Familiar Wife: Episode 6

Poor Joo-hyuk is thoroughly caught in the jaws of vicious jealousy as he’s forced to watch another man fall for Woo-jin. There’s not much he can do, as he’s not even supposed to know Woo-jin in this timeline, but that doesn’t stop him from trying. This leads Joo-hyuk to the discovery of some cold hard truths, and carries some unexpected side effects that could totally change everything, past and future.

EPISODE 6: “Wrongful encounter.”

Joo-hyuk watches, hidden, as Jong-hoo asks Woo-jin to date him. Woo-jin stares at Jong-hoo for a long moment, then laughs loudly and says he made her heart flutter for a second. When he asks if that’s all, she admits that it’s not, but she asks for some time to get to know him better before answering.

Joo-hyuk starts to leave, but he accidentally makes noise and alerts Jong-hoo and Woo-jin to his presence. He fibs that he left something at his desk, and all three laugh awkwardly.

Later, Joo-hyuk and Jong-hoo end up at Sang-shik’s bar, where Joo-hyuk looks like he might be sick as Jong-hoo tells Sang-shik that he’s in love (Sang-shik: “Again?”). Jong-hoo is practically glowing, but Joo-hyuk snaps that he’s against this relationship, telling Jong-hoo that he knows nothing about Woo-jin. He points out that it could be bad if they broke up and had to work together, but Jong-hoo swears that they’d never break up.

Joo-hyuk tries to entice Jong-hoo away from Woo-jin by offering to introduce him to one of Hye-won’s friends, but Jong-hoo isn’t interested in anyone that isn’t Woo-jin. He whines to Joo-hyuk to help him with Woo-jin, and Sang-shik warns Jong-hoo to just date her and not even think of marriage. Joo-hyuk says he isn’t allowed to do either, trying to put his foot down, only for Sang-shik and Jong-hoo to override him.

Woo-jin and Joo-eun have a beer at the convenience store nearby, where Woo-jin tells Joo-eun that she got asked out by a coworker. She admits that she likes him and they have fun together, and that all the women in the office seem attracted to him. But she also says there’s no “spark,” and Joo-eun tells her that that sort of thing only happens in movies.

She says that often, you don’t recognize your fate right away — she knew Sang-shik since high school, but it took years for her to notice him. Woo-jin takes that in and decides to be more open-minded about Jong-hoo from now on.

On her way to work the next morning, a little girl runs out in front of Woo-jin’s bike, hurting herself. It makes Woo-jin late to work, and when Jong-hoo is worried, Joo-hyuk snaps at him to mind his own business. Woo-jin sneaks in a few minutes later with Jong-hoo’s help (he tells her about Joo-hyuk’s trick with the coffee cup), making Joo-hyuk worry that they might actually start dating.

While talking to one of his superiors, Branch Manager Cha learns that an employee has complained that he “forces” them to go to team dinners. It puts him in a bad mood, and he goes inside yelling about everything from the banner at the front door, to the plants in the lobby, to Hwan’s socks.

Joo-hyuk runs over to literally get between Jong-hoo and Woo-jin when Jong-hoo tries to ask her out again. Later, Woo-jin and Jong-hoo are sent for lunch break at the same time, so Joo-hyuk claims not to feel well from hunger and is sent out, too.

On the way to lunch, Jong-hoo asks Woo-jin questions about herself (and gets silly answers like that she’s a chaebol daughter). Joo-hyuk runs to catch up with them, claiming that Manager Byun told him to eat with them. He does everything he can to thwart Jong-hoo’s attempts to impress Woo-jin, and after lunch, Jong-hoo drags Joo-hyuk into a convenience store to ask what his problem is.

He shoves Joo-hyuk’s hand into the ice cream freezer to bully him into admitting what’s wrong (and HA, they grin at Woo-jin awkwardly whenever she looks in at them). Joo-hyuk reminds Jong-hoo that he told him Woo-jin isn’t the one for him, citing that they work together and he’ll spend too much money on food because she eats so much, but all he can think of for a third reason is, “She’s my ex-wife.”

He can’t say that, so Jong-hoo releases him, saying that his reasons aren’t good enough to make him lose interest. He tells Joo-hyuk to stop acting like a parent who’s against his son’s marriage, and he warns that if Joo-hyuk keeps acting jealous, he’ll assume he likes him as more than a friend, adding cheekily, “And you’re not my type,” hee.

