Will Liar Game produce a Season 2?

Ah, now this I could get behind! The producers of tvN’s Liar Game are now hinting at the possibility of a Season 2, which would be great because I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the smart, slick first season and would be thrilled to see more Lee Sang-yoon on my screen in Ha Woo-jin form. (He’s sizzling hot in this show, in a way that I haven’t found in any of his prior roles.) Shin Sung-rok ain’t bad either, although he’s certainly been devious and masterminding in other forms.

[Note: PLEASE DO NOT SPOIL THE ENDING OF LIAR GAME FOR ME OR ANYONE ELSE. I know the show will be airing in another couple hours, but the finale recap will be up soon enough. Please respect those of us waiting to see the finale! If you spoil the ending, I will hunt you down and hex your lineage with a dozen generations of bad luck and hairy warts on your butt. That’s a promise!]

PD Lee Hye-young stated on November 25 that while no decisions have been made about another season, the producers have secured all of the rights to the original property (the manga was adapted into a Japanese television series with two seasons and two live-action films). Thus they have the ability and the potential opportunity to develop another season, according to the fans’ requests, and will be discussing the matter after the series officially wraps up its run.

Writer Ryu Yong-jae described the Last Man Standing and Russian Roulette games that take place in the finale, which also reveal a new character and mystery, throwing in some surprises: “Don’t trust anything until the broadcast is completely over,” he warned. Well, great, now I’m going to be extra paranoid, in a show that already makes me paranoid about everyone’s motives.

Liar Game hasn’t been a huge ratings hit for tvN (no show in recent months other than Misaeng has been), but the show has generally brought in positive word of mouth. I’m not sure how much tvN will look to the ratings in making its decision; it makes sense to consider it from a business standpoint, but I sure hope it’s not the primary factor.

Liar Game ends today. (I repeat: WARTS on your ASS!)

Via My Daily




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As with the japanese version I want more character development and less 'gaming' - The rules, game twists and turns don't hold my attention and I lost interest in the Korean version even thou I think it's very well made and the better of the two shows.


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Agreed. Though i love the hero but i want more character development. i even felt asleep


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You're the first person who said that , there might b others but i don't know. I find it interesting that this story could be told in another way they twisted the whole plot and now i honestly don't know what will happen in the next episode. All i regret abt this version is Jamie , like in the jap ver fukunaga was pure gold with his schemes but jamie is just lacking in every aspect. On the other hand i love this new character (shing sung ruk) ! I hope they produce a second season and a better one too with more of game element :D


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I think that we had more bonding moments in this version. Didn't we? In the japanese version, I was left a bit hungry of moments outside the game... That said, I agree that the game still takes most of the space whatever the versions.


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I liked LSY more in Angel Eyes, I thought he was hotter in that drama, and I really liked his acting there. I loved how vulnerable he made PDJ, and how "opened" his face could be, as one of my friends put it. You could literally read him like a book, and he had so many nuanced expressions. LSY is also excellent at crying, and his crying scenes are not all the same, besides being and feeling very organic and genuine. His crying scenes are excellent as far back as in "I Love You, Don't Cry"

Coming back to this drama, continued character development, and continued character growth would be welcomed, if there were to be a season 2. I would also wish for the rules of the games to be better explained (and to be clearer), either at the begnning of the games, or in the reveal, at the end of a game. The logic/reasoning also has to make sense, and many times, I felt that it didn't. And I did pay attention, and I rewatched many scenes. In the Smuggling Game for ex., I thought 6 bank cards (for HWJ, NDJ, and DG) had been issued, and upon rewatching the ep., came to realize that I think 8 or 9 bank cards had actually been issued, if one pays attention to what KDY and HWJ say, when they are on the stage.

Also, could we have some of the same characters (and actors/actresses), please? The same people for NDJ, Jamie, DG, KDY (can he please come back?), Dir. Jang and PD Lee. I could go for a different actor for HWJ, though they are probably going to want to keep LSY for HWJ. I could go either way for who plays HWJ *Please do not throw me any virtual tomatoes or eggs* If it is LSY, could he have a different hairstyle than one with (long) bangs on his forehead, please?


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Speaking of LSY, is anyone going to watch the mission trip he took/did in Indonesia this past September? It will be broadcasted this coming Saturday, November 29 on KBS (I am not sure if it will be on KBS or KBS World. KBS World usually air KBS programming 2 weeks after they have aired in Korea, giving them time to add the English subs). KBS World can also be watched on Youtube.

From the preview alone, LSY seems quite emotional and moved by the people's plight. As can be expected, it will be a hard watch. Here is the preview:



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Thanks Ivoire. Will try to catch it.


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You are welcome, GB :-) I will try to watch it this Sat. as well (with a box of tissue, or two).


Yeah, I am not great with game rules, and so I end up waiting for recaps before I watch the show.


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I agree while the Kdrama was shot with a slick eye and some twists, it wasn't as good as the Japanese drama. Even the ending they shot with DY escaping and the lead into the possibility of a second season which who can say only if the ratings were asskicking which they weren't really.

Just because you buy the rights to something doesn't mean you'll do a better job. The character development was lacking because they went all in on the premier & were pressured to keep it up. I also wish they'd selected a better actor as the villain because the one they casts is to me becoming a one note wonder as far as his villany goes.

