Warm and Cozy: Episode 5

Get used to that you-did-NOT-just-say-that-stupid face, because you’ll be seeing it a lot, and will in fact find yourself making it repeatedly as you watch this episode. Or if you’re like me and have been recapping all day, you might find it permanently frozen that way. I wish I could say that our manchild hero sees the error of his ways and tells that haughty first love to hit the road, but that would be a big honkin’ lie. See: face.


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Jung-joo finds herself on the perfect dream date with Gun-woo… and his dream girl Ji-won, who has totally hijacked their evening. Gun-woo smoothly says that everything has been prepared especially for Ji-won, and Jung-joo stares agape.

He has the nerve to say that it must be telepathy, because he just suddenly felt the urge to make dinner and light candles, as if Jung-joo isn’t sitting right there. She remembers Ji-won as the rude girl who dropped her coffee and ran back at the hotel, and Ji-won just calls herself clumsy.

Ji-won pointedly says that she must’ve interrupted their evening, prompting Gun-woo to kick Jung-joo out right then and there. Ugh. I hope she kicks you in the shins later.

Gun-woo follows Jung-joo inside to grab a blanket for Ji-won, and he’s so blatantly happy that it’s doubly infuriating. Jung-joo is about to head upstairs, but he complains that Ji-won will get the wrong idea (or the right one) if she sees them both living here.

So he actually kicks her out of the whole place, reminding her of how he went above and beyond for her old co-workers. When he doesn’t even let her take the blanket in his hands because that’s for Ji-won too, Jung-joo storms out wearing only a sweater, not heeding his warning about it being cold out.

Mayor Wook passes by a few of the townsfolk, who already know about his “date” with Jung-joo and completely ignore the part where he tells them it wasn’t a date. They notice Jung-joo heading out towards the dock by herself, and drop loud hints that someone ought to go warn her to be careful because visitors fall into the ocean all the time.

Jung-joo downs beer after beer and ignores Gun-woo’s texts asking if she’s cold and telling her not to go too far. Hmph, says the guy who kicked her out. Wook comes by and asks why she’s drinking alone when drinking together is so much better, and takes her to the group of neighbors who are out sharing some makgulli.

The diver ajummas are impressed when Jung-joo drinks a bowl in one shot and eats their food, and she gives Wook a little nod of thanks for helping her make friends.

But the truly awesome part is that Gun-woo spends his date worried about Jung-joo because she’s ignoring his texts, and he sits there texting her repeatedly to tell him where she is, not even listening to Ji-won as she talks.

She calls him out on it, and Gun-woo admits that he’s worried about Jung-joo because she’s rather frail, and wants to make sure she got home okay.

Ji-won tries to hide her reaction and asks if he wants to open another bottle, and Gun-woo immediately starts hemming and hawing about how he’d love to but then it’ll get too late and they can’t call a designated driver to take her back to the hotel. She’s shocked at the response, but he doesn’t even give her a chance to argue and calls for the driver.

Of course the call goes to Mr. Gong (because what business doesn’t he run in this town?), and Jung-joo knows that Gun-woo’s date must be over. Ji-won is already in a sour mood when Gun-woo sends her off in the car, but then the driver hands her his card and she reads: “Always on call 24 hours a day!” Serves you right, date-ruiner!

Gun-woo starts calling Jung-joo as soon as he sends Ji-won off, and he runs through the town calling her name, sick with worry. He finally finds her sharing a drink and looking awfully cozy with Wook, and he scoffs jealously.

He purposely hangs back and calls her, and grows even more annoyed when she keeps her answers vague. “Who’re you drinking with?” “Townspeople.” “Townspeople who?” “Why do you want to know?”

She tells him not to come get her, and he gets so pissy watching her have another drink with Wook that he picks up a giant rock that he tripped over and chucks it into the stream between them. Of course he’s instantly embarrassed and trip-falls his way down the street before anyone can recognize him.

Jung-joo decides to go home, but Wook tells her to stay a while longer, using the rest of the makgulli bottle as an excuse. He adds that she should stay out longer if she’s trying to make a point about being mad for getting kicked out tonight. She realizes that he has a point and sits back down, and Wook’s face breaks out into the doofiest smile. Aw.

Gun-woo paces at home and hurriedly tries to look busy when Jung-joo arrives, attempting to sound casual but mostly sounding pissy as he notes that she’s already made lots of friends in this town. She says it’s all thanks to the mayor, and then mentions that she heard that Gun-woo doesn’t participate in any of the town festivals or events, and only pays lots of fines.

Gun-woo pouts that he was so worried about her being cold and out on her own that he sent Ji-won home early and ran out looking for her, and meanwhile she seemed to have been gossiping about him with the mayor.

She tries to explain that it was just an explanation for why he doesn’t seem to get along with the people here, but he gets childishly huffy and shouts in her face, “It’s fine! I’m the Sorang outcast, so don’t play with me! Go play with the powerful mayor!” and adds a raspberry for emphasis.

I love that he follows up that outburst with a face mask. Jung-joo pokes her head through the curtain that divides his little corner of their room to try and smooth things over, and then she notices his suit and asks if he was near where she was drinking earlier tonight. He quickly lies no, and she muses, “Oh, ’cause there was a whack job who came by and threw a rock.”

He notices her sneezing and worries that she might’ve caught a cold, and by the time Jung-joo washes up, she finds a cup of hot tea waiting by her bed. That’s so sweet. It breaks the tension and he tells her not to get sick or drink too much anymore.

She says the drinking was just to try and make friends here, and he argues that the mayor isn’t all that powerful, and that she should be careful or the town will have them married. He gets adorably whiny as he says, “So don’t be so friendly with the mayor, okay?”

Jung-joo says she’ll deal with it her own way, but when she thanks him for the tea, Gun-woo can’t help but smile. Behind closed curtains, she sips her warm tea and he sits up in bed, each of them grinning silently to themselves.

Gun-woo’s hyung and noona discuss their wayward kid brother over breakfast, and Hyung Jung-geun sticks to his tough love approach when it comes to the purse strings. Noona doesn’t have much money to give anyway, seeing as how her younger golf pro boyfriend likes expensive things, and Hyung asks if it doesn’t hurt her pride to follow her boyfriend around on his tour.