After a particularly tiring rush, Branch Manager Cha slumps out for lunch. Manager Byun wants to tag along, but Branch Manager Cha grumbles that lunch is off-time and he doesn’t want to make them uncomfortable. Manager Byun and Team Leader Jang wonder what’s put him in such a sulk, until Hwan mentions that in last week’s evaluation, he wrote that the team dinners make him feel like he’s working late. Everyone gasps, and Manager Byun angrily chases Hwan around the office.

Hye-won goes to the gym again, looking around anxiously until Hyun-soo shows up,. He follows her out when she’s finished, asking her to buy him a meal, and she complains that she ate with him once because he’s cute, but now he’s taking advantage.

Hyun-soo suggests that Hye-won make him her “some” (as in, not dating, but not not dating), and confesses that he likes her. She says that it’s just a noona fantasy, and he doesn’t argue the point. He admits that he saw her wedding ring, so Hye-won tells him to date someone his age, but Hyun-soo says that if she thinks it’s that easy, then she’s never really been in love.

He starts to leave, but he turns back and comes to stand very close to Hye-won, staring at her intently. He watches her reaction, smiles to himself, then walks away, grinning to himself.

Hyun-soo drives his flashy sports car to an underground valet, tossing the keys to his buddy who works there. His friend complains that pretending to be a college student wasn’t enough, and now he’s borrowing clients’ cars pretending to be a chaebol. Hyun-soo counters that to land a rich woman, you have to take big risks, and he’s got a big fish on the line this time. Oooo, you jerk.

When Branch Manager Cha returns from lunch, the employees make sure he sees Manager Byun chastising Hwan for writing that evaluation. Team Leader Jang makes a big deal about how kind and generous Branch Manager Cha is to buy them food, and they all pretend to cry at the thought of him ever retiring, which is pretty over-the-top but works like a charm.

At the end of the day, Branch Manager Cha reminds Woo-jin that there’s a new employee training workshop this weekend. There’s also leadership training, so he tells Joo-hyuk to go, and keep an eye on Woo-jin in the process. Jong-hoo asks if he can go instead, and Branch Manager Cha says he doesn’t care which of them attends. LOL, Joo-hyuk’s face is priceless.

Leaving work, Jong-hoo sheepishly admits to Woo-jin that he’s attending the workshop to spend the weekend near her. He’s also gotten a bike so he can travel partway home with her, but she warns that he may not be able to keep up. He argues that he’s got strong thighs, but Woo-jin leaves him wobbling in her wake, gasping for air.

They stop at the convenience store for a drink, and Sang-shik finds them and asks why Jong-hoo is biking when he said they’re bad for the knees, ha. Jong-hoo just pointedly presents Woo-jin, and Sang-shik is hilariously happy to meet her, though he gets hit for mentioning how many women Jong-hoo dates. He invites Woo-jin to his restaurant so he can treat her to soju and chicken feet, and Woo-jin says she’s got training in the morning, then excitedly accepts anyway.

Joo-hyuk is at the restaurant with Joo-eun, when Sang-shik returns with Jong-hoo and Woo-jin in tow. Joo-eun is surprised to see Woo-jin, but Woo-jin is more shocked to see Joo-hyuk here. Sang-shik marvels at what a small world it is as he serves the food, especially the part where Joo-eun wanted to fix Woo-jin up with a guy who’s already in love with her, while Joo-hyuk looks like pure misery.

The women go to wash their hands, and Sang-shik comments on how ladylike Woo-jin looks, when she’s actually pretty quirky. He tells Jong-hoo that Woo-jin seems to like him, and he gets hit again, this time by Joo-hyuk, when he mentions an overnight trip he took Joo-eun on when they were first dating.

Jong-hoo asks Joo-hyuk for another favor, this time to borrow his car so he can drive Woo-jin to the training in the morning. Sang-shik asks if he’s planning to score over the weekend, and narrowly avoids getting seriously walloped this time. Jong-hoo giggles that he’s going to try to take things with Woo-jin to the next level.

Joo-hyuk is stuck going golfing the next day with Hye-won and his in-laws, though in this reality, he has no idea how to golf. He claims to be tired, blaming his distraction on being busy at work, but he really just can’t get the thought of Jong-hoo making a move on Woo-jin out of his head.

As they drive to the workshop, Jong-hoo gets busted by Woo-jin for claiming that he made food for the drive, when Woo-jin recognizes the sandwich. Jong-hoo says that women usually pretend not to notice things like that, making Woo-jin ask if he’s dated a lot, but Jong-hoo nervously says it’s not true.