I ain't afraid of warts and behave!


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Then why watch a drama with game in the title if you don't want to watch actual gaming? The drama already had 10 times more character development than the japanese version, I thought it was an exact good mix, any more and it would have been just as cheesy as your typical k-dramas (which I usually find boring lol). maybe you should stick to those?


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yes! yes yes yes! I am already in despair that it is ending now! please do a season 2!


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I would love another season. This is the only version of Liar Game i have watched, and I have enjoyed it thoroughly. If they can make a second season that is just as good and tension filled as the first, I'll be a happy camper.


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I recommend you to watch the jap version , it might not be as good with camera work and character development but certainly there's more tension and mindgames moreover the 2 plots are totally different !


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I think this has been said before (although it might have been at another site), but can I respectfully ask that Japanese versions of dramas either be referred to as Japanese or J-dramas?


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If you're saying this cause you think saying jap is racist, I have no words for you.


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'Jap' is indeed an offensive and culturally loaded term. We don't use it here and ask that our commenters refrain as well.


Sorry i actually dont know the actual story behind that my bad , i'm so embaressed now lol ok i'll keep that in mind Jdramas :D ty for correcting me


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I want another season also!


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omg yes!! if there's really gonna be a season 2, i'd love it so much *squeals excitedly at screen* more ha woo jin and nam da jung and kang do young and jo dal goo and jamie pretty pls!! *squeals some more*


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well, at least one of them will be missing.


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I'm not very enthusiastic with the idea of a season 2. I think the show is very good but as a KSE fan, I feel like this show has done nothing for her career. I really want to see her in other stuff, not another season of this stupidly naive Nam Da Jung.


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Well, if they do a season 2, things have got to change. Her character can't stagnate. If they make her exactly the same, then that would be a waste of time. I'm for a season 2 exactly for that reason. I want more character development, especially for Nam Da Jung - and maybe, just maybe, a bit more hint of a love line? haha


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If there's a season 2, Nam Da Jung's character development must be one their priority. I'm having a KSE syndrome lately so I watched her other works and I noticed that she's really good with scenes with intense emotions. So they better use her properly in season 2.

SO. YES. FOR. SEASON. TWO. And I'm rooting for Da Jung-Woo Jin loveline. MAKE. IT. HAPPEN.


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*one of their


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I think she is the only reason to watch Boys over Flowers -- she shows both quiet strength and real self-respect in a character that could have been a throw-away 2nd lead. It is not easy to make kindness compelling onscreen and she did it.


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I totally agree with this, "she shows both quiet strength and real self-respect in a character that could have been a throw-away 2nd lead. It is not easy to make kindness compelling onscreen and she did it."


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I think she's the best thing happened in BoF.. and Yi Jung. Aaahhh soeulmates <3 <3 <3

Btw, this might be off topic but your username caught my attention. Is that the little wolf and the noble one? lol.


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Haha it is! But TO season 2 is rocking my ship I can feel it's sinking but...please no it can't be! lol


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Totally agree. I think she always does well with what she's given but i would love to see her acting out a role that's close with her real life sassy personality. That'd be fun to watch.
Maybe a femme fatale role.


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I need more Ha Woo Jin like I need chocolate. Dark and on a daily basis.
The show's pretty kickass too.


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Couldn't have said it better! And here I was despairing of what I was going to do with my life once this show was over!! This honestly feels like a dream come true!


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@ Shalini!

You do know that you could rewatch the drama, right? :-) And find out about more details maybe (that you might not have noticed before)? That is what I would do, if I were in your shoes (among other things). I am planning on doing that later on, and you have already agreed to continue discussing the drama with me. You can't change your mind now :-)


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xD I definitely won't be changing my mind xD Honestly, the more excuse I have to stare at LSY, the better. I'm debating on watching Goddess of Fire for him, but the drama's a snoozefest from everything I've seen so far and Moon Geunyoung has zero chemistry without him. Have you seen any of his other works by any chance?
Now I'm curious as to what other things you'd do if you were in my shoes XD


@ Shalini~

In Goddess of Fire, watch ep. 12 (or 13? but I am pretty sure it's 12) You can thank me later :-) Also, there is a scene in that drama I actually really like, and it is the one where he stomps on the clay. For some reason, I love that scene. If you pay attention, you will see that he has a dot (is it a birth mark?) on his left ankle, where the bone is. There is just something about the way in which he stomps on that clay that is adorable. It's ep.12 or 13.

You could check out or watch MDSY where he plays opposite Lee Bo Young. I haven't watched the whole drama (yet), but from the few episodes I have seen, I have noticed that: 1--I don't like LSY with facial hair, 2--At times, he gave off more of a friend/platonic noona vibe when acting with LBY, so I don't know that I would always buy the romance thing. I am glad they get along great (b/c it really looks like they do. She is very comfortable with him on variety shows, etc... leaning on him, etc...) but I often got the feeling that she was someone he has great respect for, and he likes her (as a person), but I didn't feel (always) that he was into her, the way I felt that he was into GHS, in AE (having watched a lot of the BTS, I personally feel that LSY was really into GHS during the filming of that drama).

