Jealousy Incarnate: Episode 11

The rivalry gets real, as emotions are put out in the open and cannot be ignored. Hwa-shin finds himself straddling the contradictory line between loyalty and jealousy, and it’s clearly driving him crazy. He claims to be choosing loyalty, but in rare small moments, it’s clear how much he’s trying to hold back from an exponentially growing crush.


Hwa-shin seriously considers Hye-won’s trolling offer to steal Na-ri and says, “I’ll try being a bastard for once.” Hearing this, Hye-won looks slight surprised, and Jung-won walks away from his eavesdropping corner. As he flees down the stairs, he stops, climbs back up, and stops again.

Na-ri finally calls out to Hwa-shin and asks what he’s doing at the adjacent building. Hwa-shin says that he’s moving there to live closer to Pal-gang, and Na-ri accusingly asks why he’s checking the place out with Hye-won. Quickly clearing up the misunderstanding, Hye-won clarifies that she could never live in such a place, and before she leaves, she tells Hwa-shin that she’ll come through on his request (to lend money for the place).

Hwa-shin asks if she doesn’t like him moving there, and she tells him that it’s a little weird that they’ll be seeing each other every day. He agrees, saying that it’ll be very weird, and storms into his new place.

Jung-won waits for Hye-won, and they sit in his car to talk about Hwa-shin. He knows that Hwa-shin won’t tell him anything, so he’s asking Hye-won to divulge the truth. She says that Hwa-shin can’t make himself a bastard — just look at how he ran away to Thailand, refused to date her, and is now secretly crushing on Na-ri, who harbored a three-year-long crush on Hwa-shin.

Hye-won assures him that Na-ri has no interest in Hwa-shin because she likes Jung-won now. Then, Jung-won gets a call from Hwa-shin. He doesn’t answer it, and Hye-won suggests: “Your friend is trying hard to hide his feelings. How about you feign ignorance and keep going your way?”

Chi-yeol looks delighted to see his noona home and tells her that he’s happy that she’s back. But Na-ri has more serious matters on her mind and asks if he wants to move, since the rooftop house in the adjacent building is too close to theirs. Chi-yeol flatly refuses the suggestion, leaving Na-ri to brush her teeth deep in her predicament.

Jung-won walks to a pojangmacha, where Hwa-shin is already drinking away (ahh stop going against doctor’s orders, ya fool!). As he sits down and pours himself a drink, Hwa-shin asks how his date went. He immediately follows that with an apology: “I’m sorry, I like Pyo Na-ri. I’m going to confess to her.” Jung-won won’t allow it, but Hwa-shin responds that he doesn’t need his friend’s permission.

Jung-won continues to tell him not to, so Hwa-shin says that he’ll stop being Jung-won’s friend — he feels too guilty towards him. As expected, Jung-won continues to tell Hwa-shin that he can’t do any of that, so Hwa-shin asks what he can do. Jung-won tells him to remain as they are now, but Hwa-shin can’t do that because he’s going crazy just watching the two lovebirds together.

With complete honesty, he says, “I want to hold hands with Na-ri, hug her, kiss her, and sleep with her.” Jung-won tells him to repeat that, and when he does without hesitation, Jung-won calls him a bastard. Hwa-shin accepts that title and admits, “I wanted to confess at least to you. I can’t confess to Na-ri even if I die because of you. Na-ri won’t know until she dies, so don’t worry.” Ahh, he’s breaking his own heart. Jung-won tells Hwa-shin that he’ll forget this conversation ever happened, and Hwa-shin walks away.

At the restaurant, Chef cooks with sunglasses on to avoid making more wink mistakes. The three kids enter the restaurant, and Ja-young asks what they want to eat. She tells Chef that Chi-yeol is also her son now, and she winks at him. His usually stoic face betrays a small smile, and it’s adorable.

Dae-gu reminds Uncle Chef about his college entrance consultation, and Ja-young eagerly offers to go with Pal-gang. She’s still acting distanced and prickly, so Chef offers to go with Ja-young for all three of them.

Sung-sook makes herself ramen and thinks back to Chef’s (unintentional) wink. She smiles to herself and calls him cute.

Na-ri sees Hwa-shin walking past the convenience store where little Beom (Na-ri’s stepmom’s son) is coloring away, and she chases after him to offer him ice cream. Hwa-shin tries to avoid her, but her persistence provokes an outburst. He yells at her to get lost, but Na-ri follows him and complains that he’s the one who should get lost — can’t he move elsewhere?

Hwa-shin says that she has no say in where he lives, since she’s not living with him. He walks away but turns back around to tell her to disappear from his sight, whether she emigrates or goes to the stars. As he walks away, she asks if he’s done talking, and he turns right back around to command that she not talk to him.

Fed up with Hwa-shin’s pettiness, Na-ri yells at him and impulsively throws the ice cream. It flies in slow motion towards him, and it hits bullseye. The chocolate ice cream splatters over his face and shirt, and Na-ri rushes over in complete regret. She offers to clean his shirt and begs for forgiveness.

As she tries to unbutton his shirt, she sees the line marked across his chest and asks if he’s visiting the hospital as instructed. He wonders if Na-ri paid rent for his chest, since she acts like she owns it. Na-ri doesn’t seem to register much other than her own apologies and continues to beg for forgiveness while also offering to buy him a new ice cream as a special dairy treat from his radiation dairy ban.

Hwa-shin pushes her away, leaving Na-ri close to tears and anxiously pacing in regret. As he walks away, he laughs to himself in disbelief, scoffing to himself, “How can she be so cute?” Heeeee.

We flashback to Na-ri’s hardcore crushing years. Na-ri finds Hwa-shin at Quiznos (the new Subway?) and asks to exchange half of their sandwiches to get a taste of both. He’s not welcoming of her advances and leaves her to finish the rest of his sandwich. But when he gets to a café, he finds her right behind him in line. She claims that she’s just running an errand, but Hwa-shin looks uncomfortable.

Na-ri brings up how a lot of blind dates happen at this café, and Hwa-shin shoos her away because he’ll be on a blind date very soon. Dejected, Na-ri walks away, and turns out, he wasn’t lying. He meets with his blind date counterpart (cameo by Han Ji-min using her name in her appearance), who’s an Eastern medicine clinician.

Hwa-shin rubs his chest from supposed indigestion (he claims it’s from a strange lady who wanted to share sandwiches), so she comes to his side to use her skills. As she checks his pulse and rubs his chest, Na-ri watches with laser eyes and a frown from the stairs. Ji-min notices her, and Hwa-shin tells her that it’s nobody while urgently waving her away. They hit it off and make plans for the weekend, while Na-ri wallows in disappointment and denial.

In the elevator, Hwa-shins’ colleagues tease him about Na-ri. PD Oh wonders what’s there to like about Hwa-shin, and Dong-gi suggests that he just date her if he’s ever bored (ugh). Then, the elevator opens, and Na-ri walks in. She asks Hwa-shin if he’s eaten already, and the guys all crack up at her obvious crushing. Hwa-shin ends the humiliation but asking Na-ri if she likes him. Before she can answer, he puts words into her mouth and tells her to pick out of the rest of the guys in the elevator since she doesn’t like him. Na-ri falls silent and tears fill her eyes.

Tearful Na-ri is paralleled with tearful Hwa-shin, as we jump back to the present. Hwa-shin looks anguished with regret and frustration, and he lets out his anger by kicking the shit out of a bucket. Na-ri looks at him strangely but quickly enters her own house with little care.

Secretary Cha tells Jung-won that his mother ordered him to find Na-ri’s number. They know what that means, and Jung-won dictates Secretary Cha’s response: Interfering will only cause their love to grow stronger, and it may be more useful to let them grow apart naturally. Secretary Cha can sense something is wrong, but Jung-won simply orders him to drive Na-ri to work the next morning.

It’s before sunrise, and Na-ri rushes out to get to work. Chi-yeol asks about her availability the next morning, but Na-ri is busy with a live shoot. He doesn’t tell her about the consultation at school and tells her to go to work. At work, Na-ri wonders why Jung-won didn’t come to pick her up directly that morning and tells herself that she should understand his busy life as his girlfriend.

Hwa-shin enters the Pal-gang and Moms residence and tells Pal-gang that he’s taking her to school from now on. She refuses to go to school, and the moms don’t let her leave before she eats breakfast. At the breakfast table, Ja-young doesn’t allow Sung-sook to eat any of her cooked food, so Sung-sook microwaves the forbidden mother-in-law dumplings from the fridge.

Hwa-shin tells Pal-gang that he’ll take care of her like her father and offers her allowance money. She asks for 10 million won over ten years so that he can repay the debt that he caused for her father. Being the ass that he is, he recalculates the exact amount and corrects her that it’s actually over eight years and four months.

He steals dumplings from Sung-sook’s plate and correctly identifies them as his mother’s dumplings. Cue: mother/mother-in-law entrance. Mom asks Hwa-shin if he’s still wearing bras nowadays and reminds Pal-gang’s moms about her warning that they’d be dead to her if anyone other than Pal-gang touched the dumplings. She can’t believe that they’re able to live together, and she asks Hwa-shin why he’s in the house too. He simply answers that he moved here, much to everyone’s surprise.

Jung-won sits through a meeting with the board members, but he walks out mid-meeting with different priorities. As he drives, he thinks about his fight with Hwa-shin in the boxing ring, when Hwa-shin kept hitting the back of his head (a phrase that means “backstabbing”).

Hwa-shin gets hit on the back of his head by PD Oh, who gives him the task of reporting from the mud beach where Na-ri will be reporting the weather tomorrow. Hwa-shin says that he’ll go alone because of the distractions. Sung-sook swoops in to steal this item, and she claims that showing the anchor also reporting from the site can add credibility to her position and the station as a whole. She tries to convince PD Oh that he could benefit from this as well, and he seems sold.