Of course, as soon as they get to the training facility, Jong-hoo is recognized by a woman who doesn’t say anything specific, but acts a little salty towards him. A second woman mentions that he never answers his phone and warns Woo-jin that he makes women go crazy. Jong-hoo makes excuses, but Woo-jin just chuckles that he doesn’t owe her explanations.

Over lunch, Joo-hyuk’s father-in-law mentions their family vacation this summer, but Joo-hyuk is still obsessing about Jong-hoo making a move on Woo-jin. He sees a couple making out in the elevator and imagines them as Woo-jin and Jong-hoo, so he slaps himself to try and snap out of it.

During a break, Woo-jin talks on the phone with her mom, who’s upset about something. Jong-hoo approaches and smiles as he listens to how kindly she handles her mother, but when she hangs up, he sees that she looks a bit sad so he respectfully pretends he just arrived.

Joo-hyuk goes to Sang-shik’s bar and demands spicy food, complaining that he’s sick of eating steak at every meal. Sang-shik mentions that Jong-hoo isn’t answering his texts, and he asks how things are going for Joo-hyuk’s “friend” who keeps running into his ex.

Joo-hyuk says sadly that the ex is seeing someone else now, and that his “friend” is incredibly upset because he can’t stop it. Sang-shik says that he must still have feelings for her, but Joo-hyuk loudly insists that his “friend” is just worried because he knows what she’s really like. Sang-shik counters that if things are over then he should let her date whoever she wants, only for Joo-hyuk to bark at him to shut it.

Sang-shik tries to call Jong-hoo, who still isn’t answering his phone. Joo-hyuk grumps that he’s at training, but Sang-shik jokes that love blossoms at the training center, giving Joo-hyuk some pretty upsetting ideas about Jong-hoo and Woo-jin and condoms. He runs out of the bar and grabs a taxi to the training center.

Jong-hoo and Woo-jin are being a lot better-behaved than Joo-hyuk gives them credit for, going on a walk and talking about their families. Woo-jin says she’s an only child, while Jong-hoo is the maknae in a family of four kids. Woo-jin admits that she was always jealous of kids with lots of siblings.

She brings up her mother, and tells Jong-hoo that she has dementia. Jong-hoo says thoughtfully that he’s always thought of dementia as the body naturally breaking down when used for too long, and Woo-jin tells him that he’s more considerate than she originally thought. He’s touched, then he pouts when she says he’s especially considerate towards women, ha.

As soon as Joo-hyuk arrives at the training site, he goes looking for Jong-hoo and Woo-jin. He almost has a panic attack when he finds a couple making out, but luckily it’s not them. He finds them on their walk and gets Jong-hoo alone, but Jong-hoo doesn’t believe Joo-hyuk’s story that his father-in-law needs his car tomorrow.

Joo-hyuk somehow convinces Jong-hoo that it’s true, and Jong-hoo whines that he was so close to taking things with Woo-jin to the next level. He kick-chases Joo-hyuk across the room, nearly in tears, but Joo-hyuk just smiles and asks if he can crash with Jong-hoo for the night. Jong-hoo actually drops to his knees and begs Joo-hyuk to leave and let him date in peace, ha.

Woo-jin joins them and invites Joo-hyuk to stay for dinner, which he happily accepts. Jong-hoo mopes while they eat, but he enjoys a glass of wine with Woo-jin. Joo-hyuk knows that Woo-jin doesn’t have a high wine tolerance, but Jong-hoo urges her to drink anyway, making Joo-hyuk wonder what he’s planning.

Jong-hoo comments casually that in romantic comedies, things work out well when a man and a woman go on a date in a place like this. Woo-jin says she doesn’t care for rom-coms, because they’re so unrealistic. Joo-hyuk smugly thinks to himself that Woo-jin prefers melodramas, but she tells Jong-hoo that she likes comedies that make her laugh.

She continues that she watches melodramas only when she feels like crying but doesn’t want to seem weak. A lightbulb goes on for Joo-hyuk, and he excuses to the bathroom for a moment, shaken. He remembers one evening when he came home late from work on Woo-jin’s father’s memorial day, to find her crying over a sad movie.

He’d tried to change the channel, but Woo-jin had quietly insisting on finishing her movie. When Joo-hyuk tried to charm her into letting him watch his game, Woo-jin had exploded, screaming that she said no. Joo-hyuk had retreated to his game console, and when he heard the sounds of Woo-jin crying in the other room, he’d left her alone.

