Open Thread #131



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@ 99

lol.. i did the same too..and i'm watching it raw at 3.30 am..imagine what my room-mate would have thought.. Nevertheless, i can't wait ep 7. phew.


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Gracias por tu gran trabajo en los recaps, I am enjoying PP lots, I like your style and your point of view, keep up the good work, Muchas Gracias!!!
: O }


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First time in open thread.
I really love CS. And..
in this drama i love n hate all character. They all hav the dark n good side. Thats what i believe in human,depend on what side is dominant .
And i think Kihoon and Eunjo are same tho.They both hate their only parent but they cant leave them.


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I start my Cabbage Soup Diet on Friday . This diet last 7 days so I have another 5 days to go
Sun and Mon I watch Life's beautiful (always hope to see Nam Sang Mi and her partner but they don't appear frequently)
Tuesday and Wednesday, I watch Birth of the Rich ( this will help me a lot on my diet, imagine me without eating what I want and watching interesting dramas)
Thursday and Friday, I will be allowed to eat meat/ beef and rice.


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Yes, I always miss open thread because of the time difference here in Seoul. Hope everyone is doing well. Can I just say that if you are not watching Cinderella's Sister, you need to get on that. It has great acting, music, and an awesome script. Haha...have a great night/day!!!!


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''...we think that her having expensive shoes and clothes is what she is all about, so is easy to dismiss her as an egotistical selfish clueless and narcissistic kind of immature person, but that’s were the writers show their genius, because Ma Hye Ri is far from being that.''

@Amg1 -- I love everything you're saying and couldn't agree more. You've summed her up really well.
It's hard to categorise exactly what kind of creature Ma Hye Ri is.
Also considering all the sparta-like strictness she's been raised with (yes, her mother is just as bad) I'll go on to add she's a very tough cookie and 'resilient' as most of us have already noted. Where the character is flawed, she's deliberately flawed - so one minute I'm groaning along at her hopelessness, the next I'm squeeing along, rooting for her.

When we flashback to Hye-ri's past life as an obese student (which was pure heartbreak) there's a scene where she's just had her heart smashed to smithereens and is lying on some public stairs in the rain, sobbing her heart out and some rude, insolent passer-by shoves past her yelling ''hey, you're blocking out path'' aka. ''get out of the way, fatty''. Low, low, low blow!
The way she fights back after this just goes on to show what this girl truly is, right at her very core - this girl is a warrior!

Maybe I'm being biased here but I loved General Choi and I'm mad-fangirl-crushing on him as Yoon Se-joon and I find their relationship more healthier for Hye-ri. Although I cringe at how she's testing his patience - e.g. how she's always ambushing him as he's walking out of the gents and then the confessions of liking him -- OK, the first one slipped out accidentally, as she was too hopelessly honest. The second time she was a little bit tipsy but I like that she drops the shrill and clingy for the mature and dignified approach when she does. And seriously, for all the annoying things she does around him, they're both even stevens after his bitchy shootdowns. I can't believe some of the things he's said to her.

I think his character is well played. Yes, Prosecutor Yoon and General Choi may as well be the same bloody person because I can hardly tell the difference aside from the wardrobe and hair - but character-wise - straightforward, a little stiff, no nonsense, intimidating, lousy around women, but mighty powerful in a battle. (...and I absolutely love him to pieces and think he's so handsome. Thud.)

''...and he never seems to look at her in the eye''
Oh, I think you've missed the parts where he does and he's suddenly looking like he can't breathe. There have been a couple of sad, intense brief moments like that. You just need to watch him very closely. He's more spooked out by her likeness to his wife than he cares to admit.

Now that she's moved into his neighbourhood, I had to laugh. What is this woman about? I was so happy to see her finally 'independent' but... and didn't Yoon very clearly ask her to ''never come anywhere near his house ever again?'' L.O.L!
I'm actually quite worried now. She has no idea Yoon's late wife and her are a spitting image, and that he has a little girl who obviously misses her mother. She's obviously boxed herself into a very precarious situation (and potentially a very upsetting one, both for her and the Yoon family). This is Yoon we're talking about - when he finds out he is going to give her absolute HELL! She's in for yet another rude awakening.
So, in that sense I do welcome Seo In-woo's interference (must say, I wouldn't mind a stalker like him too!), but still even he may not know who Yoon's wife was. Or does he? Actually, I'd bet you anything, there's something between him and Yoon.