Hwa-shin will not watch his item being stolen right in front of him, but Sung-sook argues that there’s no rule that anchors are stuck in the studio. Hwa-shin tells her that this won’t help her, as a woman, to claim the spot of the 9 o’clock main anchor spot. He demands her to compete fairly, but PD Oh has already decided to pass this item to Sung-sook.

Jung-won arrives at the station, and Soo-jung sees him storm inside. At the station, Na-ri suggests a myriad of options to make up for her impulsive ice cream splat, but Hwa-shin isn’t interested. He goes into the bathroom, and Na-ri quickly runs out after realizing where she blindly followed him into. Jung-won watches her pass by and enters the bathroom to confront Hwa-shin.

In the bathroom, Jung-won expresses his anger in response to Hwa-shin’s confession last night. He tells Hwa-shin not to interact with Na-ri in any way and insults him: “You’re a fool for introducing me to a woman you didn’t realize you like, an idiot for using Pal-gang as an excuse to live closer to Na-ri, a pervert who enjoys the thrill of liking his friend’s girlfriend, and a backstabber in a boxing match.” Hwa-shin acknowledges all of this, and Jung-won just tells him to shut up.

Jung-won walks out into the lobby after his word-vomit, but he walks back inside. Hwa-shin walks into the newsroom set, where Hye-won warns him to be careful — he could potentially lose both a friend and love. He says that his friendship with Jung-won can’t easily be shaken by a woman, but she wonders if that’s true as she watches Jung-won barge into the set.

Jung-won demands to know why Hwa-shin left Na-ri to crush on him for three years. Hwa-shin tells Hye-won to leave, but she decides to stay and watch this new side of Jung-won, who’s infuriated that Hwa-shin let Na-ri suffer through her crush for so long. Hwa-shin claims that he’s kicking himself in the foot and yells at Jung-won to stop antagonizing him.

He goes a step further and asks Jung-won if he’s implying that Hwa-shin should have accepted Na-ri’s crush then. If he had, then he would have never introduced Na-ri to Jung-won. Is that what Jung-won wants? Should Hwa-shin win her back? Simmering with rage, Jung-won orders Hwa-shin to hide his feelings from Na-ri. Hwa-shin’s late and lost his chance when he introduced Na-ri to him.

As they continue their tense bickering, Hye-won announces that Na-ri is entering the scene. Jung-won reminds Hwa-shin to hide his feelings and says that he trusts him. He walks out with Na-ri, and Hwa-shin yells at Jung-won not to trust him.

He continues to yell and pitifully cries that he can’t do what he wants because Jung-won’s trust. Hye-won comments that it’s a shame that she’s watching his tantrum alone, and turns out, she wasn’t. Soo-jung encourages Hwa-shin with a “hwaiting,” having witnessed everything from the stairs.

In the elevator, Na-ri asks Jung-won if he fought with Hwa-shin, and he responds that they’ve never and will never fight. Uh-huh, right. When the reach the lobby, Na-ri tries to persuade Jung-won to go the beach with her the next day, but his mind is elsewhere. He blurts out the question of whether Na-ri likes him or Hwa-shin better, and then takes it back because he realizes it’s childish. But then he asks again, and then takes it back again because he knows it’s a bad question. Haa, the jealousy is brewing.

Madam Kim visits her brother Chef’s restaurant and looks up to Na-ri’s rooftop house as she asks Secretary Cha about Na-ri’s phone number. He recites exactly what Jung-won told him to say — that leaving the two to naturally rift apart could save her the trouble — and she believes it enough to let the issue be for the moment.

In the restaurant, Madam Kim asks Chef if he’s been taking the pills, and she’s delighted when she finds the bottle significantly emptier. She wonders if he’s been experiencing any side effects, and he shakes his head at what he’s been doing to deal with the uncontrollable winking.

Na-ri’s weathercaster colleagues tease her about the “romantic” time she’ll have at the beach with Sung-sook, but Na-ri insists that she’ll have a great time. Her conversation is then interrupted by a call from the doctor.

As Hwa-shin enters his car to leave, Na-ri pops into the passenger seat to accompany him to the hospital. Hwa-shin refuses to look at her and closes his eyes, explaining that he’ll get in trouble with his mom if he’s caught with her. Na-ri laughs at his answer and insists that they need to go to doctor, who called to inform her that he hasn’t been back for radiation treatment since she’d gone with him.

She tries to coax him with ice cream and then starts eating it herself. He asks why she’s treating him like a child, and she correctly identifies him as a child who’s scared of going to the hospital, a child who’s more scared of the hospital than dying. Hwa-shin looks at her in silence and asks if dating changes her to melt like ice cream. She shrugs and says that she doesn’t know because she’s been ignored by Hwa-shin for so long. Na-ri offers him a new ice cream, but Hwa-shin just wipes the ice cream off her face and tells her to leave.

At school the next morning, Chi-yeol asks Pal-gang which mom is going to show up, and she’s already mortified at the thought of both of them coming to school. Dae-gu asks if Chi-yeol told Na-ri about the college entrance consultation, but he responds that he’ll take care of his own future. He’s sure that his noona will insist that he go to medical school, and he doesn’t want her to sacrifice any more to get him through more school.

Dae-gu warns Chi-yeol that Na-ri murder him if she finds out about this later, and he’s probably right. He reminds Chi-yeol that Na-ri works hard for him, and she’s even taking the announcer exam again for him.

As Na-ri and Sung-sook drive to the beach for the reporting, Sung-sook receives a call from Chef about Pal-gang’s college consultation. She tells the driver to pull over, orders Na-ri to leave the car to buy some snacks, and then proceeds to order the driver to go to Pal-gang’s high school.

Hwa-shin prepares a cup ramyun at the convenience store, and he sees little Beom with his drawing of Na-ri. He offers Beom money for the drawing, but when Beom refuses, he goes back to eating his ramyun. And then he turns around to offer more money, ha!

As Chef and Ja-young walk towards the school, a motorcycle zooms right between them and reaches the school gates. They look closely at the figure taking her helmet off, and it’s none other than Sung-sook. She books it to the classroom, running barefoot so she can make it in time.

From above, Dae-gu and Chi-yeol see the mothers running into school, so they rush over to Pal-gang’s consultation to warn her just before they all crash in. It ends up being one big consultation, and Ja-young remains unexpectedly silent when the teacher asks for Pal-gang’s mother.

Sung-sook immediately claims the title and pleads that the teacher help Pal-gang find something she’s the best at. Academics aren’t everything, and she believes Pal-gang has a special talent in something that the teacher could help foster. Pal-gang looks touched by her mother’s words and dedication, and she smiles to herself.

The teacher turns to Ja-young to identify herself, and she introduces herself as Chi-yeol’s stepmother. Everyone looks to her with surprise, but the teacher is especially welcoming of “Stepmother” because Chi-yeol is extremely smart, in fact, smart enough for medical school. But he refuses to apply because he’ll cause more hardship for his noona. Ja-young looks elated, and despite Chi-yeol’s protests, she assures the teacher that she’ll be sending Chi-yeol to fulfill his potential at medical school.

Chef looks at the two women, this time, looking thoroughly impressed by Sung-sook’s sincere plea and advocacy for Pal-gang.

Na-ri’s made it to the beach alone and misses a call from Jung-won. He remembers her mentioning the beach trip for reporting, so he orders Secretary Cha to find out her location. Meanwhile, Hwa-shin looks at the drawing of Na-ri that he successfully bought from Beom. He receives a call from PD Oh about the opening for the beach reporting item. Looks like we’re in for a face-off.

Na-ri digs through the mud to find squid to cook for Chi-yeol, and Jung-won sees her from afar. He walks into the mud in his business suit, much to Secretary Cha’s dismay, because he’s in a rush to see her. At the same time, Hwa-shin sees Na-ri with his staff and decides to trek through the mud to warn her about the rising tide.

Both Hwa-shin and Jung-won approach Na-ri from opposite sides, and they inevitably notice each other. And instead of racing towards Na-ri, they approach each other. Jung-won incorrectly assumes that Hwa-shin was taking advantage of the couple’s time apart to seduce Na-ri, and Hwa-shin wonders how much time Jung-won has be checking on a friend he actually doesn’t trust.

Jung-won adds the final touch by accusing Hwa-shin of liking Na-ri because he’s Jung-won’s girlfriend now. Provoked by those words, Hwa-shin throws a punch, and Jung-won avoids the punch before swiftly kicking Hwa-shin into the mud. They’re punching each other and rolling the mud, all unknown to Na-ri, who delights in her squid.

Jung-won tells Hwa-shin to always live in jealousy, since he’ll always be able to give more to Na-ri than Hwa-shin can. As they get filthier, Jung-won gets real and says that it isn’t easy hating Hwa-shin. He asks if they’re still friends, and Hwa-shin yells in confirmation that they are.

Laying on the mud, they take a break from fighting. They acknowledge that Jung-won is insecure about the relationship and that Hwa-shin is jealous, all because of one woman. Jung-won asserts that Na-ri is his woman, and Hwa-shin recognizes that. But Jung-won isn’t convinced, so he kicks Hwa-shin onto the mud and drags him towards Na-ri to prove his point. Hwa-shin squirms and yells, and eventually gives up and says in his mind, “You don’t need to show me.”


Nooo stop! Don’t crush his heart! There’s no one more pitiful than Hwa-shin at the moment, and he’s really personifying jealousy in ways that I didn’t even know could be portrayed. He shows that jealousy and loyalty can be two excruciating emotions to feel at once, and he shows how clumsily he hands it. He shows that being dragged through the mud to face your crush to get your heart crushed is a mortifying result of jealousy. And he shows how entertaining jealousy can actually be (see: Hye-won).

