@raonah this video that you linked me to (and I cant seem to find at the moment…hmm. https://youtu.be/GsSY0FKN3Bs Its been on my to-watch list forever, but Im just watching it now. And oh my gosh. How cute is GOT7. Just all of them? Marks EEEEEEEEWWWWWWW to Bam’s pick up line. The teasing of Jinyoung for shutting all the doors before he goes to bed. JB proudly announcing that he likes cats to silence. And then. EVERYONE knows you like cats. And the look of legit disgust on Bam Bams face as Jackson described his morning shake. “Its actually pretty good! I mean…if you imagine that there’s no food left on earth and this is it”. Jackson. Jackson. JACKSON. This sounds like he’s once again not taking as good a care of himself as I would want him to.


    At least he is eating breakfast though instead of starving himself. It does sound healthy and filling. It just sounds really nasty too. I don’t know how he drinks it with a straight face. Everyone else seemed so disgusted by it 😂 Except Jinyoung, that is. I wonder if Jinyoung drank it to prepare for his shower scene in Psychometric 🤔 When everyone else was saying they’d never tried it before he was suspiciously quiet 🤔🤔🤔
    I can’t believe all JB told us was that he likes cats. That is not a secret. Everyone knows that 😂 He should have told us something else too. (Although him playing with that toy cat was adorable 🥰🥰🥰)


    Mark looks like he’s been putting on a lot of muscle lately. Did you see this pic from when they were in New York?