If you pay attention to what he does, and to what he says, you can read him. LSY doesn't play games, and he is not calculating/manipulative. He does not pretend to be someone he is not, and he is honest in his interviews. In AE, the kiss in ep. 13, and the "stolen" hospital kiss (ep.20) confirmed what I thought, about how he felt about GHS at the time. Watching the gifs definitely add to that impression.

You could check out "I Love You, Don't Cry," which is a long drama LSY acted in, as the 2nd male lead. I didn't totally like his character in the drama (meaning I didn't agree about how and why he didn't certain things), however I liked LSY in it. His acting was good (it was still his early years in acting), and he had better chemistry with the lead actress than the male lead (he is married to her for part of the drama). He also looks good in that drama (a little bigger than in AE or in LG, but man does his body look good in that drama). It's a typical melodrama with one very hateful MIL *roll my eyes,* and the female lead is so pretty, I wanted her to end up with LSY's character, who was really good to her, though some of his motives were not right, and neither were some of his actions (even though he meant well, which they always do).

You can watch ILY, DC on viki or here: http://myasiantv.com/
Oh, and he dances in ep.1: cuteness overload, LOL (no but seriously, you will be replaying that scene). The subbing on viki didn't always match the actors talking, which was annoying, FYI.


@ Shalini, PART 2:

I read that LSY was also very good in The Duo, which is 32 epis. and the reason why I haven't watched it yet :-) LSY has said in an interview that his fav. drama to date was "The Scales of Providence" with his co-star from LIB. I haven't seen it, and I think it's a mystery and thriller, crime/murder solving kind of drama. I have seen some recaps of it, bu I haven't looked for the drama itself. I am curious about it though.

I hope this helped a little. Did you watch this, he is quite adorable there, and I love him with that female journalist. They have such good rapport and great banter. She is like an ajumma fangirl of LSY. I think she has interviewed him before (I think I have seen another interview with both around): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGQ22W3eOnU


@ Shalini~

About this, "Now I’m curious as to what other things you’d do if you were in my shoes XD"

What would I do if I were in your shoes? I would catch some zzzzzz for starters :-) aaaaaaand I would let go of LSY... for a week :-) No drama watching, no hunting for BTS of LG, no screencapping of LSY, no YT or FB (LG page) watching, looking for new posts and news, no trying to listen to his voice, LOL, etc... Could you even do that? *Flies over to Hamilton, to pick up @ Shalini off the floor, b/c she has fainted at such request, thinking, "is Ivoire trying to kill me?" :-) I do get you though, I REALLY do. I would like to meet him in person one day, to find out about all that hotness. I wonder if he knows the effect he has on some women, hum... He seems to be so approachable, so down to earth. That is one of the things I really like about him.


I still need to get to the Goddess of Fire episodes :P My connection was a little slow this morning xD I’m probably going to skip through MDSY (just the LSY parts! XD) and see how it goes. Even Park HaeJin said that LSY looks like an idiot when he smiles with facial hair xD Your observations of LSY and Lee Bo Young’s interactions are spot on, I watched the episode where the cast appeared on Happy Together, and he really treated her like a sunbae. His chemistry with Nam Sangmi was something else though! I watched the episode on Taxi where the two of them confessed that they were dating and gosh were they cute! It must be pretty awkward for him to have his name mentioned in articles once more, seeing that NSM is getting married.
I did wonder how he felt about acting with GHS seeing how she’s best friends with NSM and how he paid a surprise visit to the premiere of GHS’s first film (starring NSM) and even presented her with a bouquet, but whew! They sure had chemistry! I have never seen LSY look so masculine (if that makes sense). I agree wholeheartedly with you, he really seemed into her. The way he looked at her, the way he acted around her in the BTS really made me wonder if something went between then during filming and if LSY was just too gunshy after announcing his past relationship, to do again. I also watched the episode where they came out on Running Man (literally the first RM episode I ever watched) and he seemed really protective of her as well during a stair relay game they played xD

“If you pay attention to what he does, and to what he says, you can read him. LSY doesn’t play games, and he is not calculating/manipulative. He does not pretend to be someone he is not, and he is honest in his interviews.”
He really is! I remember him answering a question that one of the AE actors asked him during the press conference about dating in secret, and he straight up said that it didn’t seem right to hide his relationship. And that’s pretty darn admirable, seeing as that’s a move that could make or break your career. I find it far better than those actors and idols that like to answer as though they’re dating their fans :P

I did see a clip from “I Love you, Don’t Cry” of him singing (gosh was it adorable! :P) I can’t wait to see him dance xD That one clip of him dancing on Happy Together really made my day! I saw that he also played the second male lead in Heading to the Ground,but everything I’ve heard about that drama sounds awful, so I’ll probably just watch his parts xD

The Duo actually sounds pretty interesting, so I’m thinking of giving it a shot. LSY seems to really want to do action/thriller roles like in Liar Game. I hear he got rejected for a medical drama called Brain as well, even though they’d finalized the casting (poor thing). I love him in romances, but after seeing him Liar Game, I feel like action/medical/thriller sort of dramas suit him really well as well. Now if only Liar Game Season 2 can give us both! :D


[+358, -10] I'm all for a second season but please don't change Ha Woo Jin's hair...