I was thoroughly entertained by how the vicious cycle manifested in Hwa-shin and Jung-won as jealousy and insecurity incarnate, respectively. Jealousy feeds insecurity, which only amplifies jealousy to further intensify insecurities. Of course, they have it all wrong because the reason for Hwa-shin’s crush has nothing to do with Jung-won and everything to do with Na-ri, herself. And Jung-won’s uncertainty with Hwa-shin has nothing to do with Hwa-shin’s interest and everything to do with Jung-won’s own confidence. Hwa-shin’s romantic interest isn’t something that was suddenly provoked, as he had grown emotionally and romantically attached to Na-ri throughout their time at the hospital. It’s interesting how the blame got circled around, ultimately making their fight on the mud futile and more for entertainment than emotional deconstruction between friends.

I’m not complaining too much about the lack of developments because a lot of the drama is based how petty everyone can get. It’s a game of how low you can go to meet your opponent — not how classy you can get to reach the top. While it’s a completely backwards approach, the show knows how to reduce a heavy emotional moment into a laughable one. Occasionally, it’s jarring, but overall, I’m glad that they’re sticking to their fundamental belief in all things petty because sometimes, the trivial things truly matter.

On the flip side, this show also knows how to create something of substance and emotional weight from something quite trivial. Those French Viagra pills were completely unnecessary and unimportant, until Chi-yeol experienced the side effects. The one wink led to an excuse, which led to a truly heartwarming moment in this episode, where Ja-young posed as Chi-yeol’s mother. She didn’t volunteer to be “Stepmom” out of pity or necessity; rather, it was because she understood the important role of a mother. These moments that really connect our character together, not just as colleagues or friends, but as potential family.

Though she’s frustratingly oblivious (or maybe just completely emotionally detached from her three-year-long crush), I love how much Na-ri cares about Hwa-shin’s health. The more she cares, the more uncomfortable Hwa-shin becomes because the deeper he falls for her. Na-ri’s concern for Hwa-shin and his chest has a lot to do with her own family because she’s lost so much from this disease, and this is kind of her chance to reclaim victory against something that has only brought suffering. The opportunity at life is something she holds dear to her heart (and chest), and I hope that Hwa-shin’s complete disregard for his health doesn’t come bite him in the ass.

Jealousy continually cracks me up, but I’m also appreciative of its consistent attention to detail. The small details in transitions into and out of flashbacks, the cheeky editing, and utilization of minor characters makes this show such an enjoyable watch. I thought that Little Beom really came through in this episode with his drawing, ice cream eating, and especially that face. What a cutie.


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Omg... this drama has me so hooked. The bromance T_T

That mud fight will go down in drama history, and I think it was last week's episode with HS convincing NR about JW in the car - that moment will go down in drama history as well. Ugh. This drama is too good!!!


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To add: I wonder if HS liking NR is really about him being jealous of JW all his life or if they are genuine feelings that developed too late. Was it JW liking NR that finally sparked something in HW to know that NR was someone special? Because in that last mud fight scene, JW states HS was always jealous of what he had. Or was it NR's constant and consistent presence in his life - especially being by his side during cancer, and just won't leave no matter how much he pushes her away or is such as ass to her? Or was it the fact that HS got to know NR in a real way - not as some creepy stalker girl who likes him too much? Cuz for real, I'd be super creeped out and annoyed if someone did to me what NR did to HS all those years lol. Or maybe it's a combination of all three. Hmmm...


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Nope, I don't think it is because of JW liking NR that sparked HS interest in NR.

I think his interested sparked from the from the way she cares about him and his illness and the fact that he actually got the chance to know about her on a more personal level, not just that weird girl from the office that have a big crush on him. They definitely bonded more when they were both at the hospital.

This drama is driving me crazy because I love both leads, almost equally.


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I guess HS started liking her before JW told him that he was interested in her, fron ep 4 maybe.

And I think NR has also somewhat changed in 3 years. That NR would annoy as well but this NR is a little different. Maybe because she was rejected and that too in an embarrassing manner she changed.

Plus does someone else find it strange that we have two shows where the female lead is trying to help the male lead and he falls for her? In both ML and JI there are no feelings from the girls side and she's just trying to help. I just think this is not right. If somebody is good to you, you don't end up falling for them.


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Why not? :O I think it's okay to fall in love. What is not okay is to expect the other person to reciprocate or even take care of your feelings for you.


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It is totally okay to fall in love. What I meant was that I find this approach weird. It makes helping others "just because you're good or you care for them as a friend" a little burdensome. Like you just do it out of good will and do not intend anything else but the other person is thinking too much into it. As far as a drama is concerned, it is fine but I was relating it to real life where people do good for others and its perfectly normal and in real life it would feel strange if you do things out of good will and that person starts to have feelings for you.


Yep, back in the high school we girls must be careful for giving extra care to any boys (though it's just lending a notes or asking why they didn't showed up the other day) coz they might misunderstood the good will as something else. I think there's a childlike dilemma in this show on HS side, no?


I think that HS and NR actually love each other, but unfortunately there seems some misunderstanding between them: they are in complete ignorance of each other's heart.

HS recently got to know his feelings towards NR through jealousy, but for some reason, he believes that NR doesn't love him anymore. Meanwhile, NR doesn't realize her true feelings towards HS, and so in the midst of the ignorance, she has just started a romantic relationship with JW.

Unintended ignorance has been producing misunderstanding for now, but we all know that when the time comes, everything will be revealed. Let’s wait and see a little bit longer what our beloved scriptwriter is going to say. * 'ㅅ' *


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Oh, no... * ‘ㅅ’ * (XXX) -> *·ㅅ·* (OOO)


HS had some attraction to Pyo Na Ri before He found out JW wanted her. When they were in Taiwan and HS and JW are talking before the shoot when HS sees Na Ri coming toward them he unbuttons his shirt and adjusts it so there's more chest showing and then kind of preens. He's clearly anticipating more attention from her and wants to encourage it, even if he says otherwise.


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The most evoking scene was the student counselling scene, when the teacher asked which of the two ladies were her mum. In this scene I came to realise that Ms Bang loved Ppalgang a little more, when she stepped back and said that she was Chi Yul's mum instead. Rather than the bickering she usually would have engage in with Ms Gye, she let Ms Gye take on the role of PG's mother which is a huge step back since they always viewed each other as a competitor for PG's attention. She was aware of PG's possible embarrassment if they were to fight in front of her teacher, so she gave in and in a way, lost a chance at winning PG over.

HS (actually Jo Jung Suk) was amazing in this episode. The scene where Nari repeatedly apologised for the ice cream, his facial expressions did all the acting for him. You could see the conflict and pain all in his eyes and that was amazing. It was refreshing, when he went straight to the point and confessed that he liked Nari and that he was going to steal her away. He was aware that he had to choose either love or friendship, but he wasn't greedy for both and that was what made HS stand out from the other drama male leads.


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I was ready to fast forwarded their scene when I saw Ms. Bang unexpectedly stepped back. I was like... "wait this is not gonna be their usual annoying bickering?".

Turned out, they're finally uncharacteristically acted like adults they are... and for the first time, I enjoyed these two women scene.

It's so heartwarming that Ms. Gye who scolded and mocked Ppal Gang because of her poor grade... earnestly asked the teacher to help Ppal Gang finding something she really good at since she believed that grade is not everything.

It was so surprising also that Ms. Gye really meant it when she said she's gonna be Chi Yul's mom... she said it so lightly that I thought she didn't actually mean it... turned out, she's even willing to send Chi Yul to college even though I'm not sure whether she's gonna pay for it or not. LOL. I mean, medical school is really expensive. I think one of the reasons she decided to step back (aside from not to embarrassed Ppal Gang) was because she saw no one came for Chi Yul. Right before she sat, she stole a quick glance at Chi Yul.

Yes... Hwa Shin is so good at it that I really want to see him being tortured a little longer. LOL. The way he stared at her... gaaaaaah... it melted my heart like ice cream... he looked at her as if she were the most beautiful woman in thw world. Lucky girl.

Na Ri sure doesn't know how to stop and give someone some space. She has a heart of gold, but boy, I can sympathize Hwa Shin for being a jerk in the past since If I were in his shoes I'd be annoyed to death as well. That ice cream incident is really interesting. She refused to let Hwa Shin Go and made a big deal out of nothing. It seemed like she wanted to get his attention by picking a fight. I think someone actually hasn't moved on.


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I've noticed that in almost every episode Pyo Na Ri never leaves Hwashin alone. Even when he yells at her, he has to yell multiple times until she actually gets off his back. It becomes even more prevalent in episode 12. It's hilarious but it really adds to that effect that Nari hasn't really moved on - I honestly don't see a lot of Nari's interest in Jung Won... I mean there are slight moments but those seem to be infatuation more than anything from my perspective. It's like she's dating him for the sake of dating (and receiving love) rather than her having true feelings for Jung Won... Does that make sense lol? Not that I don't like the character (I love her), I just think that she needs to mature her feelings a little bit which is probably gonna be put into character development as this relationship carries on.


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I think what primarily attracts na ri to jung won is that he can be the caretaker in their relationship, all she has to do is follow his lead. Because in all her other relationships (with hwa shin, her brother) she takes the role of caretaker though she doesn't mind it and is good at it, not being that to jung won probably is refreshing to her.


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Perhaps she is not used to having someone like her. I mean she spent 3 years liking someone who doesn't like her back. Likely she is not comfortable with the special attention yet.


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No no no... I think it does really make sense and I totally understand what you mean because that's what I think about Na Ri too...

I forgot in which episode, but I remember she told Hwa Shin (if I'm not mistaken) that it must be nice to be loved by someone. No one ever falls for her. She's always been in one sided love. She'd said that before she knew that Jung Won likes her.

When she found out that Jung Won likes her, she's very reluctant to believe it. For her, it's to good to be true that finally she has a guy liking her... moreover that guy is The Perfect Jung Won whom she adores.

So I agree with you, she probably likes Jung Won but she doesn't fall in love with him. She just falls in love with the idea of being loved... and Jung Won gives exactly what she wants.

I don't see Na Ri as someone bad though. Being confused about your own feeling is very human... especially for Na Ri who doesn't have enough experience in dating.