Now he recalls that Woo-jin had asked him to come home early that morning, and he understands that she wasn’t crying over the movie — she was crying because he broke his promise. He goes back to find Jong-hoo stepping away on a call, and Woo-jin asleep with her head on the table. Internally, he says to her:

You must have wanted to cry then. You must have wanted to be comforted then. You must have been deeply lonely then. Driven by work, I thought I was struggling the most. I was already facing a lot of trouble, so I wanted you to deal with your trouble on your own. I turned a blind eye to you, knowing how you suffered.

He remembers how easy it was to make her happy with just a little attention, and he realizes that she didn’t become a monster on her own, but that he made her into a monster. He reaches out, patting her head like he used to do, as he thinks, “I’m sorry, Woo-jin-ah. I’m so sorry.”

Woo-jin opens her eyes and looks up at hi, while he still has his hand on her head. Joo-hyuk’s heart pounds, but he says she had something in her hair and pulls his hand away. Woo-jin seems shaken, and can barely look Joo-hyuk in the eye.

While Joo-hyuk drives home, he berates himself for going there and acting like a jealous husband, telling himself that he shouldn’t have made this choice (to change the past). As luck would have it, when he stops for a red light, the doomsayer who gave him the time-travel coins walks right in front of his car.

Joo-hyuk pulls over and follows the doomsayer underground to the subway station, but he loses sight of him around a corner. When Joo-hyuk catches up, the doomsayer is gone, and he can’t find the man anywhere.

In her room, Woo-jin can’t stop thinking about waking up with Joo-hyuk’s hand on her head. She massages her pounding chest and wonders what’s wrong with her.

Monday morning, Joo-hyuk approaches Woo-jin outside the bank to ask if he made her uncomfortable, but she makes an excuse to leave. Later he offers to help her with a paper jam in the printer, but she refuses his help and accepts Jong-hoo’s. Jong-hoo chirps to Joo-hyuk that Woo-jin seems more open to him after the weekend, but Joo-hyuk just grumbles that he didn’t notice.

In the break room, Hwan is on the phone with a friend and ignores Hyang-sook’s request for help getting something from a high shelf. When she reaches for it herself, her top rides up, revealing a tiny tattoo on her side. That gets Hwan’s attention, and he suddenly finds her every move intensely interesting.

Meanwhile, Hye-won visits a department store, and she hears a familiar voice in the parking garage. It’s Hyun-soo at work as a valet, but neither of them sees the other as he drives a car away. Hye-won calls Joo-hyuk to see when he gets off work so they can have dinner together.

Manager Byun tells Jong-hoo to visit a client’s factory in preparation for another loan before he goes home. Having planned to bike home with Woo-jin again, he makes a face at Joo-hyuk, who argues that he can’t do it for him tonight. Jong-hoo petulantly knocks over Joo-hyuk’s pen cup and runs out, hee.

Joo-hyuk is the last one left at the bank when Woo-jin comes back to her desk for something. They politely wish each other a nice evening, but Woo-jin doesn’t leave — instead she approaches Joo-hyuk and says she needs to check something. He stands, and Woo-jin apologizes in advance for what she’s about to do. She takes Joo-hyuk’s wrist and lifts his hand to her head, then looks up at him with wide, sad eyes.

Hye-won arrives in the parking lot to pick up Joo-hyuk, where she runs into Hwan. He lets her inside, and she sees Joo-hyuk standing there with Woo-jin. She calls out to him, and Joo-hyuk and Woo-jin both look at her, Joo-hyuk’s hand still on Woo-jin’s head.


It occurs to me that, while it bothers me when Hye-won flirts with her cute little scam artist, Joo-hyuk’s jealousy over Woo-jin doesn’t bug me at all. I suppose it’s because Joo-hyuk hasn’t experienced the last twelve years with Hye-won, and he never actually married her, so it doesn’t feel like cheating in his case. In his memory, they have zero history together — all of his memories are of falling in love with, marrying, and making a family with Woo-jin. So it doesn’t “feel” like his jealousy over Woo-jin is cheating, because this Joo-hyuk didn’t fall in love with or marry Hye-won. On the other hand, this timeline’s Hye-won did marry and make a life with Joo-hyuk. So, because Hye-won does have the history and memories with Joo-hyuk, her interest in Hyun-soo is very much cheating behavior. It’s a fine line, because Joo-hyuk is definitely emotionally cheating on Hye-won, in this timeline’s reality. But it feels different to me as an observer, because I know things about Joo-hyuk that the other people in this timeline don’t know.

