the messages and finds a text from her saying that she doesn’t know where she belongs—she has nowhere to go and feels like she’s in everyone’s way. She ends with “I’m sorry,” and “Don’t look for me…”

It sounds dire, and Jang-mi panics even more when she tries calling and they find Hyun-hee’s phone sitting there in the yard. Yeo-reum and Jang-mi go running out to see if they can find her.

Ki-tae checks Hyun-hee’s phone and is surprised to find it unlocked. A quick search of the last calls includes a nearby temple, and he smirks to realize she left the breadcrumbs there to be found.

He pulls up to Jang-mi and Yeo-reum like a know-it-all and says he used his brain while they were running around aimlessly, and he knows where Hyun-hee is. Getting there in the windy mountain roads turns out to be quite a challenge for the brainiac though, and he gets them lost and stuck in the mud.

Jang-mi and Yeo-reum get out to try pushing the car and only get splattered in mud in the process, and Ki-tae ends up calling a tow truck. He looks over at Yeo-reum jealously as he tends to Jang-mi and brushes the mud off of her, and then sends Yeo-reum back to the guesthouse to fetch Hoon-dong.

It’s a totally obvious ploy but he argues that Hyun-hee isn’t waiting for them, so Yeo-reum heads back down on foot, stopping to glance back nervously at Jang-mi and Ki-tae together.

Ki-tae tries repeatedly to sit next to Jang-mi, but every time he sidles up to her, she scootches away again. He tries to check on her wound but she’s still mad and blames him for all of this. He argues that she’s the one who left her phone behind, and mutters that she must’ve wanted to sleep with Yeo-reum badly.

Jang-mi scoffs bitterly and shouts that he’s right—she wanted to sleep with a man so badly that she left her friend all alone. She cries that if something happens to Hyun-hee, she’ll never forgive herself.

She sighs that Hyun-hee was right about her being so wrapped up in her wedding that she didn’t have time for her friend, and wonders what the hell she was doing when it wasn’t even a real wedding.

She says she got too wrapped up emotionally in things that weren’t real, at the expense of real life. She confesses that she’s all spun around now—she lost Hyun-hee because of him, and even when she was with Yeo-reum, she thought of him.

He listens to her intently, eyes fixed on her the whole time. She cries, “What are you? You’re fake, but because of you, I’m losing everything that’s real. This is all because of you!”

Once she turns to face him, he pulls her close for a kiss. Her eyes start to close, as she kisses him back.

And in the distance, Yeo-reum returns to find them lip-locked.

Jang-mi narrates in voiceover: “Have we come too far? If we go back, will it be like nothing happened? Can we go back?”


Phew, that was an ordeal of a vacation, but at least it gave us the result we’ve been waiting for. Real feelings are finally taking over, and Ki-tae is at last doing something about how he feels instead of just letting himself get bulldozed by Mom or Se-ah. Frankly I think it too long to get us here, not because of timing, but because of the increasingly ridiculous attempts to prolong the ruse. The more they started to pile up, the less I believed these could be real people.

The last episode really chapped my hide when both the leads just let themselves get railroaded into wedding plans as if they had no choice. I mean, who lets their parents formally meet their fake fiancé’s real parents for an actual engagement? I get that the contract relationship is the premise of the show, but you don’t actually have to cling to it like it’s your only story device if it’s no longer realistic to prolong it, as if two people can’t possibly remain linked if Mom stops acting like the Wedding Terminator. Since when did Jang-mi stop speaking her mind? And does Se-ah actually need to be written like she walked out of a makjang and got wedged into this drama, just to drive the conflict? She’s driving me bonkers, and now by association (and lack of definitive pushing away), Ki-tae is driving me bonkers for letting her stick around.

Don’t get me wrong—I enjoy a good round of jealousy games more than most. It’s just, do they have to involve scheming and conniving and manipulating unsuspecting ex-boyfriends into accidentally-but-not-accidentally giving you babies? I mean, what dimension have we stepped into? It’s just a shame because early on, this show managed to feel refreshingly different precisely because it didn’t rely on overused dramatic tropes, and found funny twists to keep us on our toes. Jang-mi always turned the classic Candy moment on its head by being surprisingly strong, and always speaking up for herself and what she wanted.

But in the last few episodes, she’s becoming the doormat and letting Mom, Se-ah, Ki-tae, and even Yeo-reum make decisions for her, and then feeling deflated at the outcome. I get that part of it might be because she doesn’t know what she wants right now, and she’s confused about her feelings for Ki-tae. And maybe if Se-ah weren’t trying to manipulate her way into Ki-tae’s bed I’d have more patience for the confused angsty portion of the drama. But I don’t, because Se-ah is a crazy person, and nobody seems to be calling her out for it in the drama. I don’t see why she can’t just be an ex that Ki-tae has lingering feelings for, without the lies and the entrapment. That would make her a much more believable and compelling threat to the romance than this.

I really don’t want to spend any more episodes mad at Ki-tae or frustrated with Jang-mi, so I hope we’ve kissed that section of the drama goodbye. Now that they’re finally on the same page about the blurred line between what’s fake and what’s real, we can get to the more interesting conflicts, like what the hell they do about the fake wedding between their real families when their feelings are no longer fake. Are they really just getting swept along emotionally in playing pretend, or does it not matter once you feel the feelings? If this kiss is the point of no return, then I’m all the more excited for what’s to come, because it’s about time for Jang-mi and Ki-tae to wonder whether they might’ve been fooling themselves more than anyone else all along.


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Lol this is such a shallow and irrelevant comment, but I just can't get over how freaking hot Yeo-reum is.


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i soooo feel you. when he took off his shirt, i almost fainted (and i was lying on my couch at the time). but there have been hints of his buffness. earlier in the episode, i was totally checking him out when he had on that dark tee. *swoon

and jang mi's peeking at those abs & doing an inner fangirl over him was hilarious!


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With you both there!! Swoon!


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I'm going to rewind and watch that scene a few more times!


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Well Jinwoon has always been buff lol. If you follow 2AM you know that they all have amazing bodies since debut ;)


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Jinwoon was on WGM with Junhee and when Junhee saw him shirtless she went "OMG, his chest is bigger than mine " XD And you know what? That was my first reaction too. :P


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And how about that sexy WGM photo shoot they did with the tattoo motif? You want hot? THAT was hot!!


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Not a Yeo-reum fan, but yeah, I concede: what a body.


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2AM have better bodies than 2PM.


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That's because they get up earlier, uh, er go to bed later?


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Yeo reum taking his shirt off and ko tae putting his back on , suddenly ashamed of his non existent abs, haha, geez, lol much!


