Lucky Romance: Episode 13

Things are looking up, as Su-ho and Bo-nui’s relationship progresses and Bo-ra’s condition slowly improves. In fact the romance is catching, and they may not be the only new couple at Zeze Factory these days. But it’s always nerve-racking when there’s too much happiness, because it makes me paranoid about getting blindsided by new threats, since simply being happy would be too easy.



Su-ho surprises Bo-nui by coming home a half-day early, and he calls her from outside her apartment. When she finally admits that she misses him, so so so much, he grins and runs up the stairs to tell her to open her door. She jumps out of bed, finds him there, and jumps into his arms.

In the morning they’re cuddled into her tiny bunk bed, all curled around each other like contented kittens and holding hands in their sleep. We see the effect Su-ho’s had on Bo-nui’s life — his shoes in her entryway, his picture on her wall, his clothes on her bedpost.

Bo-nui wakes first and makes a big breakfast, then gently knocks to wake Su-ho. Hee, he looks so happy and contented to wake up at her place. They’re both so adorably morning-after shy, they can hardly look at each other’s faces, and when they finally make eye contact they get the giggles.

Su-ho is in a great mood as they drive to work, teasing Bo-nui and even mentioning fate. Bo-nui gets worried when she realizes she forgot the salt and red beans for luck, and asks Su-ho to go back for them. He pulls over, takes her hand, and sweetly promises that nothing bad will happen if they go without them, and Bo-nui decides to trust him.

He drops Bo-nui off first, promising to come in five minutes after her. Then he pretends to have lost something in the car just to get one more kiss out of her, hee.

He unapologetically shrugs as he walks into the office right behind Bo-nui and surprises everyone, and one of the employees jokes that he must be secretly dating someone. Bo-nui laughs nervously, but Su-ho stands right next to her and announces that they’re together. He tells them that he likes her a lot, which makes even Bo-nui smile.

The news that there’s a bad car crash near the airport has everyone glad that Su-ho came home early, but Dal-nim’s first thought is that Ryang-ha might be hurt. His phone is off, and Su-ho asks Bo-nui to call the police while he heads to the accident location.

But ohthankgoodness, Ryang-ha is in the lobby with his luggage, and Dal-nim nearly runs Su-ho over trying to get to him. She claims she’s just glad he didn’t die before she could punish him, but she backs off nervously when she realizes everyone is staring at her.

Ryang-ha looks a little stunned at the way Dal-nim was acting, and she runs to the bathroom to scrub her hands after touching all over his face, ha. Bo-nui asks Dal-nim if Ryang-ha is the guy she’s been crushing on for two years, but Dal-nim freaks out at the idea and swears she was just surprised.

Amy finally finds Gary, who’s pretty blasé about the fact that he’s been missing and worrying her. Not only is he heartbroken, but his father’s trail has gone cold, so he says he wants to go back to Canada as soon as his game is released. He refuses to go to the Zeze office with her, claiming he’s just tired, but his sad puppy-dog eyes give him away.

So Amy checks out the game beta herself, and pronounces it perfect. She makes a passive-aggressive comment that she thought Su-ho and Bo-nui would be too busy dating to work on the game, then claims it was just a joke. Ugh, go away, I hate girls like you.

Su-ho tells her to keep it professional, and Amy does make an effort to congratulate both of them, though it looks like it’s killing her. She says she and Gary are leaving right after game release, and that Gary isn’t doing well, but tells Bo-nui not to try to see him — it could just make him worse.

Awww, Gary — his place is a pigsty and he looks like hell. He tries to ignore the doorbell, but he finally gives in to the relentless ringing and finds Su-ho on his doorstep. Su-ho lets himself in and asks for a wish, his payout for the bet they made on the company retreat. His wish is for Gary not to stop looking for his father.

Su-ho says that he’s going to add Gary’s search into the game, and have the players looking for him in real life, like a secret mission. Gary can even check their progress from Canada. Gary pouts that it’s too late to add all that to the game, but Su-ho reminds him that he’s a genius, heh.

Su-ho gets to work adding the search for Gary’s father to the game, and Bo-nui watches him proudly. She wishes she could tell the whole world how awesome her boyfriend is, and Su-ho just grumbles that he’s working so she can give him a kiss if she likes him so much. Cuteness.

Amy meets with Dal-nim for coffee, and Dal-nim stays adorably loyal to Bo-nui and gives her a chilly greeting. They may have agreed to be friends when drunk, but now that she’s sober, she’s not so sure this is a good idea. Amy just pinches her cheeks and sighs that she’s jealous of Bo-nui, having such a good friend and boyfriend.

Ryang-ha stops by to say hello, and he and Dal-nim both blush, hee. Amy gives Dal-nim a bag of clothes, the new ones she bought when she came to Korea, having decided to adopt a more comfortable style.

Since they’ve both been recently dumped by their crushes, Amy suggests they go on blind dates. Um, aren’t you about to move back to Canada? Ha, Ryang-ha’s eyes flick over when he overhears this, and he scoffs when Dal-nim agrees.

Bo-nui goes to see Gary, and they’re both sad this might be the last time they see each other, though for different reasons. Gary says that he realized Bo-nui was right — he was confused about his feelings. He’s embarrassed that he cried in front of Bo-nui that time when they first reconnected, and he confused his feelings of closeness with Bo-nui for romantic ones.

He promises to go back to his place as her younger sibling, and says that he’ll come any time she needs him. Bo-nui seems to know that he’s not telling the truth, but she thanks him anyway.

Later Bo-nui runs into a man in the hall outside Gary’s apartment, and she recognizes him as Gary’s father. She stops him, and when Gary comes out just then, father and son see each other for the first time in years.

Gary looks stricken, and his father just says a simple, heartfelt, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Gary runs to him and hugs him, saying that he’s here now and that’s all that matters. Father and son both hold each other, looking relieved and cautiously happy.

Gary gets the chance to give his father his first international medal, like he’s always wanted. He wants to know where his dad’s been all this time, saying that he’s not a kid anymore and he can handle it if it’s not pretty.

Bo-ra is more alert these days, sitting up and looking at those around her, and Su-ho goes along and takes pictures of the sisters. They even pose for a photo of all three of them together, and Su-ho calls himself Bo-ra’s brother-in-law. So. Cute.