Sorry, I understand the competition between both male leads is ON but deeply sorry In-woo shippers 'cos Yoon is winning by a landslide. Wahahaha!
Actually, the cool thing about this drama is it's full of surprises and could tip in ANY direction at any time. But I'm still on Yoon's side.
Eeeep! This is so much fun!

Oh and high heels, I'd say are symbolic to her, like a way of saying ''stand tall, be proud'' (and fly high!!).


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@ supah..

So, in that sense I do welcome Seo In-woo’s interference (must say, I wouldn’t mind a stalker like him too!), but still even he may not know who Yoon’s wife was. Or does he? Actually, I’d bet you anything, there’s something between him and Yoon.

AND suddenly this idea popped in my mind..
Is there any way that In Woo also falls in love with Pro. Yoon's deceased wife who had uncanny resemblance to Hye Ri?? idk..just my crazy little thinking.. .


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@anna hae - OMGOMG! You've cracked the In-woo mystery! I think you've done it!


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@Amg1: no hay de qué ^^ I love this drama so much, that I find the recapping exciting and funny!

@anna hae: do you think so?? What about the "she is my fiancée" mystery? If that was the case, poor Hye-ri, she lives as the shadow of her deceased self :(

Oh, and Amg1, Francis Cabrel's song is really amazing, I actually love french music, ^^ I wonder if I could use one of my favourites as song of the day...?


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hi everyone,
just watch PT6, it's getting better and better, jinho's soooo soooo sweet and smexxy and marvelous.
also any fellow dong yi watcher ? that one is awesome so far....love the king and dong yi together ! oh boy the weekly waiting just killing me. ; (


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@anna hae- actually, no, wait! What about MUFFIN LOVE? That remains unexplained if that's the case. Gah!


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@41 & @97

Hi, i was referring to Jang Hyuk (JH) and not OJH. Not really an ardent fan of period dramas but i'm watching chuno because of Oh Ji Ho and LDH.


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@57 mookie

"CJM's face washing sink scene SHOULD be SHOWER!!!!" Totally agreed but CJM said on "Happy Together" that he asked the director to cut the SHOWER scene as he is now 30. So sorry to hear this. He has a very sexy body to show off - I still remember his first scene in "Fashion 70". Seldom used the word sexy on man. But he is really very sexy in that scene.

I am now waiting/anticipating for the kissing scenes between KH and EJ. But it may take 10 more episodes to develop to this state......sigh.

I have just watched CS ep 6. It’s a fantastic episode.

The last scene – conversation between mum and EJ is so intense. The lady playing mum is really impressive in this episode. I believe mum do love her daughter in her own way. Though it may not be the way EJ wanted.

This episode gave Seo Woo some chances to elaborate her character. I think HS also loves her sister EJ. She is so happy and surprised when EJ tells her that she is beautiful. And she is really worried and upset when EJ fainted and got sick. I hoped that she will understand her sister and break the wall between them one day, ’cause EJ will not be the one to do this. Seo Woo did a good job for this episode.

But I am getting nervous on the development of KH. He is turning into a complicated guy. I felt so torment to see KH agreeing to his father’s plan and giving up his love. I hoped that KH would not be used and sold by his dad once again. I hope the director can also give some more scenes for CJM to develop KH’s character. Anyway, this drama is a lady drama. The 2 male actors seemed to be the supporting actors so far. They are used for explaining the story’s development but have not yet been given the chance to perform fully like MGY. It’s not quite fair to them. There must be a long and sad story behind KH to make him leave for 8 years without contacting EJ. At least, EJ has his stepfather to support her (I mean emotionally). But KH was alone all along. Amongst all the characters, I think KH is the saddest one. KH hid all his pain and saddness without letting anyone know about it (maybe only step father knows) while EJ can lash out and put up her auto-defence mechanism. That's the difference between man and woman.

I really love the scene where EJ is drunk and lying in the store room. KH's hand and expression is so sad and painful. I also like the background song so much - "Calling Out". Watch the fan-made OST here. It is superb.