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What I was going to say is
hold on a sec, Yeo-reum is model posing on the beach
never mind *eyes fixed on screen voice trails off...*


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I know that folks have already commented but Yeo-reum's body belongs in a book by itself with a lot of colorful pictures…tall, sexy, cut, six-pack, chisel legs….and that smile…he really does need a book with his name on it and a lot of glossy pictures. You have to admit that he was very attentive to our girl and super romantic throughout this entire episode. He was not trying to get her in bed for hot sex, but simply wanted to spend time alone with her - the 'real Jang-mi.' Was it only me, but my heart broke for him at the last scenes. You could sense his hesitation in leaving Jang-mi alone and to return to that 'kiss' and that was a hot kiss, but my point is not how hot the kiss was …but the look of hurt and betrayal …especially when only a few mins ago she recoiled from his kiss as if she was kissing a frog…and Yeo-reum may be many things but he is not a frog. Can you imagine him easily scooping you up in those long large arms…tucking you into his 2% fat body…walking with you on sand…and dunking you in water…I declare Jang Mi better get it together, because a sister might be trying to find her way to Korea and onto the set of Marriage-not-Dating…I just need to be a walk-in…because she needs to stop hurting my baby….he already has abandonment issues from his Mother!


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He already is in a book like that; ok, well, a magazine. Men's Health (Korean edition), June 2014. Check it out. Now.


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Cho Jin Hyuk is on the cover - not that I am complaining:)


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So true, poor baby just wants to love her.
Too bad her life is way too complicated for him.

LOL at your comments, btw.


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Yeo-reum has great body and all, but I wish different actor (like ChilBong from Reply) played the part - Second lead love for sure that way. I think He still is somewhat weak on acting part.


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Nope. I could NOT handle watching Chilbongie get his heart broken twice in one year. Plus, maybe because this guy is not that great an actor (or maybe because the character is not too emotive), I don't tend to feel his pain too much. So I don't have to worry about silly things like empathy for him distracting me from The Pretty.


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Han Groo and Yeon Woo-Jin are soooo likeable in this! Thanks for the super-fast recap, girlfriday :)


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I agree that this episode a little teeny weeny bit of a let down on the second leads part, ONLY that though. SA is totally insane for wanting a baby THAT bad and being shady. Ugh, I was hoping the writer would make her more realistic; a simple bitter ex. I'm upset KT hasn't called her out on that, he's too nice to her to let that craziness run wild.

I like how KT is starting to act on his feelings for JM. The little glances, sincere apology, and of course, that kiss in the end. While it wasn't steamy like the first kiss in the fields, this one was sincere. Before going in, you can see all that thoughts running in his mind. His eyes are so telling. I love when he doesn't answer with words but just ''that look'' or nod he gives.


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"make her ...a simple bitter ex".
As it is, she is a simple nothing. And it obviously isn't a baby that she wants. She wants to bed him, cos chances are she won't get preggie right away; so she can use to excuse to bed him again and again, until he is used to it, until all the girls go away, until one day she is indeed preggie.
That'll be her ticket to pressurise, force him to marry her, with the help of his parents, esp. his mother. That's her game plan.

Wanting a baby, being a single mother, not wanting to get married, they'll just be friends....that's just the banner.

What she is is a big fat scheming liar.
I'm glad he stopped her when she was unbuttoning her shirt. She was humiliated, and I say she deserves it.

But when she started to kiss him, he began to close his eyes. It was only when JM's phone rang, that the spell was broken. It was a close shave!


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HA! Why unbutton the blouse when he's seen all that?
She should have been dropping her pants! Or his pants!
Get to the pants!!!


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It occurs to me that dating your plastic surgeon could be every bit as awkward as dating your gyno.

You take off your shirt and instead of seeing you he sees the boob job he could have done better.


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LMAO that's a good one!


I agree. There is something super NOT sexy about getting it on with a girl who's chest you've carved into. How could you possibly look at her objectively again?


exacto, totally nodding in agreement. i was questioning the point in unbuttoning her shirt too. they're HIS creations ... how sexy is that? :)


Se Ah.. . so frustrating. It's clear that you're right, and she really just wants to trap Ki Tae/she's delusional and selfish.

But then she has that nice moment talking about how society is too rigid and how it shouldn't be shameful to want to have a kid without a partner/single mother does not equal bad mother... which is something I'm pleased to hear a character express & something that is refreshingly different from most of dramaland...

Except that because she's not sincere/she's a crazypants it totally discredits that sentiment. Essentially her entire characterization works to argue AGAINST that idea by showing that she's clearly fake in her intentions and incompetent to be a mother/entirely the opposite of independent because she's obsessed with her ex-boyfriend!

Not sure if the writer intended it that way, because there are so many other moments in the drama where I've gone wow, that's so nice/different/somewhat radical (for a drama!). I wonder if the author didn't intend Se Ah to be as offputting as she is ... though if they want to continue to use her as a representation of someone who is trapped by the rules of society/a positive representation of a less "traditional" lifestyle, then they need to start making her more sympathetic ASAP!

Maybe I'd even buy it too, since her breakdown indicates a potential turning point/moment for self-reflection that could lead to her realizing she's too manipulative/involving Ki Tae is insane, but that she really does want a kid independent of her desire to trap her ex-boyfriend and is prepared to have a child for reasons other than selfishness (SHE COULD ADOPT HYUN HEE'S BABY??? I love it when everything wraps up super neatly in a drama... sue me!). That'd be a nice growth arc that might actually allow me to forgive her ... doubtful that it'll happen though.



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To me it seems like she doesn't JUST want to have his baby, but also a lifelong tie with him. I also believe that she may still love him, but knows he would never marry her. However, if she has his baby, they will (in her mind) always have a connection and she probably wouldn't be averse to a forced marriage for that reason also.


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There's so much I could say but it's late and I will try to keep it short. This was another solid episode-lots of laugh out loud moments mixed with the angst.

I finally started to like Hoon-Dong this episode. He was so funny trying to protect his best friend. I had to pause and let the giggles pass at his antics when he hopped in the car when Ki-Tae headed to the beach to follow Jang-Mi. He played the part perfectly when he jumped in and looked straight ahead, ignoring Ki-Tae's obvious displeasure. And that "beat down" on Yeo-Reum--it was more cute than fierce but equally enjoyable.

This show is so great!


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The last few episodes have been a bit of a stall on the OTP front but they've had some nice HD/KT friendship moments.

Which the drama desperately needed because their supposed BBF status was all tell and no show.


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my Saturday (aus time) is now made!

I wanted to punch Se-Ah in the eyeball but other than that we are finally moving forward. *fingers crossed*

TY for the recap GF, great as always :)


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Girlfriday thanks for the recap!!!!

Now for the girl fanning moment: Han Yeo Reum is WAAAAAAAYYYY too HOT!

Now on to business: Last week I was lost in the fact that Jang Mi was not talking, she kept being railroaded into doing things he did not want to do and she let it happen... Her charm was fading, and it was driving me to the point where I say "I'll come back to the drama in a few weeks", which is something that at the beginning of the drama I did not see myself doing. I'm not even going to talk about the "crazy woman" named Kang Se Ah because I do not recognize a story lone that dictates that if you still have feeling for your ex, you need to have his kid (this would be absurd even in a makjang). For now those were the things that frustrated me, but we seem to be back on track, thank you writer-nim for that favor.


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Let's have a moment's silence for the sinking of my ship. (When will I learn to stop getting attached to the 2nd male lead?)