It’s the day before game release, and the whole Zeze team marvel at their excellent work. Bo-nui suddenly realizes she’s missing her tiger pendant, but luckily she finds it on the floor and sets it aside on her desk. Su-ho compliments the team on a good job, and they joke that he’s a nicer boss now that he’s in love.

Su-ho gives them a bland look, and starts to rattle off all the chemicals that make a person feel like they’re in love. But he says stiffly that he’s Je Su-ho, and he doesn’t let himself be affected by such things. Regardless of those kinds of distractions, this project is objectively their best.

They clear out in about five seconds when he gives them the rest of the day off, leaving him alone with Bo-nui. He pouts when she says it’s not the game she originally imagined, but smiles again when she says it’s a hundred times better. He sends Bo-nui home too, explaining that Ryang-ha isn’t himself lately and he needs to talk to him.

Bo-nui acts fine, but she shuffles home and pouts, complaining that he could have invited her, too. She perks up a little when Su-ho calls and asks what she’s doing tonight, but he says he can’t come over, reminds her to eat, and hangs up on her mid-sentence. He’s up to something…

The shifty-looking electrician (and now I recognize him — he is one of the programmers who ruined Su-ho’s last game) brings Boss Won a drink, seeming a little too interested in making sure he drinks it. He digs for information on the big game release tomorrow, and notices Boss Won’s master key card on his belt.

He talks Boss Won into letting him into the Zeze Factory office, claiming that he’s here to fix some faulty wiring. Boss Won gets a conveniently-ill-timed stomachache and runs to the restroom, leaving Shifty Electrician alone in the office.

Bo-nui realizes she left her tiger pendant on her desk and heads back to the Zeze office. She walks in on Shifty Electrician just as he’s finishing up whatever he was doing, but his presence doesn’t worry her and he quickly leaves. She thanks Boss Won for all his help, then he runs to the bathroom again.

Amy and Dal-nim go on a double blind date, and Amy urges Dal-nim to split up and go alone with her date. Dal-nim is shy and Amy has to push her, but suddenly a hand grabs her wrist — it’s Ryang-ha, and he looks furious. He takes offense at her calling him “just the cafe owner,” and tells her date that they even spent a night together. “You even said it was your first time!” Hee.

Ryang-ha tells Dal-nim not to go on a blind date again, and yanks her away from the group. They run down the street as overly-dramatic music plays, and Dal-nim starts to get a little moony-eyed when Ryang-ha loosens his grip on her wrist and takes her hand.

Bo-nui thanks the spirits that night for all the good things that have come to her lately. She prays that Su-ho will be protected from harm, and just then she gets a text from him calling her out to the rooftop. I knew it!

She gets to the roof to find it covered in stars and twinkle lights, and Su-ho appears, saying that people believe that good luck comes from the stars. But we don’t really know if stars are bright or dark, if they’re close or far away, so he says to Bo-nui, “Don’t rely on the stars. Rely on me.”

He gives Bo-nui a beautiful bouquet of flowers, then complains that he’s tired from putting all these lights up. HAHA, Su-ho, never change. He gives Bo-nui a backhug and she cries into his arms.

Her tears make Su-ho worry that he did something wrong, but she says she’s just crying because she’s so happy. She’s glad she’s alive, that she gave living a normal life a chance because of him.

Everyone is nervous as the time for the game launch approaches, and it seems like everyone downloads the game the moment it’s released. Ryang-ha brings a reporter to interview Su-ho, and he sighs in disappointment when Dal-nim quickly runs past him without a word. Su-ho invites Bo-nui to the interview as the person who thought up the game, wanting to make sure she gets full credit.

The Zeze team head to 01 Fried Chicken to celebrate, which seems a little premature considering people haven’t even finished downloading the game yet, and Chicken Ajusshi is the first to notice that the game doesn’t work. Instead, it uploads a ransomware program, which holds your computer hostage until you pay money to have it released.

Su-ho and Bo-nui head to the chicken shop, where Chicken Ajusshi shows them the ransomware error. Su-ho runs back to the office and finds himself mobbed by reporters, but he pushes through and rushes upstairs to find out what’s wrong. His fingers fly as he fights to take down the ransomware, and Bo-nui accidentally knocks his lucky cactus off his desk and it shatters on the floor.

Su-ho doesn’t even register this, but Bo-nui looks extremely nervous. The team tell her that over four hundred thousand people have been infected with the ransomware, and Su-ho comes out of his office to announce that they’re being blackmailed for the equivalent of five million dollars. Ouch.

Ryang-ha lets the police in, explaining that he called them to come investigate. Su-ho tells the team to release an apology statement and cooperate with the police, so that they can figure out who did this and form a plan.

He spends all day and night on his computers trying to find a way to break the ransomware, but nothing works. He does know this wasn’t done online — someone did this in person — and the investigator shows him the video of Boss Won letting Shifty Electrician into the office.

When Bo-nui shows up at the office, she learns that Boss Won quit the previous day through text message, just saying that he hit the jackpot. Oh, that sounds so bad. Bo-nui is really worried now, remembering that her fortuneteller warned her not to try to fly too high.

Su-ho finds Bo-nui on the roof and asks if she’s feeling nervous, which she denies. He hugs her and says this isn’t her fault, and Bo-nui hugs him back, though she doesn’t seem convinced.

The next morning, Su-ho has to admit to Ryang-ha that he can’t break the ransomware. And if he can’t do it, nobody can. They’ll have to find another way to solve this problem. Ryang-ha thinks it will be too expensive, especially after their last game ended in disaster, but Su-ho still thinks they can save IF.

They head to a shareholder’s meeting to explain things, and Amy and Gary show up unexpectedly. Amy has to tell Su-ho that her parent company is suing Zeze Factory, and that she couldn’t do anything to stop it. Gary wants to meet with the shareholders and offer to do a press conference, but Su-ho says he’ll handle this himself.

The Zeze team are worried they’ll lose their jobs, and even they know that Su-ho can’t break this ransomware. It gets worse — now more than half of the people who downloaded the game are preparing to sue Zeze Factory as well.

The shareholders’ meeting is a bloodbath… they all yell while Su-ho sits in silence, and he finally stands to apologize. He promises to take responsibility for everything by stepping down from his president position, effective immediately. The shareholders accuse him of running away, but he says he’ll cover all damages with his personal money.

Ryang-ha is upset, since this isn’t even Su-ho’s fault, but Su-ho thinks it’s the right thing to do. Bo-nui overhears them talking, but when Su-ho looks over and sees her, all he can do is smile.