Early on in the show, I’d wondered how Joo-hyuk could have driven Woo-jin to such anger and disappointment that she’d fly off the handle even when he was being cheerful, because he seemed pretty sweet and gentle even then. But the scene where he came home late on her father’s memorial day made me realize that his cheerfulness was a big part of the problem, because it translated to neglect when Woo-jin needed him the most. Joo-hyuk tends to pretend that things are fine even when they aren’t fine, as if he’s hoping that being in a good mood will make it okay that he missed an important event. But Woo-jin didn’t feel she could rely on him to take things seriously when needed, so she lost faith in him and stopped leaning on him for support. Yes, Woo-jin should have told Joo-hyuk that she needed him to step up and be someone she could rely on when things got tough, but she probably felt that he’d just blow that off like he did everything else. No wonder she felt so alone, and got so depressed and angry.

I didn’t expect to feel Second Lead Syndrome for Jong-hoo, of all people, but he really touched me in this episode. He’s single in this timeline through no fault of his own, and he’s got a bad reputation with women, but it’s not his fault that his The One got taken from him in the timeline change. At least his feelings for Woo-jin do seem genuine (and who can blame him? She’s awesome). I feel bad for him because he’s trying so hard to get her to notice him romantically, but it’s a bit hollow when she’s having to make an effort to feel something more than friendship for him. Then to complicate matters, he’s got his best friend acting like a jealous ex for no reason anyone but Joo-hyuk can understand. Poor Jong-hoo doesn’t stand a chance, and I’m not looking forward to seeing his heart get broken.

It’s obvious to all of us that Joo-hyuk is insanely jealous of Jong-hoo’s feelings for Woo-jin, and it’s no wonder, with the way he’s been remembering how it felt to fall in love with her. Seeing him flail and stew over Jong-hoo is fun and funny, but what I really wanted to see was Joo-hyuk casting off his denial and doing some serious reflecting on himself, and what caused things to go so horrifically wrong in the original timeline. I keep saying that I don’t entirely blame him for wrecking his and Woo-jin’s marriage, because it takes two to tango, and Woo-jin has some responsibility for letting her anger and frustration change her so much. But Joo-hyuk certainly has some truths that he needs to face, and I’m glad to see him beginning to face them.

I touched on this before, but it’s worth saying again, that I really hope the answer isn’t that Joo-hyuk and Woo-jin end up together in this timeline. I want Joo-hyuk to go back to the original timeline and make right the things he did wrong, and to work hard to make that Woo-jin happy again. If he gets to be together with this timeline’s happy, unsullied Woo-jin, it will feel like a cop-out, and as if somewhere in the universe, there’s an angry, hurt Woo-jin who will never get an apology or a chance to be happy. I’m hoping that the three-month difference in time between the old timeline, and when this new timeline started, is a clue that possibly this new timeline isn’t a real one, but maybe a sort of test to see what Joo-hyuk will do once he realizes that changing wives doesn’t change the person he is, and that he’s only brought his problems along with him. But I’m also worried that the only way to get the old timeline back is for Joo-hyuk to go back in time and speak up for Woo-jin on the bus again, and he’s already used both of the coins he was given that allowed him to go back to that day. So I’m very concerned (in a good, can’t-wait-to-see-what-happens sort of way) about how this is all going to get resolved, and glad to see the that the doomsayer is still around, because he seems to be the only one who can fix this whole mess.


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I have no idea how this show is going to resolve itself. I do agree that the starting point for the timelines is the day of that first bus ride and I'm not sure how he is going to get back there.
Also, is it too soon for him to go back.

I do want him to go back though it will be hard to leave the happy Woo-jin. There is that scene when she mentions that she wanted to marry early and you can sense her sadness that it didnt happen. But she seems to be so confident in this timeline, to excel at her job, and to have a better control over her temper that I think she admitted to having.
It will be interesting if she ever mentions the life she dreams of especially in regards to the children.
Curious as to why the current time line Joo-hyuk and Hye-won do not have any children. And why Hye-won didnt pursue a career in performing.

And no, I do not think he feels married to Hye won at all. I hope that he has to spend more time with her in the next ep. I'm curious as to this marriage but also how he will behave when is around both of his wives.


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It seems next ep, he will return to the past again. I think he will make some mistake lead to an unexcepted future (like he is still single... haha)


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This is fun. Can we have another timeline where Jong Hooget married with WJ? lol


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Oh man, Joo Hyuk realizing why Woo Jin watched melodramas and the look on his face when he touched her head was heartbreaking. Ji Sung played that so well. His internal monologue was so sad:

You must have wanted to cry then. You must have wanted to be comforted then. You must have been deeply lonely then. Driven by work, I thought I was struggling the most. I was already facing a lot of trouble, so I wanted you to deal with your trouble on your own. I turned a blind eye to you, knowing how you suffered.