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Please make him look the same like in Season 1.

LSY is so freaking hot in Liar Game compared to all his previous roles and looks...


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my reaction :)


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Your name *hawoojinruinedme* really made my day lol


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While I agree with Jenn in comment 1 above and I'd like more character development, I've found the games very riveting as well and want character growth to be balanced with well orchestrated games.

I found on comparing earlier episodes with later ones that the main characters, except Do Young, have developed in the course of the game.

With a new season, there will be opportunity for growth for all, in relationship, family and in the game. Even before these last episodes, Nam Da Jung is no longer that naive or foolish, nor was she as weak as I thought (I only realised this when I re-watched the earlier episodes) even at the beginning. So there's more of interest and change that can happen all round.

So I say, let the preparations for Season 2 begin!!!


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Hello GB~

About this, " Even before these last episodes, Nam Da Jung is no longer that naive or foolish, nor was she as weak as I thought (I only realised this when I re-watched the earlier episodes) even at the beginning."

May I take some of the credit for your realization? Might I have contributed to said realization with some of my comments in ep.10 recap? (I am just curious, and hopeful, hahaha!). I came to the same realization (as you know by now), when I was trying to explain NDJ's growth in the arc of her character. I realized that:

1--I had been influenced by what I had read about the J. female lead character, and unconsciously assumed that NDJ was exactly the same,

2--The more I wrote my thoughts and tried to make sense of NDJ's arc in her character, I also realized that I actually had to change my assumptions of who I thought she was, even at the very beginning of the drama,

3--It helps to pay attention to what other characters say about a particular character (for ex. what KDY told NDJ at the end of ep.10 [when they were on the stage], or some of the comments DG, BD and actor Gu made about Jamie in ep.10), as it also does inform the viewer about who that character is. (I learned a lot by doing that).

It was really interesting to me to see how much I did struggle with describing NDJ (as a whole), b/c I usually don't struggle to describe or explain a character, in a drama. This one really made me think, made me realize the importance of taking a step back, so I could look at NDJ (or any drama character) as a whole, (and so I could see the whole picture as well).

I really have enjoyed our conversations, thank you for those! Btw, when did you rewatch the 1st few episodes? Was it very recently? (within the last couple of days or so?)


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Hi Ivoire

On our realisation about NDJ - Yes of course you may take credit, you noticed so much about her and did such an indepth analysis. What I meant was that I thought (as my memory is bad) that she wasn't a strong character to begin with ie easily led, but when I just re-watched (in the last 2 days), I realized that I was wrong. You may have said the same thing but I did not remember!!! Sorry!

So your "2–The more I wrote my thoughts and tried to make sense of NDJ’s arc in her character, I also realized that I actually had to change my assumptions of who I thought she was, even at the very beginning of the drama," Also holds true for me.

Yes to your "3–It helps to pay attention to what other characters say about a particular character ..."

WRT to "...I did struggle with describing NDJ (as a whole),..." Although I did not go into describing the characters, I did find it a challenge to "not be lazy" and to understand the nuances and the growth of NDJ among others.

The other character that has caught my interest because I watched Ep 1 and 2 again is PD Lee. To see her attitude at the beginning and notice that it is different at the end.

I will try to continue with Ep 3 and 4, although I cannot watch every scene as I do FF from time to time. Read ya later...(see my comments under Ep 10, dated 25 Nov.)


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Hi back GB~ PART 1

About this, "On our realisation about NDJ – Yes of course you may take credit, you noticed so much about her and did such an indepth analysis," Thank you! :-)

And this, " What I meant was that I thought (as my memory is bad) that she wasn’t a strong character to begin with ie easily led, but when I just re-watched (in the last 2 days), I realized that I was wrong. You may have said the same thing but I did not remember!!! Sorry!"
That was what happened to me, as I was jotting down my thoughts on how to explain her arc in the drama. I struggled b/c at 1st I didn't realize that I was wrong in my assumptions of her (I was so convinced I knew her, as a character), but the more apparent it became, the more I realized that I had read her wrong, and that I needed to go back to the beginning (in my mind) to revisit and change my initial assumptions about her. And when that happens, you (I) look at the character differently, and her/his interactions with other characters can take on a different meaning(s) as well.

About your 2nd #, glad we came to the same conclusion.

About your 3rd #, it made me realize again the importance of the script, the importance of the dialogues, and even the importance of the monologues. Basically what is said, and how it is said (and often vs the actions taken by the characters), also help me read into the scenes and into the characters better.

Your 4th #, thank you for sharing that. I totally understand this, "I did find it a challenge to “not be lazy” and to understand the nuances and the growth of NDJ among others."

About this, "The other character that has caught my interest because I watched Ep 1 and 2 again is PD Lee. To see her attitude at the beginning and notice that it is different at the end."
I also noticed that about PD Lee, which is why I like her so much. There is a growth in her arc, which might explain why, in ep.10, Dir. Jang asks her, "why she is having morals now?" (or sth along those lines). Remember when I asked about that? I kept trying to figure out and question what he meant by that, b/c that told me (among other things) that he had known her LONG ENOUGH to have known (and noticed) that prior to the LG, and maybe at the beginning of the LG (i.e. when she filmed the teacher being beaten up), she would not have sacrificed "good TV" footage (to bring in ratings) to protect a source or a contestant (in this case, NDJ and her dad). Dir. Jang seemed genuinely surprised at her behavior (even offended), and my question was "why?" The answer: he didn't expect that of her, b/c over the course of the drama, she had changed.


