I know I shouldn’t be all judge-y and such but I was just at the grocery store and the woman behind bought: frozen sausage patties, frozen biscuits, frozen sausage biscuits (wth? don’t you literally put the first two ingredients together to get the same result? I am so confused by this right now), and frozen cheese quesadillas. I’m trying not to judge….I don’t know this woman’s life. But….literally everything that she bought she could make herself? In a lesser amount of time than it will take to thaw out and cook the frozen stuff? And aren’t cheese quesadillas literally just—you know cheese? And a tortilla? I don’t know this lady and I don’t know her life but I have SO MANY QUESTIONS.


    I’m a lazy cook and can subsist quite well on peanut butter toast, but even I don’t understand frozen quesadillas. I feel like a frozen quesadilla would take longer to cook than just making a quesadilla .


      This is one of my questions! At first I was like—maybe you have to babysit quesadillas when you cook them? But….if you want to be lazy about it you can cook a quesadilla in the oven? And it would take less time than this? Maybe she didn’t know? Maybe they are going somewhere without a stove top and just an oven? I will never have the answers to these questions. I know this. I just needed to know that I’m not crazy and its…weird. Weird could be the wrong word. But, its something.


    Maybe she was buying some of the items for someone else and not for herself.

    Who knows though. But you’re right, so many questions.

    This reminds me of the time I saw someone purchase this peanut butter product that came in little square sheets, wrapped in cellophane. In other words, individual peanut butter squares that you just open and place on a slice of bread. ….. But she also purchased a jar of peanut butter. Unless the items were for different people, perhaps she wanted to time how long it took to actually spread the peanut butter on a slice of bread vs opening the pre-shaped peanut butter square and placing it on the bread slice (which, to this day I still doubt if it was even real peanuts or some approximation thereof). Again, questions. Heh!


      Wait a minute. Somewhere on this earth there is a company that is selling peanut butter the same way that you buy American cheese slices? Nooo…..How do they get it to keep that form?!?! How does it not stick to the cellophane? Why is this a thing?! I mean—I kinda understand the frozen sausage biscuits. You nuke them for 30 seconds and you have breakfast (one half, or the center WILL be frozen. If you microwave for even 5 additional seconds the whole thing turns into a brick (I may have had one or more of these suckers in my life)

      Maybe they are for different people. That makes sense. I never really pay much attention to what other people buy—but now. I’m tempted and I’m going to make up elaborate stories about people’s lives. Because mine is boring and people are weird.


        Yes, someone actually manufactures peanut butter in that format!! I was just as stunned when I saw it as you appear to be right now, heh! ….. I’m speculating that the product can be kept in that form because …. brace yourself …. I don’t think it’s really peanut butter! Or if it is, it has to be loaded with chemical-y preservatives to make it pliable and with a peanut butter texture but able to stay on the shelf for who knows how long! Ewww! ….. Then again, the cellophane is most likely also coated with who-knows-what, so that it won’t stick to the um, peanut butter product. ….. Again, eww.


          Mother of pearl. If your schedule cannot allow you to make a freaking peanut butter sandwich—I’m going to need you to rethink your life choices. I know people who love those frozen pb&j’s and I guess I get it. But this? THIS IS TOO FAR. I looked it up. I’ve seen the atrocity.



            And yeah, I was just about to say earlier that you needed to look this up (because apparently, I’m so tech-challenged today, I can’t seem to post a pic) to get a load of the, as you so aptly described, atrocity.


          I honestly feel like this “peanut butter” slices thing is some form of self-hatred. Like you did a bad thing in your life and you are lowkey punishing yourself for the rest of forever. Like. Youre such a bad person that your subconscious won’t even let you get the store-brand, less than good, bread ruining peanut butter. Its like, “you know what you did. Eat this peanut butter adjacent substance and go sit in a corner”.


    Me too beanie. A couple ahead of me (they looked like they’re in their 20’s) had a cart full of frozen vegetables, frozen sausages, and other frozen whatnots. They did not have a single “fresh food item” on their cart and that bothered me very much. I’m not exactly a healthy eater but I was mentally worried for them, thinking how they’re missing out on great meals by using fresh ingredients. And yeah I’m aware that it’s really none of my business on what they buy and what they eat but I was just really bothered that time…


    Haha, I’m a terrible cook but a very good microwaver. This would be the kind of stuff I buy. Just stick it on a paper plate and stick it in the microwave, walk away for two minutes, come back and eat. I’m not picky so I don’t care that the quesadilla is soggy and not crispy. I think the whole sausage biscuit thing is that sometimes you just want a biscuit, sometimes you just want sausage, and sometimes you want both. Never underestimate the human capacity for laziness!


      This. Makes. SO MUCH SENSE. YES! YES! Healthy, who cares from healthy? I’ve recently become too lazy to microwave ramen/boil water for ramen and have just been eating the noodles dry. Why? Lazy. I understand lazy. This grocery cart made NO SENSE TO ME WHATSOEVER. Even though I will never see these people again I was distressed by this cart. I kept thinking about it and figuring there was logic somewhere. I just didn’t see it. But sometimes you want a biscuit. Sometimes you want a sausage. Sometimes you want a sausage biscuit. Yes.