That aside, I loved this episode. It was hilarious (their truth or dare game was a riot), and there was lots of kissing (::two thumbs up::), and so much UST that you could cut it with a knife. The scene where YR takes his shirt off was great - Ki Tae's sudden bout of inadequacy cracked me up. (And can I just say - daaaaaang, son. Dear Jung Jin Woon: from all of here in dramaland, Thank you.)

And the acting - Gong Ki Tae's naked look of longing right before he kissed Jang Mi nearly broke my heart (which, considering I was rooting for Yeo Reum, was quite a feat.)


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Urgh. That sentence should read "...from all of US here in dramaland..."


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Uh oh. Poor Yeo-Rum! Eotteoke???


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Uh oh. Poor Yeo Rum! Eotteoke???


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No worries Vira! I will sacrifice myself for the good of mankind and fling myself to Jung Jin Woon's chest and in his arms.I will make the hurts go away, i promise ;) even if there is a significant age difference between us, Pedo Noona to the rescue!! (aren't i a saint)


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Thanks for the recap :) And yes, I agree with your criticisms. It hasn't bothered me enough quite yet to make me actively upset at the characters I care about though. I still think Jang-mi and Ki-tae are in a state of figuring out their feelings. I just wish they had done a few things differently in the last few episodes, particularly regarding Se-ah. I think she had the potential to be really interesting had her aim simply been to keep him alone, so that they could both be alone together forever. It would still be a little messed up, but understandable and even compelling given their history and how they broke up.

I'm still loving this show more and more each episode though, even while I'm getting frustrated over a few choices here and there :) I thought this episode was super fun (aside from Se-Ah). I knew it was about time that Jang-mi realize that although her relationship with Yeo-Reum is enjoyable, there isn't really that much of a spark there. I think that they make fantastic friends though :)

I really do like YR a lot. I know some people get irritated with him for "cockblocking" the OTP (although I don't see how that's possible when they only just barely started liking each other in the first place lol) and take issue with how the character is being acted, but I personally dig it for some reason. I feel like if he had just put a little bit more of himself forward he might have had a shot with her. He was so focused on saying and doing all the right things for her, but he never really showed her enough of himself, at least not for me.

I just love Ki-tae though. And I love them. I know he hasn't done or said all the "right" things, but the guy only just realized he liked her. I think he deserves a fair shot to sweep her off her feet (which he is already beginning to do this ep :D). I'm so excited for him to step things up next episode!

I liked the moment when Jang-mi questioned who the real Ki-tae is. When you think about it, the important people in your life and the person you become around them really do play a huge role in how you view yourself. And it really makes me understand why Ki-tae would choose to be alone. If the relationships in his life weren't bringing the best out of himself, which I imagine they weren't, than it's only natural he would distance himself from those relationships and find solace alone. This is why I love how Jang-mi is bringing him out of that. He really does enjoy being around her and becomes a more fun person.

I hope this episode marks the moment when the drama will turn focus away from meddling outside forces and instead focus in on the leads themselves and the steps they need to take in order to be in a relationship together.


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Starting to get scared of characters whose names start with Se-. Like this Se-ah who wins the prize for being mentally ill. I want your sperm? No, that totally is not creepy. Se-na from Roofrop Prince, who made sure I never re-watch that drama despite being enjoyable in every other aspect. And maybe Se-ra from another currently airing drama. See, I'm already predicting hell and I don't even know the girl.

This episode did feel more like a filler episode, but it was nice to see them all hang out and move forward in realizing who they really care for.


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There are no words for the level of psychosis going on within Se-Ah. I particularly despise her pity party when she does things wrong & it doesn't work out the way she planned. It all started long before she tried to pretend she was fine getting dumped, but that seems to have put her over the edge. If she can live in fantasy-land, I can too so I pretend she does not exist or else I would be constantly yelling at my computer screen as I watch her antics.


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Haven't seen the ep yet...but I want to say that I'm in love with Yeon Woo Jin....this is the first time I have seen his work and right from his first appearance in the opening song in ep 1, I fell for him...LOL :D


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This week's dramas in all channels are full of confession and kisses.

Love it!


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The laughs are reducing. Come on! Bring back the typhoon-incident hilarity. That was my favourite episode so far. And I understand we need the angst, but it feels inconsistent with all the characters to be acting the way they are acting (except Se-ah, she was just batshit crazy from the start!)

I hope they don't drag out the angst and bring back the cute and funny soon.

I still love you MND. :*


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Man, the secondary female leads are really starting to drag this show down. Am I alone in also finding Hyun Hee irritating? I mean I know Se Ah is the more obviously crazy one that makes you want to jump into the screen and slap some sense into her, but something about Hyun Hee just rubs me the wrong way. I haven't really bought her 'poor me' act since the beginning and it's starting to really grate now - is it the actress or is she supposed to come across as consistently manipulative and/or sulky?


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I get that Hyun Hee is suppose to be all depress and lonely like but she's SO manipulative. Everything she says has a deeper undertone to it, it's like she doesn't really mean what she says.
Plus I despise how she guilt-trips Jang Mi every time they have a conversation together. I think we're suppose to feel sympathetic towards Hyun Hee but she's so badly writing or maybe just crappy acting from the actress...
ARGGH JUST SO CUNNING. Like the passive aggressive kind - hey, at least Se Ah is upfront about it!


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Agree. Something went really wrong with Hyun Hee- either the acting, the writing or both (I suspect both). Another thing that irks me about her character is that it never really seemed like she and Jang Mi were close friends, and yet every time they talk Hyun Hee guilt trips her and needles her as if she has an inalienable right to know everything about her life. Speaking of which, where are Jang Mi's actual friends? Does she not have any? I feel kinda bad for her character if that's the case...


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HH is irritating alright, n it's not the acting. The actress is just fine in her other roles: Let's Eat and Wild Chives.
HH is insincere, manipulative n a user. She pretends to be close to JM, and silly JM totally buys it.
She pretends to be close to JM to get close to her rich BF. All she wants is to marry money. Now she is pretending to go away, allowing ppl to worry that she might be in danger. Heaven knows, she might have faked that pregnancy tester!


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No, you're certainly NOT alone. When she gets preggo I thought, "well…didn't you ask for it, you rapist you?" I just feel bad for the baby. Her? Not so much. And I think it really isn't helped by the actress that just brings all kinds of boring reactions.

Which also gets me to Se Ah. I'm sure it's because I just hate how manipulative this character is…but when ever the actress just lays there tanning I keep on thinking "ugh…she's so pretentious." Especially compared to JM that's sitting cross legged beside her, completely comfortable in what ever state she's in.


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You're definitely not alone, she *is* irritating. I can't blame JM for not seeing through it, KT had to point out his mother's ways to her after all, but I hope JM does realise how manipulative HH is before the end of the drama.

and I can't help but wonder if pregnant with a rich guy's baby wasn't HH's plan all along.


