Open Thread #95



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@ 42 langdon813 and @45 mishane

Yay! I so needed a place to channel all my 9 End 2 Outs love and I was waiting for this OT to do it! They were cute as a couple but FANTABULOUS as friends...I LOVE how they used sing and dance down the streets together, it was adorable and I really really want to know the names of the songs...it's almost driving me crazy, LOL!

And how they never used to sit at the same table in the pojangmacha but instead they would sit back to back and share the soju and their troubles.

And it wasn't just the main leads, but their circle of friends that were interesting too...God, I think I liked everybody in that drama and that rarely happens.


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I can't believe it's friday already! i clicked onto dramabeans and then boom! the open thread!

@5. Icarusfalls. Step away from You Are My Destiny! That show is like crack. I was addicted to it through to episode 80 (out of 170) until i forced myself to stop. And then I mourned all the hours I had spent watching a subpar, annoying drama that I was strangely addicted to. It was almost like eating McDonalds for every meal for a whole week and then feeling really gross and greasy about it. Stop while you still can!

@ mishane. I also need a Hyung Tae in my life. I sort of wish I can be born again, this time with a guy childhood friend like Hyung Tae! One of my favorite scenes is when the mom made one of her surprise visits and Nan hee was wearing Hyung Tae's sweatshirt with Hyung Tae's name on it.

I've been trying to watch different dramas to see if i would get hooked on any...but nada. I've decided to give up- for now- the Taiwanese drama Easy Fortune Happy Life. I didn't find myself excited to watch it now- maybe later, months from now. Did episodes 8 and 9 get better?

And has anyone wanted Soul/Hon yet?


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Hi all:

Finally, I finished Nodame Cantabile! I've been mentioning in multiple OTs that I was planning on watching it, but CH fever and general mehness regarding the source material (the Manga) kept me from reaching for the set. But fear of my sister doing a "Chiaki slap on Nodame" on me made me pop it in the DVD on Monday, and la la, I finished last night.

My thoughts: Very well-done, great acting, phenomenal musical score, credible musical instrument/conducting mimicry (cough, cough, Beethovan Virus, cough), and generally an adorable, quirky, enjoyable drama. Highly recommend, but caution for those who dislike random cartoony snippets, as the entire drama is strewn with moments of laugh out loud hilarity caused by the male lead (Chiaki) suddenly thwacking the daylights out of the female lead (Nodame). It's violence a la the coyote and roadrunner.

I love how the ISWAK/Itazura remake caused a veritable comment storm yesterday. After finishing Nodame, it strikes me that Nodame is just like Kotoko (Ariel's character in ISWAK), blind devotion, not very bright, slightly socially awkward, looks and acts like a fool - except for that fact that Nodame is a piano savant and thus way more compatible with her man. Kotoko has no redeeming qualities for me, but I can see why folks could really come to appreciate her loyalty and devotion, her #1 and only goal being her guy.

What's next for me? Probably Black & White. Totally in the mood to jump genres and styles these days. It took me awhile to finish Nodame despite it's relatively short length - because LA18 was airing City Hall the past 2 nights!! And it was episodes 14 and 15!! How could I not rewatch those episodes first. I mean, the drama kiss to end all drama kisses, and one of many heart wrenching confessions, all in those 2 episodes. It never gets old, folks, City Hall never gets old, it ages like the finest French bordeaux.

@48 Nicolette

Last week's OT featured a long discussion of recommended dramas. I suggest you backread those posts as well, it's got some good recommendations.


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@ 9 Ends 2 Outs Lovers (haha, I'm too lazy to list y'all!)

You're all making me want to re-watch it again! Which isn't necessarily a bad thing... it was a wonderful wonderful wonderful drama. I've watched the last two episodes endless times, though the whole drama was amazing ^____^ Have you guys seen the J-version/adaption, Itsumo Futari de? Well, I'm not sure the whole 'adaption' thing was intentional... but it has a really really really similar plot throughout the entire thing. Though it wasn't nearly as good as 9E2O :P


NODAME love! the kookiness was so much fun, throughout the entire drama. I don't think a re-make for tw or kdramas could ever be done for Nodame, so don't they dare try! Say hello to Vic Zhou and Marc Chao for me, while watching B&W. and remember that Vic Zhou is *mine*. I'm not sure if you mentioned this, but have you watched Love Shuffle? Every time I hear of Nodame, I remember Tamaki in LS... though he was a gazillion times worse in the latter. Shota stole the show in LS, most definitely.