I hope JB/girlfriday can upload this song when she writes the recap for ep 5 or 6.

I think the first 4 episodes just gave us the starter which tasted so sweet that we might not be able to handle the bitterness and heartbreak in the later episodes. The script is really good and intense. Directing and shooting are also great.

I am completely hooked to CS.

I am sorry to say that PT seems to become tasteless since I watch it immediately after watching CS. Maybe it is not fair to PT.


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@ What Happened in Bali

Reporting in to my DB unnis...

Got to Ep 16, and the shit is really hitting the fan. Just how many permutations can we be subjected to of ghastly meetings of people who are screwing up each others' lives, intentionally or unintentionally, directly or indirectly? An infinite number! Viewing progress has been slow up to now, because there's just so much misery I can take at one time, but I think I may be upping the pace now that the weekend and the full-on angst are upon us.

I realise that WHIB works largely because of the amazing acting. I mean, it's not easy to keep such a vortex of emo up in the air for so many episodes, but everyone is acting their socks off and it's impossible for me as a viewer to back off. Jo In Sung is all sorts of amazing -- how does he make a weak, lazy, spoilt and cheating rich boy so relatable and sympathetic? And So Ji Sub. So! Ji! Sub! I've never particularly liked his look and had never seen him act. But, oh, the nuanced pain, the complexity. I'm totally an SJS-girl now. And Ha Ji Won - what can I say? She takes an eye-rollingly ill-fated cliche character and makes everyone want to protect and/or possess her.

And for all its over-wrought emo and melo, it's quite a thought-provoking piece on what happens when people are thwarted, and on the messiness of power, lust, corruption and revenge, mixed in with love (yes, I think love has finally made its appearance, but I don't think it has a snowball's hope in hell of holding up against all the other forces). It's an adult show (I wouldn't recommend this to my teenage nieces) about people who can't quite get the hang of being adults.

But for those of us who are a bit twisted and enjoy a bit of subversion, this is great. Tired of the same old facile romcom happily-ever-after? Here's a tale for you! The curtain rises on Poor Girl being dissed by Rich Boy and Rich Girl. Then, Rich Boy (and yummy Poor Boy) both fall in love with Poor Girl. Rich Girl gets her comeuppance. All's well!! Er, not quite. In the messy reality of WHIB, being the object of desire does NOT fix life's problems, and brings its own complicated curse.


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Hey girl....I'm enjoying reading all the spoilers and recaps of PP by you and the others popping in!

I never got the feeling Ma Hye-ri was egotistical....thought she was spoiled brat with fettish about shoes and the way she dresses is just who she is and mommy encourages it. So much so that she has no common sense about her and her having genius IQ didn't impress me since she came across as a bimbo.

Did you notice that her character has the same "qualities" as Joe Chen in It Started With A Kiss? Genius IQ but no common sense when it comes to feelings about others and that's why Ariel went through the roller coaster ride.

About OBGYN....I was looking at some scenes last night and the one that really moved me was Dr. Wang kneeling in the hallway and it got me so pissed because that couple blamed him for their child being born with downs syndrome and i felt like Dr. Seo yelling.....GET UP! STAND UP! IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT! I wanted to punch the other guy out! Nothing else came of that scene....

Like any other drama....if I go back I pick up on extra thoughts because I'm so darn caught up in the moment and have to read the subs and I listen to their voices and watch their faces (body language)....and I'm thinking...I missed something.

Keep up the dialogue....the picture is there! :-)


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@13 serendipity
you said it sis ! jo in sung make the supposed 2nd lead bad boy so good that WHIB seems there's two leading men and i for the first time rooting for our bad boy. i was so torn between him and SJS (my baby ) poor poor babies.....


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@ 36 ivy
yeh that was the song I was referring to.
cheers for replying! awesome song :)


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To everyone here....it's really neat to read all the different thoughts about the various dramas....I've felt encouraged by what you've all had to share and don't feel alone in getting all caught up in characters, etc.

My next door neighbor was pretty blunt recently when we were discussing one of the dramas being shown on our local station.....she said to me....you know, it's only a drama! I had to stop and started to laugh.....so my OT friends are the best of the bestest when it comes to letting it all hang out!