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I am going to sound heartless right now, but i really don't want Hyun-hee to end up with the other dude. He doesn't deserve it. She raped him, he was drunk therefore could not give consent, he doesn't like her (yet), i would feel bad for him to end up with her just because of a baby is cruel. He was horrible in the beginning but I don't think this is a punishment he deserves.


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I suspect that they are not going to end up together romantically (because he clearly doesn't like her and I never felt that her feelings for him were sincere) but they're probably going to use this baby thing as an impetus for him to grow up and stop clowning around and being supremely childish and cowardly as he's been shown to be so far. As for HyunHee, well, we really don't know anything about her or her motivations (seriously I don't even understand what the point of her character is?) so I can't say how this will affect her. At first I thought she was just looking for a Sugar Daddy (and with the baby thing, you'd think she's succeeded) but she seems to be genuinely upset that Hoon Dong doesn't care about her so I don't really know what her deal is. I don't understand what could have made her develop real feelings for Hoon Dong given that she's pretty much only seen negative sides to him and he initially seemed to be using her to distract him from his break up with Jang Mi.

In short, nothing about Hyun Hee makes sense.


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Agreed. Hyun hee is the least sympathetic character. She went after Hoon dong (even though he was a cad to Jang Mi) knowing about their failed relationship and taking advantage (raping Him) while drunk.There are certain lines you do not cross if you are a friend.

She did so and he hasn't really paid attention to her since. She has guilt trip Jang Mi so I hope she doesn't use the baby to entrap Hoon dong. Admittedly, he was a jerk, but he shouldn't be treated like that. Really, the baby is her problem, not his.


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Always thought HH was the weirdest and very manipulative with her interactions. .at first she was supportive of jang mi but after that it seems she did everything in order to get with hoon..seems like she wanted hoon to meet jang mi at the mall in order for jang mi to completely reject him..she knew that jang mi had lost feelings but use it as an excuse to get closer to hoon..hoon is my 3rd favorite character being jm and kt..He is honest and loyal..even when he was drunk he already knew where talks with women go..where are we..what r we..He is jus a guy that likes to have fun and not take things seriously but people bag on him for that..He has never lie bout not wanting to jus be loose and fun but both times jm and HH wants something deeper


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I agree with all you have said about him, but he also needs to wrap it. If you are going to play, you have to 1)keep yourself and future partners free from STDs and 2) HELLLLO BABIES alway happen from sex on dramas. Doesn't he know that?


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That reminds me.... Gong KiTae better not get dead drunk in front of Se Ah. Just... just let his Alcohol-Buddy be JangMi (it looks like she can hold her liquor better than him too).


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The contrast between the two girls' desires and situations is so interesting.

One, poor and now apparently unhappy about the pregnancy with a man she apparently likes.

One, rich and unhappy about the lack of pregnancy with a man she loves.

Ironic, innit?


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Man, I agree with everything you said in the comments section, girlfriday! To a T.

Yes, please let this be the starting point of the next part of the drama where no meddling second leads are in play and our couple are free to be together. This episode, while it had its funny moments (courtesy of Hoon-dong, surprisingly) had me so confused. When they all went to the beach together, I had to ask myself, "Did they all get brain transplants or something?" I mean, in no world would a girl be hanging out with her ex, her fake boyfriend, her real boyfriend, and her fake boyfriend's ex-girlfriend. And then not give a shit about her best friend (whose character is also befuddling--am I supposed to like her, feel sorry for her? What?). It kind of goes to show that Jang-mi, whose character has been depicted as an (over)emotional romantic whose feelings are the foundation of her life, is all of a sudden loosey goosey and unaffected by these people. (Or maybe inconsistent writing?)

It was nice to be away from the parents, I guess, but then it made me realize how underdeveloped these characters are. I still don't understand how Yeo-reum is no longer Mr. Mysterious-Because-Mom-Left-Me-Broken-Hearted because I don't believe Jang-mi is that much of an influence in his life. I don't understand Se-ah, period. Trying to rape the guy you love is not the way to get him or his progeny. Just saying. You could just not be a manipulative bitch? Hyeon-hee is confusing too. I would feel sorry for her if she'd been a better friend to Jang-mi. But then I actually do feel sorry. Hoon-dong is funny, but I expected him to be major player and not just the comic relief since he seemed important in the beginning. In any case, I like him more than the other secondary characters if only because I don't have the urge to throw something at my screen when he shows up.

As for Ki-tae and Jang-mi, thank you for finally kissing for real. I was getting fed up with his passiveness and her wishy-washiness. But I have to admit, it doesn't feel awesome like it should because this really should've happened earlier. I agree that the last few episodes have been circling around the same plot line, so much so I'm only left feeling frustrated that the drama is falling behind where it should be. I don't mean such harsh words for this drama, but it's only 'cause it was so good in the beginning. So now is the time to make up for the last few episodes, Show!


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Edit: I forgot that Hyeon-hee basically raped Hoon-dong, so then I don't feel sorry for her situation.


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I agree with you. It seems that this drama is losing it's magic because of how the characters are being portrayed. I also feel that the 6 characters hanging out on the beach and having fun was a bit unrealistic. I'm hating the secondary characters even more except for Hoon Dong and Yeo Reum. As much as I want Jang Mi and Gi Tae to start dating for real, I'm feeling sorry for Yeo Reum. I think that he really likes Jang Mi and maybe he's not the most expressive or "deep" character (probably due to bad acting or writing) but I have to give him credit for putting up with Jang Mi's fake relationship with Gi Tae. As for Jang Mi, I wish that the next episodes will at least show character growth. It's frustrating to see her being pushed around by everyone. I love that she has spunk and is able to say what's on her mind when she sees someone being wronged but what I can't understand is why she can't speak for herself when she is in a similar situation. I think that of all the characters in this drama, Gi Tae has shown character growth. Now he is realizing that there's another option to living alone, that he can be happy by being with the right partner. I am really hoping that now Gi Tae and Jang Mi have discovered their true feelings will get more scenes of them being cute as a real couple.


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I don't think YR has gone on a real date w JM. He keeps trying, they keep making dates, but then sth with GT or his mom would come up, and he's left waiting.
Looks like GT is cock-blocking him and JM. I know, I know, they r not the OTP, so it doesn't count. ;)


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I guess I'm weird since I'm not bothered by these things. Jang-mi is strong but she also likes to please people so I'm not surprised at all that she gets walked over repeatedly. Come on, she was totally walked over by Dong-hoon in the beginning of the drama which should already tell us what kind of a person she is. She can tell a person to get lost if she doesn't care about that person but once there's any sort of connection or sympathy, she will bend. I don't think she has changed but rather that this is who she IS and that she needs to change from this like Girlfriday wrote in the previous recap.

When it comes to Se-ah, come on, why would you believe what she babbles about the baby. She's not exactly a reliable narrator now, is she. It's clear from her reactions to Ki-tae's rejection of her that what she really wants is HIM. Tricking a man into relationship/marriage by "accidentally" having his baby is the oldest trick in the book. Yes, Se-ah is not even pretending it would be accident but that doesn't negate the final goal: Ki-tae himself. I'm pretty sure she's used to manipulating Ki-tae during their relationship so that is her solution now also. And she knows she can team up with mom, too.