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ohhhhhh 9ends2outs how i love thee. how i want to rave about specific scenes but don't want to give away too much (sorry i already gave away a few scenes earlier!! oops!) how i want my very own hyung tae to cuddle and snuggle and argue and drink and sing with...

i LOVED their group of friends. it was all so real. and yes langdon813, i loved that it wasn't cliche. nobody was evil. nobody had bad intentions. and yet it was kept interesting and fun and lovely. they just had so many awesome moments together...too many to condense down to a list.


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HELLO EVERYBODY! ^-^ It's friday...aaww... am off to work though...*sigh*

@45 mishane

RE: 9ends2outs
OMG! I just started watching 9ends2outs last night...am on ep 2 now!!!! I like like it! I knew when i watched ep1 that i will like the series...made me laugh the whole time! I was watching it wireless on DF...ggrrr..it stops now and then...ggrr... but i love the series...am planning on watching this (ill have to take a break from return of iljimae) now... ^-^
i checked this series out coz, i think, if not Samsooki, maybe you?, had written (quite a long time ago) that it's a nice series to watch.....


wwaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! all i can say is that, Haru was so pretty in the last ep (well, she looked like 18 there)...BUT, I WILL NOT EVER WATCH THIS SERIES AGAIN!!!!!!! WTH?! WAS THAT ENDING.....gggrrrrr!!!!!

LIKE IT!!! I love all the cast on both series...aaawww HWCM is done...it was a nice, comfortable, chocolatey series... and PARTNER is nearing the end too....


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looks like Kang Ji Hwan will be doing a cameo in Style according to his jambo schedule


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@42, i can confidently say that 9 end 2 outs is my ALL TIME favorite korean drama! ive seen around 50 or so, and this one is THE best ive seen <3, i totally totally totally loooooooved every single thing about it, the cast, the soundtrack (<3), the storyline! i was really sad when it ended. i probably watched it around 3 to 5 times already! it's my korean love, along with Mr. Voice and DBSK


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What a coincidence - I watch a K-movie, and it comes up as a topic the next day on the Open Thread...
I am cracking up because last night I watched this totally whacked-out K-movie - "Temptation of a Wolf" (I think that's what it was called) and the beginning was sort of this fish-out-of-water romantic triangle, sortof cute, sortof funny, and then it turns out that one of the guys is actually her half brother (still can't figure out why she didn't remember him...) AND he has some tragic genetic heart disease AND he lies to her about it and pretends to be bopping around Australia for fun instead of getting heart surgery AND then in the last scene there's this other girl who comes to see the first girl who is now happily living with the other guy in the triangle and both girls bawl their eyes out because the new girl has the half-brother's transplanted eyes which somehow need to see the beloved half-sister one more time. (Uh, WHAT????)
At this point I'm dizzy trying to tally up all the cliche's they tossed in at the last minute, but then I'm disappointed because they left out my favorite cliche - there was NO BACK HUG...


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mmm.... i will rather watch My Fair lady than Style ...coz MFL has way better taste in clothes (from all the stills I have seen) and the cast seems "much" better....and from the comments above, seems like Style isnt as impressive as TheDevilWearsPrada...havent really checked Style...i will take a peek and see...^-^


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@ mems and lovenyc52

I too loved '9 End 2 Outs'!!! I even went a bought the series because I know I'll watch that one again and again and again...

I love the leads together and the simpleness of the characters (note that I don't mean simple mindedness...LOL)!

I loved the scene where PSA and LTS are crying at the front door and he's still got his shoes on and when LJJ comes in he gets mad that dude hasn't taken them off and wrestles them off of his feet...cracked me right up!!

Loved it, loved it, loved it!

And to echo some of the other sentiments, so sad to see the passing of John Hughes, as his movies were the k-dramas of my teen years! *sniffle*


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@ 58 Skelly

ARE YOU SERIOUS?? I might have actually watched that movie... but had it erased it from my memory altogether, due to my brain hurting from the cliche-i-fied plotty-non-plot. Did you end up laughing throughout the whole thing, or did the movie try to be serious and angsty? Did they not realize that it would make a fantastic parody?

ah, you gotta love the back hugs ^______^


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Have to agree with you all on 9ins 2 outs, it's up there in my top5. The story was refreshing after so many variations on the Cinderella format. Love like a slow burning ember waiting to ignite when the timing is right. Ah! Makes me wish I was still young and could do it all again!