CHEERS (raising my cup of coffee) to all of you! Keep it coming!



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@ 16

Cheers to you too eiko.


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@ 10 supah~~

lol. after i posted my predicament there then i realized the same thing too..
guess the mystery is still on.. It's illogical to say HR has twin sister.. idk..
In Woo's mystery keeps on bugging me..


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yes, that 8 yr will never happen convincingly other than Kdramas (tbh I've never found earthshaking love after time jump believable), but it's making perfect sense w/ these 2.

They came fr very dysfunctional families...where the issues are nowhere near resolved. When some of these very primary relationships in life r so damaged, and the hurt is reinstituted every time these 2 have anything to do with their birth parent, it's near impossible for them to develop other genuine relationships in life.

EJ has ceased establishing any intimate relationship w/ nobody. Of coz her mommy dearest is to blame. I'm relieved to see her functioning as a professional, she has civil relationships, has a career and is outwardly normal albeit not the most compassionate person we've met. So if this young woman really did not care to exp love in the passing years, I'm not one bit surprised. KH made some painful sacrifices he's not completely happy w/. It was a difficult goodbye to leave the only place he's felt human warmth since his mom's passing. I doubt he'll not leave IF EJ had the letter and found him at the train station though. He'll prob explain things as he did in the letter and asked her to understand and wait, which I think EJ would, esp if he opened up about his family's ugly can of worms and his MS enlistment (but how boring will the drama be?!). He's tactful in making sure she wont come, we can see he's been brewing that idea for a while, he didn't mention his plans in the letter. He's much more worldly in coping w/ his horrible past, unlike EJ, that's because his dad really is sadly pathetic and heartless...and simple, KH had the upperhand and some lvl of control. whereas EJ's suffering is still daily life. Her mom as she herself said 'is a woman who could chewed up the Holy Father, Mary and Joseph and spit them out', formidable and GENIUS at her conniving games, leaving EJ lost in her abuse and control. It's esp heartbreaking to see EJ had crafted out a relatively normal stable life, and just as she can open up for some care, her mom served her this awful emotional pill to swallow. KH has seen thro his dad long ago, though he can't stop himself holding out hope for just a tiny show of fatherly love w/ their meetings, and I bet his heart hardened and cringed every time his dad denied him such comforts. KH has always been complicated as we can see fr his interactions w/ his step siblings, he copes w/ being generally this sweet, warm, considerate guy, but we've seen his darker moments boiling just underneath, and he really hasnt share w/ anybody his world exc EJ. Though he has an affectionate relationship w/ DS, DS is naive in human maneuvering. He's sympathetic to KH but he has no ability to viscerally understand the scope of how damaged KH is except to give him pity and love. With everything on his plate, I doubt he's 'indulged' himself the luxury of having romantic relationships.

And it's conveyed quite well they have been leading quite productive a life without wallowing in the lost love constantly. But first love is first love, it'll creep up to u w/o your control. I bet EJ has been to the wine cellar numerous times over the past 8 yrs w/o an incident, or else she would've avoid it all tog, w/o HS' maneuvering, the art exhibition will flutter her, but she'll be able to keep it in check, it's after the provocation thatthe fermentation and that little veranda and everything else added up or how he called her name suddenly evoked this precious suppressed load of emotions in her, it's beyond her control. I do think it's the same w/ KH, he didn't have to time and leisure to nurture a long distance relationship w/ EJ, if not for his Dad's plan of taking over DS' winery and her subsequent brittleness and neglect to his shock and dismay because he's lost and pained w/ how 'unchanged' she's been, his repressed feelings towards EJ wont surface as prominently.

