Posters out for Boys Before Flowers

There’s a lot I could say about this, but really, only a few things I need to:

(1) Boys Before Flowers, or Hana Yori Dango

(2) New posters

(3) Series airs January 5, KBS.

Above poster shows Kim Joon (aka “Woo-bin,” or Akira), Kim Bum (aka “Yi-jung,” or Soujiro), Lee Min-ho (aka “Jun-pyo,” or Tsukasa), Gu Hye-sun (aka “Jan-di,” or Tsukushi), and Kim Hyun-joong (aka “Ji-hoo,” or Rui).

I’m sure you can figure out the one below. 😉


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AHHHH! Can't wait... ^____^ I especially like the second one, F4 is looking greattt <3


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Everyone's been making fun of Domyoji's hair but I love it. Also the guys playing Akira and Soujiro have caught my eye. I am still not so sure about the anemic looking Rui.
Can't wait to watch the drama!


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Wohooo, can't wait to get hypnotized for the third times by four cute guys hahahaaaa...Hope that this korean version is as good as the previous one...


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Well, his hair looks better than MatsuJun. I wished he'd look a little bit more intimidating... Maybe it'll start when clips or more shots come out.

I love the second one. They all look amazing and very in-character (though the furry thing Tsukasa is wearing is annoying me.)

I guess I should call them by their Korean names. But it's so hard to remember!

And Gu Hye-Sun is looking decently close to age, but I still don't think she's getting the new, FRESH feeling she's supposed to give. And the side-pony tail looks a bit like they're striving too hard.


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ahh i'm not liking the perm.


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I'm so so so excited for this. I haven't been this excited for a drama in a long time.


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HOTNESS. (the 2nd poster)

They definitely look rich and fabulous, not to mention, arrogant as well. Lee Min-ho definitely look the part as the famous Domyouji/Dao Ming Si. I mean, let’s be honest. I don’t think any male celebrity can easily pull off that look as both sexy and masculine the way he does, what with that enormous fur collar and permed hair. I’m in love with him already. I’m a little effy about Kim Hyun-joong though. It’s not the hair. The auburn hair looks great. It’s the face. He looks too bland to be Hanazawa Rui. There is nothing intriguing or mysterious about his face. Let’s hope he looks/plays the part once we see things in motion. Anyway, I seriously cannot wait for the series. Thanks for the posters, Javabeans!


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ok omg his perm looks utterly ridiculous.
no thank you.


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dramabeans saranghae.. thanks


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I'm so psyched~!! The promo materials look fabulous :3

I have high expectations for Rui though since I dearly loved Rui from Meteor Garden and later Hanadan. Each of the past two actors have shown different sides to Rui, and I'm very interested in how he will be portrayed in this version.


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the fur coat 'tsukasa' is wearing in poster 2 looks like he filched it from his grandma's closet. when will guys learn that wearing girls' coats just does not make them look hot? still, my calendar's marked for january 5...


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Of the four, the one wearing the perm hair (and is playing Domyouji) is who I like the least. He seemed and looked old to be playing high school student. Maybe it's the hair, I don't know. I'd like to watch it though, and compare between that of Japan's.


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I am absolutely not worried at all about Kim Bum's acting when this begins airing. As much as I think he doesn't really look the part of a rich playboy, I'm not doubting he will make it work one way or the other.

I'm more concerned for the acting of the two male leads, the most important roles of the bunch.

I'm also a little concerned about what they're going to do with Gu Hye-sun's image/role 'cause she doesn't really fit the bill in terms of how Tsukushi should look/dress like. She's a tad too "stylish" and "cute" for me. lol. Tsukushi should look genuinely tough, so it worries me a little.


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cannot WAIT for jan. 5th! that's when gossip girl's new ep comes out, too! ahhh


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The poster looks much better than I thought it would. Go Hye Sun doesn't look too out of place with these young boys. Kim Bum is looking mighty handsome.


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^ really? i think go hye sun looks out of place though.
dunno why...


