Since He Is Psychometric isn’t being recapped, I decided to create a discussion post on my wall. Feel free to join in and tag anyone you think may be interested 💚


    Yay thanks for creating!!! Maybe create a thread every week for every episode so that if this thread gets buried in your wall post, itโ€™s easy find and start up discussion again. I meant for next week, maybe tag us again for discussion for ep 9 and 10 separately! Let me know what you think😬😬

    Anyways I guess in this thread we can talk about ep 1-8.

    Iโ€™ll start with this very interesting character Sung Mo. I am really confused all this time how Sung Mo is so quick to close the books on the home care case – thatโ€™s prob why I kind of dropped it after ep 2 cuz I felt like he was sort of corrupt and home care case seemed lame, and he doesnโ€™t really dig into the issue. But then ep 3 and on, I would see sides of him that he does take his cases seriously. His never ending of reviewing a 13 year old case, having a log book of Ahnโ€™s progress, having Jae In involved in their lives, his slow opening up to Ji Soo, etc – like heโ€™s just one interesting character. I think I would flip if my theory is right that heโ€™s been hiding his mother in that home care, and that is why he didnโ€™t care if it had so many loopholes, as what Ji Soo kept insisting, he needed it close before they get to his mother.

    I also thought it was weird when Ji Soo told him – โ€œyou brought in that witness!โ€ I forgot the name – but Iโ€™m referring to the man, who was murdered. He killed the real owner of the name. I wonder if that Kim guy and Sung Mo are working together – if his mother was living there in the home using a disguised name – the only way Sung Mo can get a fake identity is through that Dragon employment agency that Kim used to work for. Perhaps Kim was found with chained ankle as a reminder to him that stalker has found him and dirty tricks heโ€™s trying to pull. Only Sung Mo and stalker know about the chained ankle. Sigh – too many theories in my head ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ Is it Monday yet? Lol


      I can definitely create new posts for each ep 🙂 I might post them a little late though because I watch on viki and the subs usually take a day.
      I feel like I need to go back and rewatch from the beginning because you’ve noticed a lot more things than I did 😅


        Yes, same I watch from Viki, so I would probably end up watching it around the same time as you. Just keep tagging us so we know it’s up! ^_^

        huehehhehe – I feel like binging ep 3-8 helps; the events are fresh in my mind that I was able to put the pieces together and come up with a theory. xDD


          I might do a binge rewatch this week if I have time. It probably doesn’t help with my ability to come up with theories that I skipped the backstory part in the first ep because it seemed too gory 😅


      And I definitely agree with you about the chain. I wonder why SungMo was being chained, or at least it looked like he was based on his bloody ankle.


    I can’t decide if I should watch this, but I’ve heard you’re the one to ask…


    Iโ€™m catching up with this. Just finished ep 6. So, the imposter lady is Prosecuter Kangโ€™s mom, right? That drawing looks just like her. Anyway, I like the mystery so far. Iโ€™m trying to tie all these loose ends together. I think the acting is on point so far. I believe the chemistry between our leads. I kind of think the prosecutor lady is annoying trying to get into Kangโ€™s head, making him talk, etc. His brother is stabbed and youโ€™re trying to tie it into every case youโ€™re working right after he goes to the hospital. Poorly timed and obnoxious. That guy is super suspicious. Donโ€™t open Pandoraโ€™s box until youโ€™re ready, lady. And what does that former security guard Yoon know? Too many theories floating around my head right now and none of them are really grounded in anything. Well, talk more later!


    Psychometric beanies, what is the significance of sun flower in this drama? I keep seeing it everywhere. It’s a sunflower pendant in ji-soo’s car, before that I saw it in other scene.


      I was wondering about that too! I hadn’t noticed it before this ep! Did you see it before? This time, I saw it in the cafe scene and then the camera really focused on it a couple of times in the car.


      I created a new discussion post for ep 10. It’s at the top of my fanwall now. Do you want to post this there so more beanies will see it? I’m hoping someone will have a theory.