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*sigh* have to go and work..... hate missing the thread!

oh well, back to reality!!!!

Have fun guys!!!!


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I love 9end2outs too. It was so funny, addicting, charming and cute. I love Hyung Tae. Do guys like Hyung tae exist in real life? But i like the Jung woo character too. He was like a cute puppy. I kind of felt bad for him...I was watching this over again and its still as fresh and charming as before.

Once again...I dont get Triple..I think its over-pretentious and tries too hard to look like its not trying too hard. I dont understand the point of the series. Every person except pong ho is just so wrong and its not ever remotely entertaining.

Loved the man who cannot get married, although the ending seemed a little vague and hurried...Did it seem like that to you guys too...I am still going to miss it ...

I kind of enjoy STYLE but hate hate hate Lee Jia..That character is so ridiculous that she needs some serious smacking. The character is so whiny, immature, irrsponsible, stupid and it is so ridiculous we are supposed to feel sorry for her or like her...Lee Jia is so annoying. Why is she even the lead actress. She is not pretty, looks like a bad case of plastic surgery, cannot act, has no screen presence and is freaking annoying. What the hell is ryu shi won wearing..Why is he wearing quarter pants with suit in bright colors. He is supposed to be a chef. Why does he look like a bad fashion experiment. He is pretty likeable despite of the bad clothing though and Kim Hye Sun is always likeable. The other dude is fine too.


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@21 ladymai:
I just recently finished "dont ask about the past". Overall, i love the series. really exciting. but i dont agree completely with the ending for the 'bad' guy . did he not get any form of punishment?


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I go to lunch and come back and there's SO MUCH 9 ENDS 2 OUTS LOVE!!


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OMG! I was actually gonna mention that movie as one of the worst. As in, WTF was that?! My boyfriend never watched a Korean movie after that (I'm bringing him to see Thirst next week though).

Not even Kang Dong Won can redeem that awful movie.


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I go to lunch and come back and there's SO MUCH 9 ENDS 2 OUTS LOVE!!

Seriously, you guys have made me so happy.


I ADORED that show. It's in my Top 3. The OTP. . .is the most perfect OTP out there. I mean, yeah, sometimes drama and conflict and all that is great entertainment but sometimes you just want to watch something REAL.

And the relationship between Nan Hee and Hyung Tae was just . . . so real. They had a foundation. They were comfortable with each other yet able to keep that chemistry. The UST was off the charts.

My favorite thing about 9E2O? The complete HONESTY that all the characters shared. No misunderstandings; they were real with each other. ALL TOO REAL. In fact, there's a scene, and I don't want to give away too much, but it's after certain things happen between the characters, and they are jogging and Nan Hee actually brings up those things and TALKS about it. . .like a real functional conversation!

And the thing that shocked me was that, when I first started watching, I told myself, this drama could end many ways and I'd totally be happy if it ended in THAT way, but if it didn't, it'd be fine also. . . that's how great their relationship was. But as I kept watching, I completely changed my mind.

Seriously, I adored this. I know it's not for everyone because it DOESN'T have the typical Korean drama angst and drama and excitement but if you're looking for real relationships and intimacy and friendship, watch this.

What are you waiting for? GO.

*gushing over*


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@ 53 ockoala


There are two of them and whatever romantic development that we DIDN'T get in the drama, we got in the SP!

Seriously, if you wanted Nodame/Chiaki love, you NEED to watch the SP. They fulfill all your shipper dreams AND MORE.



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Another favorite scene? The scene where they were asking what 'love' was to them and NH quietly says "Timing" which was NOT what I expected NH to say at all and when they go to HT, they kind of share a look and he passes the question.

I swear, I saw this drama over 5 months ago and I still remember each and every favorite scene like I just saw it yesterday.


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@46 AnitaLotti -

"My choices... are the DVD set Super Rookie – has anybody ever lost a word about it? – or the DVD set My Love Patzzi (I know Samsooki’s opinion about that but if his wife didn’t like it maybe I should think about it once again). On the other hand downloading Gourmet would be a possibility as well. Hmmm, I will ponder some more next week."

Super Rookie - fun fun fun fun. Just watch, enjoy, have fun, be happy. Is it the best drama ever? No. Is the acting so good it will make you shed tears and be in awe? No.