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@ GB~ PART 2:

It was a short scene (that scene in that room), but one that informed me a lot about Dir. Jang, PD Lee (and her growth), and her camera-man. I love it, when I actually get (as in understand) stuff like that. I understood what happened (and you helped me) b/c of PD Lee's behavior, but equally so b/c of Dir. Jang's reaction to it. That was what I meant by "supportive characters" or other characters informing us of sth that has happened, or that is/will happen. I will go read ep.10 recap :-)


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This bts clip makes some sense now. I haven't got a clue what they're saying but I thought I picked up a "season 2" there. YAAY for season 2! **fingers crossed**


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Hey there beigie! Shin Sung Rok goes as far as to say that if things go well, “we’ll have a second season.” Kim So Eun hilariously asks for a love scene with Lee Sangyoon this time, as well (YES, YES, YES). Lee Sangyoon also mentions feeling a bit depressed that it’s over. To quote, he says that “it went by so quickly, it’s almost as though something’s not complete. It’s a different sort of sadness than the usual”. They also say something along the lines of "see you in Season 2!) It’s great to see that they’ve been enjoying filming the show just as much as we’ve been enjoying watching it. Please, please let this come true!!


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Thanks to @beigie for the link and @Shalini for the summary!!

Thought I was dreaming when I read this, but now I know my dreams are about to come true!!


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Watched the clip, and based on my very very limited korean (verging on none, so don't take my word for it), there's a really big possibility of a second season, judging from the way everybody's hinting at it and talking as if it's almost a done deal already (LSY: "See you next season!"). There were ifs about S2 said here and there, but the fact that intentions are disclosed to stars, staff, and the audience more importantly, at this early stage (the current drama's not even finished yet, which is typically not the case in Kdramaland) opens a huge, huge, huge door for us (Wooohooo!).

Also, I love love love Kim So-eun's request of a LOVE FREAKIN SCENE next season! And said it beside LSY, no less. Haha. Attagirl. I mean c'mon! What's a girl gotta do to have a steamy kiss in here??? Hopefully, the next season gives us romance. Even a little bit is enough to satiate us!


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Also, SSR doing aegyo = mind-blowing haha


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I should watch that BTS, SSR doing aegyo is so adorable.


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"please give us a love scene next time" -HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YES PLEASE!


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Well the Season 2 of the Japanese version was better than Season 1 so I'm up for this one but is it gonna be another reality show format? Why would Dajung and Woo Jin join the Liar Game again?


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Maybe to solve whatever mystery the producers are hinting at?
I can't wait for the finale any longer. Does anyone have a spare time machine I can borrow?


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*rummaging storage to lend time machine* :P


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@ nomad,
I would like to borrow one as well, please :-)


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Oh cannot wait!!! I am so afraid of how many loose ends there will be in ep 12 consdienrg how much is yet to be revealed. What is Do Young's motives??? What happened in Ha Woo Jin, Do Young and Da Jung's linked past in the orphanage? What really happened to the mom? What exactly happened to L Company? Is there more to the story with Da Jung's father? Can I PLEASE marry Ha Woo Jin??

Well, as long as the last answer is answered with an affirmative, I guess I can deal with loose endings. Otherwise, gonna be a bawling mess tomorrow This show is the most awesome, most amazingly complex and well written show I've seen in the drama world. Please don't end at season 1, we need a season 2!! I do wonder if there is a way international fans can sign a petition or smthg to show support of a drama to the producers. There definitely are so many of us watching the show, the producers need to know that!


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Get in line!! Not sure if you've seen the official Liar Game facebook page, (which I've been glued through in between episodes, though watch out, it may contain spoilers seeing as today is the final broadcast) and every commenter there has always been clamoring for a second season. It definitely looks like we aren't in the minority! And the way the actors spoke about this, almost as if it were a done deal. (SSR said that if everything goes well, "we'll see each other in Season 2) I'm inclined to think that this will be coming true!


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@ Shalini,
Would this be your Christmas or New Year's present? (might want to put it on your list, then) :-)


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Both! xD You can bet that I'll be spamming the articles that come out once the second season is confirmed with hearts and hugs and wild screams of joy xD Add that to KSE's proclamation that she wanted a love-scene with LSY (who doesn't?) and I am already so ready for this xD


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Haha, thanks! I'll def check out the page. I LOVED that declaration too hahah, Kim So Eun is friggin awesome hahahaha, she totally gets us. Right beside Lee Sang Yoon too hahaha, he must be surprised!:D Gonna pray so hard s2 will come. Hopefully some steamy love scenes with it too LOL.


@ Shalini~
When you translate what KSE says from the Korean language, did she really say, "Love-scene?" Though that could mean sth different for them (for Koreans). LOL at your "who doesn't?"
Your level of fangirling is through the roof. Enjoy it...


I hope the writers have planned ahead regarding a season 2. I would hate for the show to end with too many questions only for the show to not get another season.