I don't know, I feel bad for the Woo Jin of the other timeline and the Joo Hyuk of this timeline who is realizing how much he contributed to the change in Woo Jin. I want Woo Jin to get perspective as well, but that likely means her fully recovering her memories in this timeline which would be so incredibly painful.

Joo Hyuk the cock blocker wasn’t cool, of course, but I cracked up at Jong Hoo’s reactions to his best friend’s craziness – You’re not my type – and the knocking over of something on Joo Hyuk’s desk and the hands in the ice cream cooler and the fight in the lobby. Jong Hoo is really sweet, and he and Woo Jin have a nice vibe, but I can’t help wishing fate would have him run into his wife from the previous timeline.


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That was my fav scene. As much as i wanted to skip this drama initially, I couldn't just ignore Ju Sung. I had to watch it.


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I agree, Ji Sung has played this character amazingly well. It's a credit to him that I dislike how his character is behaving right now. He's still getting an emotional response from me!

I love that Jong Hoo is actually standing up to Joo Hyuk and calling him out on his behaviour. That scene with the ice cream freezer was really funny!


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Thank you for the recap. I wasn't able to watch much of the episode because of secondhand embarrassment, and being squicked out (if Joo-hyuk is to retain his memories and get back with his wife, how can he remain friends with his best friend?)

I also don't know how the show is going to resolve itself, because it has so far provided a very poor case for Joo-hyuk and Woo-jin being together, every which way I look at it.

While I agree that Joo-hyuk get's the lion's share of the blame, I am not much of a fan of Woo-jin either. They are both terrible at working together and communicating as partners. I scoffed when Woo-jin tried to discuss as serious a matter as her mom's dementia with Joo-hyuk when he was going to work (which didn't help because he was selfishly distracted and didn't pick up her cues that this might be important)...AND THEN SHE NEVER MENTIONS IT AGAIN. What???? Nope nope nope.

Right now, I am kinda tired of the past timeline because I don't quite understand its purpose. It's cool to remember when they were happy, and see Woo-jin as she could be. But they're both single in this new TL, and without the stresses of children and marriage and having to contend with a partner with all their flaws. Of course Woo-jin will be happy and radiant (as she was, also in the original timeline, before marriage).

I want the show to get back to the present timeline, but I don't want them together at all.


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The alternate life is not real.
Joo-Hyuk is allowed to see his past, present and future in order for him to seek a last chance of redemption. This is more of a supernatural genre than a time travel genre.
The world that Joo-Hyuk is in has been prepared exclusively for Joo-Hyuk to pave his path to redeem himself. He will return to his original life just like ... Scrooge returned to his life in Charles Dickens the Scrooge.


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This show IS giving me 'It's a Wonderful Life' vibes. George got to go back to his original life in that one too.


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We don't know that this was the only time she mentioned her mom's dementia. She could have tried to bring it up again. But I understand her not bothering to try, she was already exhausted with the baby, hurt because of his inattention and she probably just decided it wasn't worth troubling him.

They aren't both single in this timeline. He's married to Hye Won.

I agree I don't want them to get together either. At least, not while he's being selfish and self centered. His memories are all about how she makes him feel. He needs to stop thinking about himself and start caring for others.


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That's the only time the show showed me, so that's what I'm going with. And that time was so inappropriate and so silly that I can't take anyone that does that seriously. At all. Even for trivial matters it's not the best time, Let alone matters of great importance. Such a person is not sensible. And if your mama's debilitating illness is not worth bothering to find a sensible time to share that info, then well , you shouldering that particular burden alone is a problem of your own doing. People don't know things by osmosis.

He's married to Hye-won in this timeline, but Hye-won is not part of their lives in the original TL. Her presence in his life in the fake TL has no consequences on his life in the original TL. I'd be just as squicked out if Hye-won was Woo-jin's friend in the original TL or if Woo-jin will remember Hye-won in the original TL. They aren't the same thing at all.

Both of them are not people who should be married, IMO. Woo-jin less so than Joo-hyuk, but all the same. They should live their best single lives away from each other.