She says that those things don’t matter when you’re in love and can’t not see the other person, and Jung-geun’s thoughts float to the visions of diver Hae-shil that have been haunting his every waking thought, showing up on the golf course, the pool, his home.

Noona figures that Hyung doesn’t have that kind of problem since he’s so exacting, though she thinks he’s being a little too harsh on Gun-woo because he’s been calling Noona for gas money, of all things.

Hyung says that gas money won’t be a problem for Gun-woo anymore, as we cut to his secretary delivering a new electric car to Warm & Cozy. Gun-woo pouts about his sports car being taken away, but when Jung-joo insists that she likes this new car and how much it’ll cut down on their expenses, he gives in, surprising his hyung’s secretary.

When his secretary returns with a file of all the divers in Sorang, Jung-geun snatches it right up and digs through it until he finds Hae-shil. She’s busy taking new applications for the diving school when he calls her, and when he puffs up to say that he wants to repay her for rescuing him, she says she doesn’t need it and hangs up.

He’s so confused by someone hanging up on him that he gets an envelope of money together and heads down to the diving school himself, cutting through the big line like he owns the place. He gets ready to call the mayor to give her a break just so they can talk, so she finally just goes with him to shut him up.

Outside, he holds out the envelope of money with the declaration that he can’t stop thinking about her, which he idiotically claims is due to the fact that he can’t stand to be indebted to someone.

She relents and takes the money, then tells him to live well because they’ll never see each other again. He watches her go and tells himself that this is over now, and all he has to do is turn around and walk away to keep his pride. Only he can’t actually turn his head away from her, and ends up running at full speed to catch up.

He stops her and blurts that it’s over… it is… except she fed him abalone, so in order to repay the debt exactly, he wants to take her to dinner.

Gun-woo and Poong-san go out to collect sea snails, only Gun-woo stands around preparing to work while Poong-san actually works. He wonders why Gun-woo insisted on coming out here, and he says that they had to, otherwise Jung-joo would’ve come and she was coughing yesterday.

Poong-san returns to Warm & Cozy on his own a little later, and finds Jung-joo digging around for her co-workers’ contact info to try and get them to eat here again. She dumps out the contents of her purse, and Poong-san recognizes the bottle of oxycodone that Gun-woo once asked him about.

He asks worriedly if Jung-joo is sick, and she says she just found the bottle and put her mints in there. He takes one just to make sure, and it really is a mint. He guesses that Gun-woo was really surprised to learn the truth.

Gun-woo walks in after Jung-joo has gone upstairs, and adds his tiny bucket of sea snails to Poong-san’s giant tub with the request that they go halfsies on the credit. Poong-san shows Gun-woo the pill bottle and says that it’s Jung-joo’s, and Gun-woo tells him in hushed tones not to let on like he knows, because she doesn’t know that he knows.

You can see Poong-san working it out, and he realizes that Gun-woo thinks that Jung-joo is dying of cancer, and that’s why he let her borrow Warm & Cozy until the day she dies. Gun-woo flares up that: “No one’s gonna die! Our Jung-joo is fine! Watch your mouth!”

Poong-san asks if that’s why he’s been so good to Jung-joo, and asks if this means that he’ll refrain from selling Warm & Cozy and keep working here while she’s here. Gun-woo confirms that he can’t manage to leave when he’s so worried about her.

Poong-san takes all this in and watches as Gun-woo argues with Jung-joo over washing the sea snails and voluntarily works hard, and he smiles to himself: “It’s too warm and cozy to clear up this misunderstanding.” With that, he chucks the bottle of mints in the trash, content to let Gun-woo keep believing the wrong thing.

Jung-geun gets Hae-shil to sit down for a meal with him, and she looks on disapprovingly as he pushes away the foods he can’t eat. When he fusses over the fish, she breaks off pieces to put on his plate, and he asks if she does this for just any man or if he’s special.

He puffs up and says she ought to know just how special he is, reminding her that he’s the black pearl, but that he doesn’t want to tell her in case she gets clingy. He wonders if maybe she looked in the envelope and already found out for herself.

She admits that she’s been worried about him ever since she rescued him, and he blusters that he doesn’t need anyone to worry about him. Hae-shil: “There’s no one who doesn’t need someone to worry about them.”

He’s floored when she suggests that he maybe apply at the diving school, and he brags that he’s been scuba diving and wonders why such a thing needs to be taught at all. She suddenly clamps a hand over his nose and mouth so that he can’t breathe and says that a diver needs to stop breathing in order to live, and it’s work that you do while putting your life on the line.

She shows him how your head spins when you take your first breath after thinking that your heart has stopped, and tells him that he’s made a mistake. He spins her around and yells back that she’s made a mistake too, by reeling a person back in when he was ready to finish things and walk away. You would blame her for that.

He digs the envelope out of her pocket and takes it back, declaring that it won’t end here: “When I show up in front of you again, it’ll be your fault, and you’ll have to take responsibility for plucking me out of the ocean!”

The first thing Jung-geun does when he returns to work is order his secretary to fill every minute of every day so that he can’t think about anything else until Friday evening, the deadline for diving school applications.

Ji-won continues to drop unsubtle hints with her new co-workers about how close she is to Jung-geun and his family, and they’re shocked when he accepts her invitation to attend her welcome party with the staff at Warm & Cozy.

Gun-woo has his hands full in the kitchen when Ji-won calls, and Jung-joo reluctantly holds the phone up to his ear while they make plans for the party on Friday. She hangs up abruptly and he pouts that he didn’t get to give a properly lingering goodbye, and she wonders to herself what he likes so much about that rude-o. You and me both.

She’s stopped by a foreigner who shocks her with his perfect Korean (cameo by Sam Okyere), who asks for directions to the diving school. She takes him there and is intrigued by the idea of becoming a diver, picturing herself finding giant abalone on the ocean floor, and turns in an application too.

We get a quick introduction to the diving school as told by the town’s blogger, who romanticizes everything, as always. She says that young people come from all over to learn how to become divers here, and we see that Jung-geun is reading the entry as he contemplates his application.