But it never pretends to be the best drama ever. It is just a very fun drama to watch, and as long as you don't take it too seriously or try to critique it too much, you'll be in for a treat. One of the best endings to a drama too. :) For those who want a pick-me-up and an easy to watch drama, this is it.

My Love Patzzi - it's short (10 eps), but you know what? Better a short and sweet series rather than a short series that has been watered down to make it 16-20 episodes.

Comments about My Love Patzzi.

1. I'm a guy. I like Jang Nara. I like her voice, I like her cute-ness. I like her attitude, and I like her personality. Maybe she isn't the prettiest girl in town, but nobody's perfect, right? I like Jang Nara's character in My Love Patzzi because she is real, she is fun, she is the kind of girl that you want to be friends with.

2. My wife doesn't like Jang Nara's character in My Love Patzzi. She finds the character to be annoying. The part of me that doesn't care about getting hit with a pillow later when I get home says that my wife doesn't like Jang Nara because she can't stand the fact that both Kim Rae Won and Kim Jae Won fall for her, and that makes Jang Nara's character that much more annoying.

Bottom Line - I liked it. It was short, cute and very sweet, just like Jang Nara. Those who find the drama to be annoying are just jealous. Don't be playa-hatin on her.


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@ 69, 70, 71 mishane

you are making me reach for my DVDs so I would rewatch it again. for like... the umpteenth time. It's just the overall feelings of the drama are just too awesome. The J-version definitely definitely doesn't carry that seem feeling, though its good in its own right. It doesn't have the awesome Hyung Tae which makes all the difference.

No birth secrets, no unplanned for pregnancies, no amnesia, no sudden fatal illness, no naive stupid girl characters and rich aloof male with a secret past... just pure real raw emotions and mature characters. Nan Hee is a *mature* adult. *that* is one of the best things of the drama. And she's not naive, like most 30-something women are played when they're in the lead role (think Dal Ja's Spring and What's Up Fox).


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i need to re-watch 9E2O after all this Love going around. but i do remember watching it and I so wanted her to end up with the young guy. I think he was sweet.

I think i have a new favorite Pizza Toppings. Proscioutto with Goat Cheese and all the regular stuff (mozzarella, sauce..etc) YUM! Enjoy lunch everyone! lol


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59 skelly
omg, temptation of a wolf! You know that the original story was written by a young internet novelist who was popular at the time. Her name was Guiyeoni and she was like 19 at the time. My 20 year old year self was totally obsessed with the story. Years later, I watched the movie (which did not do the story justice) and I reflected on the story I had so read and enjoyed, you're right, it was full of cliches and using emoticons every other sentence was silly. However, in that movie, Jo Han Sun was looking his absolute hottest. Look of his jaw when he kissed the main girl! *faint* Now Jo Han Sun looks more like an ahjussi in his late 30s.

on 9E2O, i really like how those two tried to preserve their friendship even though they were having feelings for each other. I read a lot of romance stories and I really hate it when characters who are friends would sacrifice their wonderful platonic friendship so easily for something as unstable as love/attraction/lust. I really like how Nan hee and Hyung tae really thought about it and struggled with it.


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There's nothing that annoys me more than when people use the excuse 'You're just jealous because she's hot/pretty, etc'. I'm not bashing on you specifically, Samsooki, because I know you're half joking (I think!).

For example, Megan Fox. I'm. . .not a fan. I've mentioned that to some friends before. The first reaction? "You're just jealous because she's hot!"

LOL. Um. No? There's other reasons for not liking someone. I actually think Megan Fox is pretty. Or was, before she had all the plastic surgery. Now? She's just kind of all plastic-fied and she seems to revel in looking like Jenna Jameson. And she makes all these ridiculous statements in her interviews which make her sound. . .stupid?
Which. . hey, that's cool, but it's not gonna get much respect out of me.

What happened to cute Megan Fox who was on that Hope And Faith show?


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@66 capricious:

Actually, I haven't even finished the series yet. But, I really like it so far, it's pretty different from most of the kdramas I've seen so far, and I love Kim Won Hee. I'm just trying to spread the love, lol. In fact, where did you watch it? I usually watch on mysoju and vikii, but ep 12 isn't working,and the rest isn't subbed.
And, I know this isn't Korean, but since I'm here, if there are any jdrama watchers, anyone watching BOSS?