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Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to say that I thought Woo Jin did the right thing. She should have been persistent in trying to talk to Joo Hyuk about her mom. I'm just saying I understand why she didn't. I think that she had already been disappointed by him in the past, more than once, so she just gave up. I wondered if she had ever considered divorcing him, but then there are the kids so probably not. And you're right. I think they are both much happier as singles than married. Especially to each other.


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Thanks @lollypip

I really hope the answer isn’t that Joo-hyuk and Woo-jin end up together in this timeline. I want Joo-hyuk to go back to the original timeline and make right the things he did wrong, and to work hard to make that Woo-jin happy again.

- Yes this was exactly what I was saying in the comments of the last episode's recap. Anything less than this is a cop out... even if he goes back to his timeline but does not have to make it right - that's a cop out too.

I really don't want anything to have changed in the original timeline and for him to get back there, slightly sooner than later.

The twist of Hyun Soo being a predator was interesting. I'd like to see what he's up to in the original timeline.

Might Joo Hyuk at least have learnt enough about himself to see that he's doing the same thing in this timeline with Hye Won? Might he pay his 'new' wife some attention and save her from Hyun Soo and then return to his own timeline to do the same (pay more attention) for Woo Jin? He also needs to pay his own family more attention in this new timeline, just as he needs to pay Woo Jin's mother more attention in the original timeline.

If he can become a better man, it should work on any timeline afterall!!! 😉


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I am mostly reading recaps on this show to see if its worth watching since its Jisung.
Sadly, I find myself not liking Joo Hyuk. I feel sorry for him and sees that he can be a good guy but he runs from his problems instead of taking it on. I dislike that he is selfish and inattentive to the wives he has on both timelines. I am not putting the blame on him for his bad marriage since it takes two to tango.
I hope he takes what he learns from this all and become a better man and husband to whichever wife he ends up with.


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We're only on episode 6! I have a feeling that Joo Hyuk will go back to the present and somehow, present day Woo-jin will stumble across the same situation with the coin and be also able to travel to a different timeline where she didn't marry Joo Hyuk. I'm very sympathetic to her so far, but I have a feeling that perhaps she also was unaware of what present-day Joo Hyuk was going through.

If so, that would be super refereshing of seeing a couple actually work through their problems! It'd be so nice if all of us could benefit from hindsight and (perhaps) a glimpse of alternate futures :)


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Wow same thought here! That would be so interesting right? But I have a feeling she won't make the same choice as Joo Hyuk to travel back in time and make changes to marry someone else; she will lose her children who she sacrifices so much to raise, in his absence and lack of sensitivity. I am curious to see what kind of changes she will make if running into the coins!


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This would be so interesting! We'll get to see how both of them choose to live their alternate lives.


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TRUTH. I feel he already cheated on Woo Jin when he completely disregarded her and gleefully clung onto his new wife with ZERO remorse.


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And from what I’ve seen zero remorse for his children that no longer exist. My problem is that HE remembers his past life so he knows he’s cheating but he happily returns to his “new” wife each day.


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I agree with you on all 100%, but I think it has less to do with Joo Hyuk being cute and more with him being main lead. I mean, who would like to see the journey of jerkface who makes bad people out of all ladies he marries. I am thinking, that's why everyone tries justify him


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Joo-hyuk is a pain in the ass and annoying. He slept with his current wife, he should just move on and make his current marriage life work. Both wives deserve better. I hope he won't end up with either of them. It's ridiculous that the drama make his character can choose which wife he prefers and the wife have to stuck with this asshole.


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You must be a woman who’s husband left for a much prettier girl. Lol


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Ok mister, you chose to ignore Woo Jin in the alternative timeline 13 years ago and chose to be with Hye Won instead. Please do own up to your decision and make it work with your current wife. It’s freaking annoying to see you butt in everytime your bestfriend is trying to work things out with your so-called ex-wife which no one around you knows about it (except your “supposed” MIL).

Though Hye Won is treating Joo Hyuk’s family bad, and has the intention to cheat on Joo Hyuk, that doesn’t mean that Joo Hyuk can easily use that excuse to cheat on her with Woo Jin. It’s just wrong.


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He had a fight with his wife and made an impulsive decision to try and change his life which surprisingly actually worked. But that didnt mean that he can just forgot his wife with whom he spent 13 hears of his life. You cant expect him to suddenly stop thinking about her and start loving some woman who is basically a stranger to him even of she is his 1st love. And yeah no one else knows thats why he has to resort to these methods what else can he do when he sees his ex-wife whom he still loves become someone else's. He doesnt have anyone to talk him out of it either since no one knows. But i admit he is going too much overboard with his interfering but i still understand his point of view.