Through the blogger’s photographs, we see Jung-joo there, as well as Mayor Wook stopping to notice her, and then Jung-geun arriving in his fancy car only to turn back.

The day of Ji-won’s party rolls around, and Gun-woo and Jung-joo spend the morning at the market getting ingredients. He whines about wanting to go to Seoul to pick up a few things and get a proper haircut, and Jung-joo puts her foot down—he can go to the local barber or let it grow out.

When Ji-won calls him, she hears Jung-joo’s voice and decides to go meet him at the market. Ugh. And of course he acts like he’s being nice by sending Jung-joo home early and asking for the credit card.

Jung-joo feels so bad about him carrying the heavy stuff on his own and doubles back, only to find him on a date with Ji-won. Her heart sinks to see them looking happy together, and she remains in a foul mood when he returns, proud of the fact that he didn’t take the credit card and run off to Seoul. That’s a thing to be proud of?

He wonders why she’s in a bad mood, then happens to see a text on Jung-joo’s phone from one of her co-workers. It includes pictures from their visit and a shot of Wook’s hwangto panty ad, and Gun-woo dies laughing.

He runs down to show Jung-joo and guesses that Wook is being nice to her because she knows his secret, and wonders how best to publicly embarrass him. Jung-joo snaps at him to keep his mouth shut about this, and warns that she’ll kill him if he embarrasses Wook over it.

He scoffs, “Did you just threaten me to take his side?” She tells him not to mess things up for her when she just started to be friends with him.

Ji-won and her co-workers arrive for their dinner and Poong-san finally gets to see the famous Ji-won. Jung-joo balks when he calls her pretty, and he wonders if she’s done stringing Gun-woo along and is actually dating him now. Jung-joo guesses that they must be dating, because she’s here to introduce him to her co-workers.

Hae-shil waits by herself until the application deadline passes, and seems a little disappointed that Jung-geun didn’t apply. But he walks in at the last minute and admits that he always thought he was a strong person, but there are things he can’t beat by sheer will.

He declares himself weak and hands her his application, where he’s written as his reason for applying: “To live so that I don’t die.” He tells her to take responsibility for him, and she agrees to help him.

Ji-won keeps checking her watch at the table, and is visibly disappointed when Jung-geun’s secretary calls to say that he can’t make it. Gun-woo comes to the table with an expensive bottle of wine that he says is from him, and Ji-won’s co-workers ask what their relationship is.

They assume that Gun-woo is her boyfriend, but Ji-won doesn’t even hesitate to declare loudly that they’re just friends. Everyone at the table looks uncomfortable and Gun-woo looks like he wants to crawl into a hole, and even Jung-joo and Poong-san look on in utter shock.

Ji-won just continues and tells Gun-woo to explain so that her co-workers don’t misunderstand, and he swallows back his hurt reaction to plaster on a smile and joke about the wine being so expensive that they misunderstood. Ugh, I just want to slap her!

Jung-joo runs out to find Gun-woo brooding by himself out on the patio, and she sighs, calling him a dummy under her breath.

Jung-joo is shocked to return and find that Ji-won just walked out, so she chases her down in the parking lot. Ji-won lets her true bitch face show when it’s just Jung-joo, and asks if she’s here to tell her to clean something up again. Jung-joo tells her to talk to Gun-woo and clear things up with him, so Ji-won agrees… and then starts to drive away.

Wow she gives shameless a new name. Jung-joo actually blocks her path and Ji-won gets out to argue with her, and Jung-joo realizes that making a mess and running away is just what she always does.

She tells Ji-won to pay for her dinner if she’s really not in a relationship with Gun-woo, and when Ji-won asks what she is to demand money, Jung-joo declares that Gun-woo gave her this place and she even lives here with him.

Jung-joo tells her that she was trying to be considerate because she thought Ji-won was Gun-woo’s girlfriend, what with the constant calls, showing up at all hours, making him wait: “But if all of that means you’re not in a relationship, then you can pay for dinner!” Man I love that she’s yelling at her like this.

But Gun-woo comes out and gets mad at Jung-joo, and stops Ji-won from paying. Ji-won turns her anger on him and says that if what she’s been doing is so wrong, she’ll never come back again. He grabs her wrist and asks if she means it, even when he could explain. She says she’s done, and this time he lets go and tells her not to come back then.

He storms inside and Jung-joo follows him in, feeling bad about how things went. She says that she was just so frustrated because he was being used like a dummy, and he shocks her by saying that it’s always been that way—Ji-won always treats him badly and he takes it, and he knows that she’s a bad person. Oh. You do?! Then what the…?

He yells that he knows all of it, that Ji-won is using him and stringing him along, but he still likes her. “I really like her! Whether past, present, future, whether she treats me worse than now, or whether she marries another man!” Dude, you have some serious issues.

Jung-joo argues that Ji-won doesn’t like him back, that she didn’t even care when Jung-joo told her that they lived here together. But he says that Ji-won does care about whether or not he’ll really leave her for good, otherwise he wouldn’t have ended up this way (you have a point there—a very unhealthy point, but a point).

And at the same time, we see Ji-won returning to the restaurant and hesitating at the door. Inside, Gun-woo argues that Ji-won won’t ever just leave like this. He takes a step closer to Jung-joo: “She’ll always come back to make sure.”

The door chimes and Jung-joo turns her head, but Gun-woo reaches out to turn her face back to his. What… are you doing?

Gun-woo: “And sometimes, I’m really bad to her too.” Ji-won walks in, and on cue Gun-woo leans in close, ready to kiss Jung-joo.


UGH. *flips table*

I swear, if you knowingly kiss Jung-joo and use her just to get back at your stupid-ass non-girlfriend who doesn’t even deserve the energy it takes to hate her, I will end you! What the hell, Baek Gun-woo?! Were you really just this much of a prick this whole time? Was I just blinded by your moments of cuteness? What happened to the sweet guy who made tea? Where did he go, and who is this asshole making moves on Jung-joo without meaning it?