They go to the park and he holds her hand, and asks for her to lean on his shoulder. He forbids her to worry or doubt him, and reminds her to believe in him no matter what. Bo-nui smiles and nods, and they sit, quietly holding each other up.

Later Su-ho packs up his desk, saving Bo-nui’s jar of salt for last. He watches his team working furiously for a minute, then tells them to write a press release explaining that he’s resigning and promising to take care of everything personally. Everyone is shocked, and they beg him not to leave, but he says that they’re as important as he is and that Zeze Factory can go on without him.

Su-ho’s mother comes to the office to ask Bo-nui what’s happening, and Bo-nui assures her that Su-ho will take care of everything. Su-ho’s mother gives her a talisman and says that the fortuneteller blames the raccoon for Su-ho’s misfortune.

Dal-nim calls Bo-nui to tell her that Su-ho is leaving and using his personal money to pay the damages, and Bo-nui runs straight to the fortuneteller. He says that she was too greedy and should have only spent one night with the tiger, and she begs him to say it’s not true, that she’s not the reason this is happening.

The fortuneteller says that nobody will tell her what she wants to hear, but Bo-nui argues that Bo-ra did wake up. She just wants him to tell her that she didn’t cause Su-ho’s misfortune, and the fortuneteller says sadly that she’s given her heart to him, acting as if this is the worst thing that could happen.

Su-ho calls Bo-nui to tell her that he’s unemployed, though he doesn’t seem all that upset about it. He says that he feels good. Zeze Factory was everything to him, but now he has a new everything — her. He’s fine as long as she’s with him.

As she waits for Su-ho, Bo-nui pulls leaves off a branch, designating every other one “no” and “it’s okay.” The last one tells her “no,” and she nods with resignation. She sets the branch down, and when Su-ho comes riding up to her, Bo-nui’s eyes go blank.

Epilogue. The morning after their first night together, Su-ho whines that he wants to hang out with Bo-nui and go to work later. Bo-nui has trouble putting her tiger pendant on so Su-ho helps her, and they take advantage of the closeness to give each other little love-pecks. They hug and giggle like goofballs, then we cut to the fortuneteller chastising Bo-nui for giving her heart to the tiger.

She tells him that no matter how hard he tries to scare her, she won’t change her mind. The fortuneteller says that since he’s put everything into this relationship, he’ll lose everything – his fame will be tarnished, his fortune will disappear, and even the last thing he has, his body, will be destroyed by Bo-nui’s bad luck.


If we’re heading into Noble Idiot territory, I’m gonna be upset. Bo-nui has made such great strides towards actively living her life, and though I can understand her readiness to hide in her superstitions and remove herself from Su-ho, for (what she thinks is) his best interest, I just really want to smack some sense into her. He’s been so good for her, and she just promised to trust in him multiple times, so if she goes back on her word it will be difficult to watch Su-ho’s disappointment.

I’ve long appreciated about Su-ho that he’s been trying so hard, from the very beginning, to find a middle ground with Bo-nui in regards to her superstitions. At first he tried to beat her down with facts and logic, but she pointed out that faith, by definition, is believing in something without empirical truth. That was the point at which he quit trying to make her give up her superstitions, and instead started trying to work with them. Now that their feelings are involved, he’s subtly shifted from “stop believing in that,” to “believe in me first,” and I love it.

It’s not an unreasonable thing to ask of the one you love, to trust in you, so he’s not asking for anything Bo-nui isn’t willing to give. He’s no longer pushing her to do something she’s uncomfortable with, he’s just asking her to shift her trust from something intangible, to something tangible… him and his love for her. He knows her so well, and knows how she thinks – he knew without having to be told that she would jump to the erroneous conclusion that the game’s misfortune would be due to her bad luck, and even as his professionla life is crumbling all around him, Su-ho makes a point to reassure Bo-nui that it’s not her fault. It’s so beautiful, and for a guy who’s been so emotionally and socially stunted, it’s an amazing leap for Su-ho. I honestly expected Bo-nui to be the one to do the most changing for this relationship, but Su-ho is the one who’s come further, risking his closely-guarded heart for a chance at love.

And it’s wonderful that his love has changed Bo-nui’s life so much for the better, by convincing her that she deserves to have normal things like friends and love. She’s pretty much lived in fear for most of her life, afraid that even getting close to someone could put them in danger. But Su-ho is showing her that she can have a good life, and live normally, and that she’s not a bad-luck charm to those around her. It’s nice to see her relax and let herself enjoy even the simplest things like cooking breakfast for the man she loves, and be able to admit that she can have love and it’s okay. Su-ho has been a fantastic influence on her, and it shows on her face even when she’s not with him — it’s clear that she’s finally enjoying life on all levels, and not just living in constant damage-control mode when it’s not even necessary.

So it’s particularly frustrating that Bo-nui falls back on her superstitions the moment something goes wrong, though I guess I can’t blame her too much, since it’s all she’s had that she felt safe trusting for her whole life. And she did try to fight it, to put her trust in Su-ho. But I’ve never trusted that fortuneteller, who seems like he’s been winding Bo-nui up for years just to keep her coming back to him for more advice and talismans, and his “advice” is now actively ruining her life. I’m still unsure if he’s just being reckless with her, or if he’s actively working to keep her roped in and dependent on him, but either way he needs to get gone. At least Bo-nui seems to be standing up to him to a point, which is a step in the right direction.

All I can hope is that Su-ho refuses to let Bo-nui sink into Noble Idiot territory, and if she doesn’t have faith in him, at least I do. He didn’t let her deny her feelings before, and now that he knows for sure how she feels about him, he’s not about to go away without a fight. And Su-ho has a stubborn streak a mile wide — there’s no way Bo-nui can stand up to the force he’ll utilize to keep from losing her. Especially not to her superstitions.


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Okay, I can't hear anything that shaman is saying without hearing an unspoken "...so just kill yourself" lingering at the end of the sentence.

He gives no help, no solution, didn't clarify that she doesn't need to sex up the tiger and then apparently didn't clarify that she needs to never see him again - he just sits there and makes farting faces.

If Bo Nui's been seeing him for two years, I am AMAZED that she has been resilient enough to survive it. Seriously, I wonder how many clients have just killed themselves, convinced that there is no way out. Man.


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I'm upset with the show because they have hinted that the shaman has actual powers.