Imagine if they really would have a kid and then Se-ah would go to his parents and say "hey, look, this is your grandchild! What a pity his parents aren't married..." Yeah, we all know what would happen.

I feel actually sorry for Ki-tae's mom for teaming up with Se-ah, because even though she's a master manipulator and martyr herself, if Se-ah would marry Ki-tae, mom would lose him. As Ki-tae says, they're similar and while they have the same goal they can work well together but at some point there would be friction and as Ki-tae's wife Se-ah would easily best his mom.

Also, for Ki-tae not reacting more assertively to Se-ah crazy stunts, I think that us understandable. He cares for her a lot - they almost married, after all and they had been friends long even before that and stayed friends afterwords. He doesn't want to hurt her. I used to have a friend who did more and more crazy things and I let it go on for MONTHS before finally putting my foot down simply because I did not want to hurt him and tried to understand him. We often avoid confrontation as much as we can.

But, thank you for the recap! Nice to read all kinds of thoughts. :)


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I wonder why Ki-tae would continue to keep someone like Se-ah in his life, friend or not. A broken engagement would change relationships, and I couldn't imagine being cordial with my ex-fiance especially if it came to a nasty and abrupt end like with Se-ah and Ki-tae. I could buy their friendliness--if their characters were different. But like what girlfriday says, no one is calling Se-ah out on her crazy bullshit, and that is something I can't get past.


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As I said, it took for me MONTHS to call out my friends on his crazy antics. And he really said lots of nasty things & destroyed basically all of his friendships. I was the last man standing because he was my friend and I wanted to be loyal and support him. So this really happens.

And just like you I wouldn't want to be friends with my ex but a lot of people do. I personally know many who are real good friends with their ex-boy/girlfriends, ex-spouses etc. So I'm quite fine with this and I can see why they are still friends. Se-ah has been Ki-tae's friend for a looong time so it's understandable that he didn't want to ditch her completely after the break up, also, because he didn't want to hurt her any more than necessary. Se-ah, on the other hand, clearly just went back how it used to be and I would argue that she thought that she could still keep Ki-tae for herself. Even if he didn't marry her, at least he would not marry anyone else, either and so he would be hers in some way at least.


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They are also colleagues and worked together on volunteer projects. THAT part of their relationship may be what kept them near each other, too.

I don't buy that he was the best choice for her breast implants. What female would want her present or ex do that? At his age, he certainly can't be the most experienced.


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Another desperate ploy to "attach" Ki Tae to herself? She is crazy.


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I agree completely with what you said about Ki-tae's reaction to Se-Ah. It wasn't so much him being weak-willed and unassertive as it was him trying to be considerate of her and what she used to mean to him. I know she's bat-shit crazy, but they shared a relationship and it's probably hard for him to see someone he once loved stooping to this level. While I am creeped out by Se-Ah, I find myself, first and foremost, just finding her to be really really sad. And I think rather than being angry with her, he just finds her really sad and doesn't want to hurt her.


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I agree. I also think that him not pushing SeAh away goes with his character because he's not really confrontational. He only really blows up when he's really, truly backed into a corner. He prefers to deal with things by ignoring them or distancing himself from them like with his parents and he has been keeping his distance from SeAh for the most part. She's the one who keeps showing up out of the blue and trying to worm her way back into his life. I think he assumed that if he just didn't go along with the baby thing, she would eventually drop it. That's why he was so stunned by the lengths she was willing to go in this episode. Like he knew she was manipulative but to this extent? And about something that's so serious and life-changing? That's just crazy. And even here, when he finally rejects her, he can't even bear to say anything. He just shakes his head and leaves but he squeezes her shoulder to let her know that he isn't rejecting her completely. He still wants to be considerate of her even when she's done something this inconceivable.


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I think Se-Ah just want some kind of connection with Gi Tae and what better way to be tied to him forever than to have his child. I think she knows it's over between them.


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@Arawn, I understand your sentiments on how Ki Tae reacted with Se Ah's advances and I completely agree that he probably doesn't want to hurt her feelings, which is fine. But remember that regardless of how Ki Tae treats her, Se Ah will still end up hurt in the long run.


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THIS! It takes a LOT for people to call out those who are dear to them. We have no personal relationship with Se-ah so for us it's easy: why doesn't he just tell her to bugger off! But Ki-tae truly cares for Se-ah and so he doesn't want to hurt her which causes him to try to just ignore or brush off her crazy stunts. He finally rejects her only when he has left with no other choices but submission or rejection.


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>She’s not exactly a reliable narrator now, is she.

THIS. I assume that if Se Ah is talking, she has an angle. That fake-contrite "apology" ("I really did want to help you") was chilling. I kept wondering if she practices those insincere things in the mirror like a proper sociopath - because I think the only legitimate expression we see on her is frustration that she didn't get her way.

I kept waiting for Ki Tae to call her out, but his avoidance is too deeply engrained, I suppose.


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>I kept wondering if she practices those insincere things in the mirror like a proper sociopath –

Apparently, the answer is....yes. Because in ep 10 we see her doing something very similar. ::nods wisely::


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thank u thank u thank u for the recap..

was so happy when the episode came out, but as you stated everything seems to be falling in place, and it seems to be heading towards the typical dramaland clichés..

enjoyed the interactions between Ki-tae and Yeo-reum.. never laughed so much when Ki-tae put his shirt back on..

Still trying to figure out what Se-Ahs deal is.. not sure what exactly is wrong with the character they are trying to portray..

the show seems kind of lost on Hoon-dong.. although it was good to see him standing up for his friend..

In the end I hope Jang-mi stays true to the character that she has been in the first episodes.. as it was quite refreshing...

and I hope the writers keep providing us with some zany comedic fun.. something outside the square~!!


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The fact that Ki Tae may have gone through with it had
Jang Mi's phone not interrupt makes me lose a little respect for him. But not as much as Se Ah, who is turning into a nutcase. Just because Hyun Hee got pregnant the first time she slept with Hoon Dong does not mean she will get pregnant the first time she sleeps with Ki Tae. So is she planning to lock him in a hotel room until she succeeds?

The ending was rather contrived to give our couple forced alone time. They were lost in the mountains; how did they expect Yeo Reum to walk his way out of the maze back to the guesthouse? No wonder he caught them kissing, he must have realized his task was impossible.

I could not understand at first why Jang Mi was itching for her turn in the Truth Game because personally, I hate being picked for Truth Or Dare, but as soon as she spilled the beans about their fake engagement, I was like, "Eureka." Our group of friends splashing in the water was so cute, I watched it at least four times. Love the OST by Ben. Are these fake-out opening scenes going to be a thing now? Today's foretelling reminded me of Reply 1997, like who is Shi Won's husband?

Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!


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im in the middle of watching AM97 for like the N-th time and yes, it does remind me of AM97!

as for gi tae, i guess why i really like this drama is that each character has gaping flaws. usually only the male lead is arrogant but apart from that he's perfect and can be cured by love. but the characters in this drama are like real humans. gi tae with desire, hyeon hee with... sexual frustration?, and jang mi the player.

im not saying theyre exemplary, i just like the way they are sinful, in a normal way.

except se ah... bitch be cray. actually no, i understand her loneliness... still cray tho.