Gah, I’m so angry at him that I can’t even reason that Ji-won deserves to be hurt like this. Because for one, that would require her to have feelings (which she doesn’t) and for me to care about said feelings (which I don’t), and none of that matters when Jung-joo is about to get hurt because she’s being used to provoke a jealous reaction. He’d better spend the entire next episode making up for it, big time. Like crazy groveling and wallowing and karmic payback in the form of jealous outrage at Jung-joo’s budding friendship with Wook. Hell, I hope she dates Wook and makes Gun-woo kick himself for losing his chance.

What kind of self-respecting man doesn’t care if Ji-won treats him like trash or if she even marries another man, and would still want to be her rejected leftover not-a-boyfriend? Maybe the answer is that he isn’t a self-respecting man, and he thinks this is what he deserves. I just don’t understand it at all. What is so freaking great about her that you’d knowingly be dumped on like a moron to the point that everyone around you feels embarrassed and sorry for you? That goes beyond a simple first love crush that won’t die—this is a messed up situation, and if he’s going to stoop to Ji-won’s level, then I’m not sure I want Jung-joo getting stuck in the middle of their game. It was one thing when I thought he was dumb and eternally hopeful; if he’s had his eyes wide open this whole time, it’s just plain dysfunctional.

Thank goodness for Hyung’s budding romance with his diver ajumma, because it was the only real distraction from Ji-won in this episode. It cracks me up how serious and dramatic they are, especially when he’s trying to make it sound like it’s her fault that he can’t get her out of his mind. Hyung’s bluster is so hilarious, especially paired with Hae-shil’s seriousness because she thinks he’s a suicidal man with nothing left to live for. I love that everyone has some kind of death-related misunderstanding keeping them tied together, and the comedy that comes out of it. Hyung is now rolling with his suicide misunderstanding because it gives him an in with the pretty diver ajumma, and Poong-san figures out Gun-woo’s misunderstanding right away, but immediately recognizes how much better off he is thinking that Jung-joo is going to die. I agree wholeheartedly, and I’m hoping that he even goes through the whole cancer angst of falling in love with her, only to worry about having too little time left. Just think of all the melodrama parodies that await! Well, first he has to pull his head out of his ass…


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I think that's a I'm going to pretend kiss you to make my girlfriend jealous end if I've ever seen one. I'll be stunned if he actually kisses her. I'm still up in the air about Warm and Cozy, it is warm and cozy. But seems completely dialed in.


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Well I think it is not the real kiss.

I hate Jiwon character to the bone.
She never sincere. ARGH!

I guess Jiwon just want to be in any kind of relationship to Gunwoo Hyung? Because everytime she see Gunwoo Hyung her eyes flare up, full of intention, or something........
Well I am not really sure.

And, Jungjo - Mayor relationship is super cute haha!


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Gown seems more interested in his brother than him.


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I so agree with your Jiwon comment. She is so insincere and I think she is eyeing to go for Gunwoo's hyung as her next meal ticket since she lost her last rich boyfriend.


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All I could think when reading the parts of the recap concerning Ji Won was PREACH!



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+1 that tecap/commentary was so point

I really do want to throw things - kiss or no kiss.

Dysfunctional is an understatement.


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They wont kiss because otherwise they would have done it as a cliffhanger.

It doesn't matter though. It's still completely unacceptable behaviour from his part.


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Ugh. Each one of the trio has the EQ of an average 7 year old. But maybe that's the point. The Seoulites all seem to be stuck in adolescence. Only the locals think and act like adults.


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I'm not sure about warm and cozy. I didn't really click with the first two episodes. Is the show starting to pick up?


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I didn't click with first two episodes either, but then last week's episodes seems to be much better...but then Ep. 5 seems to be again a disconnect... :-(


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Meh. Not really. Only reason I watched it was because it was too hot outside to do anything.


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I've decide to drop it. Only have so much time and would much rather watch something else.


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Yea... I wasn't even following this series, I just tuned in to this one episode randomly... and I had the EXACT same reaction at the end... "UGH!!!! #$%$#@#$%^%$#@ WTF?!"

Didn't even take me 1 minute to hate Ji-won.


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Me too... she is not even pretty...she is just bland and emotionless and annoying...


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I think if they had made Ji won less despicable, and had cast a better actress to play her, we wouldn't all be having such a hard time watching this.


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But do you all think it's just JiWon who's the problem?

Geun-Woo is incredibly fickle and has the attention span of a gnat. The only time he's shown JJ consideration is when it either costs him nothing or when he's worried that she's about to die. (Think there are some serious abandonment issues there?) But his whole 'we treat each other badly but I'll love her until I dieeeeeee' rant, sealed the deal for me. He isn't so much childlike as he is childish.

And why can't Jung-Joo seem to stand up for herself? She responds to GW's nonsense as though it deserves something other than a swift kick in the backside. Or maybe just this:

All I can say is 'show, you have some 'splainin to do'. And you better start soon.


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Dear Ms. Gidget, loved the scene in your link. Since we are speaking about Asia... colud I recommend a wooden Makura or a Chinese ceramic one? :) .


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Ji Won makes me wanna punch myself in the face.

No, scratch that - she makes me wanna fly to Korea and punch HER in the face.


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Why would u want to punch Yourself?
And she certainly isn't worth flying to Korea for.


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+1 Its really tiring to like this way..!
DB do something!!
Should we sign a petition now?


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Omfg can I shred GW into a blender? He was such an ass in this episode. The boy seriously needs to grow. up. Whatever the reason that he's so hung up on JW better be a good one because I cannot understand his actions and why he puts her on such a pedestal.

Speaking of, I've been thinking about how this all relates to The Great Gatsby since that's supposedly what the show was based on. Originally I thought the book characters were related the GW's parents but the end of this episode put some things to light for me. Basically:
Gatsby - GW
Daisy - JW
Nick - Poong San (or the blogger, idk)
Green light - JJ (GW doesn't know it yet, or something)
I'd elaborate more but I still have to figure it out.

I also applauded that JJ called JW out on what she did and is doing. That was very satisfying to watch until GW ruined it.


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I've been trying to find parallels with the Great Gatsby and this too and basically assumed like you that GW was Gatsby and JW was Daisy, but never really knew what to do with JJ. Super interesting that you're thinking of her as the green light!