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The one that looks the best is definitely Kim Hyun-joong. The others look the part except for Domyoji. He just looks funky.


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love the casting... especially goo hye sun... but I don't understand why the main actor always has to have a curly or perm hair cute...ehhh


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gu hye sun looks out of place..
ahhhhhh expectationssssss galore.


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ahhhhhhhh -_- I'm in my boy-crazed girly young age mode.

Hmmm...can't wait.

Thanks for the post Dramabeans!


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Wahh how awesome. Kim Bum looks a little baby-faced to be a big playboy, and I think they over-did the perm on Lee Min-ho, but overall, they look really good. I can't wait to watch this. :D


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Yay, i'm so excited for this. i just hope they'll make it really really good. i'm loving
Lee Minho already~ go Jun Pyo!!!


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I just want to say that the curly hair is beyond tacky. They look so fake. He looks like sherley temple wannabe. Why did they over do it?


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I absolutely don't dig the poster. Just not the original vibes.


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I agree with #23. I think his perm looks too "fake" and not natural enough =/ maybe it's just the poster but yeah, I hope it'll be better in the drama. Oh, and the fur... -.-"
Rui is one of my favorite characters but so far this one doesn't catch my eyes yet, BUT Kim Bum & Kim Joon look ULTRA smexy and hot in the second picture.


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innocentsteps456, heather - Domyouji/Junpyo's hair is supposed to be an ugly perm like that... it would be out of character if they had him with anything less... just check any pictures of original manga...

i think Lee Minho carries it well, given that it is that arrogant, excessive, ugly perm.

i hope they don't randomly straighten his hair out like in the taiwanese version (meteor garden)... that was so weird.


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For those of you who hate the hair, like missmanderley said, he wouldn't be the leader of F4 without that fugly perm.

Sure, Lee Min-ho The Actor has looked better, but it's all about getting the character right. I think his perm adapts the manga hair pretty well:


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Indeed, it's true. He wouldn't domyouji without his hair.

In defense of Domyouji (manga and real life), however, I have to say it considerably improves and grows on you, as with the manga.


And,the perm thing also symbolizes for his hotness when his hair is wet and plastered to him. So maybe it's a good thing, as we "might" see such hot scene happen and it can't happen without his perm and major improvements to his image without it.


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awesome poster
but the hair..


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"And Gu Hye-Sun is looking decently close to age, but I still don’t think she’s getting the new, FRESH feeling she’s supposed to give."

From the promo pictures and poster, I think Koo still looks a bit too old for the part. Definitely looks like their noona.

"The one that looks the best is definitely Kim Hyun-joong. "

From the wardrobe and mocha-colored hair, they've effectively turned Rui into Bae Yoon Joon from Winter Sonata. I approve of this decision. :D

"And,the perm thing also symbolizes for his hotness when his hair is wet and plastered to him. "

Mm hmm!!! Doumnyouji's like AquaTarzanman when he's out of the water. *growl!" :D Lee Pil Mo's hair is by far the best Doumyouji adaptation of the three shows. And he already has the smirk/scowl down pat.

Besides the perm . . .the one thing the J-drama HanaDan is infamous for is the howlingly awful Prince-meets-Liberace wardrobe by Doumyouji and other F4. Every episode was an adventure in Oh No You Didn't that not even the great Full House could attempt to match. Ironically, the F4 here look pretty smashing a9dn I wouldn't be surprised if the show sets off fashion mini-fads), whereas Makino looks like a escapee from Santa's Village. The skirt says Japanese schoolgirl, especially with its thigh high cut. But the vest says "I shot me a reindeer!"

Footage from the above poster shoot:


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hmm, not sure i'm feeling Domyoji’s hair, it looks too unatural, almost wig like if you will. It's indeed very curly, but doesnt seem messy enough, and the way each long curl spans diagonally across his head instead of outward or to the sides is weird


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hmm, not sure i'm feeling Domyoji’s hair, it looks too unatural, almost wig like if you will. It's indeed very curly, but doesnt seem messy enough, and the way each long curl spans diagonally across his head instead of outward or to the sides is weird

BUT maybe it'll look "better" in the show rather than in the poster?