So if he is not a con artist Bo Nui has no escape.
I don't know where they are going with this story and I'm frustrated.


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Yes, exactly!! He's so flipping infuriating but the show is trying to portray him as legitimately powerful. Which makes me seethe, because I want him to be a phony so hard. I want to see his downfall.


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I totally agree... he is the worst of all to make use of people when they are in their worst situation to make money... I think it is all a coincidence and suho knows it ..

of all the people its boni who deserves to smack the fortune teller... it will be a huge disappointment if all that stupid stuff was real...


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I just want him to stop appearing on the show. I can take it if Bo Nui believes sth said on magazines or fortune telling apps (in ep1 we were showed a notif from fortune telling app in Bo Nui's phone), but to fully believe what the shaman says..nooo!
The shaman's being too specific! Yeah, as though he's really powerful


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I don't think he is a con man but actually believes what he is telling her and obviously she believes it too. My aunt reads tarot cards and does astrology (horoscopes) and she really believes in it - it's her religion. Before planning her surgery or vacations, etc. she will consult the stars to tell her when is a good day! Even though she and others have been proven wrong again and again, she remains as committed as ever in her belief or "faith"


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The strongest feeling I came away from this episode with, was one consisting of, 'I want to slAP THAT DUDE REALLY HARD. And punch him on the nose.'

I'm just really angry and I hate his character so, so much. He's honestly really vile. I don't care if he's supposed to be looking out for her, he's absolutely annoying and I can't stand him.


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Well, the shaman wouldn't advocate Bo-nui to do that - financially he'd lose a client, advertising-word-of-mouth wise, it would be much better to have a 'sucess-story-due-to-my-talismans' than someone who ended sadly.

I still don't know how to categorize him though. He seemed to care about Bo-nui, but then again, says all these things to scare her and beat normal-life out of her......


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SAME. i was like actively furious when he was speaking. he is telling her she can never be happy and is a constant burden and a bad omen to all who know and love her. like he's essentially telling her to just die. thinking your horrible worthless and the world is better off without you is a common reason ppl commit suicide. like srsly why not just go out and say she should kill herself if he rly believes what he is saying to be true??? and the fact that she was TOTALLY ready to kill herself just a few episodes ago...idk what the show is doing with this Mr Kook guy. he doesnt knwo she tried to off herself but honestly what is he expecting out of her? im so confused. SOMEONE EXPLAIN IT TO ME LOGICALLY. like if bo nui IS cursed and the shaman is Right then waht does that mean for her and suho? who wants to watch a drama with that kind of theme/ending? idt they really plan for anyone to die or bo nui to live forever in misery but i am at a loss for what exactly is gonna go down considering there's only 2 eps left. like what kinda deus ex machina is gonna appear...
I mostly enjoyed both this week's eps even with the intense anxiety i felt over Bo Nui and Suho. so unfair she's in a catch 22 sophie's choice situation. if she leaves him he will be "safe" but will also be DEVASTATED. and if she stays he will be happy, but also in mortal danger. i am just cursing up a storm over this tbh. I JUST WANT HER TO BE HAPPY! and her being happy would also make Suho so happy ;_;
=funny thing is the drama has become alot more positive in all the other ways. so i hold out hope for a truly happy ending, but i hope my heart can take the upcoming angst. i feel like i've been hit by a 2x4. (and i wont even get a preview for ep 15 till Tuesday BAH)
Also, when is Suho gonna meet Mr Koo? I keep waiting for them to meet face to face. so far the majority of Koo's predictions have been related to Suho in some way. Bout time he got to say his piece dont ya think? and its time someone who doesnt buy what Koo is selling finally confronts him. it would be so vindicating haha. (i kinda wanna rant a bit about some of the uh narrative choices in ep 14 but spoilers -_-) But yes my truest wish is for the Climax to be an ideological showdown with Suho and Mr Koo. IS THAT WEIRD? he can use his tiger powers to defeat the dark shaman (or curse/spirit idk) that is haunting his gf's life...that way they can keep the spiritual elements while giving us a happy/positive! ending.


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I don't think there is going to be a sad ending because like you said who watch a drama like this one to see a sad ending. But the problem like someone said is that the show is making this fortune teller legitimate like he is not conning her. So well either he is conning her or the show will make him do something to stop the "bonui's curse". But really I hope he is just a con man. To me he is a con man through and through.

I also hoped for a confrontation between the fortune teller and suho to knock some sense into him. Honestly to me all those events are just coincidences. Whether bonui was here or not would not have any impact on his project being stolen (it did happen before)


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I really hate that Shaman too! It was good that she atleast tried to challenge him this Instance. I hope he is fraud and Su-Ho just rips him apart with his clever mouth.
But if in the shows universe the Shaman is right, I hope as with the "sleeping with the tiger" episode, this is also misinterpreted by him. I don't know how/if they could pull It off, but the Raccoon could easily be someone else e.g. Shady Electrician .
Also in the 2nd date where SH talks logic to the fortunetellers, the first fortuneteller(if she was 'good' like BN said then) tells them that SH should release the game in some other month as his stars are wrongly aligned. Doesn't that make this fiasco SHs fate and not BNs fault.


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Once and for all, the morning-after scene... did they or didn't they?


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It seems controversial. But Suha held the blanket around him when he got out. Also Bora woke up after. So...


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Haha! I think so, too.

I was kinda iffy before since the first time they 'slept' together, Bora moved her finger proportionate to what touched. So wondering how come she's still not out of bed after Episode 12?


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They definitely did it! Hahaha.

Him geting up with the blanket wrapped around him and the awkward shyness the morning after? Haha

Or am I delusional? Hahaha


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Her name, Bo Nui always reminds of the French words Bonne Nuit which means good night. I think they had a very good night!!


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You know what? I am French and never thought of it! I guess it somehow sounds a bit alike. I think that her name does fit the situation and that they spent a bonne nuit too


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My money's on Didn't xD. Based on the striped tee and the navy blue button-down on the bed post, Suho must have worn a white tee and his khaki shorts to bed. Suho is just unnecessarily shy, he wraps the blanky around his shorts in the morning xD. And Bonui changes her nightgown to fit in the color scheme because PD-nim said so. Lol.