A lot of ppl has been put off by EJ being so 'heartless' and ungrateful by repeatedly hurting her loving stepdad. We have to bear in mind it's always been a game of favorites in the schemes of EJ's mom. She fakes doting mom to HS and is esp harsh and unloving towards EJ so DS is guaranteed to sympathize and make up for it w/ EJ, going above and beyond to care for EJ, preying on how a sweet, good man he is. Mom even said it out loud she has eyes on the winery for the only her blood children. This is also the reason y she has to push HS away and has to drag her down to reality...because EJ is aware she's an unwilling yet active partner in crime, robbing HS of her everything, she will never have mom in her to take on HS' love as well. 8 yrs later, EJ has developed a bond w/ HS, it's dysfunctional but we saw a frankness and genuine caring moments btn them, esp telling when in that heated emotional exchange w/ KH end of ep4, she still showed her concern by asking him if HS knew of him having no feelings towards HS. EJ can throw in a few constructive 'niceties' because she is sure now HS wont slurp it up and has given up on forcing a loving relationship w/ her no matter how fake. It's a great relief on EJ's conscience.

I feel wrong, but I cant hate EJ's mom, I almost understand her as if I was EJ (marvelous acting). I'm as lost as EJ and I cant be sure she's rotten to the core and did it all for her own or she really braved thro all this w/ some concern for EJ's good. She's a case study of a very selfish, unfit mother 'trying' to be mom. She has the looks and she's not one that will settle for sure, if not for EJ and being a single mom, she might have easily married a chaebol and led a comfortable life to her wish. It's hinted she must have done sth shady just to keep them alive. It's understandable to have some resentment towards EJ. Also what EJ has been thro w/ her past men, it was much more dire than at DS' winery, so she didnt blink in being unloving towards her as part of her act.


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I've just rewatched the ep 5 of PP and the scene that troubles me the most was when Lawyer In Woo went to some random rivers and put the white flower there..

It's just bothered me.. Who could be the one he dreads so much? His mother? sister? brother? gf?

Plus , the Shin Dong Ha's case, the father, i think In Woo will practically used him to resolve his plan as he asked for his help when they were meeting at the restaurant if one day he needs it..
There's always connection of Hye Ri's case to him ..Sometimes i wonder did he made up all the cases for the sake of Hye Ri??

And I am baffled by the fact that In Woo doesn't have any clues about Hye Ri being obese during her college days..I thought he has done complete profiling of her..;-)

My love for this drama really is killing me..


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@anna hae: re: "And I am baffled by the fact that In Woo doesn’t have any clues about Hye Ri being obese during her college days..I thought he has done complete profiling of her..;-) "

[spoiler] when HR was running under the rain, and fell, i was waiting for his teenager version to pop up from nowhere like he always does, to help her. But he didn't ¬¬ :P [/spoiler]


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@68 - Haven't yet gone through all the DVDs so I'll let you know if there are any new clips of Jeremy.

@94 - I got my Directors Cut of "You're Beautiful" and watching it again. There are added scenes that weren't in the original version that I watched online. Am enjoying it all over again! I'm watching Personal Taste too and despite its flaws, love it.


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I believe the connection that In Woo has with
Ma- Hye-ri has to do when they were kids I think Epi 3 makes reference of that in the famous "Muffin Incident". It is also mention that In Woo was a well known Lawyer back in the USA, so we can assume that he left for America when he was a kid, so the fact that Ma Hye-ri does now who he is at this point is maybe cause he change his name, and also explain the reason why (SPOILER he does no know that she turn to be an overweight adult END SPOILER).
He has some guy doing detective work for him so unless the detective saw a picture of her when she was in her "Full Figure" there is no way that that fact could come to light.
There is something about Lawyer In Woo that I do not like;
1- He was following Ma- Hye-ri from Epi 1, we see him in the shadows lurking, at the ski resort, did he vandalize and stole her purse and cell, in order for her to stay with him in the suite that she had already book? Maybe he is after the Bad Guy that makes faked clothes?
What about him given her freelance cases in order to help her out, the white flowers at the Lake, he asked the Father in his last case to help him out in the future if he needed some help, what is all of this cryptic incidents have to do with Ma- Hye-ri, I do not like the way he talks to his Female Partner at his office seems like she knows the ulterior motives that he has, I am just hoping that indeed he is trying to help her and not to do harm to her.