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lmaoooo 'bitch be cray'. right on, sister (or brother), right on.


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Whoa so fast GF!!! I dont mind a good cliche. All the romcoms ive watched ended up having the cliches by the second half (cough, reply 1997) but i still like them.

True that ep 7 and 8 were a bit of a letdown feels draggy and all but we get to see jangmi's hidden feelings and all. I get that she was supposed to be outgoing but i guess sometimes you just want to be complimented so badly you momentarily fall into the sad candy category. Totally understandabe for jangmi, whos been through so much.

Plus to me she still doesnt feel like a doormat, she probably has too much affection for gitae's mom that she unconsciously try to to always please her.


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Was wondering just how manufactured everything was going to get. Eck.


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I felt a bit awkward when they were critiquing Jang Mi's nose for plastic surgery. I know Han Groo's nose is not petite and kind of on the bulbous side but I really like her nose. It's what makes her.. well.. her. Like SIG and his eyes. hehe


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Thanks for the super prompt recap, girlfriday! I was not expecting it to be up so soon! I cannot wait until the next episode because I hope the trend from this point on will be more scenes with just the OTP.

I distinctively remember that for one of the drama reviews here, you guys said that the particular leads had so much chemistry you could watch them underwater basket-weave for hours and that would be just fine. :) That thought comes to my mind whenever I see the leads here. The screen just lights up with every scene that involves the two of them. I had not really seen either actors in anything before this drama, but I think I can honestly watch them watching a cake rise and I'd still be happy. :)


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Yes, this! tats why i feel like punching the screen every time the other characters appeared. i felt so irritated that i have actually stopped watching and start reading recaps, well at least until i see less secondary characters and co in the screen caps. Tat is how much i love the OTP, keke..


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Thanks for the recap GF. And thank you for calling out GT no being too slow on pushing SA off.
I get not wanting to hurt her but when someone is this crazy nice is not going to work.
Totally agree with your comments here's hoping


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Sorry hit reply it was a comment not reply


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Haha, while I was watching the raw version of ep. 10 (and trying just to get context clues, haha), my fingers were itching to fast forward scenes of secondary characters that I do find interesting (like the two mothers) just to get to the ones with GT and JM. :) Ack, these two kill me!


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I did the same LOL :)


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I think Yeo Reum and Jin Woo should do a "walk-off" like in Zoolander. lol Cha Seung Won should be the judge.


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I was really worried that KiTae was going to just go along with SeAh's plan for a minute there and if he had, I think I might have stopped watching the show. There would just be no coming back from that. Like SeAh is clearly crazy and SO messed up but I also feel bad for her because she's desperate and lonely and it's really sad that it's easier for her to go through these elaborate lengths to try to be with KiTae when all this time she could have just told him that she still loves him and she always loved him and she never wanted them to break up.

I feel like everyone on this show needs real therapy - there is so much repression and desperation and loneliness and they are all dealing with it in such unhealthy ways. I do feel like SeAh's character would not be out of place in a makjang drama but I can see how she fits in here too because truthfully, she might be crazy but so is KiTae for being willing to come up with such an elaborate ruse to force his mother to leave him alone and stop trying to marry him off and furthermore so is his mother who is so angry and bitter and unhappy in her own life. I think the last two episodes really showed not just how manipulative his mother can be but also how trapped and angry she feels about the life that she's been living and essentially feels stuck in. Even though I know that she was trying to drive JangMi away by making things hard for her but honestly, nothing that she said (the expectation that she'll quit her job and just have babies and be a housewife; the fact that what she wants is no longer important and she has to focus on keeping up appearances and submitting to everyone else's desires) is unusual for a daughter-in-law of a rich family. And honestly you could see the bitterness and the hate that she has for her own life there. I feel like KiTae's mother is quietly seething that her life has come to this and on top of that, her husband is stepping out on her and doesn't show her even half the attention he shows his mistress. But she just has to grin and put up with it because that's what's expected of her as a lady of this caliber. I would love for this show to end with KiTae's parents getting divorced and his mother going on a journey of self-discovery and working on all of the issues that spending her life as a martyr who stuffs her feelings down and wraps herself in a cocoon of coldness and propriety has left her. And I wish JangMi's parents would stop fighting for two seconds so they could decide if they actually still want to be together and if not, then get divorced! It drives me crazy that her mother just keeps divorce papers in their restaurant just waiting to be signed. How is that healthy?! Is there any wonder that their daughter has a warped, unhealthy view of relationships and that she has such a hard time understanding how she should be treated in a relationship? Ugh.

I wish KiTae hadn't kissed JangMi at the end. I'm still rooting for them, don't get wrong,...


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Oh man, it got cut off. Continued - I wanted KiTae to take that opportunity to just TALK to JangMi about how they feel and see if they're on the same page. This is not the time to kiss her. She is not in the right frame of mind for that. (This is just a pet peeve I have with male leads in dramas in general though.) I really want these characters to take a page out of the Witch's Romance play book and just have an honest discussion about where their heads are at so that they know where they stand and then they could decide how to proceed with their families and the fake engagement afterwards. Why is it so hard for people to just talk about things? Ugh.

Anyway, that being said, I still like this drama. It definitely has its cute and funny moments still - loved them all playing around in the water - and I'm excited to see how things progress now that there are real feelings on both sides.


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>– I wanted KiTae to take that opportunity to just TALK to JangMi about how they feel and see if they’re on the same page

I knew that this was how Ki Tae would demonstrate his intentions, because he doesn't trust words. Would you, if you lived with the mother who said one thing but did another? Se Ah does it, too - in KT's world, words are a way to manipulate, and they're never what's true. Only actions matter. That's why Ki Tae was vulnerable to all of the touching between him and Jang Mi, and why her kiss completely undid him.


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Maybe they should join the cast of it's Okay, it's Love, no shortage of therapy needing people there. :) Gong gi tae, nawa... ayooo am so happy with this drama. Despite the bat-crazy second leads, and sicko "best friend."


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I interpreted the family meeting differently. Ki Tae allowed it to happen because he's at a different place with his feelings. Ki Tae wants for them to be together & thus his objectives have changed. He is trying to make their relationship a reality so meetings with the in-laws fit right in line.

As far as Se-Ah, her methods show she's nuttier than squirrel crap but I think there's potential to legitimize the crazy. In this episode she tells ki tae he knows why the baby has to be his. Well we, the viewers, don't know why. The writer could attempt to make that into something rather than the character fitting the typical psycho-second lead lady.


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If it were only about a baby, she could have moved on to YR already! That's obviously a good gene pool. Well, maybe except for the brains :)


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Yes, Se Ah, and Yeon Hee has lame characters. But, I dont think they prolong the situation too much. In vice versa, I think the timing is perfect. If they all 6 do not go on holidays together, Jang Mi will not realized her feelings towards Ki Tae. When we live virtually, eventually we cant differentiate between reality and imagination. Haha. It feels just like me. I watched dramas too much, sometimes i'm too lazy to go back to reality.


