As we watched episode 14 last night, I crabbed to Mr. P that it was too conveniently easy for NIS white hat Seo Ji-won to hack the security system of Kim’s Tailor Shop in mere seconds for analyst Han Na-kyung to sneak in and illegally search for evidence. A few minutes ago, he brought the above link to my attention. Art imitates life after all. LOL!

    Dan Goodin’s report in ArsTechnica.com reveals the discovery of a humongo publicly-accessible database “used by the Web-based Biostar 2 security system sold by South Korea-based Suprema.” Nearly 28 million records used to secure buildings all over the world. And it ain’t just passwords. Read it and weep.

    Anyone wanting to break into my house will have to show up in person and bust a window to gain entry — instead of hacking in from Mom’s basement. Include me out of the Internet of things for the same reason. Newfangled hogwash. And get off my lawn! Harumph!

    NB: I was also skeptical of Agent Han’s old-fashioned hot-wiring of the car’s ignition system. I haven’t kept up with automotive technology, but have to wonder whether that would actually work with today’s electronic systems. This is the kind of question I would have asked Tom and Ray, the Tappet Brothers, on CAR TALK.