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So far the mature one is Hye Won. I root for her character a lot!! The actress is so good she is smart, observant, badass, and enjoying herself so much!
I envy her for being in the front seat when JW confront HS, "... And here comes Na Ri"


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I feel like Na-ri is naturally drawn to Hwa-shim, but Jung won is a shiny toy that is too good to be true. You want it because you are supposed to want it... but that doesn't actually mean you really want it – hence I don't see a lot of interest from Nari's side in Jung-won either, just her feeling flustered that someone likes her, is wooing her, wants to shower her with gifts. The real, human level connection is largely missing. It exists between Hwa-shim and Jung-won in their friendship, but I'm not seeing it from either Na-ri's or Jung-won's side.

The thing is, even Jung-won doesn't make a good case for himself: I'm generally wary of the power imbalance that comes with money & status (sponsoring costly clothes of someone you still barely know feels like trying to "buy" someone to me) but also Jung-won's protestations that he's "better" than his friend don't work.Yes, he has more money, can offer her more in a material sense and in terms of social status, is more handsome etc etc but none of this actually makes him better as a lover. These things are appealing on paper, but in reality the need to translate into a real connection if you want to convince me there are actual feelings. Hwa-shim is seriously flawed and lacking, but there's an intimacy between and Hwa-shim and Na-ri (where they can expose themselves to each other at their most vulnerable and bring out the best in each other) that makes me firmly cheer for them.


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Yes, that scene was epic. That is what I really like about this show. All the characters have the capacity to grow on you and make you like them, all you have to do is give them a chance. Its like the show itself, which was hard to like in the first few episodes, but once you give it a chance, it grows on you to the point now that you love it for all its silliness, zaniness, craziness, wackiness and absolutely flawed but interesting (almost real life like) characters.


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IKR? The first time I saw this show I was like "what the hell is this about?"

But I have faith in GHJ. She always has a good sense in picking drama. So I decided not to give up on this show and I'm glad that I did.


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Both male lead actors are killing it (and me) with the acting they are doing just with their eyes. How they can convey so much emotion with just a look is really a testament to their acting skills.


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I agree, his acting is quite good and really pulls us in.


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and I came to realize that Miss Bang is as well Wang Soo's evil mother, I almost choked my eyes in that moment!


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Yes! I don't watch scarlet heart but I scrolled through the latest recap, saw her in a screencap and was amazed to see that she was the evil queen everyone talked about! So, how is she in that?


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She is really really evil in that. How can you be so cruel and cold to your own son Wang So? She was so hurtful in her conversation with Wang So. And she was a smart manipulator in that.
Over here, she is like best mom in the world that you wish you have.


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Yes. I love Hye Won. I hope she gets the man of her dreams.


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Yes. Hye Won is such a badass. Even if she ends up with Hwa Shin, I don't mind. I like her.

I wish there were a lot of heroines like her in Kdramaland.


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Hyewon is really awesome, i hope she wont be evil eventually as the series goes on. And she can have any man that she wants.


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Thanks for the recap! I really adore this show, it's quirkiness and the acting. Both leads are killing it, especially JJS. Every emotion in his face/body language is so palpable. And I'm also so glad Nari has moved on from the crush and it's more about being concerned about Hwa-shin's health. I like her being sympathetic and not just pathetic.


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I'm totally in awe of JJS in this role. It's such a difficult character to portray, but he's doing it on such an epic level.


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I read somewhere that before Jo Jungsuk casted as Hwashin, Gong Hyojin read the script and she recommend Jo Jungsuk to portray as Hwashin.


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Yes, after reading the script she said HS is like JJS. And this role suits him so well. He can covert a laugh out loud scene into sad and pity within 2 seconds. My Daesang nominee for SBS awards or any others.


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@mpm & wapz

Ah, yes! So glad they listened to her.

I always thought he was a good actor, but I didn't' realize how awesome he was until this role. There are literally stars in my eyes as I watch him be so good at his craft. I vote him for the Daesang as well!


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This is absolutely my crack drama these days. I love Moonlight Drawn by Clouds too but Jealousy Incarnate is so fabulous I can hardly believe it. I feel every single one of Jo Jung Suk's emotions as they flicker across his face. WOW - what a brilliant comedic actor he is!


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Maybe I am the only one here who feels heart broken bcause of Jung Won. He really struggles and I can see he will choose his best friend over his girlfriend.
Hwa sin... He should stops drinking and does his damn radiotherapy if he really wants Nari to stop caring for him. But noooo.... He still continues to drink, and not going to the hospital. It looks like he deliberately does that so Nari will come to him. Is that what his resolution to not stealing your bestfriend's girl? I start to wonder if JW is right. HS only care about Nari bcause she is JW'girlfriend now.


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Hye won was right in asking Jung Won if he could simply feign ignornance and allow Hwa Shin to settle his feeling over Na Ri on his own. But Jung Won didn't. His ego fueled his own insecurities and got him to confront Hwa Shin, threaten him, belittle him and really get the guy to even dig his own grave deeper than it already was. If he really took the friendlier path, he could've made terms with Hwa Shin and simply trust the guy that he will do what is right.

I can't blame Hwa Shin if he continues to make a brooding partnership with that green soju bottle. He literally has no one to turn to. And the only person that is aware of his health concern happens to be the person he desires the most but can't be with. Its both heart breaking and frustrating because in times like this, its a warm bodied person that should keep him company and not a green soju bottle that temporarily relieves him of his pain and reality.


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Hwa Sin is not alone y'know.. He has JW, his bestfriend.. Who he deliberately choose not to tell his cancer secret. I think it's really funny... People said JW is very boring/bland in early episode, but after he actually shows some emotion, people said he is mean, anger-brewing and scary.
I can totally understand JW feeling... His bestfriend keeps secrets from him, saying he is going to steal his girlfriend, his GF turns out had a crush on his bestfriend (which almost everyone knows about it, except him), his mom tries to control him. How is he supposed to react??? JW is not perfect.. He can feel jealous, mad, betrayed too.

The one who has no one to turn to is JW.


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"The one who has no one to turn to is JW"


In the future episodes, we may really find out if NaRi still has feelings for HS, because she seems really happy with JW. I dont see JW as mean or scary at all. My SLS is still not cured here.


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SLS still hitting hard here too!


The one who has no one to turn to is JW.
I feel sad to JW more than HS. Haih JW. Be strong!!.


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"The one who has no one to turn to is JW."


I've wondered if that is the reason he has grabbed onto (and will fight for) Na Ri. JW's dad is absent, mom uses him, and ex-fiancee is an arranged relationship. He has Hwa-Shin but now even that is being tested.


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Spill this tea, sis!

My heart is in pain every time I see how HS and Nari have been towards him. :( God knows I'm team GoNari but if she is gonna be this distant towards him, she better be with HS. GJW deserves better :'(

And I'm loving Hye Won, she is so sassy xD


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I’m team GoNari but if she is gonna be this distant towards him, she better be with HS. GJW deserves better :'(

Hehehehe. I wholeheartedly wish NR goodluck with HS.=)


Hwa Shin and Jung Won's friendship is kinda interesting.

Throughout the whole episodes we've been told that they're such a best friend.

But somehow I can't feel their chemistry as best friend.

At first, I thought maybe it's the actors. But as the story goes... I come to think that it is intentional.

I found it strange that Jung Won said they never had a fight. What kind of best friend never had a fight? If they were a couple I'd say there's something very wrong in their relationship and it need to be fixed if they want to save their relationship.

Jung Won considers Hwa Shin as his best friend. As Hwa Shin said, Jung Won is actually very lonely and has no one by his side. So once Jung Won has a best friend like Hwa Shin... he really treasures him as much as he can. In earlier episode, I forgot which one, his secretary told Jung Won that Hwa Shin always receives a lot of things from Jung Won, that Hwa Shin is using Jung Won to get a lot of good stuff. Jung Won says he knows and it's fine (cmiiw).

Jung Won made me thought that Hwa Shin was some kind of jerk who's leaching to his rich friend. Turned out, this is not the case. Hwa Shin feels indebted to Jung Won. He said himself to Na Ri when he was in the hospital. It makes him feels pathetic. I'm not saying Hwa Shin hates him... Hwa Shin knows that Jung Won is a good guy and has no intention to make him feel that way. That's why he always speaks highly of Jung Won. It's just that he can't help but feeling burdened by his kindness.

I notice that Hwa Shin's always so preserved around Jung Won... just compare it with the way he interact with Hye Won or everyone else... he's so witty and spiteful. I also notice that it's always Jung Won who initiates skinship (haha) first. It's also kinda strange that while Hwa Shin knows everything about Jung Won, Jung Won doesn't. I think Hwa Shin doesn't feel that much comfortable around Jung Won and can't be opened up to him the way Jung Won can to Hwa Shin.

I think feeling indebted to Jung Won makes Hwa Shin wants to treat Jung Won as nice as possible. But in the end, he can't be himself and doesn't feel comfortable around him. Plus... Hwa Shin always considers himself as a jerk.. so being with the super nice Jung Won makes him feels pathetic.

Do I make sense? What do you guys think about these two hotties friendship?


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It’s also kinda strange that while Hwa Shin knows everything about Jung Won, Jung Won doesn’t.

May I know what JW dont know about HS? Breast cancer?.


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I remember that scene between JW and his secretary made me doubt their relationship too but I guess it is not the case that both of them are not as good friends as they are shown to be. I think the HS that is with JW is the real HS. It is his reputation that has been destroyed in his family and also his workplace after what he did to his brother that I feel like he is sticking to it. I think there was a deeper cause behind HS exposing his brother and the only person who knows about it is JW.

Though I do at feel that he considers himself inferior to JW. Just like in this episode JW said that HS has always been jealous of him and how in an earlier episode when he drove PNR to JW he listed tons of things in which JW is better than him. But I still think as far as their friendship is concerned, that is very pure. If that wouldn't have been the case, HS wouldn't have told JW so bluntly that he like NR. He would've hidden it from him.