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Lmaooo at Shitty Hunter! Is that meant as an endearment? :p


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@ Aliya,
That is how "City Hunter" sounds like, when said by Koreans (at least in the drama, it sounds like that, every time the characters say it).
And yes for her, it could also be a term of endearment (she will have to answer that herself).


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Agree! Why didn't they do a second season of City Hunter? Well, Liar Game season 2 is great too! Can't wait.... I think they are really going for it!


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6 seasons and a movie ;)


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Would love more of this but I knew I shouldn't have read the comments. Despite all the warning someone went ahead and spoiled it already.



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I know, right? I was like, ah, dammit! Why do people do that?! Things like that may not give away the entire ending, but they still spoil the viewing experience for people who haven't seen the episode yet.

*fuming with you*


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I agree as well. I personally have not watched ep.11 yet, and I have already seen some comments that seem to pertain to said ep. This thread/article falls under "Drama and Casting & News," not under "Drama Recaps." We do not have to discuss what happened in this week's episodes here. As Javabeans wrote, "the recaps will be up soon enough."

Why spoil the experience for those who might not have watched this week's episodes yet? People do not watch the episodes at the same time (same day, same hour, etc...). And on top of that, we live in different places of the world, and in different time zones. It would have been nice to be a little more careful, show some restraint, and not spoil some of us, who feel that (for whatever reasons), we need to wait a little longer to watch this week's episodes. Once the recaps are posted, we can discuss the drama to our hearts' content.

@ Because of Reasons, thank you for saying this, "Things like that may not give away the entire ending, but they still spoil the viewing experience for people who haven’t seen the episode yet," because honestly, they do spoil the viewing experience, especially considering that this is the last week's episodes. *Sigh*


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@ Ivoire and anyone else
I have a question about spoilers.

When the comment on spoilers came out it was 5.16am. At that time, I re-read all the comments BEFORE that .... and I cannot figure out what constituted the spoiler.

Is writing why we want a 2nd Season a spoiler? There were no plot details although there were hints as to characters.


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@ GB~
I am not sure, b/c the spoiler I read came after 5:16am, and it was the one I noticed, which was why I wrote my comment (around 12:31am, I think?)


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well this version is ok but i like the japanese version more, akiyama is soo hot!

but yeah another season for this.


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IKR? Akiyama ruined me!!!


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I would love to see some games that weren't covered by this drama, but I don't know if a season 2 will be good for this show. If the last episode is going to reveal everything, there wouldn't be any good reason for da jung and woo jin to continue. Because of how it was set up, the Korean version shouldn't be like the japanese version, which didn't reveal who was behind Liar Game until the movie after 2 seasons.


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Interesting info, thank you red!


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did you know that the manga, which is the original source and isn't finished yet, has yet to reveal who is behind Liar Game? This drama and the j-drama have created their own explanations. I personally like the direction that this k-drama is heading toward compared to the j-drama version.


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Hello red~

About this, "did you know that the manga, which is the original source and isn’t finished yet, has yet to reveal who is behind Liar Game?"
No, I did not know that. I had read that the manga is still ongoing, but I didn't know that it had not revealed yet who is behind the LG. So the games are still continuing in the manga? WOW! How many years has it been? And how often do the stories come out (weekly? once a month? etc...) And the leads in the manga are still not dating? WOW!

Yeah, it would be interesting to see how ep.12 ends. That "might" helps us know if they will push for a S2 or not. And the PD said to pay attention to the details, so... (b/c they will be some shocking revelations and mystery).


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The Liar Game manga started in 2005 and its writer has taken year long breaks from between volumes. It probably takes a while to create all these intricate and complicated games.

I don't think there will ever be any dating. The manga is focused more on the games rather than on the plot and characters. We might be able to see some romance in season 2...if there's going to be one.


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@ red~

Good to read from you! WOW! So the LG manga has been going on for almost 10 years now (even with the long breaks, which I can understand).
So, no to the dating huh? OK! And I agree with you, if we get a Korean S2 LG, there will probably be some romance. I mean, KSE is already "clamoring" for that, and let's not even talk about many of the viewers... *Looks around to see if @ Shalini heard me, hehehe*


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LOL at the warning. :D
And absolutely YES for Liar Game Season 2! A shower scene of or topless Ha Woojin please...^^


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I want this to happen!

Also, I'm paranoid now! What's going to happen!? Looking forward to this so much!


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More Jae Kyung obba... OH YESSSSS!!


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Welll.....lee sang yoon is the reason I'll miss dis shw..n want a 2nd season..bt m scared if dey'll take same cast fr 2nd....