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I bet that the Gatsby parallel will become obvious once we learn the secret of Gung-woo's father.


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Yeah I'm thinking that's possible too. Like the mom is Daisy, his dad was Gatsby, the first/second dad was Tom, something. There has to be a good reason why he's so mysterious.


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And Jung-joo's link to Gung-woo.... what is that? What plot point will encompass her having a picture of his mother with her father?


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Wait! I just had an idea! What if Gung-woo's mother is Daisy and Jung-joo's father was Nick? Tom would be the father of the Jung-geun. And yes, you're probably right - Gung-woo's father would by Gatsby - killed by the husband of the lover of Tom (Jung-geun's father). That's just about convoluted enough for a K-drama! :-)


There you go, JJ's dad could be Nick! He could've known some secret~ between GW's parents, hence why she denied knowing him.


Brilliant! We've solved the drama! :-)

On to the next big question.... why did Poong-San, who met Gung-woo while traveling, follow him to Jeju? My money's on this mystery being the most interesting.


I'm kicking myself for never having read the Gatsby. All this talk is gonna send me to the library tomorrow to pick up a copy. (=


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Read it! Read it! I re-read it regularly. One of my favorites. I'll re-read along with you, happily.


Lulu88: Couldn't reply directly to your bit of the thread, but okay! I'll go look it up this weekend!


F. Scott Fitzgerald would be crying in his grave if he saw this drama is compared to his iconic work. I mean, Gatsby fell in love too deeply with a woman who didn't deserve him but he was never a low-class thief who stole gold from a woman who truly loved him to buy Daisy a gift unless I miss something in the book. He's not a jerk, unlike Geon Woo.


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Gatsby wasn't a jerk, sure, but he was shady. He was involved in the war (we can assume he has killed people), bootlegging, and gangsters. If anything he was also as desperate as Gun Woo, if not more.


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He's not a saint, true that. So I'm saying the "low-class thief" act of Geon Woo is ridiculous. At least Gatsby's rich with his own sweat, legal or not. Geon Woo was born with silver spoon in his mouth, and yet he steals. That makes him looks worse than Gatsby. And why people thought The Great Gatsby is romantic (but tragic) while W&C looks frustrating? Because Daisy was initially pictured as lovely, Rapunzel-in-the-tower princess, we believe Gatsby had every reason to love her. Hongsis failed to make Jiwon as compelling as her. But after all, it's not an adaptation so Hongaia can write what they want, but comparing to Great Gatsby is weird.


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I get that but this also just a fun version of the story, its not supposed to be a perfect portrayal of the story obviously. Its a romantic comedy for goodness!


@Redge, The Gatsby parallels finally clicked for me this episode too. It's interesting the way you looked at it was close to my interpretation except, to me, Jung Joo might be Nick. It always bugged how reverent Nick was of Gatsby. It was a kind of love we'd call love if he were a woman like Jung Joo. JJ and Geon Woo have a brief encounter in the past like Nick and Gatsby and their friendship becomes a meaningful part of the narrative too. If I'm right, then Mayor Wook is Jordan, which totally fits because he is introducing JJ to the Jeju locals.


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Interesting! I would've never thought JJ was Nick because (stupid me) of the different genders lol. Good catch on Wook as Jordan too--I had a hard time placing him in the story.


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I think I commented the same thing somewhere in the second episode, Jung Joo is Nick. I think so too.


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I don't know.. I think JJ is Gatsby devoted to GW (Daisy) who has a love/hate relationship with JW (Tom). and Wook is Nick for me.


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Thank you for the recap! My thoughts exactly - what the actual freak, Gun-Woo?! Why put Ji-Won of all the people around you on a pedestal? Argh? So frustrating. And I was loving the fact that our hero seemed so well- intentioned (in a roundabout way xD) and understanding for once. There's always a latent issue, smh.

Here's to more cute moments with Jung-Joo and the major, and as well as Hyung with the chic Hae-Shil (hope she knocks off a few chips off his ego xD)


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Annoyed & Frustrated...not feeling Warm & Cozy at all


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I feel the same. Instead of Warm and Cozy, the name should have been "Bland and Boring."


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Yep totally Bland and Boring...just plain annoying!


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I have about had it with this. For the last two episodes the lady diver matchup kept me watching, but there is just way too much FREAKING STUPID in this thing.

But I think it broke my limit for idiocy when he used her credit card to buy that bitch dinner and then lied about it.

Luckily, Mask is starting up so my mid week won't be barren.


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I wished the lady diver - hyung was the main couple. I laughed so hard everytime their scenes came on.

BUT I can almost imagine the meeting between the Hong sisters writers (HS) and the channel executives (CE):

CE: Hmmm, this lady diver and chaebol matchup is funny but isn't this too similar to Master's Sun?

HS:What do you mean?

CE: The male lead always says "I can't like you so I have to see/date you to get over you; the female lead's always too busy with other affairs than to take romance seriously

HS: Ahhh..

CE: And also, aren't they a little bit...you know, old? Master's Sun was slightly pushing it - we're not doing a melo, it's a rom-com. Younger couples are better. Who'll want to see someone that old act cute?

Hence Gatsby theme + younger (therefore more bankable?) stars. Sigh.

Well, at least that's how it played out in my head.

BTW, I know dramabeans has been getting a lot of flak for recapping this but the Hong sisters are writer royalty. It would have been sort of sacrilege to not recap at least part of the series. And perhaps, they are somewhat like me, desperately hoping against hope that they'll redeem this series.


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I've been denying it for years but it's officially time for me to let my Ahjumma flag fly... I find Hyung to be the hottest member of the cast. As adorable as Chilbongie is, Hyung is Grown Man Fine.


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Also, I officially can't with Gunwoo right now. Unable to Can. Can Deficient. Just call me Nopey McNoperson from South Nopingham.


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Ms. Z, after reading your comment I googled to look for a cementery in Nott(h)ing Hill for Gun-Woo's character. Dude is truly dysfunctional.

Love Hyung & Noona to bits, though.