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I also believe their friendship is intended to be real in the script. Both value their bond highly over any other things. Indeed here, we are shown how their friendship interplays with the love triangles which is interesting to follow.

I assume, both HW and HS regarding the other better because that what they feel. JW once said to NR that he envied NR because she has a good HS as her superior while he has none. Otherwise, when HS pushed NR to come to JW, he said a number of facts about JW that indicated JW was a lot better choice than himself. Personally, I regard him making the best mate for NR.

After all, we have not seen enough yet, since we are still in the middle of the show.


Gosh~ I have a feeling he may step aside too for his friend. If it was me, I would do that too, especially if I love both my friend and my girlfriend, and I know that they both like each other. Perhaps in future episodes, we may know if NR still has feelings for HS. If JW learned that NR still has feelings for HS, the best thing may be to let them be together. It may be painful for JW, but because he love both his friend and NR, he may do just that.


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I think so too. JW values his friendship more... He shows it in this episode, he is thinking about giving up.
Poor JW.. He looks like he has everything, but he is not. I really hope the show gives him his happy ending too.


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I wish they break up before JW know that NR actually still have feeling for HS.
JW is soooooo sad. He is alone. T_T.


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i definitely understand what you mean.

many girls know a guy they dated who was a jerk... but the second you move on, they suddenly start contacting you again >___<

i think hwa shin's feelings seemed like that in the beginning. but i can see them becoming more & more genuine as he continues to push her away. this show hasn't disappointed me once yet & with 12 eps to go we still have so much potential character development!


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I think he goes to hospital even without Na Ri. No? When Na Ri opened Hwas Shin's shirt, he had crossed pen mark on his body... which is usually given by doctor when he has his radiotherapy session. Na Ri seemed surprised when she saw that... which means she didn't go with him.


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OMG, the Quiznos. As I watched it, I thought "Oh man, player 2 has entered the game."

Will Subway get jealous? Will it try to sabotage Quizno's relationship with the show? Will it try to show Na Ri that it's better than the other option?



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I was waiting with baited breath for the Quiznos comment the minute I saw the Quiznos ppl….LMAO.


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As hard as I laughed at the mud wrestling, and it was very hard, I whooped at the Quiznos. And guessed Beanies around the world were doing the same while they imagined Subway saying, OH IT IS ON, SHOW!


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Let the sandwich wars begin.


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Fight in the mudflats, perhaps? Quiznos is JW. Subway is HS -- I want to see Subway get dragged in the mud for not knowing our feelings for three years.


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So that's why it's called Jealousy Incarnate - it was about the development of the show and its partner, the Quizno's sub, while Subway's lurking in the background, surprised that people are falling in love with the sandwiches that aren't theirs. HOW WILL IT STRIKE BACK?


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I'm wondering if this show is genius to have partnered with Quiznos or it's just a mere coincidence that Subway didn't get their subs on this show faster.


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Wow even the PPL is having a love triangle with the Show...


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and I can't believe that I spent time last night thinking about the following scenarios
- there is a Subway PPL manager who got his ass chewed out for losing a Gongvely drama
- a Quiznos PPL manager got a raise and maybe a promotion for finally breaking the Subway stranglehold
- how much did it cost to win the bidding war between the sandwich giant and the scrappy upstart? Who all at SBS had to be paid off? Was it all money or partly in food?
- how will this be written into a future drama about making dramas?


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I was expecting Subway! I have been cheated. I will be sending letter immediately. Quiznos is deplorable!


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No, no, no. Let's consider the facts, as presented in our dramas:

Subway -- kills people
Quiznos -- melted cheese, y'all



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Quiznos should be careful. Subway is starring in The K2 right now and who knows what tricks they've picked up. I've been anxiously awaiting their first appearance ever since I spied them in the credits.


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I think Subway should reimburse Dramabeans for all the free marketing we do for them here.


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So whoever is the keeper of the love/jealousy triangle list, please add

1. Subway/Quiznos/Dramas
2. Turkey sub (or was it chicken?)/Steak Sub / Na Ri

And we need to keep an eye out whenever a lead character is crossing a street - will a Subway Truck of Doom show up? Or maybe the Subway Truck of Doom will take out a Quiznos delivery truck...


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Oh, and add one more triangle:

Na Ri vs the squid with Hwa Shin


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More questions I have: Did Na Ri love Subway for years before she tasted Quiznos? Did she really stop loving Subway? Does Subway get drunk and beg her to buy their subs?


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12 episodes down and we've seen how things went from crushing to crashing.

I still want to believe that Na Ri feels anything more than sympathy for Hwa Shin. Yes, she's oblivious and auspiciously concerned for Hwa Shin because of his health and nothing more than that, however, a part of me hopes that there's still a little magical pixie dust left over for her to realize that the 3 year crush crush with Hwa Shin isn't completely burnt into ashes.

Jung Won scares me for the mere fact that he's got a temper brewing and I anticipate that his jealousy will eat him up as a whole. Yes, for a guy who we think has everything, he seems overly insecure with his relationship with Na Ri. That shouldn't be even an issue to begin with since its both childish and immature to brawl it out with your bestfriend over his own insecurities and using his gf as an excuse to "get even". Jung Won clearly lost this battle for me. He should've stuck to his guns and be the chaebol matured guy in a pimped out suit worthy of all swoony goodness.


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I wholeheartedly believe that NR still have some feelings for HS deep down in her heart even though she's dating JW now. Having a crush on someone is not something you can just easily forgot about.

I predict that as the drama progresses on and perhaps as HW's illness got worse, NR will stay by his side, and JW will step aside for them to be together. It may be painful, but we will see what actually happens.


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There are 3 things I hope for this show:

1. Get Na Ri to realize her true feelings for Hwa Shin without sympathy or empathy for his illness. I want those feelings to bloom because she sees him as a better person not because he's fighting his breast cancer but because he managed to become that person she always admired and appreciate.

2. For Hwa Shin to start living his life with a purpose. He's always been trudging life head-on as if he's superman. But now with the breast cancer, unrequited love, dysfunctional family issues, a bestfriend turned frenemy and just simply going through the daily grind is and might be too much for him to handle. I hope this show doesn't go dark and ends up killing Hwa Shin because I will really throw a fit.

3. Pal Gang to realize she's better off with both moms than having no mom at all. It shouldn't come to a point where she has to choose one over the other. Honestly, those 2 ahjumma's are simply the best in their own crazy way.


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I love their dysfunctional family and the two moms and Hwa-Shin as uncle-dad!


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Yes! This. Also, it's amazing how the show managed to change my opinion about the moms. I love them now, but at the start I didn't even like them



I always thought they were an entertaining pair to watch, but too immature and annoying for me to actually care about. Ever since they all started living together though, I've come to adore them.


This is jeaolusy between friends and family members done extremely right. Oh, Jealousy Incarnate, how I fall in love with you.

I like the way they potray Jung-won's character. He isn't just a mere too-nice second lead busy pining for the girl. He has his own personality and story even without that particular romance angle. Between this and Fantastic, I think we're positively heading for an unconventional second male lead era. Something I'll definitely love to see.


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Oh man, I loved this episode!!

We're almost half way through and I'm really really hoping things turn around for Hwa Shin! I also hope he stops kicking himself for screwing things up so badly with Na Ri 3 years ago…I guess we all have one thing or another that we regret, which comes back to haunt us at some point.

I liked Ppal gang and the gang this episode - I thought the student-teacher meeting was quite touching.


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Let's all thank little Beom and his drawings.


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Yes ! that little kiddo selling his drawings to Hwa Shin is the cutest thing ever :D


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So Ji Sub and Kang Ji Hwan fighting in the mud. lol.

Hwa Shin. How painful to be you. Being literally dragged through the mud to be wrung out and hung dry in front of your crush.

Although I love how Na Ri reacted to that scene in the next episode. XD


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Lol.. So im not the only one

I heart Jo Jung Seok but i want Na ri to remain with Jung won. Or at least someone as down to earth as her, read not another chaebol daughter


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I'm usually dismissive of dramaland d-bags, and was more of a Jung Won fan in the beginning. But holy smokes while I may not 'like' Hwa Shin in the conventional sense, I find myself captivated by his characterization. The writer is really doing an amazing job. How is it that I'm exasperated by this man-child and yet rooting terribly for him at the same time? You know the writing is great when the character(s) take on human dimensions, and as a consequence the ways you relate to said character also mirror more complex real-life emotions. Like I genuinely worry Hwa Shin may be a mildly shitty boyfriend/husband, and yet even so I desperately want him to overcome his avoidance problems and find happiness.

Also major kudos to the writer for daring to create a hero so achingly imperfect that the writing must proceed to unpack his entire existence. Too often drama writers worship their heroes and protect their dignity at all costs. Drama plots will give heroes tragic back stories and put them through trials of tears and blood. But through it all most of these heroes maintain that infallible 'hero' status: terrible external events may occur, but their internal set of admirable personal traits are uncompromised.

But Hwa Shin is different. Since episode 1, he's been stripped of his dignity, shamed, made the butt of jokes, and forced to bargain, grovel, and beg. Really, this maybe the first time I've encountered a dramaland hero so mercilessly shredded apart by the hilarious writing. I love it!! It's like the writer is a hardcore sports coach, and Hwa Shin is her least promising player, and the object of the game is to whip his immature as$ into shape.


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I agree. I feel a sense of connection with HS' character. His characterization is so in-depth and though many people outright call him "jerk" etc. I just couldn't hate him the way I would dislike an actual jerk. He isn't the kind of jerk whose bad side comes from being an a**. I'm not sure if that makes sense.

For one... I think there's nothing wrong with him being cold towards girls... because it means he doesn't want to lead them on.

Secondly... He seems to be very just. I still vividly remember how he told his manager to not be in the way because he wants to win the newscasting position fair and square. This might also be a reason why he ended up exposing his brother for fraud... and though he did the right thing... he ended up being seen as a jerk. (And... that seems to always be the reason why he always ends up looking like a jerk... though in his mind he is doing the right thing... people see his actions as being a jerk... just like not wanting to like/love anyone bec. he thinks he's not worthy).