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@76 mishane -

I know what you are saying, obviously, and yes, the things I say tend to be said for the sake of humor. But, let's talk turkey for a second.

Fact pattern - There's a girl out there. She's kinda pretty or cute or has a fun personality or whatever, but when John Doe and Jane Doe both see the girl, they have starkly different reactions.

John's mellow reaction - I think that girl is cute. I like her.
Jane's more intense reaction - I think she's annoying. End of story.

Analysis: Could it be, even in the most remote of possibilities... that Jane's reaction is partly due to the fact that John seems to like her? Even if Jane's reaction was first, can she not anticipate that John might like the girl, and so she forecloses that by being just a TINY BIT catty? Do I hear a single meow out there? (meow?)

Could it be that Jane doesn't see herself as being anything like that girl, and so she feels SLIGHTLY threatened (by the tiniest bit, the smallest iota) by John seeming to like something about the girl?

Just a thought. Not saying it applies to every woman, mind you. But I do think that it is possible that Jang Nara might in fact bring out the slightest bit of cattiness in some women.

I think that when Jang Nara acts in a certain way and my wife gets a bit annoyed, I think she is made that much more annoyed by the fact that I do not get annoyed. By the time I finish explaining how her annoyance might be amplified due to her own feelings, my wife has taken out a hammer and is ready to smash DVDs (LOL, I'm only kidding, honey!).


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@12 Meh

Korean movie endings (Asian movie endings?) : I totally agree, often rushed incoherent, and sometimes seem like they actually belong to another movie. Two K movies I've seen that weren't like that: My Little Bride (my first K anything, thanks Singapore Airlines!) and Speedy Scandal (which on Air Canada at least had the title Scandalmakers). Both were great.

I've really enjoyed Man Who Can't Get Married, but now I have nothing planned to move on to. I am glued to Sons of Sol Pharmacy House--and hope to watch one episode this weekend 'live' in Seoul (I figure I know what's going on enough to be able to puzzle through the lack of subtitles). Can't decide if I should start in on Dream or Triple or Partner... or maybe get some work done for a change? OK, no, I think I'd better watch 9E20 now...

@46 Anitalotti

My Love Patzzi is worth it, even if just for Kim Rae Won, even though I think in the end I liked What Star Are You From? better. I think that was b/c I really can't stand Kim Jae Won and was annoyed he was in it.


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I have to pop in to say:

The "you're just jealous" rationale sooooo pisses me off, because it is reductive and stereotypical and, worst of all, smacks of the other party (often a guy) thinking they know you better than you know yourself and smugly telling YOU what's wrong with you.

Samsooki, I liked Jang Nara in Patzzi and I thought she was quite cute, but please, for the love of women everywhere, please don't bring out the jealous/catty/threatened card anymore! You will find your arguments will hold more water (as in, we will be more apt to listening to what you have to say) when you just lay that one to rest. I say this to improve the quality of your life and future arguments, not just because I hate that reasoning!


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Jo Han Sun has not shone ever again after Temptation of Wolves --- he looked so dull in every single movie and drama later on. Not sure if he could make a big come back now as he is aging ..

My Mighty Princess is even better than Frivolous Wife, the worst movie that I've ever watched... The main actress is so annoying --- she definitely needs many acting lessons. I still don't understand how she could pass the audition (wonder if there was one before filming!) for the lead.


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Sigh. Okay. So the argument doesn't work at home, and apparently it doesn't work on dramabeans.com. There is no safe haven left, there is no place left for the argument to lay its head down and rest.


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I don't mean this in a snarky way, honestly, I'm just asking because I'm genuinely curious -- do you really not see how that argument is disrespectful? It seems like you think it's legitimate and don't understand why women react so strongly to it.

Just to explain it further -- when a guy brings out the "Are you just jealous?" card, it means he has stopped listening to what the woman has to say. He is not just misunderstanding her stance, he is willfully disregarding her feelings and painting it over with the wide brush of, "Whatever, your feelings are irrational and they don't make sense because you are just jealous and that is the only explanation that makes sense to my male brain for why you dislike her. Therefore my male-brained explanation is the only one that will suffice. All other women-brained explanations are thus disregarded."

Instead of attributing her reaction to jealousy, take the case of the "Let's just agree to disagree" stance. In that scenario, both parties disagree but still agree to respect that the other person's reasons are valid.