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Get in line! xD Just watched the penultimate episode 9 hours ago and I'm brimming with so many questions as well! What on earth does HWJ have to finish? How has DJ repressed her memories for so long? Is her true nature what we’ve been seeing all along? (Please yes, THE ANSWER BETTER BE YES, SHOW! DJ can’t be some evil manipulative wench) But this certainly explains why all three of them know WJ’s mother’s last words so well "Is it so wrong for humans to trust one another?". Perhaps it was a group motto, for whatever went down in the orphanage. Though whatever it is, definitely wasn’t good. Children don’t stand around a well like that for no reason.Speaking of which, throughout this episode and the last one, we’ve seen everyone who believed in DY turn against him and fight back. CSJ, BD, GIG, Jamie, DG. The one person consistently by HWJ’s side was NDJ. So why NOW, of all times, is this happening? Ugh, it's hard to believe the finale is airing as I type this!
My extended thoughts on episode 11: https://anunstoppablesun.wordpress.com/2014/11/25/liar-game-episode-11-a-matter-of-trust/


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Good morning Shalini~

I have not watched ep.11 yet, and I didn't see any responses from you WRT the responses I posted to your comments to me (ep10 recap). B/c of that, I wasn't sure whether or not you would still be interested in my thoughts, and unfortunately, the past weekend and the beginning of this week have been quite busy for me, Thanksgiving preparations and all.

I still do not want to leave your questions and comments unanswered, so (and b/c I have not watched ep.11 yet), I will still finish my thoughts (so as to finish our conversation), and leave it up to you to decide whether or not you would be interested in reading my thoughts. I just thought I would let you know. I am working today until early afternoon. I am hoping to finish my thoughts after that, with the hope that LG ep.11 recap will be posted some time tomorrow, continuing with the schedule we have had for this drama.

How did your Economics exam/test go? Have you taken it yet? Have a wonderful day!


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Sorry about the lateness! And nope, I'm still madly prepping for the test, which is tomorrow at 8:30am while the subs for this episode come out at 11:30pm tonight. Sleep? I ain't getting any xD I did respond right here on the ep 10 recap
1.4.2 Shalini November 25th, 2014 at 10:25 AM
It's split into three parts (sorry, I wrote a lot again!) plus the two comments right below it.
Oh gosh, we are going to have SO MUCH to talk about on the ep 11 recap!!!


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@ Shalini~

I really hope you will do well on your test. And about this, "Sleep? I ain’t getting any," LOL, but seriously, no kidding! So maybe that is one of the reasons why this drama needs to be over, so can you have a life? (But maybe you don't really want one, not one w/o LSY in it, I would imagine :-) ). I saw on your blog that you are already recapping/writing about Pinocchio. Yeah, I don't think you want a life (unlike me, LOL). I still need to get to your responses on ep.10. I will see if I can write some comments back, I will let you and GB know...

Ah, to be young again, to have your energy, and be able to go many days w/o sleep (though I am not too far behind you, with the little sleep, and I do have some energy, probably not as much as you though :-) ) Enjoy them while you have them :-) (the ability to sleep little or not at all, and still be able to keep going).


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Just realized how super spoilery my comment was, even though I thought I was doing a good job of tamping down my eagerness. Apologies to anyone who wasn't seen ep 11 yet! I really hope I haven't spoiled it for you :( (man, i should not type while in a state of trepidation. It's honestly verbal diarrhea)


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@ Shalini~

Thank you for apologizing, aaaaaand apology accepted. I loved this, "man, i should not type while in a state of trepidation. It’s honestly verbal diarrhea" b/c it is so honest :-)
I can feel your trepidation, and your love for this drama (and for LSY) all the way over here. It's so interesting to me, how well I understand... I really do :-)


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Yes ! Please do a second season. I've really enjoyed this adaptation.

I'm off to watch the 2nd J drama season.

Erika Toda = Squee !


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I stopped watching this drama two weeks ago because I could not dedicate the time to watch it properly...it is so good I din't want to miss ant details. I am going to marathon the rest so as B said....hexes and hairy warts on butts to those spoilers.

I can definitely get on board with a season two of LG so I hope it really happens.

Santa....season two of Liar Game and Misaeng, please!!


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I meant...so as DB said


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But wait a sec.. Writer Ryu Yong-jae?? isn't the writer of LG Yoo Yong(Young?) Jae? One of two writers who penned Time Between Dong an Wolf?


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*dog and


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I was originally skeptical of the adaptation, being extremely loyal to the Japanese dorama, but I am loving it. Lee Sang-upon has never been any hotter until now. They NEED a season 2.


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Goddamnit auto correct, I meant Lee Sang-yoon!


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Haha, TP chinggu, you've just brightened my day! Way to go, I was laughing the whole time!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


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I loved this too, "Lee Sang-upon." I burst out LOL, literally.


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That would be so awesome. And I think it'd be mega cute if they played with the love line more. I'm begging for it. It doesn't have to be overblown like your typical Korean drama. Please, just let Ha Woojin peck Dajung on the cheek or something. LOL. But like others have mentioned, make Nam Dajung more than what she is now. I mean, I love KSE but her character is indeed lacking and it'd be awesome if they focused on her for a bit. The writers have invested so much in Woojin and Doyoung. Would love to see more depth in Dajung.

But yeah, we'll see how the rest of the show goes. I've yet to watch the finale so we'll see.

And LOL at the spoiler punishment.


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I quite agree with this statement re: Da-jung's exposure. Kanzaki Nao was the main protagonist in the original. With Akiyama backing her up. But in this case, Do-young became the antagonist of Woo-jin. The rivalry keeps the intrigues up. And so Da-jung's left out in the open. Da-jung is capable, but naive and not suspicious about anyone. Whereas Woo-jin and Do-young both know the selfishness of mankind, and keep their guards up. Kanzaki Nao (Da-jung) is a very tough person. And should be the centerpiece among them all. (The EXPOSURE that is meant for Da-jung has been transferred to Do-young's. Sigh.)