Third... The part where he didn't lie to his friend when asked about his feelings. I totally liked that. He won't sugar coat it, lie about it, etc. (to the extent that others would, again... see him as a jerk for admitting so readily to liking the girl his friend is dating)...

Fourth... When people call HS a jerk... I always, for some reason, end up thinking about that gate entrance throwback... back when he hit his head bec. of Pyo-Nari. A jerk would have been so mad and would have kept a grudge for being embarrassed that way... but HS just shrugged it off as nothing.


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Same feeling here.. .HS turns out to be an interesting persona. Slowly, we witnessed his other hidden good qualities which make us root him. Through the conflicts, he is just like what JW had told NR, a good person. As well as Hye Won, who also had acknowledged it from him. In addition, there must be enough reasons which made JW crazily very insecured that NR might leave him to HS.

In the flashback, we saw how mean HS was to NR. But, it was just his outer personality. Thus, director Oh commented that NR should have issues for liking someone like HS. In fact, HS did not take any advantage of NS's feeling at all. Otherwise, in some events, we saw that HS had defended NR behind her back. He pushed NR away multiple times but NR kept coming to him happily. Aww..

Even though NR has JW now but she seems to keep a spot for HS in her heart. She said she was uneasy having him living around, seeing him everyday, but it was her who keep following him. whoho... She is secretly two timing.


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"How is it that I’m exasperated by this man-child and yet rooting terribly for him at the same time?"

-This is totally where I'm at right now. I've read a lot of comments that are just annoyed with the character's actions this week, Hwa-shin in particular. But no matter how exasperated I am, I can't seem to stop myself from caring immensely for this idiot because he's just so real.

"It’s like the writer is a hardcore sports coach, and Hwa Shin is her least promising player, and the object of the game is to whip his immature as$ into shape."

- And THIS. It's amazing how much I can care for a jerk character when the writer tears him apart like this. It lets us know that he isn't a character that can get away with being a jerk while still getting the girl, but that, instead, he'll have to overcome his issues before he even has a shot.

I also think this accurately explains why I'm not as annoyed at Na-ri pestering him and bossing him around all the time as some are. Because he actually needs someone in his life who can whip him into shape.


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Well, turns out JW isn't so perfect after all, and I'm liking him less, which makes me glad. I wasn't sure how I'd turn from him to Hwashin, but I'm starting to get there now.

I was omo-ing all over the place when HW told JW that he likes Nari and wants to take her away from him. That was unexpected. I figured he'd do the normal thing and hide his feelings until around ep. 20.


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ha ha.. me too! I didn't expect hwa shin to tell his feelings so directly to jung won! It made me think, in some way unknown to himself he knows the strength of their friendship and didn't really think that this would break them?


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yo, jung won is MEAN. he just got MEAN every time he got insecure and lashed out at hwa shin.


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isnt that better? b4 this people call him bland...too boring....now he show another side of him. he is meany??....


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The opposite of bland isn't to be mean, it's just to be more interesting. Jury's still out on that one, but I guess now I have more reaction than oh god can we move past these scenes.


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I don't think he is mean, I think it was normal for him to react that way. Because he defied his mom in liking na ri but now he has to deal with his best friend also liking her. I mean, how much can the guy take? Its like the world is plotting to take na ri away from him, hence he Is becoming insecure and more posessive about her.


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The things he was saying to HS were actually very mean. He's clearly not a mean person in general, but the shit he said was uncalled for.


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I think what he said is true.
I want to sleep with your GF. What kind of BF in the right mind will not think the man that saying to sleep with his GF is not a pervert?.


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I think his reaction was not mean. Angry but definitely not mean. I will kill my best friend if she said to me i wanna kiss your boyfriend, hug him and sleep with him especially if shes the one to introduce me to him and we just started dating. That is the ultimate betrayal. He is lucky JW is matured enough not to punch the daylights out of him when he first said it. In fact JW is the most matured one of the lot. He did not jump into conclusion eavesdropping on HW and HS. Find the whole truth from HW and even took her advice to hold it in after that horrible mean confession crap from HS. He is the victim here. If HS had more balls to admit to his feelings earlier and not act macho and dun give a crap about nari even introducing her to his interested friend... im pretty sure JW would have never pursued his interest. Im sitting on the side of reason here and though im a huge fan of JJS from Oh My Ghost. Him and Nari are pretty crap to do this to JW. I wish the writers had not written JW to be such a matured character down to the well thought out advice he gave to secretary cha on what to say to his mum. All in all... hard to root for a whiny leading man who is a ticking time bomb when to throw his friend under the bus.


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This is the friend who always reserves the best suits in the shop for him. Even when hes a downtrodden nobody reporter assigned to Thailand. The friend who flew down to bangkok in economy class whom he is not used to just to have coffee with him. The friend who was missing him more than his own gf during their spat and looking at his phone thinking of calling him. The friend who hugged him and consoled him after his brother died assuring him that he will do his best to replace and be a brother to him. Actually i think he is too good for Nari. And the two confused people who dont even know what boundary lines are deserve each other. They should date and he should just give up on them both, fly to Europe and meet Jeon Ji Hyun or something. Thats my preferred ending for his character


Agree with you.
JW is the real victim here. We'll see how he will react in the future.


I agree with you guys. Jung-won's situation here is really heartbreaking, and I thought hwa-shin's confession was really selfish. Why must he say that to him? Doesn't he already know what his friend is going through to date Na-ri? His closest people are all against him, the last thing he needed was to hear Hwa-shin say all those things, UGH it was so frustrating!


I didn't take JW's actions as mean. Think about the order of events.

1. HS has ignored and been rude to NR for 3 years, despite knowing how she felt about HS.

2. HS then sets JW up with NR - encouraging them on multiple occasions, including going out of his way to bring them together when JW's arranged marriage was publicized.

3. JW and NR start to build their relationship and out of the blue, JW overhears HS telling someone else that he is going to be a son of a bitch to his best friend and steal JW's girlfriend. That HS set him up with.

If it was me, and I was attempting to start a relationship with someone I knew had harbored a crush on my best friend for years, I would be insecure - especially if my best friend then developed feelings for the same person. It isn't like JW and NR have had any time to solidify their relationship - they are just starting out - at a very insecure time in any relationship.

I kind of believe that if HS had come to JW on his own and confessed how he was feeling about NR without all of the emotions or the conversation JW overhear, then JW might have reacted differently - more calmly anyway. But JW is jealous and angry and hurt and we all say things like that when we feel that way. He still is a good person. A mean person wouldn't tell HS that he was going to forget the conversation even happened and still be friends.


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My sentiments exactly.


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I don't think JW was being mean either. Angry and feeling a little betrayed, yes, but not mean. I also really love when he goes back just to yell at HS for letting NR suffer for three years. It's that weird thing where your mad at your significant other's ex or past crush for hurting them, but also really happy it didn't work out.

On the other hand I find it disturbing that when JW finds out all his attention moves from being good to Na Ri to being mad at HS, who Na Ri does not like. He's so obsessed with making sure he's first that when she's trying to get him to go on a trip,with her he just asks who she likes most. If you find out someone might try and steal your significant other the mature response is to woo your significant other so earnestly that they would never want to leave you, not yell at the other person for a whole episode.


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If I want to add, JW asked HS before, is he ok with the match making, and asking NR before if HS know about her sickness...both give answer that they did not interested with each other. Now this happen to him. Who will not angry, sad, hurt with this. JW act accordingly maturely. I proud of him and want someone better for him. Someone who can be there for him.


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Thanks for the recap, dramallama. So true about beom being a cutie! That kid is adorable! :) i want to know more about his and his mom's story.

I was awestruck in the starting of the episode by how straightforward it was, especially when jung won asked hye won whether he heard everything! Isn't it an unwritten drama rule to hear the bad half of a confession and leave before hearing the better half and avoid that person for at least an episode?

And they met the next scene itself and hwa shin outright told jung won about his feelings. That was really surprising and I enjoyed it.


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Tq dramallama

Oh all in black ! and sunglasses day !

JW you can't eat a yummy cake because someone has taken it !

Will JW future be like the mudflat ? still nari evading your question so many times that is a hint but you have to pursue it with love in your heart.

She is not supportive towards JW but is all out for HS , what to do that is how the script is being written.

I would like to ask the scriptwriter to write 1,000 times why JW could not be with Nari ? Ha ! Funny me !

That mud dragging scene is not painful they used some sort of thin surf board underneath but i am more concern about them getting allergies from the mud.

So now it is HS scene to be a pet handler but with tenticles oh dangerous game.

Why must he moved to that same building ? we know to be more closer to Nari and JW you should not stop providing morning transport to Nari , dont give more advantages to HS to drive her to work.

JW HWAITING ! - Childish commenter !


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JW is not perfect but his background , behaviour , lifestyle makes him behave like a gentleman.


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Did his blind date also detect his chest problem ?


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Forgot to include this - JW change his hairstyle so we will see it coming ya !


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This is definitely my favorite episode to date. So many poignant moments and such funny scenes!!

But everyone's comments are making me wonder about Jung won's anger - I thought it might have been a one time thing, but after him yelling at Na Ri this episode I'm worried that his anger will only increase, and bring about his downfall as the second lead. I knew he was too good to be true -.-

Hwa Shin may act like an ass sometimes but he would never lash out in anger. He's a butthead but he's also very kindhearted. I'm sure his character will completely be unraveled by the end of this drama and he will be worthy of Na Ri!


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I don't know if it's just me, but I like JW a little bit more now because he is a lot more humanized in this episode. Being perfect is overrated, and I like that we can see how insecure he can get, yet still struggle to hate his friend. It's refreshing to watch that a chaebol in that fancy ass suit can be brought down from that so called restrained and classy behavior and just indulge in everyday feelings that even normal people go through. After all, Feeling is truly living!