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@ 79 Samsooki

I can't speak for Jang Nara because I've never seen the drama in question. I've seen Jang Nara in one picture that javabeans posted a couple weeks back (some festival) and I actually thought she was cute. So I can't really judge on that front.

To say that women are jealous or catty of another woman just because of looks alone. . .is kind of belittling. It assumes that we women are jealous beings who are insecure and can't deal with the fact that there are other women out there more beautiful than us and can get cuter guys than us. Whether or not that's true, not every woman feels that way.

And I agree with javabeans. Your argument WILL seem more valid if you stop using that excuse. There's also nothing more annoying that someone telling you how you feel when you know you don't feel that way. Maybe touching on the qualities of Jang Nara that you find appealing is better.

Re: My Love Pattzi. It's still on my hard drive waiting to be watched, and it will be watched one day (although the quality I have is really poor) but I'm starting to have seconds thoughts! Maybe it's because I don't find Kim Rae Won that attractive? *hides head from Kim Rae Won fans*

He's just too. . . .goofy! I've only ever seen him in goofy roles. I need to see him as a bad boy!


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next drama to watch, My Love Pattzi..i think i have a copy of the dvd here somewhere. My friend who is a die-hard KIm Rae Won fan made it for me to watch when I liked him a while back after watchng his movie My LIttle Bride, but to my curiousity I stumble to one of his old movie and Viola! oh my shocking eyes!! i could not believe what I was watching...it left a bad taste in my mouth after seeing that certain movie. No offense to KRW, I just couldn't watch him anymore after that. But with all this talk about how cute is Jang Nara in My Love Pattzi (which I think she was cute in Bright Girl and Wedding), i'll give KRW another chance.


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Wow, these Friday threads sure are exciting. LOL.


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I will definitely not watched ISWAK because I am one of those that hated it from beginning. Found the heroine to be pathetic. Enjoying Queen Seon Deok even though I am somewhat disliking the upcoming spoiler for next week. I have started to watch Swallow in the Sun, but I'm not getting into it, its the same with Style. So we will see.

Other -I am Caribbean girl who likes Asian shows, so my culture is a bit different. However, I have to ask this question. Whats up the Korean girls and high heels? Its like they have to wear it everywhere, just don't understand. I do not mind wearing the occasional heels preferably medium height (I'm tall) but wearing heels and doing any & everything with them seems a bit on the strange side for me.


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@77 mishane. if by Legend, you mean the kdrama with Bae Yong Jun and Lee Jia, then yes, it IS really good!! I loved it and I love rewatching the bits with Shim Eun Kyung the most! That little girl is just waaaay too awesome! And Lee Jia can actually act in this (though I didn't like her very much towards the end because the writers made her character all subdued and almost lifeless). Too bad Lee Jia's annoying in her subsequent work. It's like seeing a different person now.


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To be honest, I didn't think Kim Rae-won was that good-looking either... until i saw him act. And then I fell in love. He's wonderful.

Oh, and I wear heels everywhere! I don't know why, exactly, other than I find heels pretty and love how they look, and therefore want to wear them out more than my serviceable sneakers.


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@ 89 asianromance

YES. That Legend!

I'm really sad it's over now because I don't think there's another drama out there with as an amazing set, production, fighting scenes, etc. It was like a 24 hour movie. The plot was perfect, it didn't feel like it dragged at any point. You could TELL they spent a lot of money on this.


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Friday again!!! Just finished working yesterday and today is my rest at home and get out of being jet-lagged day... Man who can't get married ended! It was a bit frustrating but cute. Partner is ending next week! This one I sort of like its steady slower pace of storytelling. What am I going to watch!?

On J-drama front, I happened upon Otomen on whoopie last night, ( not subbed yet, but I'm sure it'll come to dramacrazy soon, they are so timely). It was so funny, silly and hysterical, I had a good time laughing out loud late at night.. Oh, and really cute boy is in it, Masaki Okada? If you are into something not so serious with good laugh, you might like it.

Everybody is talking about 9E2O here today, I know I 've watched it but can't remember too much of it... Shall I re-try? when I'll have some time after this month? Really, time is flying by...

Next week, I'll be in Japan, a bit of business trip, bit of family get together(well, actually, come to think of it, all of us are going to be together, 4 siblings for the first time since our dad's funeral on 2001!!!) plus, my junior high school reunion after sooo many years!!! All condensed in to super short 3 days! Arggghhhh! then back to the States on to take a workshop for 2 weeks in Idaho. Wish I can stay in Japan a bit longer... May be I'll go again in fall before it gets too snowy ...