To think simply, this is Dramaland and it's totally normal for 30-something male and female leads to be virgins and relationship noobs. xD


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actually it DOES kinda make sense for Suho/Bo Nui's courtship to be so cute and innocent so far. Suho made it clear she's a first for him in All the ways haha. and Bo Nui spent what's probably a decade of her life hating herself and devoting herself purely to her sister. so like, i doubt she's gotten to play the field much herself so to speak. its a brand new thing for both of them and i like watching them just be intimate and cute together. lots of skinship and cuddling and sharing a space even without any actual Sex. (plus some ppl dont have much or any sex in their relationships. it DOES happen! not saying it will or should happen here but it wouldnt bother me in this specific case)


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They did.
If anyone watched Secret Love Affair, there was a similar scene where they showed stills of the apartment while the couple conversed out of the shot in each other's arms.
It gave me the same vibe of two people very comfortable with each other, and made me smile.


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Ha, the moment they started to show random stuff in her apartment with their voiceover I knew someone in the production team watched SLA and decided..hey, let's make a non cable version of this. Lol


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And when you think everything finally makes sense and you start to really enjoy the show, here comes the 14th-episode usual angst(for 16-episodes long dramas) that makes you wonder: WHY AM I STILL WATCHING THIS?



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I know. Just finished the raw.

Just glad that we have had so much cuteness in the interim. Roll onto next week for the finale and our goodbyes to weekly doses of RJY T_T


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Excellent comment! I especially agree with the last sentence. :)))
I have dropped many dramas in middle( A gentleman's Dignity, Trot lovers, Sly and Single Again), early eps (Dr Jin LOL), near the end (Cheese in the Trap). If it wasn't for Soohu, Dalnim, and Sohu's friend , I would have already dropped this drama. But the main character is soooo well-performed that if this drama had 32 episode, I would watch till the end. Because I just cannot get enough of endearing and dorky Je Sohu :))))


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I'm not much of a re-watcher of dramas, but I might just re-watch this one for solely ONE reason. Je. Su. Ho.


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We all need a Je Su Ho in our lives. He's utterly wonderful and just so endearing to watch as he loves Bo Nui in a swoony steadfast manner.

One more week. Happy and sad at the same time. Lovely performances by all. I think this is the best I've seen of HJE, the little shifts in tonality and nuances of her feelings as she's giggling with RJY one minute and worrying about her bad luck in the next.

Also, the shaman really needs to go. Like, RIGHT NOW!


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Whyy the ratings have dropped so much?????? Ryo Joon Yeol deserves good ratings for his superrrrrr amaziiinggg acting. He has possessed the character and I cannot imagine other actors playing Soohu.
I hope he gets an award for his hard work.
I think it is writer's fault for the poor ratings, because the story has flaws and lacks some solid storyline. The whole drama, Boni is obssessed with superstious stuff and the writer has made her misrable. So are the viewers supposed to believe that Boni has bad luck and brings harm for people around?? I think it is wrong!!


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i want him to get an award too. he definitely deserves one.


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HOPEFULLY the drama's low ratings doesn't prevent Ryu Jun Yeol from acting in anymore dramas. I hope to see him on my screen again.


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I knoww he totally deserves an award!! So different from his R88 character too. JungHwan who? JK. I was hoping LR would hit 10% bc RJY so deserves the recognition, but doesn't look like it'll happen. I blame the writer and plot too because all the actors have been elevating their characters!


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Re: ratings
Simple, everyone had to check what the hype about UF was all about. And since Wanted is a suspense thriller the viewers who were watching it the past weeks will continue to do so.


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Are we sure Bo Nui and Su Ho's mom are seeing the same shaman? They seem to get such different experiences... What is his reason for treating Bo Nui like a second class citizen? Just for kicks? Trying to make money off an easy target? Trying to break her bad habits with a tough love method? Does he think she wronged him in a previous life? If this show ends without giving something I will be somewhat disgruntled.


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It is so frustrating that the central conflict in this drama is based on the words of some psycho fortune teller who tells Bo Nui that she can never ever be happy or be loved. Like wtf, that's some crazy shit show.

I hope the hacker storyline resolves itself soon and we can go back to Bo Nui and So-ho just being cute together, because that's really when the show is best. I now have a complete crush on Ryu Joon Yul. He's unexpectedly my favourite male lead out of all the dramas that have aired this year.


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When I saw that freaking fortune teller guy I just wished him dead. Can't he just die? I mean, that would totally solve the issue!


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Did anyone else catch the Reply 1988 reference between DalNim and RyangHa LOL. Ryang Ha, "Hajima Sogaeting" slayed me so hard LMAO. I busted a gut from laughing too much


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YES!!!! Clearly, the writer is a fan of Jung Hwan too.. XDDDDDDDDDD. And then the cut after it, when they are doing the "two-young-lovers-run-off-to-their-happy-ending" run. That was tongue-in-cheek cheesiness that let both Dalnim & Ryang-ha shine !


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Yes, the last hand-in-hand run is straight out of the commercial RJY did for Hyundae, except that this time the girl appears on the screen instead of just the arm!


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Hahahaha I literally squealed at ryangha's "hajima sogaeting". Thank you LR writer-nim!!!! It's like RH was doing a parody, lol.
Looks like I choose the right username after all :D


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Didn't catch that, but thanks for pointing it out!


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I wonder if the Chicken store owner can fix the ransomware issue?


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OMG! Never thought of that happening. In fact I've really wanted BoNui to do the fixing, but I guess Chicken Man doing the problem-solving will be a useful way of using his character.


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You mean chicken store owner who was heavily implied to be his actual father? ^_^


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Truthfully, storyline wise im shipping the second story more.. Ryang-ha and Dal-nim!! i mean they are just so cute <3


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So I am here to comment on how they allowed the game manipulation thing to happen again. It happened to their first game, Genius II. Didn't they learn anything from that incident???? I was so mad while watching that scene. The mysterious guy just strolled into their office and took the game. The end!!!!!!!! I am a programmer and I am not even that crazy to leave my codes on my laptop like that. Not when I have an exhibition/project to present the next day. I have no more words for them again! I'll just wait and see how they solve it.

Asides that, I'm loving their cutesy love. I literally giggle each time they turn the cute on. Love the random hugs, peck. Feels so natural!!!!


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I know!! That level of laxness in the whole protection level just doesn't make sense to me.


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It was really lazy writing.