2-Last but no least the thing that I Hate the most about Lawyer In Woo is the fact that he is playing with her mind, I have volunteer with "domestic violence perpetrators " and I know that you can also abuse some one by manipulating somebody's mind, also the fact that he behaves like a total stalker, for some reason it gives me the creeps, (SPOILER) when Ma- Hye-ri was about to live at the Airport and he show up, I was like man if that was me I will be yelling for the cops, that was just not right, In order for him to know that it means that he was waiting for her all night or has some one tagging her 24/7, I am I the one who does not feel that hes behavior is KINDA WRONG! Not my kind of favorite Lead, but maybe we will find out the reason for his way of acting towards her soon!!!!
PP Fighting!!!!!


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EDIT! What I meant to say at the end was, Am I the only one who sees Lawyer In Woo a bit odd in the way he plays with Ma- Hye-ri mind? because i find it totally a turn off for me!!!!!
: O }


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I am in a mellow mood, and listening to the music of one of my favorite Female Guitar Players,her name is "Muriel Anderson" I been playing the guitar for many years but this Lady is beyond what I can do!!!
Muriel Anderson is consider one of the best guitar players not only in the US but around the world, here she is playing "Two Shores" Live.....Enjoy


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i have exam this afternoon.. everyone .. wish me luck, kay!

Fly High~~:-)


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Hi CS avid fans.

Other people must be bored reading discussions about CS by this time. Sorry everyone else :)

It's just that we, or at least me, have difficulties to put our attention on anything else. CS does suck me in. Just like WHIB.

I don't usually go for melodrama. Not this time also. Am not interested to watch at first. But because of MGY, I promised myself...'just 1 eposode, just to see how it is.' I really admire her professionalism. She will do any role the best she can. "Innocent Steps" might not be a big blockbuster but in that film she did ballroom dancing and she really can dance. Not like some actor who is suppose to act as a very good dancer and come their dancing scene you can tell that they suck... big time.

@ 121 mookie , @114 serendipity agree with your analysis.

"I feel wrong, but I cant hate EJ’s mom, I almost understand her as if I was EJ (marvelous acting)."

Oh...but I can. I hate person like that who uses emotional blackmail on their children!!! I can feel EJ's hell when she cried out. (marvelous acting by both as you stated). Her mother is a monster!! Love your child?? It's a miracle EJ still have basic conscience of what's right or what's wrong. That food poisoning of EJ happened a long time ago and she's still stuck in that time. That is one woman who doesn't count her blessings. No wonder... since she don't have God in her heart anymore.

I know DS seems like a very good man now. But don't know what he did in the past. To me he is quietly observant. Maybe not towards his wife because she's a master manipulator. He is someone who is wise from past experiences. Maybe from his own mistakes. But I like the man he is now. The early morning scene where he stop EJ after KH left really broke my heart. My favorite EJ, DS scene. MGY doesn't have many lines in that scene but the whole thing is just ...WOW. Just like her scene with KH in the wine cellar before the quite cheesy bubble to the moon.

Another thing...there's no more whimsical scene after that. I miss it. I like the suitcase scene.

I watched the other dramas to stop myself thinking about CS. It's quite successful in diverting my attention. I don't compare them because then I would think about CS again. I do need to get back on my on life. Not keep hearing in my mind...'Eun Jo ya..." either from MGY or CJM ;)


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Happy OT and week ahead everyone!

@ockoala, @mookie, @cingdoc and all concern

Want to say thanks esp to @ockoala, @mookie for your support and kind words.
As I have posted in past threads, I was going thru a depression. I had a health problem for more than 2 months and I was feeling worse everyday. Due to my fear of hospitals, surgery and cancer I kept it from family and friends and suffer alone.

I had a lump in my lower colon and had blockage/difficulty with my bowels everyday. This also caused much stress, pain, heartburn and other problems.

Finally, I gave up and saw a GP on Tuesday. She examined me and confirmed that it was a hard lump and she was worried, put my case as urgent and reco me to a gastroenterologist immediately. I went to hospital on Thursday and he examined me and said there’s a mass and scheduled colonoscopy, endoscopy and ultrasound immediately on the same day. Triple whammy. I was alone and started texting everybody I know for prayers while doing the enema. I went into OT (not JB’s) and was not sedated enuf during the gastro scan. I was groaning terribly and felt the metal but could hear voices assuring me that its finishing. When I woke up, I checked myself and was curious why there’s no sign of surgery, not a trace of blood stain on the bedsheet!