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So you suspect that there is more to her cryptic "YOU know why it has to be yours." that because she loves him?
Some genetic thingamabob?


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>that because she loves him?

That's the surface answer that she wants KT to arrive at - but I think the real answer is that it's a way to keep him under her thumb for the rest of his life.


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I like SA, purely because her motive is totally new. I've never seen that in a drama before! Lingering feelings are in nearly every drama that I've watched. But thanks again girlfriday, love all your recaps :D


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I just want to know how Yeo Reum managed to run back to get Hoon Dong on foot after they spent so much time lost in the woods, in a car. I like to think there's actually a resort parking lot right off camera that they've just spent hours driving around. It's too bad all the whiplash twists in the story for this episode took away from the payoff. They'll just have to make it up by kissing more later, I think.

Also, holy hell, abs. If I were Ki Tae I'd put my shirt back on, too.


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Kt mom is starting to become a whole new low for me..first it was refreshing and intriguing ti see how she goes about her business but with her interactions with jm mom and after words out of the bridal shower..it jus seem so robotic and mechanical..how does jm mom not see thay she is manipulating her..even while explaining things about kt relationship with seha u can tell there was no sympathy or remorse..people are not that calm under pressure so u should be able to feel that the mother had set this up..jm mom seems to ignore the facts in front of her since she wants the son but there was nothing happy or constructive about kt mom while talking bout jm..If someone talk bout my kid like that I would go off..I would wonder does she even like my child since everything coming out of her mouth are insults..This actress seem refreshing from hotel king and now this but it jus seems like she is a one truck pony..All she does is keep a stoic face and nothing more


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The condition that the cute child has is cleft lip; she probably has a cleft palate & nasal septum hence KiTae mentioning to ahjumma for future reconstruction.


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It is not a disease but rather an incomplete closure of tissue of the human embryo during gestation .


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I like that scene because it makes JM sees KT in a different light; "ah.... He is not .... a complete jerk ". He is capable of being compassionate ^.^


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Okay so I totally enjoy Marriage not Dating despite every weird stuffs that came along. I just don't get it why the heck Se ah wanted to impregnanted by Gi tae so badly when she knew Gi tae doesn't love her? Is her family wanting her to be pregnant or what? Or is she just plain crazy?
And Yeoreum is so damn hot. I love him so much , well not as much as I love Gi tae but he is so damn sexyy. People complain about his smile but his smile is adorable. But whatever I love dorky Gi tae morrrre than I love sexy Yeoreum.
Hoondong is weird but lovable. Hyunhee is so hopeless.
Mom appeared less much to my relief.

And daaaaaamn I love Marriage not Dating. It is superfun. I miss the earlier version of Jangmi tho, the one that appeared in earlier episodes. She had that crazy eyes and weird movements, love her. I wish she returns back to her old weird self.

Anyway I hope it would be better tomorrow:) I love it so much I don't want it breaks my heart.

Thanks for the recap:)))))))


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Apart from ho wacky and weird the characters have gotten, I still have an immense amount of love for this show.

Sometimes I felt that this show has tried a little way too much on bringing us that "breezy, airy, light" romcom that it's forgotten to develop their characters and relationships and focuses on the comedy and nonchalant stuff instead.

I don't get Se-ah, period. I thought at first that she really has changed for the better. But really. This is the girl who was capable of luring Gi-tae to hospital for fertility test. Could she be really doing anything for anyone with no hidden agenda? Should have known better, self, should have known better.
I don't know about you guys but her crying in the end when she got rejected by Ki-tae kind of gets me. I know she more than just deserves it, but it's just so humiliating, still, being in her position.

I really, really, hope that the show would pick up from here because I'm dying for some Gi-tae Jang-Mi action and tired of Yoo-reum. He's cute and hot but if he doesn't stop distracting Jang-mi I'm gonna have a very serious problem with That Guy With Invisible Eyes.


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Ah finally. I must say i wasn't happy with all the kissing between the wrong people. But the last kiss made up for all that.
I was one step away from jumping to ship yeoreum. Thank goodness! I am back on team Kitae now.
Thanks for the recap girlfriday :)


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Was that the last kiss of the night? Hmmm... the evening continues in ep 10. Ha. Didn't see that one coming.


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I don't know if it's just me or anyone else feels the same way as me but I am NOT into Jinwoo's abs. Maybe they're too toned for me, I'm still for a normal body any day. Haha

And that kiss in the end, I hated the angles. Hopefully next episode we get to see more of that kiss. :))

Still loving MND though it's not as funny as the first few episodes.


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I ws just wondering, I watch the show on viki and all the comments are like hatred towards hyun-hee. I lke her character; to me she is real. she says what she thinks and it unfiltered. she isnt scheming but going for what she wants; Hoon dong. to me she has done nothing to deserve hate. she just wants her friend to be there for her like she is for her friend. I need someone to explain why everyone hates her


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I agree that she has been upfront with JM from the beginning on what she wants from HD.

She is whiny, though, in her delivery which is hard to love.

And she did have sex with an intoxicated man without his consent, and I might add, without protection. This wasn't a heat of the moment event, but a deliberate action on her part to have him physically. And boy, did she get him.


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I just want to know, or get a hint of, her motives for wanting to be with HD. At present I don't believe she loves him. Earlier I thought she was a gold digger but not it's become murky which makes me not on board with her crocodile tears all the time.
Can I get a tiny clue please?


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To me, Hyun Hee is selfish and not a nice person, but doesn't even realize it, and likes to constantly portray herself as a victim.
She never thinks about others' feelings but feels wronged when people don't care about hers enough. At first, I thought she was only pretending to be hurt by Jang Mi's actions to guilt-trip her, but now I think she might just be delusional. I guess we all know people like that, the ones who always think they're the wronged parties.
Like when Hyun Hee brought Hoon Dong to the store, she said she wanted JM and HD to clear up the misunderstanding, but that was actually a self-serving move (so that her relationship with HD can move along too), but to her self-righteous mind, she acted like a good friend and she feels entitled to JM's friendship.
As for her relationship with Hoon Dong, I think at first she saw that he was not a complete jerk + rich + easy to manipulate, so she jumped on board, then gradually convinced herself she genuinely liked him. And now she's enacting her favourite role as the victim again!
She drives me insane, but on the other hand I like the actress (and she's really gorgeous), so there's that at least!


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What the girl need is a better agency coz she's so beautiful and can act too (well lots of room for improvement thou but still she's so likeable i wanna pinch her cheeks).


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Thanks for the recap! I have to laugh at your outrage at SA. Don't we all know that crazy girl who still stalks her ex after breaking up five years ago? I think she is batshit insane, too, and it scares me she is also someone practicing medicine. Does she come with a warning label. "Don't take this woman's advice on issues that relate to self-esteem?"