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OMG...me too...today I was like, "Wait...Hyung is hot"


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Lol, I´ll raise the flag with you! Always found Lee Jung Jae a very handsome man, though unfortunately I hadn´t seen him play anything besides completely evil freaks. And now this! I don´t know how Hae-shil can keep a straight face in front of this nagging Black Pearl. Their interactions are way too funny!


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If I'm not mistaken, he acted in Suspicious Housewife with Choi Jiwoo. He was the father of 3 children. Nothing evil in that drama.


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Yes --it has been driving me crazy where I've seen him. Thank you!


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And in a little older drama "Lawyers of Korea" by the writer of "Miss Korea". Quite cute and bubbly.


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Right? I bet she's already scheduling all of his "private" lessons. You know, because she's so worried about him drowning and all...


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Arrrrrggghhh!!! If that's going to be their first kiss then ARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!! I'm really hoping Jung Joo will stop him. At this point I'm actually even hoping for a slap!! He deserves it after that idiotic speech!! Thank you for the recap GF!!


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I don't understand ppl like him. Why does he fall in love with someone SO HORRIBLE??? Oh she's so terrible to me. I love her so much. WHAT?? How does that even work? I JUST DON'T GET IT!!! It's so frustrating watching this tired old cliche.


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I just thought, "Woahh... a S&M relationship?"


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I finally said it.

I can't take her seriously because all i see is his face.


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Oh my goodness, you're so right! I'll never be able to unsee this. Good thing I never took her serious to begin with.


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My mind's eye cannot unseen this.


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Would it be mean for me to say that JGS is prettier than her? lol


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It's true, JGS is prettier than her. In fact JGS is the prettiest male I've ever seen. *_*


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In our objectivity, JGS is a million times prettier. I'm Not a JGS fan.


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Oh, he's really pretty! Please don't insult him by comparing him to her!!!


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JGS is prettier than me and every other woman I've ever seen so I wouldn't call it mean. Just a fact.


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oh god, now when i look at her, i just see a man wearing lipstick


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Well shit!


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How does this show go from making me feel so warm and cozy to beyond angry? Like WTF Geun-Woo!? I love him when he's being adorable and nice but damn, he never fails to do something awful to our heroine with no remorse whatsoever. UGH ;akldgklahsdg;as;difowe so mad.

Atleast we have lovable and much less infuriating characters in Jung-Joo and Hae-Shil and Wook and Hyung!


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Why does BGW have such a low self esteem when with ji won? We need an explanation drama..


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I think it might have something to do with the day he met her...because apparently they met on GWs birthday when he found out the trust about his father. I know it's completely dysfunctional and utterly stupid but I have a feeling that's the reason the show is going to come up with. She must've comforted him or something like that. I hope they come up with a better reason though because I had high expectations, show!! sighs


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I have only been about 80% paying attention, but that seems like a pretty big plot hole. But there seems to be so many, what is one more?


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This thing is nothing but plot holes, stringed together with Jejudo scenery.


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I think Ji Won will probably call his name out (aka interrupting their kiss) out of jealously.


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Ummmm..... can we finally dispel the myth that the Hong Sisters are good writers? FFS! What a crap episode!


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I think they are calling it in with this series...seriously...big flop so far...even casting the second female lead...seriously, they could not get a better actress?!?!?!


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They are wayyy overrated. Their plot lines are stuck a decade ago in time.

Only sticking with this drama for YYS.


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Kim Woo-bin saved himself from this crapola. I've enjoyed some of their earlier dramas but this is total ......


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I saw this ep without subs at first and thought, "Oooh! Is he about to kiss her???"
Then I just watched it with subs and thought, "Oh. No. You. Did. Not!!!"

Seriously, his dysfunctional … whatever he has with Ji Won bad enough, but to use Jung Joo to make her jealous is just despicable. He deserves a slap in the face and I would also like to see Jung Joo date Wook so Gun Woo gets a taste of his own medicine.

But honestly, I don't know if we would even get any groveling or remorse from Gun Woo. Save for a few crumbs of kindness here and there, I find Gun a Woo to be so unbelievably self-centered and lacking in introspection that he would probably just convince himself that he was the victim if Jung Joo decided once and for all she was done with him and his patented brand of bullsh**.
(Not that I want Jung Joo to use Wook, though. Actually, unless something major changes in his personality, I'm not sure I would even want Gun Woo and Jung Joo to end up together. She could be with Wook and he and Ji Won can dance their masochism tango forever.)


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My apologies for the spelling and grammatical errors. Kind of hard to catch everything when typing on my phone

Also, thank you for the recap!!!


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Totally agree about GW: he'll just make JJ a cup of tea or dinner or something and call it even. And she'll accept it.

Should be called GORGEOUS ISLAND D Y S F U N C T I O N A L Man-Child.

I personal don't see where The Great Gatsby comes in at all.

This reminds me more of the Greek myth of Narcissus and Echo. GW being Narcissus and JJ being Echo... Which would make Ji Won the pond Narcissus stares into until he dies of starvation.... And, let's be honest-the actress has about as much talent as a body of water; she's all window dressing.


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"Totally agree about GW: he’ll just make JJ a cup of tea or dinner or something and call it even. And she’ll accept it."

I hated GW before this episode. Now I start to hate JJ.

"And, let’s be honest-the actress has about as much talent as a body of water; she’s all window dressing."

Let's not stoop so low as to throw unfounded insults around. On a windy day, the sea can be quite expressive.


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I think the problem here is that GunWoo is head over heals for the wrong person. He's the kind of person to do ANYTHING his "love" tells him to do and because JiWon is terrible to him, he ends up terrible to everyone else too.

Now, if he ends up head over heals for JungJoo, she's awesome and will make him awesome (see electric car).

Although I think he'll still remain a manchild, because you can take the man out of a boy but not the boy out of a man(child). And JungJoo's exasperated face will still be expression of the month (although just for petty reasons).


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Dear Ms. Peeps, the problem is not the child in the man, is how the man lets his inner child shine through. Your inner child can be an endless source of adventure and re-discovery, but as a man you should be able to respond wiht your whole being and with your values in mind.

The problem I see with Gun-Woo's character (I don't mean the actor, I mean if Gun-Woo were an acual person) is that he never developed a sense of values, nor about right and wrong. Those are things that are harder to learn later in life, if ever.