All in all, Jealousy Incarnate is LOVE <3


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I agree! It's not just you and I'm glad someone thinks this too. I felt that he was too perfect, and thus, a bit bland in previous episodes. I didn't sign up to watch a perfect man in a perfect relationship; I'm watching a drama, not a documentary. His beautiful, flawless face doesn't help either.

Now that he's showing some flaws, he's more interesting in my eyes.


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JJS is amazingly tortured here. To the point of bringing me to tears. However I still don't think he is someone who is easy to love. And I disliked the way he treated NR previously. I get that she is clueless but she is still way too intrusive commenting on his life.

JW is still amazing and he had all the correct reaction after the big bombshell. At least the writer still kept him as a decent guy.

The mud fight though. Truly amazing. I was more amazed the actors could carry it out. It looked physically demanding, painful and difficult to film. And this is the 1st time I've seen an unoccupied mudflat. There are so many locals trying to catch seafood at the same time. I felt so sorry for the actors having to do that scene. It was really pathetic yet funny at the same time


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Even I wondered how the actors felt doing that scene. Kudos to all actors in this show for doing all these scenes without getting embarrassed or if they do get embarassed then not showing it in their acting.


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I haven't watched the full episode yet... but, so far... I must say... I am liking the lady newscaster who likes HS. When she saw JW and knew that he heard everything... she didn't bother making HS look bad. None of the... "let's partner together and make sure they don't get together crap." Hopefully... she stays that way. At this point... though I like Nari w/ HS... I wouldn't mind if he is temporarily with the newscaster and for him to like her genuinely (and that they can still remain friends towards the end of the show).


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While I used to like NaRi's demeanor, now(ep 11/12) I find her really annoying. In the flashback, she was so creepily invasive. And in the present, she is always up in Hwa Shin's business, literally "in his face". Its like she has no understanding of personal space or boundaries. Give the man his space! Also, she is acting very irresponsibly with him, considering that she has a bf. All the skinship and aegyo for me is really crossing the line. Theres kind/caring and theres overdoing it.

Ranting aside, JJS is a phenomenal actor and rn I care about his and Jung Won's friendship more than anything else.


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I totally busted out laughing when the muddy trio of NR, HS, and JW are walking down the road right after the boys dragged NR out, with her kicking, screaming and yelling at them, and she says "I really have a great personality."



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Oops - I think maybe this scene was actually in the next episode? If so, moderator feel free to delete this post. Sorry!


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Though i really like GHJ, but I am annoyed by NR this character just like you -- no respect for personal bpundary. Maybe that is way she show her hidden interest in HS even though she claimed no more interest in him after being hurt so many times?


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From the script, production and acting to soundtracks, almost all of the elements are surprisingly well-balanced. It's not an easy thing to find a balance between the two extremes, but this show has done it very well so far. I think the show is definitely one of the best K-drama this year, or at least later this year.


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I still love how this drama is filmed (although I am glad they stopped having the long shots with the camera swooping around). The overhead shot of the three characters in the mudflats with a very visual representation of their love triangle. Loved it!


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I enjoy this drama so much. Jo Jeongseok's acting is SO good to the point of making me forget how awesome Kong Hyojin's is. Like I came to this for her, but Jeongseok shines so much, I'm dazzled lol. Ok, in all seriousness they make an awesome couple for me, and I cannot wait to see this love happening. I need a proper Nari/Hwashin kiss ASAP.


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2nd comment coz I forgot to say stuff.
After this ep, I don't exactly get how Hwashin is a jerk for letting her sustain a crush of him for 3 years. Coz the guy made it pretty clear to her he was NOT interested back then.
He never once encouraged her, he told her he's riding the dating-horse and he stopped the elevator-teasing by telling her once again he doesn't see her that way. It might not have been the best thing to do in front of everyone, but the girl was staring at him DURING HIS DATE. She just wouldn't leave!!
Unless we're still missing some pieces from 3 years ago, it was made pretty obvious to me that Nari was obsessing over him despite the fact that he had turned her down. A.k.a that was on her. She couldn't let go coz she liked him so much and those feelings weren't materialised. So she couldn't stop.


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I totally agree with you. Hwa-shin never gave Na-ri any mixed signals, he was always straight forward about not having any interest in her. Yes, he was a big jerk about it but he made it pretty clear, she just couldn't let go of him.


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THIS! And I believe the reason she let go (obvs apart from the fact that she has a hot guy that likes her back lol) is because she "put an end" to her feelings (in front of him) with that kiss and accepted that he doesn't/will never like her back. But even so, even with an eager boyfriend by her side, she still looks/waits/cooks for Hwashin. Not to mention how naturally she reaches out for his face/lips/chest all the time. She's too excited she has someone to be interested in her and too convinced Hwashin doesn't see her that way to let herself consciously have feelings for him atm. Wonder how the news she got in the end of ep 12 will affect her from now on tho.


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Yes, because I don't think she'll act like that toward a guy she has feelings for, touching him this naturally without any tension, I mean look at how Hwa-shin tenses up everytime she comes close to him. I think now she's put that crush past her.

Waiting so eagerly for episode 12 recap because I have things I wanna say but can't here, LOL!


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U translate the ease with wich she touches Hwashin as absense of feelings, I translate it as proof of feelings LOL. Chances are ur on the right and I'm just too enthusiastic over my ship.


Oh, so we're on different ships?

Though I know at the end my ship's gonna sink I decided to stick with it till the end, just gonna act cool till I drawn with it, Haha!


I don't think NR still has feeling for HS. She can't move on before...because no one really appreciate her, make her feel worthy enough to be loved. JW makes her feel that.


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I think that it's hard to move on from 3 yrs crush, especially when HS has breast cancer and Nari is taking care of her. But I definitely think that a nice man like JW liking her and giving her attention, affection and generally respecting and admiring her as a person is something Nari probably never had experinced


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People keep saying how selfish HS is but JW is at another level of selfish. Like a dog to a bone. HS keep saying that he knows NR is off limit and to just let it go, that his confession was not intended for NR to hear, but he need to kick HS when he is bend down like that by wanting him to hear from NR herself that she is indeed over HS right now that she is in a relationship with JW. Waaaa! Seriously? Seriously?!


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You may skip his partafter this as simple as a.b.c. ?


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This episode showed a perfect example of heartbreakingly funny. I was laughing and crying at the same time. So much truth being spilled between those two in their anger. It's a terrific job of writing and acting!!

I wonder (and someone else may have said this too, but I don't have time to read everything) if HS was actually as oblivious to NR's crush as everyone thinks. We still don't have a complete picture of what happened when he suddenly left for parts unknown after exposing his brother. We have had hints, but not the full story. He cut off everyone else when he left, and they him, did he also cut off NR and his budding feelings too? Just a thought.

I too am a bit uncomfortable with NR's constant touching and unbuttoning of HS'shirt. I love that she does it because it's funny and totally cracks me up, but, in reality, if it was a man doing something similar to a woman, would we think it's funny.... or creepy? I think they are taking that just a bit too far. And it's because it's so out of the norm for a kdrama that I guess I'm wondering about this. If it were and American comedy, I wouldn't think a thing about it.


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Oh my god, how fun is watching Hwa-shin suffer from lovesickness? It's so sad yet I could not stop laughing the whole time, and the FIGHT, these guys, these adorkable guys, I love them!

This episode kinda showed us that these guys would do lots of screaming, lots of fighting, and there might be heartaches and tears but no matter what will happen, they will still be friends, YAY!

I thought Hwa-shin's confession to Jung-won was sad but somehow selfish, I understand that Jung-won is his only friend and he wanted to tell his friend about the girl he likes, his one sided love, and how he's going crazy trying to keep it all in but SHE happens to be the girl his friend likes too, though he said he would never tell her, he would never do it to him, he still told him about his feelings towards Na-ri, it felt like he wanted to get it off his chest, to ease his suffering a bit, even when he knows how's that gonna make Jung-won feel, and that I felt was selfish of him. How is Jung-won supposed to treat Na-ri in front of him now? This will make him cautious of every little thing Hwa-shin would do for her, how he will act around her, and that's why he's so nervous!

I love Ja-young for saying she'll be Chi-yul's mother. Na-ri's always busy, I know she's working hard for him but this kid needs someone to take care of him and just be there for him. It was sad that she couldn't say she's Pal-gang's mother but I think she'll do her best to prove she does make a good mother to the kids.

Thanks dramallama for the recap.


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Hwashin hits him in the back of his head while boxing - an integrity alarm in matches, not once but twice, rings him up on his date with his gf and tells him he does not trust him. Lay it thick onto him his desires towards Nari and that he will confess to her before changing his mind. Then in an alone time, physically wipes ice cream off the lips of another mans girlfriend, an intimate gesture that should not have happened and all this time, hes trying to convince his friend that he is more important than a woman? Yet JW no matter how angry says to him I trust you. JW is human after all, after taking all of that, coupled with a girl friend who says shes going to do her best in the relationship and yet doesnt think for him at all and goes overboard in her actions, yet ppl expect him not to blow or get angry or feel uneasy. I wonder how many ppl really put themselves in his shoes watching the drama. How much more does he have to take. I say cut his losses and get out. Girl is clueless and insensitive. She obviously doesnt care about him and just keeps taking everything he is giving and returning it on someone else. Annoying.


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Ugh, why did you have to put it like that? My heart already breaks for Jung-won, I honestly find it very hard not to feel for him. A lot of people are blaming him for getting angry and all but what do you expect from the guy? What do you want him to do? His mother is against him being with the only girl he ever cared about and the only person he thought is by his side and supporting him got his eyes on his girlfriend, I think it was totally normal of him to react the way he did, if it was one of the guys I know in real life, they would've punched Hwa-shin right in the face the moment he said all that stuff, but being the person Jung-won is he held it in and when he finally broke down, he gets all hate for it. That's just sad!