I like YR for JM temporarily and I like KT for JM long-term.
What matters, of course, is how JM feels and how she is reacting to their words and actions. What is different between the two boys that makes her less attracted to the HOT, sweet and smooth man, and more to the grumpy no-abs-put-your-shirt-back-on man?

The answer is science, as it always is, :) and more specificly gravity. As lovely as YR is, JM keeps getting pulled out of the younger man's orbit towards Dr. Greta Garbo.
YR just doesn't have enough substance or mass to keep her interested, and he doesn't know that about himself. Ki-tae's strong feelings about life, and his intense reactions to JJM at every turn have more of a pull on her than she had earlier suspected. She can't help but to towards him.

This description of Orbit is almost too perfect at describing the typical romcom plot, that I didn't have to change any of the words:

Orbits are the result of a perfect balance between the forward motion of a body in space, such as a [Joo Jang Mi], and the pull of gravity on it from another body in space, such as a [Kong Ki-tae]. An object with a lot of mass goes forward and wants to keep going forward; however, the gravity of another body in space pulls it in. There is a continuous tug-of-war between the one object wanting to go forward and away and the other wanting to pull it in.These forces of inertia and gravity have to be perfectly balanced for an orbit to happen. (nb:OMG PERFECT BALANCE, ftw!)</i)

(thanks to wiki for the words.)


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This drama better step the hell up.
I was so invested in it from the start cause I'm like, "ooh! something new! AND the lead is hooooot "(no but really, idec about yeo reum, gi tae has my heart all the way), but I digress. Anyways, it has resorted to using this 'something new' over and over again in less and less creative ways, which makes me sad.
Also. Gi Tae, I was a little disappointed in the kiss because why didn't you tell her first? (cause that ain't how a kdrama works, yes ik, but this gives her more chances to misunderstand it-even though I don't know in what universe a kiss doesn't mean you like someone-(yet again, the kdrama universe!)).
Hyeon Hee needs to stop complaining, stat.
Hoon Dong is gradually rising is my eyes.
Yeo Reum needs to be gone.
Se Ah can go jump off a cliff.
I need the plot to speed up a bit and stop using the same methods. Please, show. I have so much trust in you.


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Does anyone know any links where I can watch ep 10 RAW! :D
Thanks for the Recap! Love this show!


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I'm watching it now, unsubbed, and all I can say is - when on earth is Kit Tae going to get around to changing the passcode on his front door?


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Argh - stupid autocorrect - that of course should read "Ki Tae", not "Kit Tae". ::eyeroll::


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Hahahahaha I've been wondering that for a long time! Mr Brilliant Doctor Who Must Be Alone, and yet ... ?


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HAHA! I know. I was seriously laughing to myself wondering how a guy who loves to live alone so much manages to have three people frequently walking into his home unannounced!


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Thanks for the recap.

I'm really enjoying this drama.


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ohhh what a laugh riot this episode was! Also reality check! First CEO-I never knew anyone could pull off the human rubber duckie! And all I could think of was the director/writer really has/have a great sense of humor, the yellow hoodie with the yellow ring floater-perfect outfit at the beach! And so perfect during the dunking session at the beach!

Jinwoon does have a great body doesn't he? But poor 2nd lead syndrome... Gi Tae finally pulled it off with that kiss, hopefully he can convince the confused JM, but poor YR! The rest don't even matter now. SA has to accept reality 'he's not that in to you!'

Anyway, this was a fun watch, totally enjoyable and thanks for the quick recap! The raw is out but I'll wait for the Eng sub... And your recap... Khamsa!


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Just finished watching Ep 10 (subbed), and....whoa. Unsympathetic characters are suddenly sympathetic, I ::triple heart:: Jang Mi's Mom, my heart is pining for my sunken ship, and I really want to tell Jang Mi to run like hell from Ki Tae's seriously dysfunctional family.

Also, the visit to the shaman was hilarious.


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I enjoyed this episode for all the awkward. I was thoroughly entertained. I think that Se Ah and Yeo Reum are the two that I can't figure out. I can't tell if it's their acting or just how the characters are written. I'll give the actors the benefit of the doubt for now.


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I think the writer kind of fell in love with the leads and their story so the two other couples have next to nothing to do.


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Same here re: Yeo Reum. I feel like the writers want me to feel bad for him, but how can I when they establish in the beginning, and constantly reinforce, what a player he is. He may be doing all the right things, but I can't bring myself to believe any of it.

I think I might care more about him/his character if they had kept his player personality and made it clear that he just wants a fun, carefree relationship with Jang Mi instead of cutting to all the scenes showing his sad, hurt face, which still ring false to me.


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>and constantly reinforce, what a player he is.

Except that it's just Ki Tae who keeps saying this. I see no evidence of it - yeah, Yeo Reum knows he's gorgeous (and while he may not be the best actor, he is highly decorative), but he's attentive and supportive to Jang Mi, and puts up with a huge amount of relationship BS that would have caused an actual player to slide away from the work involved.

More than once, I've found myself wondering just what the hell Ki Tae has against him, because he keeps ragging on "a guy like YR" when the worst we've seen of YR is that he's a little vain.


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I am kdrama addict but can only watch it once. Rarely, very very rarely do I ever have the interest to re-watch any drama or episode that I have watched.
but... I don't know what JM & GT had on me that I kept re-watching the episode again & again and reading the subtitle really really closely!
i am just simply crazy over the development of the budding feelings in GT.
I really like the way the script will add what the person is feeling by narrating it out aloud.
The chemistry between GT and JM is just amazing, they both successfully carried out their parts at times minus the words - just with their facial expression, their eyes... powerful and touching too.
fighting JM !!


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Dude...I'm the same way. I'm even still writing comments on this recap. I'm that obsessed with this couple.


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i keep coming back here bc i need to spazz. no pressure on lollypip but im dying to let it out on ep 10 recap.

but i see so many people taking this show too seriously so i cant really spazz anywhere else. DB peeps understand me best *ugly sobs*


*more ugly sobs*




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>no pressure on lollypip but im dying to let it out on ep 10 recap.

You and me both. Last night I was refreshing constantly, and saying to the husband "Why can't the recap be up? I need to talk about this episode." ::laugh:: (Lollypip, if you could just borrow a time machine, so your recaps could go up before the episodes air, that'd be great. ;)

Y'all are the only ones who understand me - so here I am making cryptic comments about ep 10 (because spoilers) and struggling to hold in my spazzing.


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I'm the same!!!!! I can't wait to talk about episode 10!!!!


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What has gone into me now?

Come Friday, with 8 hours behind Seoul, I will keep on refreshing the drama page on dramabay
then saturday morning, keep on refreshing this dramabean blog to see the recap, then the same happens on Saturday then Sunday and now impatiently waiting for the recap for Episode 10!

when is the next recap? please....


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Ki Tae looks like he is reall about Jang-mi, but still acts like an idiot - what was in his head when he let Se-ah to get into the car to chase after hurt Jang-mii?


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Hi all, I'm late to this but would very much appreciate someone who can advice what is the name of the song at 06:00-07:06?? I've tried Naver song renognition but even it doesn't know. I'm so sad :(


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