Hyung on the other hand, is loving and caring. As far as I've seen he have a good sense of values. His problem is he takes the value he has as a CEO naturally as universal and misunderstands it as his self-woth. So Noona's direct-no-unnecessary-things-needed honesty and who thinks that her Jeju's people, her craft, the sea and the sky above her are all she needs to be happy, will trigger a radical rediscovery for Hyung.

Hyung is a good person, so is Noona.

I am far more interested in Hyung and Noona than in the main couple. Also the sister is only a plot device.


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Er... but I'm not arguing that GunWoo's inner child is the problem here though.

I agree with you that the inner child can be a source of inspiration and curiosity and I never want anyone to lose it. I just mean that even if GunWoo ends up switching targets towards JungJoo, he's still gonna drive her mad because, hey, have you seen his cavalier, lazy, childish ways? JungJoo may be able to steer him right but she's never turning him into a stoic, subdued, brooding man of few words (maybe for moments at a time but never for eternity).

Also, his brother and sister may be good people but it's evident that he doesn't live his life around them. For some reason, after hearing the truth of his paternity, he'd latched onto JiWon to live and his siblings therefore don't have the kind of influence that JiWon has on him ( other than money, but again, have you seen what he does after being cut off?) Maybe because he knows that his siblings are stuck with him and can't ever completely break ties with him while JiWon can and I'm arguing that his dependence and need for acceptance by JiWon is the problem since she's terrible in the first place and for a guy who makes her his world, the problem is that HE turns terrible too in his quests to please her. Perhaps if he'd chosen someone else better to cling on to, he'd have been a better person. (Maybe even with less self-esteem issues, if he hadn't been taken for a ride so many (many many many many many many) times.)


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So it's official that GW and JW are in a dysfunctional relationship and they know it?

Those ending words by GW were disturbing as hell


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Clearly I am in the minority here, but I have no problem with this episode at all. I was actually glad that GW turns out to have an edge to him, making him less childish and puppy-dog-like in his feelings for JW. That tit-for-tat he has with JW is immature and mindlessly unkind to JJ, but gets rid of the notion that GW is an idiot. All of the sudden his growth arc is more interesting to me, not less.

I also like the consistent tone and easy charm of the show, love Kang So Ra and all the secondary characters, and am even ok with JW -- the part is trite, the actress is struggling, but she's killing it as far as coming across as really unlikable.
The recipe epilogues are delightful.


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That is in interesting insight into GW.

So, I think I can help explain the difference between what you like about the show and what everyone else is complaining about - and they aren't really in conflict.

What you like is direction, cinematography, music and performance.

What everyone else is frustrated with is writing.

The tone, charm and secondary characters are great. I'm sure that's why so many people are still watching. And the recipe sketches at the end are good - I've been putting together fuller recipes based on these and they are lovely.

On the other hand, we're faced with main characters who do things for totally inexplicable reasons. Things that move well beyond quirkiness and into a total lack of self-respect that is frankly hard to believe. Which could still be interesting if we had any empathy for the characters. Which we largely don't, because these characters have been developed as unappealing a**es. Hence all the grumbling.

For an audience to commit to a drama, there needs to be empathy with the characters. We either need to identify with them, pity them or find them fascinating or amusing. If those don't occur, then an audience will move on. People don't watch what doesn't interest them.

The reason why Song Jung-Geun works as a character (when GW and JW don't) is that, despite the fact he's an a**, he's unable to stop pursuing Kim Hae-Sil - and that is forcing a change of character on him. Which everyone can empathize with. Because GW acts badly without any redemption (all of his kindness to Lee Jung-Joo so far has been self serving) the audience is frustrated. Because JW can't act, the audience is also frustrated. :-)

So, you are absolutely right - the direction, production values and acting (with the except JW) are great - but it's not quite enough to hold the audience.


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I thought for once the Hong sisters wrote a hero who was not an asshole. ........but he turned out to be the biggest asshole out of all their heros that I can remember.

Ji Won still looks like her face froze after eye widening surgery/too much botox.


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LOL to both sentences.


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Ha ha ha :D


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Well you call the shots as you see them! Fun though isn't it?


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He is infuriating the hell out of me. Using Jung Joo just to perpetuate his dysfunctional relationship with his Jekyll and Hyde want-to-be-girlfriend. Let go of her. Why is she even closing her eyes? If Jung Joo clings on to him next episode, I'm giving up on her. She deserves so much better. They both do. I didn't even feel sorry for him when Ji Won utterly humiliated him in front of her coworkers. He needed that metaphorical cup of water in his face in order to wake up from his lifelong fantasy. Has he never heard of a feature called speakerphone? Hyung fell for Hae Shil fast... almost unrealistically fast. I love that Poong San is the only one who knows. Before, I would have said I want Poong San to play Cupid, but now I don't know if I want them together anymore. Glad I'm not the only one feeling this way, girlfriday.


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Dear Panshel, I find Hyung interested in someone who has treated him as a lost soul, something very different than the powerful and rich CEO. It piqued his interest. She sees him as a person that needs his very own personal things and quests. Sometimes romance starts with interest, followed by fascination and... the process is kind of described in this version from Nat King Cole...

Let me give the link to this beautiful and classy classic:


BTW: Ms. GirlFriday, thanks for your beautiful and insightful work (not only this isolated recap). You make humanly intelligible Korean dramas for us (a lost of cultural nuances that expresses the true feelings of the characters are explained by you and the Beanies in general). Cheers!.


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Thank you for the recaps GF!

As much as I am waiting for Yoo Yeon Seok & Kang Sora onscreen kiss, I don't wait BGW to kiss LJJ at the end of ep 5. He doesn't deserves it! Boo! Just go stand at the corner BGW!

This drama or rather the leads acting are so good that I want to flip tables! LOL. Bring on ep 6!


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typo error * I don't want* not *wait*.


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It's too early for him to get his head out of his ass. Of course we all want to strangle him and take away his toner spray, but come on it's only ep 5. I hope the actress who plays Jiwon improves a little over time. She does look like Jang Geunsuk, but she's not very good.