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Seriously, can Jung Won get some love over here. Poor thing is always begging for affection. Back at the pojangmacha when HS first told him and NR to date, after HS left he begged NR to bicker and talk casually with him, too, like she does with HS. In the dorm room, he begged the 'sleeping' NR when will he hear her say she likes him. After HS drove NR to him, Jung Won pretty much begs her to trust him. And this episode he begs her to confirm she likes him more than HS. My heart breaks for his starved heart. Can someone please give him a hug? I wish Ja Young would adopt him, too.


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He gets all my love, sending him a virtual hug right now!

I love the idea of Ja-young adopting him, he would make the best hyung chi-yeol would ever get. Now I want this to happen so bad!


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awwwwwww, he would be the best big brother for Chi Yeol, you're so right ?


Yes! Ja-Young, Jung-Won and Chi-Yeol would make an awesome family. And maybe while she's over there mothering the puppies we could get Ja-Young to slap some sense into that brat Hwa-Shin. It seemed to work for Pal-Gang...she's a lot less bratty.


YES!! can he have this kind of friendship with Chiyeol instead of his nuna?. hahahahaha.


I dont understand why this show couldn't stay "jealous forever" ! HS cannot have the girl at the end of the day!
Why wld JW not get the girl! I don't understand!


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Awn that last screencap.

Jo Jung Seok and Han Ji Min were so cute. I was smiling throughout that scene, probably because JJS was smiling throughout it. Writer, I need loads of that smile in the second half, you hear me?


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I can't wait to see his smile..
I miss his (JJS) smile~ he smiles a lot in OMG.. even if he shouldn't have smile but he can't hide his smile bcs PBY is just too cute to handle...


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I mean JW is the one who noticed Na Ri for how sweet a person she really is . And then this HS began to take notice.

Why shld this character get the girl. ;(


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Totally understand the frustration here!


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Would you notice how nice a person is... if they are stalking you at your work, openly telling you how much they like you (despite not really knowing them that well)... etc.? I would think not. Her liking for him... based in the flashbacks... is quite creepy. Your annoyance for that person would probably come first (especially if you've told them more than enough... nicely... that you don't like them).

The only reason JW noticed her was because she wasn't really stalking him and bombarding him with creepy "I like yous." Hence why... when you are on your first date with someone... don't tell them you like them so much or you love them already.. it'll definitely be creepy.


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Dang! I'm late to the party and about to be a party pooper!

I did not like episode eleven. at. all.

First of all, I think that it is way too soon for JW to know about HS's feelings. At this point, JW just has the idea of a relationship with NR. So their fight seems to objectify NR, rather than have any real emotional stakes for me. If I were TPTB, I would have forgone JW overhearing the confession and used the flashback to establish how HS and JW became friends.

Second, this episode made me really dislike HS. NR has hinted in the past that HS always puts her down but I kind of brushed it off. But, the flashback made it really hard to ignore. HS rarely chooses to interact with NR in a way that preserves her dignity. He is brash and cruel to her --often in the presence of others. And, he hasn't changed. Years later, he still treats her like the gum on the bottom of his shoe -- except now he also cries about her. Where is the softness he showed the doctor he went on the date with? Where are the smiles? It's almost like HS is punishing NR for not reciprocating his feelings. That speaks so poorly about his character.

Third, I am having problems liking NR. I don't understand why she keeps signing up for HS's mistreatment. She doesn't owe him anything. He has a doctor and family. She has her goals, brother and a new relationship. Plus, he seems to have all the power in the relationship and he is hot and cold with his attention to her.

Fourth, I want more screen time for NR and JW. I want to see if they are truly compatible with one another and to do that I have to actually see the dates. Even if they don't end up together, they both really need a friend. And despite HS's presence, he really isn't one to either one of them.

Finally, I want to see the main characters interact with their family more. They still need more rounding out as characters and a lot of times one's family dynamic help explain the dynamics that we are drawn to romantically. It's time to show a little more -- rather than telling -- with the character developments.

That's my two cents. :)


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Love your two cents. I agree fully. My favourite scene for ep11 has to be the mums for the kids and the compromises they made to put her interests first. Quite emotional...


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Thanks! I liked that scene too. It showed growth in both of the ladies. I just wish they weren't interested in the same man! There has to be more than one single male pasta chef in Seoul. ;)


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My prediction is the chef will end up with Jayoung. While Ms Gye becomes the full time live in mom of Ppalgang. In this situation everyone wins since they will still live in one building.


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Love your two cents too -- exactly what i wanted to say ?


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The way I see it... if this situation was the opposite and HWS was a girl and NR was a guy... HWS' actions would have been justifiable.

Imagine... for three long years... no matter how much you tell this person you don't like them and you're not attracted to them... they keep upping their game. I'm not sure how long NR have been pestering HWS for her "like towards him" in that elevator scene but if it's been for a few years already.... HWS' annoyance, rudeness is very understandable.

Same for the scene this time around... HWS clearly doesn't want to deal with NR anymore (especially bec. of how it's creating conflicts etc.) but NR keeps sticking to him like glue... no matter how mean he acts towards her. There's a reason why people tend to be mean... it means lay off... and so the other person should learn to back off.


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Oh,Jealousy Incarnate u are good!!!Never laugh that much!!!That EPIC background drama and mud!


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If the writers intended to showcase their characters' likeability and make Hwa Shin's feelings a long term thing with those flashback scenes then they totally failed. They kept their bad characteristics for 3 years even in the present. Now that I saw the flash backs the more I can't stand Na Ri and Hwa Shin in this love quadrangle.

1. Hwa Shin while not fooling Na Ri about his feelings was still a total asshole who couldn't interact nicely and with dignity towards her. Why did he brush her off and acted so rude to her? The looks of disdain and condescension when she wanted to share sandwiches were so unnecessary. Not to say that elevator scene was outright cruel. He totally acted like her presence was the biggest nuisance. He saw her personality and still didn't like her romantically.

So forwards 3 years with Na Ri still being the same and now it's supposed to be love? Sorry can't buy it. The flash backs solidified for me that his 'feelings' towards Na Ri are wounded pride and begrudging his best friend the girl who liked him first.

Also he's a total hypocrite claiming to put his best friend first but still confessing to him that he likes his gf. And not in a modest way but the impudent one. 'I’m going to confess to her. I don't need your permission. I want to hold hands with Na-ri, hug her, kiss her, and sleep with her.' Any of my friends pulling that shit and they would have felt my fist. Jung Won was quite nice to merely walk away.

2. Na Ri was creepy and stalkerish with no sense for personal and private boundaries. She kept beeing invasive and annoying during the blind date. Why did she kept staying there and staring at them like they've done her wrong? Hwa Shin made it clear he had no interest and still she kept pestering him for 3 years.

She's still doing the same after being rejected and having a bf. And still crossing lines you don't when you're in a relationship. It's not fondness she feels for Hwa Shin anymore it feels like a crazy obsession where she's wet-nursing and patronizing an adult man into her imagination of living your life.

3. Jung Won while being childish and spiteful is actually the victim in this situation. It's his first time liking a girl like that. Not only is he confronted with a scheming evil mother but must also now worry about a friend potentially on the verge of stealing his girl by confessing to her and constantly being near her. He knows their history and her 3 years crush on his best friend. And still can't do much because it's his best friend. All that helplessness and forced passiveness on him would make anyone go crazy.

4. Hye Won is the only calm and adult person in this. Not only did she defend Hwa Shin and didn't try to take advantage of Jung Won's knowledge of their conversation. At the same time she keeps pursuing her professional/romantic goal while being straight forward and honest about her intentions. She gets how Hwa Shin ticks and unlike Na Ri...


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After finishing this whole episode... I would have to say the Elevator Scene was pretty horrible... especially with how HWS did that. However... I think it's unfair for people to keep saying how bad it was for HS to be that way. Sure... I thought it was extreme... the way he reacted... but...

Imagine if this was the opposite? A guy... you do not know personally... just screams to your entire workplace that he likes you. Furthermore... he follows you around... everywhere... stalking you... even while you're at your date. Then... people around you are telling you to just go out with the guy bec. they feel bad for him. In that situation... I too would react as rudely as HWS. These... of course... means you won't know the person at a deeper level (no matter how good they might actually really be). I'm pretty sure... if it wasn't for the cancer situation... that indifference... would have continued.


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Thank you very Much for your effort to summarize Episodes, it such a wonderful drama i really won't it to be finished

Please , can any one help me to find the song witch talke about the girl and friend , it was playing in the background music during the fighting scene ( into the mud )


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Wrongful Encounter - by Kim Gunmo


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Jo Jung seok’s acting in this drama is pure gold. The man is super talented...he shows various emotions with just his eyes ! i'm seriously impressed !!


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Hwa Shin is a whiny baby! The moping has to stop.


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I have to take back what I said in earlier posts about Hwa Shin not being a true jerk. That flashback in the elevator was painful. I am not as negative as hiphiphooray and Queen Zero. To me it is just the usual lack of subtlety of kdramas. Still enjoying the show. The fight on the mud flat was great. Men never know what to do with complicated emotions.


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Wow Hwa Shin got totally unlikeable this episode. The way he told Jung Won that he liked his girlfriend was too cheeky. Like man back down why did you have to be so explicit and say things like what you would want to do with Na Ri in front of him. And the flashbacks showed him as an inconsiderate ass. The way he treated Na Ri like dirt was off putting and makes his feelings seem insincere. So he only likes her now that she isn't available and swooning around him.


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He grows on her. And that feeling where you don't have no one to talk too especially you have that creepy illness and she's the only living who cared about your health that time. i would feel the same way too. But in the end i'll understand if the two of them wont end up together. HS may end up broken but he'll be fine. with Cho Jung Suk's acting ....wont wonder how it goes. and i'm starting to scream inside. GOSH! HOW I LOVE THIS DRAMA BECAUSE OF HIM!


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Lee Hwa-shin is my favorite and he is the best!!!!!!! It won't change


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