But is it really cheating though? He told her from start that he is married, he tried to ignore her in start and even now when he is trying to come between them he still doesnt plan to cross the line and neither does woo jin. Technically hye won is not cheating either but the difference is that she hid her ring which means she wanted something whether it s a mere flirting or an affair.


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People are focused on the other characters but this is about Joo-Hyuk. Everyone else is a mist, non-existent mist. He will go back to his original life because this is about redemption.

This fantasy is using a similar storytelling trope as Charles Dicken's Scrooge. Joo-Hyuk is taken back to three revelations: past, present and things-yet-to-come.
Although it is not using the same story .. the premise of the protagonist is tested by a divine supernatural force to give Joo-Hyuk a last chance of redemption.
The world is strictly revolving around Joo-Hyuk.
The New life of Woo-Jin, Hye-Won, Jung-Hoo and his sister is immaterial and serve as disposable servants to the means of steering him to redemption.
Classic story trope used by Charles dickens.


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I don't have as much sympathy for Joo Hyuk as you do @lollypip . I was so mad at him this episode, I actually yelled at him through the screen! He was being a complete jerk, a very bad friend and an even worse husband. His sabotage of Jong Ho was so uncalled for. Joo Hyuk had his chance with Woo Jin and he gave her up. He DIDN'T WANT HER. Now that she's happy, confident and funny again he can't have her but no one else can either. What a jerk! In my opinion, the way he's acting being so selfish, he and Hye Won deserve each other!

I know the show will have Joo Hyuk and Woo Jin get together, somehow but in my mind no matter what happens, the parallel universe will exist where Jong Hoo and Woo Jin become a couple. After all, friendship CAN lead to deep, long lasting love if you're patient enough.

I'm with Lollypip on which Woo Jon he should get with though, it would be a travesty if it were this timeline's Woo Jin. He needs to go back to HIS timeline and fix things there. I don't think he's quite ready to yet though. He's still acting selfishly and carelessly. He has already ruined the lives of so many people by changing things, he's in danger of doing it yet again with his jealousy and acting out.


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This is a drama where I can say that the actor hard carry the unlikable character. It is amazing that I like Ji Sung as Joo Hyuk even though I dislike his attitudes.


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This is a comedy, Joo hyuk and Woo jin will come back together, so I understand why Joo hyuk is written this way.
BUT, after finding himself married to his first love, shouldn't he be all lovey dovey over her (and her not understanding why her husband of 10 years goes back to honeymoon behavior)?


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Thats because it was only a superficial feeling he didnt actually love her. Even when this timeline started he kept feeling awkard in front of her because to him she was not his wife and it must have felt a like cheeting to him. He did somewhat get over it but it still doesnt mean he will magically start loving her


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Yeah, Joo Hyuk never loved Hye Won. He pretty much had a short-lived crush on Hye Won and impulsively changed his life not because he wanted her but the “dream wife” he imagined her to be. But imagination is not reality and he barely knows or has an emotional connection to her. I can see why he's not lovey dovey over her.


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Ikr this is why i even sometimes feel like he is cheating when he is with hye won instead of woo jin even though she is his wife here and not woo jin


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Thanks for the insightful recap, @lollypip!

I must admit that this story is progressing a lot faster than I thought it would. Within the first two episodes, the problematic marriage is set up, as well as the alternative timeline switch. Then, within episodes 3-4, we already start to see Joo Hyuk's idyllic life start showing signs of problems.

He's even starting to recognize his own contribution to Woo Jin's unhappiness and the stresses to their marriage. While he still has a way to go, I'm quite surprised (and pleased) at his perception. The jealous (not-really-yet-somehow-true) ex-husband tropes are hilarious. They added a good bit of levity to the storyline.

The preview seemed to suggest he'll be able to time travel again. We're not even at the half way point yet, so I have to wonder if Joo Hyuk might try to learn through trial and error where the "critical points" in his marriage were where he (in the real timeline) failed to be there for Woo Jin, and he'll figure it out bit by bit how to be a better husband. This is pure speculation, of course.


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Though I sympathized with Joo Hyuk and all those little revelations broke my heart, I felt really peeved at Joo Hyuk for trying to prevent a Woo-jin and Jong-hoo relationship from happening. Lollypip's recap and reflections helped calm me down.


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Same althogh i live joo hyuk i still got irriated at him trying too hard to interfere between woo jin and jong hoo too specially when he went to that training i got so embarssed for him on his actions


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