The Dr gave me the results that evening. (A friend came after I woke up). He told me and my friend that all the results are clear except that I had a 12mm cyst (benign) in my kidney. I just couldn’t believe it! My Lord Jesus has given me a MIRACLE! I am a bad sinner (so much so that I only prayed that the lump will not be cancerous). I really Thank and Praise God for this miracle given to undeserving me.

I have been praying for your cousin-in-law all this time and for a miracle too. With you and me and others who care to join we will continue to pray for her that the tumour in her lung (even though you say its shrunk) will disappear. Amen.

JB, thank you for this OT again. I hope you don’t mind me sharing as I just want to tell everybody there’s hope and never give up. I am mentally weak and many times have suicidal thoughts/intentions and its so scary! That’s why when you post all the suicides and the most recent one of Choi (RIP) I was so disturbed. But you are so sensitive and understand the torture that these people went thru and nobody should judge or say negative things. God bless you JB. :-)


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It is truly a miracle that your physical condition has been diagnosed as benign. I will continue to hold your recovery in our prayers (the baobeis pray extra hard for folks I tell them to pray for!). Even as you physically recover, if and when you emotionally feel down, do tell us. I for one am always ready with a few words of encouragement, which is all I can do, and hopefully it has some benefit in helping you should you encounter a rough patch in life. And to know someone is listening to your story.

Please stay strong!!


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@anna hae: in bocca al lupo! ;)

@Amg1: regarding your first point, yeah, he's been following Hye-ri since his return from America. His secretary knows all about his plan, which is still a mystery and I'm hoping that it doesn't involve betrayal, deception or backstabbing.
The way he plays with Hye-ri's mind, as of now, doesn't seem dangerous, in my opinion. He's been attracting her to his area of influence, that's a fact (all the suitegate was a manterplan, indeed!), but he's not that twisted (like, for example, the leading guy from CS, who is a jerk, and I just hate him). I think that I need to know a little bit more about his intentions to have a final judgement about his character. BUT. What freaked me out was the end of episode 6 (up until then, i didn't see him as a threat, even the airport scene was lovely. It's so typical, that I can't see it as a negative act). When I saw it, i laughed, it seemed so creepy and yet so cute. After that initial reaction, i said "Ok, what the hell??". If the writers don't give us more information about him from episode 7 on, i'm afraid i could start having second thoughts about this guy.


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@ockoala angel

Thanks so much for your encouragement. Haha...I am so bad at my testimony. The miracle is that the lump in my colon is not there anymore. Praise God. :-D

God bless you and protect you, Mr.ockoala and your baobeis. :-) Lol I can just imagine your baobeis praying hard with their eyes close. I still remember their faces vividly.

Since I just glance thru OT, seems there is a meeting end of this year in HK? Would so love join and meet up if the fates allow.


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*hug* simplesim!

that is traumatic, and u r one strong woman! I'm so glad u r fine now, but u really should reach out to your family and friends (or us), let them 'do their job' ma....
we're all here, all ears.

My prayers are w/ you as well. Stay strong and have a speedy recovery. (in the mean time, enjoy more kdrama or any drama! ;) )


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So Happy to hear that! Creator is omnipotent and miracle is just is. Noting is impossible. Sending more of Creator's healing energy your way. Remote healing is part of my specialty. If you ever need that extra prayer or moral support for letting go of those(feeling, relations and what not)which are not serving you, I'm here for you.(admin at celestialorigins.com, as well, just in case)

Sending much much love and Light. :)


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@ 33 aberdeen_angus


can't wait for wednesday..please come faster.


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To all the THANK YOU fans.....here's the words to that beautiful song which was played in its entirety when Jang Hyuk went to the chapel to pray:

A fool you are
Really thank you
You who only see me who give everything without sparing
An Angel you are
It must be hard and tiring for you at times
But you believe in me without wavering, when I have nothing to show
Isn't it strange?
It seems you have no tears
Even when you're in pain, you smile for me
I smile because I am happy by your side
These words I have kept at the bottom of my throat
I really love you
My foolish love which cannot even be expressed now I finally say this
I live because you exist.