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Its beyond lazy writing... the plot holes are as big as grey's denim pant holes..

really at least for genius game he was the core programmers and had complete acess..
He has least knowledge of such a complex game program yet managed to mess it ...
This also makes su-ho reckless for making the same mistake twice when he claims to be such a genius...


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Agree...I sort of felt like he was right to step down as CEO because he made such a stupid mistake twice :-/ Lazy writing.


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Yeah, that was... silly. I get why they used a really obvious scenario so that tech innocents would understand what's happening, but there's no way that any game pre-launch would be that vulnerable. Even with a direct company download (circumventing the rigorous app testing that any storefront would conduct in the weeks prior to release), there would be people in that office 24/7. A security guard would not have access to those areas. The game would be in a locked environment. The night before a launch is just not going to be the time to embed an entire ransomware hook.

But the vast majority of the audience don't have any contact with software releases, so it's just a small segment of us pulling out our hair and howling. And we were already keeling over at the idea of a company who developed gaming apps making a leap into first-person highly interactive VR in three months anyway.


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Seriously, I don't work in programming or anything computer related, but that "electrician" getting in was so pathetic of the writers!!! And then, the next day, security comes in and Bo Nul doesn't; even mention that there was some "electrician" working there that night - stupid amnesia or what. Duh....who was that strange guy....duh....must be ok.
I have a theory. Shaman guy is a gaming spy who set her up to ruin ZeZe and made her believe she is the cause of all the problems and this was all some big plot to ruin ZeZe. Crazy? Yes, but no more so than a bunch of stupids letting fake electrician in without blinking. Dumb show. The romance is adorable but the plot is dumber than dirt.


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Definetely the plot is dumber than dirt LOL. I'm pretty sure without RJY and HJE this drama would not have done well


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Sigh, isn't it amazing how stupid dramas can still be written these days? Again the writer should be thankful for the casting otherwise who else would still watch this show...


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It's infuriatingly unrealistic. They have a retinal scan security system ... they really would not have given the guard a master key for their office.

The game is on smartphones... that means it has to come from something like the GooglePlay or iTunes store. Stuff doesn't get put up there without some amount of screening for viruses. But no they were saying it was downloaded from their server (the install file name even ended in .exe which is not correct for systems other than Windows!) which they actually control. Nooooo.


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One more week... I can't imagine anyone else, but RJY and HJE, to bring life to Suho's and Bonui's characters. Suho is one of the best main characters in dramas I've seen for a while. Please, Bonui, don't go back to the dark...


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I'm not worried about the angst and drama at all because i know they'll overcome it and wrap it tight in a neat little bow by next week. It's a little annoying that they couldn't come up with a better conflict when they already went through the whole hacker scenario at the beginning, but I kinda gave up on a good plot awhile ago. This drama is all about the characters! I love everyone - even Amy is growing on me a little.

I was really moved by the tears coming from HJE during the epilogue Shaman scene. Beautifully done.

I am so going to miss seeing RJY and HJE light up my screen! And kisses galore! Oh RJY - virgin lips no more!


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I actually like that the hacker thing had happened before - because it shows that when it happens, it is because of the those disgruntled & greedy workers, not because of Bo-nui's bad luck. She was the one who actually help solve it the first go-around.

And while she thinks it was her bad luck, I think this episode and the one before it shows how much luck Bo-nui actually has. She's helped bridged (somewhat) Su-ho and his parents, helped out old Boss, helped Zeze with a new game idea, helped Gary eventually reunite with his dad. As viewers, we see how many wonderful things she has going on (best friend ever Dal-nim, so sweet Su-ho, her brains, her health).... so I saw the twice hacked thing as a good "life & crap happens, yo" emphasis, rather than yet another bad luck Bo-nui thing.


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I like your analysis of how it's not because of Bonui's luck, but it's hard to believe that a top tech company can have two hacking incidents one month apart from each other right before a mega release. I just think they could've come up with another conflict to prove that point. I'm still confused by what kind of message this drama is trying to send. Are we victims of our fate, or are we masters of our destiny...?


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The message is obvious!! Beware of raccoons!! There is NOT one but two raccoons tailing ZEZE. The hacker and the shaman.


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cz, I also like your points. I've noticed to that - in concrete ways - BN seems to bring more good to people around her than bad. Look at how SH has changed after all! Though we could argue he was always awesome to begin with and BN had little to do with it other than being...there.

I can't decide if the drama wants us to believe in the bad luck and the unchangeable fate - which is a depressing message and seems a little much even for Korean culture which seems to love fate when it comes to "fated to be together." It certainly seems that the drama wants us to believe in BN's bad luck.

But her bad luck, if she truly exudes such juju, comes in a very intangible form. All the tangible good she's effected seems to nullify the claims of bad luck. There's no solid evidence we've seen of her bad luck. Nothing that she's done directly has hurt anyone. If anyone in this drama has bad juju, it's her former boss who has terrible judgement and is so susceptible to "get rich quick" schemes.


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"BN seems to bring more good to people around her than bad. Look at how SH has changed after all! Though we could argue he was always awesome to begin with and BN had little to do with it other than being…there."

.. See this is where bad writing comes in. The initial impression of SH was this closed up, sort of anti social person who was just obsessed with work .. And then he turned into this adorkable goofball that everyone loved. He was patient with BN, was firm but kind to amy, looked after BN and her sister, was mature when dealing with ruckus his dad caused at CA's shop etc etc ....

But where did this growth come from ? In a rom-com, the idea would be that it came from BN ... but all BN did was tell him that he was a nice person. Thats it. For the first 9 episodes she is basically telling him to get lost and not interfere in her decisions.

It would make more sense had they had more of those pretend "dates" in the beginning where she sort of broke down his walls. I never understood why he was fixated on her in the first place since they never bonded BEFORE he went all cute on her


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true words su-ho's influence on boni's growth is so much when she has done so least towards him... her only words were be happy that your parents are alive and don't care if they are the worst people you have met.. who throw a seven year old into ocean and send him to foreign land alone... she always calls him on mistreating his parents when he has such a solid reason... I get why bo-ni likes su-ho but don't get what su-ho saw in bo-ni to make her his everything..?
Writer didn't use the pretend date premises properly and made the tiger hunt too dangerous and meaningless...


Well, I don't want to excuse away everything the writer is doing because the flow has been very predictable/formula, but as for Su-ho liking Bo-nui:

He has nothing to care about other than his company, since his one friend (Ryang-ha) is a major stockholder, Su-ho has only poured his life into his games.