Anyway, thank you Javabeans for site it's so much fun to come here and see what others are up to...


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It's not that, actually. The point is that the way that I think, and the way that many guys I know think, all we can do is put ourselves in the place of our female counterparts, and then say, in this situation, if the situations were reversed, what would I think?

And, sometimes, I think, yes, I would be jealous. I do get jealous sometimes when my wife talks about some other guy and I think, "I'm not like that at all........" It isn't so much stereotyping women, but stereotyping people in general. Am I the only person in the world who feels a slight twinge when people I don't necessarily like are being lauded for things that either I don't understand or specifically dislike?

Is everyone rational and do most everyone behave rationally when it comes to likes and dislikes about other people? I think we all tend to have our personal feelings which may be completely arbitrary, especially me, or, rather, maybe only I do. For example, for whatever reason, I like Lee Dahae, Sung Yuri, Jang Nara, and a few other actresses who tend to be lightning rods for passionate discussion and/or criticism. My reasons for liking them tend to be arbitrary and so I overlook their faults when I watch dramas that they are in.

And if someone were to take me to task on my near-sightedness with respect to these actresses, if I were in a generous mood, I would have to agree with them. Sung Yuri isn't the best actress out there, and she might not even be that good, but I kind of don't care that much because I just like her. Successful Story of a Bright Girl... not a great drama by any means, but I enjoyed watching Jang Nara in it. And if someone were to say to me, "you are being irrational or silly" I would say, "Sure, I guess, but that's okay, isn't it?"



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@ 90 javabeans

I've only seen KRW in a handful of things (. . .ing, My Little Bride, Attic Cat) and I felt like he played the same character, or variations of the same character, in each thing.

I'd like to see him play a dark role but . . . well. . .honestly, I don't have enough interest in him to really watch a drama for him. As in, he wouldn't bring me to a theater, or to a drama.


Why don't more Asian actors take chances in their roles? I get that once you make it big, or to A-list status, you want to take heartthrob roles, but don't they get bored? Don't they want something more challenging? Like playing a psychopath, or a murderer or a pedophile. I'd think that these would be more challenging roles and something, that as a thespian, you'd look forward to. Yet, all the mainstream Korean actors I know, I can't really name one movie in which they've branched out of that 'Leading Man' role. It's shame.


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Way off topic even for an open thread...but can I just tell you, my wonderful anonymous friends, that my husband and I are taking separate vacations this year, and as of tomorrow I will have one solid week of me time! No one in the house except me and a few cats and dogs. I could not be happier about this!

No trouble in paradise or anything like that; it's just that my husband and I both work from home, so we have a LOT of togetherness. Plus, he loves to go to the beach every year and just sit and stare at the water...I, on the other hand, am the palest person alive, I hate sand, and I actually like to DO things on holiday! So, at the ripe old age of 44, and after 20+ years of going to a vacation spot that I have never enjoyed, I finally put my foot down and said enough is enough. I'm going to do what I want to do for once. So I'm heading to Denver in a couple of weeks!


Ah, poor Samsooki! A+ for effort (and bravery, hehe)...but you're sorely outnumbered. ;-) If nothing else...now I REALLY want to watch My Love Patzzi. Despite the fact that it reminds me of a woman I know named Patsy, and I really can't stand her.

:-) :-) :-)


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same here, My Love Patzzi is on my list for next watch when I have some time list! Thank yuo everybody for your recommendations!


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@ 92 celestialorigin. Otomen!!! I totally forgot it was coming out this month!!! Thanks for reminding me! The manga was great!!

@95 langdon813. Yay! Life's too short to be doing what other people want all the time! I also dislike going to the beach for more than a few hours. I find it annoying (i'm pale and i burn) and sort of boring.


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omg, otomen started already? :] I CAN'T WAIT to actually watch it!!


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I thought what Samsooki said was tongue in cheek so I took no offense at all.


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@53 - I loved Nodame Cantabile! Althought it was cartoonish (<is this even a word), it was so fun and well made. I enjoyed watching it.

@94 - I'd love to see Kim Rae Won playing a darker role too! :)
Anyway, Won Bin chose a very challenging role on his comeback on the movie 'Mother'. I think it was great that he chose that role (that isn't even the lead character) instead of taking the handsome leading man role that other hearthrobs like him go for.


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