But make no mistake, I love this adaptation. I love it truly! :-)


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Thx for a genius manga writer we git so many good adaptations. I'm one of those ppl who really enjoyed the japanese version and over pritective of it but i gotta admit i'm enjoying watching this A LOT. I watched the japanese version while it aired so it's beem a while and i'm as surprised by the outcome as i was the first time. I'm only at ep 6 bur can't wait to watch more ;)


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Oh yea and this is a show that can go on for atleast another season (or 2). But more may face the risk of being too repetitive.


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Keep the same hairstyle please. He looks MUCH better with bangs. They're just as important as any plot points.


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lmaaao I thought he looked like his age for the first time and even sexy and manly with the new hair... No bags please. I always wanted to cut it off.


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@ liz,
about this, "No bags please." Did you mean, "no bangs?"


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lol opss you are right xD

Thanks for correcting it


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@ liz~
You are very welcome! :-) I thought so...


The ratings for Liar Game have improved in the last couple of episodes though. Of course they're nothing compared to Misaeng, though.

I'm still in the first episodes, but it's been interesting so far. I wish they wouldn't make a second season, just so I won't have to wait longer to see the end. But it would make sense if they did it.


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OMG YESSSSS! I love this show. and doubly yes to KSE's request for a love scene


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This Kim So-eun knows the fans' heart! Maybe the Ha Woo-jin sincerity feels so real omg hahaha! Ha Woo-jin proves the intellect is the sexiest trait a man could have. His intellect (and wit) attracts chicks around him. Heeeee.


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YESSSSSS! Please anf thank you. I need more Kim So eun!! <3
She (the SoEul couple) was the only one I watched in BoF, and The Iron Empress (ep 1-12? I think) and A thousand Kisses and more! Currently watching her in WGM, love her with Jae rim as well.


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I didn't even notice she was the girl in BoF and I had just watched it recently!

Guess she didn't leave an impression on me in the show. And as cute as she was here, she didn't leave much impression in this show either.


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A big YES for season 2.

They can play Trap Game. Kang Do Young can go all the way and win all the money, and leave Da Jung and Woo Jin being TRAPPED and making cute babies. hhehehehhe....


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It's the first time I've ever BEGGED and felt TOO MUCH EXCITEMENT of a kdrama season 2. I really don't like the idea of Season 2. It's too much HollywoodTVish for me.

But I want it. I seriously do. For freaking Liar Game. As for character development, one thought comes to mind:

Ha Woo-jin ♥ Nam Da-jung. Hurhurhur.

It's called the Lee Sang-yoon syndrome. I seriously love him in the mask of Ha Woo-jin. Hot stuff right there.


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I just finished the last ep. It was amazingggg and perfect in so many ways. Answered a lot of open questions. Cant wait for season 2, i know in my heart that will be a season 2 haha. Lia game just became one of my fav k dramas.


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TRUE!!! It's daebak!


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I hope that you guys would recap soon. I didnt understand some stuff at the ending. It was a bit confusing


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I've very much enjoyed the pace & storyline. I'm sad to see the show come to an end. I say Season 2, Si porfavor! Of course I would want to the same cast to come back. Fingers crossed Season 2 gets the greenlight.


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well knetz seems to give positive feedback for this show even though the rating is not that high (i thinks its probably because this show doesn't air during prime time).

but i'm in for season two!!! crossing fingers! hope the production will hear our plead!


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We can have a Liar Game 2 but not City Hunter 2 .....,,seriously Korea


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I think the 12 episode set up, vs 20 or 24 leaves the door open for a second season as far as cost. Not only could they tell more story, they could PPL the heck out of those 12 eps!!


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Just out of curiosity: and they couldn't PPL the 1st 12 episodes? (Or PPL them as well as the 12 episodes in a 2nd season?) What would the difference be, and why?


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I would really love if they develop more the characters, but I also love the gaming so much! I mean, the guy who wrote this is pretty much a genius. And I hope that there is a season 2, I just loved this drama so much that I don't think I will be satisfied with just one season! I'll be praying that the producers decide to do it


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I agree with you, LSY is really really hot in this show!!


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I want Liar Game with new material~
The manga is full with games, can they pick a plot that doesn't include Japanese live action version please


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I finally watched the finale! I would be happy if there was a 2nd season. I wanna see more character development and twists!


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For me this drama is just wonderful! Although some wrote that they don't want it, i am hoping for a 2nd season with much more games. The tension is just right from my point of view, and the actors are fantastic! I can't describe how much i enjoyed this drama and i hope, the producers won't end it with such a cliffhanger like it showed at the final episode!!


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that's no season 2 or what?


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Yes, I want to know if there is a season 2


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Love this drama


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For me, this drama is BRILLIANT!


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Eh really? Has it published? Please someone tell me if it has published :3


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i really want season 2 to come ! this is my favorite, the main leads are perfect and i enjoyed it from the very beginning !! pleEASE SEASON 222!!!!!


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season 2 please!


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