I am so very frustrated with yahoo email right now! I’ve had the same yahoo email since I was in high school. I don’t actually use it for much these days, I only check it once every few months as theres only one or two people who still email me at that address–no matter how many times I’ve given them better or more accurate information. I keep it for those few people and because it was my first email address and all in all the name I chose is still pretty dang accurate and I like it. I like that email address even if I can’t use it for most grown up interactions.

Over the last few days I’ve gotten a solid dozen emails from yahoo saying that someone in vietnam is trying to access my account. This morning I tried to sign in—I use a verification key instead of a password for the account–and when I get to the screen where I’m supposed to enter the verification code sent to me via text there’s already some code entered. Like, wtf? And the page refreshes, the same code is entered and it happens like 5 more times, all in a row, faster than I can stop it. The same thing happens when I try and send the code to my backup email. When I try and contact yahoo all of their support is shut down because of COVID19 which is obviously way more important than my email problems.
But my email problems are annoying and I don’t want some weirdo in Vietnam to make off with my email address. Its mine!


    If your mail has been hacked, there’s little you can do.
    A friend got her hotmail account hacked and it was her only account and hotmail told her that she couldn’t take her back.
    My sister got her IG account hacked and lost all the photos she had posted for 3 years.
    I hope you can solve it, Isa.