Everyone else in his life is asking him for money or wanting him to do something. When Bo-nui comes along, she interacts with him on a human-level, instead of business/employee/work/money type of talk. She shows her warmth for her sister, her desperation (perhaps he saw her dependence on fortune telling pitiable at first), her smartness (though not genius level, she is plenty smart and was the first one in the hiring round to find the bug of whatever)... and also that she was pretty. So Su-ho is surprised and intrigued by her, and then worries and wants to protect her, as she was throwing herself into ridiculous dangerous situations. That's exactly how he said it to Amy: he wants to protect her, and wants her not to worry/be scared/be stressed. So love and relationship grew out of that -

which (ugh) is exactly the 'knight in shining armor prince' trope, [rich guy covers over pitiable, hard-working Cady, complete with surprise first kiss, wrist grab, stalking, sad childhood/past] , but it's not out of nowhere or impossible to grasp


Candy* I mean,

Also, wanted to add; this is why RJY's Su-ho makes this so fun to watch. The charm and cuteness he exudes, not necessarily the written-character of Su-ho.


I was shell-shocked by episode 12's pacing (it felt like the last episode, dear god) and found the couple quite nauseating in their behaviour, but episode 13 confirms to me that I'm really attached to the couple. RJY's acting is just killing it. Really liked this episode and it brought me relief as I really didn't like how ep 12 rolled.

I love how Su-Ho just knows what BoNui is like with the whole-self blame issue and tries to nip her thoughts in the bud, and I hope against hope that BN won't turn into a noble idiot. Also reeeeeally liked how the whole rivals issue was wrapped up, with Amy giving up and blessing them, and Gary, to my relief, actually contemplating and coming to the conclusion that he didn't like BN after all. They're adorable as siblings. The moment when SuHo went and visited him got me 'awwwwing' out loud. I'm glad they're on 'okay' terms now.

The friendship Dal-nim and Amy struck up was the best. Thing. Ever. I've always liked Amy, and wanted to like her in her more awful moments, and I'm glad they portrayed her in a positive, redeemed light here. I replayed the scene where Amy grabbed Dal-Nim's cheeks and said she was cute, twice. It was adorable, and so funny because Dal-Nim was immediately all 'Awww' and you could see them become friends right there, haha. Also they're quite shippable. Whilst Ryang-ha is likeable and all, I'm kind annoyed by the way he wrist-grabbed her and dragged her off mid-date. The scene was very unromantically like he was disciplining a small child. When will wrist-grabs die...

Also, I hate the fortune-teller with a passion. Nothing will convince me that he's not the devil in human form. If there were no extreme repurcussions, I feel like I would cheer if BoNui pushed him off a cliff.


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I totally agree with you about Amy!

and also about the wrist grab... I really like Dal Nim's and Ryang Ha's scenes but I'm meh about some things (like the wrist grab or her makeover)


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Lee Chung Ah's acting as Amy is convincing because I really really find "Amy" annoying when she tried to shoo Bonui away and stick to Suho, haha. But when she said "I will never believe it until I see it with my own eyes" and voila she saw boho couple hugging and smiling, she didn't plan any scheme to separate them but instead giving it a closure by her own, even making friends with the ever adorable dalnim. It's nice to see a 2nd female lead that's mature enough to let go before the last minutes of the last episode. Also becoming unni and dongsaeng after getting drunk and pulling each other's hair is one of the cutest thing I've ever watched in kdrama, haha


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I am so glad to see that the vast majority here just want the fortune teller to fall off the face of the earth. I understand that there is conflict in a ’drama,’ but let us get real here, sometimes it is too much!! With her track record you expected trouble in paradise when you saw shifty electrician. Now all has to be forfeited to make it right and sparkly in the world??? Please give us a break and some thought for the mental acuity that we all have, we have to have it, we can type our thoughts and feelings our, right?


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the whole sabotaged game issue made me so mad I had to skip it, just like I skipped all Gary scenes (sorry dude! but you've become kinda pointless to the non existent plot!)

I'm liking Amy again, which I'm glad for, or maybe it's just Dal Nim elevating everyone around her.

Su Ho remains one of my favourite male leads ever, definitely Top 3. I've also been loving Bo Nui more and more, so please.... please.... no Noble Idiocy.

Just one time. Can't we skip it?

also someone take out that Shaman


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Initially, the shaman character didn't bother me much. I could even get behind the drama's seeming implication that BN's superstitions are valid and the shaman truly has power. But something about this episode crossed the line for me from being something I could suspend my disbelief for, to being wholly frustrated as most of you have been from the beginning.

In all these years of consulting with him, the shaman has only given BN temporary solutions. Why hasn't he helped her permanently get rid of her bad juju? If the drama is continuing with the message that BN's fears are valid and the shaman actually knows his stuff, I refuse to believe this is a world in which people cannot change their luck quotient. Frankly, I thought this drama was going to go the way of suggesting that SH's luck as a tiger was so strong, that sleeping with him would sort of cancel things out so they'd both have normal luck levels.

I fail to see how they are going to happily resolve things (except by some dumb deus ex-machina way) if they keep with the message that BN and the shaman's beliefs are true. As annoyed as I was with him this episode, I don't think the shaman is a conman, nor do I want to see him as such. I think he genuinely believes what he tells her...but I still hate him for never truly giving her a permanent solution to her bad luck.

That being said, I still love this show for SU. And our side-love story between RH and DM was pretty cute this episode. I may wait until the drama ends next week to watch the rest so I can speed through ep 14's inevitable angst.


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whoops! *SH, not SU
Also, *DN (Dal-nim) not DM


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Yes, I don't know what is going on with that Shaman. If sleeping with a tiger (or spending the night) would have woken up her sister, why didn't he say so in the two years she'd been coming to him? And that would have given Bo-nui enough time to look, instead of being desperate in the last month.

Or tell her the permanent way to stave off her bad luck? Surely if a bear can eat garlic for 40 days to be a human (a folktale), then Bo-nui can eat 40 days of red beans to have normal luck.

Honestly, I don't know what they mean to do with shaman, luck, and whether it is all a sham or (within-the-drama) true.


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I love them all and the show but come ON already - CCTV in the lobby, halls, elevators much? The chicken restaurant probably has better security.