And....as Min Gi expressed: Bomi and Yong Shin are his miracles. :-)


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For my OT family, sorry for being MIA. I've been going old-school the last few days, not to mention writing in my spare time.

Thundie kindly asked me to guest blog for Thundie's Prattle, so I squeed long and hard, and then jumped right in.

Check it out if you're interested in the k-drama Time Between Dog and Wolf, which is one of my faves, and Thundie likes it a lot, too, so it was the perfect drama to review as my inaugural guest post.


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@ simplesim : so sorry to hear you've been going through all that all alone... but congratulations on the good outcome! Take care of yourself, and treat yourself to some fun, too. You deserve it and you need it.

@ ockoala : congrats on the new venture!


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@31 simplesim

Thank goodness it was benign! You take care of yourself and we'll keep you in our thoughts.


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Oh so cool! I had to run to the farmer's market first thing in a morning. Now I have some time to sit down with a cup of tea to read all about it. Off I go!


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@33 aberdeen_angus
Haha!! At the end of 6, I was snorted out my drink!! At first I honestly though that's his house to begin with, since he's always stood brooding at some balcony but that must be his office balcony then?
If he's only moved in next door to stalk her than most defo! In-woo just anted up on the creepiness.
We know it's mystery all abound but I would really like to know who it is he was mourning the loss of when he laid the white flowers, he wore such a pained expression. Such an awesome twist it'd be if it was Yoon's wife. Waahhh! The mother of all twists.

Also, the PP soundtrack is getting more awesome by the minute, I know SHINee, Monday Kiz and the 3 Muses OST songs are really popular now, but they've introduced two more sombre, sultry Loveholics-ish ones with female vocalists, that I'm in love with!
While I was looking for them I found this PP MV and had to share.
I loved the beginning scene of this MV in the drama, and it had some kind of dramatic music in the background so her sobs, whimpers and ''sunbaenniiim'' were drowned out, thus didn't sound so annoying but it sounds AWFUL here! Still, I love the overall MV! Enjoy.
(I could watch Yoon kicking lowlife scum ass aaall day!)

Squeeee! Can't wait till Wednesday!


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@ockoala, Hey great Job 0ver at Thundie’s Prattle, TBDAW IMHO is a very underrated drama, I remember the car chasing scene at the Port and I thought how different it was from other dramas that I had watched in the past, maybe not up to par with IRIS quality/budget, but as a spy thriller still one of the best!!
Nice recap.... : O }


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@supah , Thanks for the link, awesome Vid, the scene that totally made me cry was when Ma Hye Ri is listening the other Prosecutors making bets about when she was going to quit, the noise she makes while trying not to choke and holding her tears is so realistic that I could not hold my tears, Kim So-yeon has become one of my TOP Female actresses, Ma Hye Ri is becoming favorite Heroine so far!!!! PP is a Must Watch Drama.....


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I have that song on my ipod now, love it. I hear it and envision Jang Hyuk and him saying ''ahjumma'' in that sexy drawl of his, and somehow wearing a Dae-gil scar too. Rawr!

Saying that, I've remembered what song it was that I've been meaning to download and always forget - ''Sarang'' from Chuno.


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She's easily become my fave k actress, everrr!
Before I thought she was simply the most beautiful actress I'd ever clapped eyes on, but now she's completely won me over, talentwise and beautywise.
This drama has a heart and soul thanks to her.


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@ amg1 and supah

Okay...now I'm waiting for PP episodes that I can follow with eng subs.

That link which is the scene in the field after the high flying kick really shows the fighting spirit of Yoon.

Oi....I'm feeling like I've got cotton inside my head from not enough sleep! Wouldn't you know I've tried to close my eyes several times and the phone rings!

I better just check on what's been posted on episodes! :-)


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High five sis!!
So glad you're watching it. As I may have said before, the spoiled brat/princess image is misleading, she is a whole 'nother creature, and if you don't love her in episode 3, you will begin to love her in episode 6 at least.

Oh and PPers, I've found the songs from the OST that I was looking for, check this one out for starters - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NF4ir_TpDc


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Awww!!! @#$%! Boy, my brain must have been totally asleep(did work till 2am this morning)! It's you! What was I thinking... Forgive me.


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