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^sry for the double comment, i dunno why editing left a new comment instead of changing the first one


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I'm really loving Lee Min Ho's Doumouji right now, from the posters. He's got that smirky arrogance down pat, haha. But his hair...aiyyeee....don't know what to say. It's curly but not quite curly WILD, as it should be. Jerry Yan's Dao Min Si had the best hair. The hair showed off Doumouji's off-the-wall, crazy, outstanding character. It looks remarkably like the manga Doumouji's hair. Whereas Lee Min Ho's curls is just too heavy, long at the back and ajumma-ish....not quite the image they were aiming for, eh? ;)

Kim Hyun Joong looks meh on the poster. He doesn't have the mystique of Rui and is kinda too smiley. But we'll see, maybe he's better in motion.

Not feeling Ki Bum and Ki Joon as the other two F4. They don't have the 'bad boy womanizers' vibe from the poster. Vanness Wu and Ken from the Taiwanese F4 had more masculinity to them, and the sexiness too.

Goo Hye Sun is still unconvincing as Makino. She very cute (maybe *too* cute) but looks too old for the gang, not tomboyish or spunky enough.

That said, I'm still all excited for the new korean Hana Yori Dango. :)


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Go Hye Sun looks more like an older sister trying hard to look younger than her age.


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Bleh.. this looks all cheesy... I hope I can manage to watch this for the few scenes with Kim Hyun-Joo I'm looking forward too :)


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Looking forward to checking it out


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HYD never gets old
I can't wait to see the korean version!
doesn't Rui look like Yamapi in the second poster?


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ugh people. Read the freaking manga before you complain about perms and fur...


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#39, ditto to that! totally agree!


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I always wonder, if Goo Hye Sun is actually a 19 yrs old girl, do people still keep complaining about her look? Or probably just because we know she's a 25 yrs old and that's why people keep saying she looks too old for HYD?


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yeah domyoji witout the perm would'nt cut it. i see the height also follows the manga where domyoji should be tallest. looking forward to see all their fashions and expensive gadgets.


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Sny, good question but I think that's the point. We KNOW she's 25. GHS is a pretty well-known actress and most of the people who are going to be watching will know she's older than everyone else by a few years and that tends to affect how we see things. I won't let that bother me but I think it does matter, a little.


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I toally agree with you Javabeans and #39...
dont complain...read the manga first and see what its all about, it is essential for Domyoji to have the tacky looking curly hair, without he just wouldnt be Domyoji.

I am really hoping this turns out to be a good drama...I really like the Japanese version and im finding it really hard to think the korean version will be better


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Yes.. be grateful, Jun Pyo doesn't wear earings like the manga! lol..


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am likin the second poster. hyun joong totally look the part. and so does the guy to play domyoji. he looks so hot and arrogant at same time, i'm torn between longing to run my fingers through the waves of his hair and wanting to burn it to a crisp along with that tacky fur.


i'm crossing my fingers (and my toes) that gu hye-sun redeems herself in this drama. there were many moments in strongest chilwoo that her acting made me cringe so much, i wanted to stab myself, or her, with a ruler. please, please, don't disappoint.


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oh am sooooo luvvin it!!



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I think a successful drama should be able to stand on its own.

I don't think it's necessarily bad for people not knowing of the manga to complain. It being adapted does not exempt it from critique. That doesn't stop it from being bad style or bad hair (if you deem it so). The non-knowers should understand it's adaptations and so have fan-playing and its quirks, but that doesn't mean they have to like it or tolerate it as we die-hard fans do.


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"The non-knowers should understand it’s adaptations and so have fan-playing and its quirks, but that doesn’t mean they have to like it or tolerate it as we die-hard fans do."