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It's funny because I just finished King of High School Savvy the other day and at the end!!! Amy appears lol. Maybe they're meant to be together in this one? Idk... it doesn't seem like it, but you never know in kdrama land


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This drama is cute and stupid at the same time.
This fortune teller thing is crossing the line. It was suposed to be funny but now it's annoying.

I think it's a waste of a character like So-hu. He is amazing and so damn cute. Can we put him as a main on another drama? Do you guys know where can I buy someone just like him? I want an Oppa like that. ??


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Ryang-ha: "Hajima, seogeting."
It's the famous Jung-hwan's line from R98. Haha.


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When your mind and heart are full of Je Suho, typo is unavoidable. Lol. Sorry.


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That parody was jjang!


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RJY looks exhausted in that first screencap.


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So after seeing a few gifs of episode 12 on twitter, I knew I had to catch up with this drama. It only took 5 days. I'm so just in love with RJY and I'm so glad he wasn't stuck in second lead land right after Reply 1988. That parody line though...I was clapping like a seal. And now I wait for Dal-nim to realize she loves "coffee shop manager"


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I admit, I was expecting in the previous episode for something to go wrong with the plane--but it turns out it was just PPL for expedia and Vegas. Once that hurdle was passed, I thought maybe, just maybe we won't have any sudden Noble Idiocy... But alas, it looks like we arent going to be that lucky. Where's my salt and lucky beans?


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Evil Shaman - ST*U !!!

... seriously where is the story going. The entire plot is driven by words of a crooked hoky-poky fortune teller ? The security breach made me cringe. I can't believe any company has that lax security let alone an IT company a day before launch.

As always SH was adorable. His first instinct is always to reassure BN that she is not at fault. And that scene on the rooftop - RJY should just film confession/proposal scenes only. He makes my heart go pitter-patter.

Finally, BN begins to let go of her superstitions. It was so sad to see her plead the shaman to tell her that she was not responsible. And the shaman %$#!^& .... btw, did anyone notice BN dressed much better this episode. No jeans underneath the skirts. We actually saw some leg!!!

... the friendship b/w DL and amy was awww ... i wish they had explored it earlier bec those two would have been a hoot!


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Oh the shaman. I just don't get what he wants and he is frustrating :/ Just when Bonui saw what Suho did for her at the rooftop, she shed happy tears and said it's good that she didn't give up and lived on (choked up a bit at that part). Then Mr. Shaman just had to tell her that her "knife" will hurt people around her and she shouldn't be greedy. So he suggest that she should just live isolated? Or just die so her bad luck disappear? She isn't a disease or something, she's a human being T.T Je Suho is very correct to convince her again and again that she is not at fault. In Suho I trust! Plus there's Dalnim that already told her it's okay to be unlucky for a day she she hugged Bonui. Please please let the poor girl realize she is worth to be happy.
Meanwhile dalnim and ryangha ship is preparing to sail away to lovey dovey ocean. I just love my username.


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I really do not understand the security lapse n why nobody noticed from the security camera's shot that there was someone with Mr Won, just like how Bonui herself wasn't curious when she saw him.
I too believe Chicken uncle will solve the code. Just not sure whether to hope he's Suho 's dad hence the inheritance of the genius gene.
I just love RJY n really glad that he's going to get the girl (SPOILER REDACTED)!


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did anyone notice Ryang Ha's " hajima hajima seogaeting"(don't ..don't go on blind dates) parody of ryu jeon yul character in reply 1988? loooooooool


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I was screaming internally from when the phoney electrician appeared til the last scene with the fortune teller. WHYYYYY??!!


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Hi. Thank you for the review, as always. I like it when you wrote ' In the morning they’re cuddled into her tiny bunk bed, all curled around each other like contented kittens and holding hands in their sleep..' Yes, thank you for that vivid mental image because after this my kittens will never look the same. I will always think about JSH and SBN every time I see those sleeping kittens! hehehe..

Actually, one of my prayers right now is for ZEZE Factory to solve their problem and with the help of the Chicken Uncle. Well, one can always pray. Still numb but life must go on. And please, with so few episodes to go, don't let JSH got amnesia. Too lame already! And what actually happen to Mr Won? I know I hate him for all sorts of reasons before this but don't make me hate him for betrayal. After what BoNui and SooHo did for him. And finally, can they make Soo Ho someone who is already strong metaphysically, that any bad luck virus from BoNui won't harm him in any way? Because, I love him too much to see him get hurt in any way. :(


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So far, this is the most painful episode for me to watch since starting from the earlier scenes until the end, there were so many events foreshadowing that many things bad will happen later. I just hope Soo Ho and Bo Nui will stay strong because in reality, shit happens but it's a real waste to blame everything on luck. Sometimes, or many times, it's just a matter of choices and how we decide on them. Let's just hope the writers think the same. :/


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Btw since we had the Subway discussion yesterday at Doctors' recap... I just realized that it hasn't made an appearance here (yet)...how is that even possible? Lol


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Don't mention its name! :O


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I'm really curious how the writer gonna end this show. This superstitions thing already gone far, and I'm gonna really upset if by the end of the show they will resolve bonui's 'bad luck' with simple thing (like sleeping with tiger turnout just to sleepover without sex). Come on!! After all bonui's hardship and makes me frustrating. It will be a complete lame plot ever. But hell .. still love the show tho ..


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I just wanted to say I really like the Tertiary Couple of Coffee Boss and Dal-nim. They have completely upstaged the official secondary couple. They are heading into Jack & Karen (from Will & Grace) territory.


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This show is frustrating, it's clear that the writer has run out of things to write. To be very honest the quality of last few episodes have decreased drastically, especially with how they wrap things up. The second leads gave up almost too easily (even though seeing second leads who just won't give up is also annoying), things are resolved so... easily.

I know there's gonna be some cliche huge bombs towards the end since they still have 3 episodes left, which equals to 3 hours, and that's quite a long time. But I decide to close my eyes and just root for the characters, because one good thing that this writer managed to do is making her characters so lovable, especially Je Suho. He's so well written (although he makes no sense sometimes, no matter how genius he is), and Ryu Junyeol being so lovey dovey and all smiles and kisses and hugs is just a very happy sight. Yes I love him that much.


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It's a show that I love so much for both the leads but hate so much because of all the set ups. What the heck. How can a shaman say that it's because of her? Isn't it that his job should be to take that bad spirit away? I'm annoyed.


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Ryu Joon Yeol needs to tell us his skincare regime, or at least tell us what foundation he's using.


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