This is where I leave you, Memories of the Alhambra. I’m out. ✌️


    Haha! I am enjoying the fan wall more than the show itself.


      Are you still watching it? What did you think of tonight’s episode?

      Btw – how do I make longer posts on my wall? I’ve seen Beanies write essays and I wanna get in on some of that action.


        Write it somewhere else like in Word. Copy and paste it into the comment section by using the right click/paste.


        My real thoughts are this show is garbage! The plot makes zero sense as of now, like Se-ju disappearing at the station into thin air or into AR world. So, are there two worlds or not, where he can cross over.
        I don’t understand why is Jin woo the narrator of se-ju’s story ? Like how does he know all the details of the conversations? Like Se-ju saying to noona that he misses her. Why are the flashbacks with his narration so detailed as which gun marco uses and why are there some people walking around when marco shoots? These places there were no CCTV footage, the bumping on the side walk also looks weird to be in the flashback/conjecture, I do not think it was on CCTV footage.
        I feel they are now just throwing stuff at us.
        Moreover I have no idea of the location specification of this game, I don’t understand why they can’t tweak it when they have the code to add and adjust the game, they should just hire a programmer and stop wasting money on flights! I mean the show is self contradictory, he (jin woo) himself claims that Se-ju thought he could fix this problem (the flash back scene) that obviously meant he would hire programmers to check not play it himself. I don’t understand the point of self-torture. Of both the leads.


          The show hasn’t made a lot of sense since the beginning. Remember when Hyeong-seok died from blood loss…but he didn’t have any puncture wounds?


            I think for that part they claimed that there were needle like puncture wounds over him. I remember this as a part of the reason why they became suspicious of Jin woo.


            Oh, I must have missed that explanation.


            But that was where the sense ended!