Yeah. HanaDan is the Pride and Prejudice/Harry Potter of the Asian idol drama. If it's a successful project, it's the magical golden goose that'll break open an entire generation of idol groups, actors, and hair products to virtually all of Asia. It's the one product that could break wide open the Japanese youth market, which still has somewhat resisted Korean dramas and most music artists. Its effect could last for years and extend beyond what, say, Goong did.

And, well, there's "my country" vs. "your country" dualsmanship here. If this show sucks, whole countries are ready to bury this show with pure hate.

"We KNOW she’s 25. GHS is a pretty well-known actress and most of the people who are going to be watching will know she’s older than everyone else by a few years and that tends to affect how we see things."

Yeah, that's the core problem (even though I think she still looks a bit mature for a 18-year old girl.) Even if you go back to Nonstop 5, Koo Hye Sun played a college student. She's the same age as Lee Dae Hae, Han Ji Hye, Nam Sang Mi, and Yoon Eun Hye. She's playing opposite an actor who's 3 years her junior. And, well, it looks it too. (Having said that, Jo In Sung and Jang Geon Seok have pretty much done this almost their whole career.)

It's true that the main female character from Meteor Garden was played by an actress older than the other male leads. But, that story took place in college. College opens up the context of the relationships and it relaxes our awareness of their ages. The danger is that this Makino doesn't so much fight Doumyouij as she *lectures* Doumyouji like a disapproving noona would, or that Doumyouji becomes merely a unformed man seeking a maternal/older-sister figure in Makino. Which is an interesting angle (i.e. Full House) in its own right, but not really Hana Yori Dango-y.

Having said that, the photo spreads have made everybody looked quite grown-up. If Koo Hye Sun bring back her Ulljang Queen days in a big way (cue blown up cheek facial pose), then yes she could look like a teen.


"Jerry Yan’s Dao Min Si had the best hair. The hair showed off Doumouji’s off-the-wall, crazy, outstanding character. It looks remarkably like the manga Doumouji’s hair."

Dao Min Si certainly had the loudest hair (and outfit!) :D Stop! Hammer Time!! Meteor Garden almost did a literal translation of their outfits, and it felt like Mardi Gras in Taipei. I loved that THIS Doumouyji's curliness was dialed down, though certainly there there enough to be a butt of jokes. (And, you know, to make his transformation when he comes out of the shower just the more uhhh . . . )

The one thing that strikes me about this HanaDan getup is how gorgeously aristocratic these F4 members are. It's not exactly true to the HanaDan canon per se, but it creates a Goong-ish fairy tale atmosphere which I feel is pleasing in a new adaptation. Meteor Garden was almost the opposite of that. That F4 was idol worthy, but in a very sweaty, earthy, physical, jockish (the F4's hair seemed, well, an extension of their virility) which culminated in Dam Min Si's clown-idiot-sweet-brute persona. Japanese HanaDan met this halfway. MatsuJun's Doumyouji was a preening, volatile, and utterly uncomfortable in his own soul glo. He seemed steeped in cold sweat and malnourished feelings. And the F4 -- during much of first season -- were like stand-for the shadowy machine that runs the Japanese world. Their petty cruelty (and the psychotic sheep behaviour of thier schedule) mirrored the indifferent, juggernaut cruelty of the real world. That F4 were truly severe. Neither Doumyoujis were princes or anti-princes. This one seems to offer that.

"Vanness Wu and Ken from the Taiwanese F4 had more masculinity to them, and the sexiness too. "

Speaking of Vanness . . he's all sorts of HAWT in Romance of the 3 Kingdoms. It's wrong how he scowls like Mark Walberg in his underwear while taking on Cao Ying's army. Like imagine Bruce Willis playing Zhang Zilou while consulting the I Ching on how to take out a hurtling asteroid, that kind of wrong. And yet. HAWT. Meteor Garden F4 > Reasonable standards of objectivity!!! LOL


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I totally just squealed and yes, it sort of echoed. I can't wait for it to come out.


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