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Agree, The cast as a whole is good except her.

Besides the leads - BGW & LJJ, BGW hyung, sister, lady diver, Mayor, Mr gong (multi business man), waiter (jinyoung) & even all those local ahjumas gave credible perfomances.


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All I'm saying is, the next scene better be her kicking him in the shin. lol Oh, Hong Sisters, you just love redeemable jerky male leads don't ya?


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What, the actual hell, was that last scene. Like really? I can't even handle him, he went from being a slightly clueless rich boy whose childish actions weren't great but you could see that he had redeemable qualities deep down, to an absolute ass who needs to kicked in the balls repeatedly.

Frustrated with the entire episode, but thank you for the recap GF!!


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Gun woo is tall and cute and sort of innocent-nice and probably gets a pass for doing things that two women on the receiving ends would hate from an ordinary guy even though it shouldn't be that way, but imma kill him if he does what girlfriday says she hopes with all her heart and fingers and toes crossed he doesn't do although it looks like he could be doing. That kiss better not be what it looks like it is.


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Thanks for the recaps. Binged watch the last 5 episodes and i have to say this is my favourite hong drama yet.


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I'm fine with Gun-woo being stupidly in love with an extremely unlikeable girl. I've probably been in that situation before.

What I don't like is him being irresponsible over it and then giving unnecessary burden over to Jun-joo. Then I don't like Jun-joo just letting him get his way.

I waited all episode for Jun-joo to serve punishment, but no, it didn't come.


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I've been wondering why JJ just takes his nonsense too? There were 2 times he promised to cook dinner for her, and then 'betrayed' her by cooking or giving the food to JW. The first time, I'm surprised she didn't just eat up the food on the table, while he was sleeping on the couch. I know I would! She was cold and hungry and she had every right to do so because he told her he would cook for her AND he took her golden award and sold it to buy the champaign.
The second time round, she should have just gone up to the table, take the abalone and thank GW for grilling it for her. It was her's - Wook gave it to her! It's so frustrating to see her taken advantage of, and not fighting back.


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If Gatsby is what they are going for, prepare to get really mad along the way.

Jung Joo and Mayor Wook won't work out because they are Nick and Jordan. Geon Woo/ Gatsby is chasing Ji Won/Daisy who has decided to secure her future with Hyung/Tom even though he lusts after Hae Shil/Myrtle.

Prediction: All these people will circle hurt one another until Jung Joo has had it and returns to Seoul. Geon Woo had better be on the next flight to go get her or I swear I will break my iPad.


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Gun-woo really needs to stop letting his, how do I say this in a polite way, penis do his thinking. I don't get it personally, I find Kang So-ra/Jung-joo way more attractive.


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Spot on


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Oh my god I just realized hae shil and jeung geun are husband and wife in the suspicious housekeeper drama. Hahahaha


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Oh yes!!! I had just mentioned that drama minutes ago and didn't make the connection!
Haha! He was unfilial to her and now she's paying back!!!


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First ep that I watched from beginning til the end without reaching for FF button. The townspeople were great, Wook was great, Black Pearl and Diver Ajumma were great, the bickering between JJ and GW was great. Even the WTF ending was great, because it added some spice to otherwise oh so boring first-love trope, though I´m not sure if it´ll be so interesting to watch GW´s recovery from years of self-inflicted pain and excessive assedry.


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Same I haven't touch FF button for all 5 episodes.

This back to baiscs hong sisters drama is great.

Perhaps its the credible cast doing a fine job ahem except for that Ji Won.


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So Gun-woo knows that his crush is trash. And he knows that he is a pathetic asshole. And he knows that he uses people ruthlessly to keep his relationship with Ji-won running. And he also knows that Jung-joo is a pathetic loser who will still do whatever he wants.

Villain protagonist!

What's especially interesting is how damaged Gun-woo is. He is not in love with Ji-won at all. Gun-woo paid absolutely zero attention to her when he had a cozy candle-light dinner with her. He isn't blinded by a crush, he really doesn't care for her at all. He just likes the game.


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Don´t now about him liking the game, but he certainly is addicted to it.


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Gunwoo and Jiwon are both manipulative people. They can play their toxic little games, but I don't like how he's using Jungjoo as a chess piece.

I like Jungjoo but I have to admit she's a pathetic doormat. Gunwoo has done so much shit to her but then he always somehow manages to manipulate the situation to make HER apologize to HIM by making her feel bad and she falls for it every time.


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I agree. Jun-joo should really stand up for herself. Even if her feelings for Gun-woo are entirely platonic, there's no reason she should be treated that way.

Even worse considering that she's technically both his boss and the one who gives him a home to stay him.


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... not to mention Gun-woo insists that Jung-joo pays for the dinner (and all other expenses he has in his little but costly games with Ji-won).


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Yes. That does drive me mad. Why should Jung woo have to get stuck with the bill for GW's stupidity? First he buys JW's lunch on JJ's credit card, and now JJ is stuck with the bill for the botched dinner...and what kind of guy borrows a woman's credit card to pay for a lunch date with another woman? A first class loser, that's what!

Ugh, this scenario is very distasteful! GW's cuteness doesn't hide the fact that he is immature, irresponsible, manipulative and sometimes inconsiderate and insensitive. Something, I think hyung is trying to cure him of with tough love.


... Or he is really sick of his little brother's inmaturity and willing to starve him so he swims or sinks.


At least she knows now that Gun-woo is a jerk to the core.

She tried to call him out for being a stupid fool for this trash girl, now she has to decide whether she takes her own advice to heart.

I somehow feel that it will go down the well-trodden path of "Yes, he is an asshole, but my love can change him."


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Gosh, I hope not. That's so cliché.


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... And useless. In life there are things as habits. People have to change for themselves. No one can change anone. That is why you have to be very careful when looking for a couple.

But this is a fantasy world where a happy ending is almost a must. In fact for some people hurting about being in a bad relationship it is necessary to have some hope.


But he is not a jerk to the core. He can be really kind and thoughtful AND he can be a jerk. Like people are. If he was only a jerk or only a saint, there'd be no reason to watch. JJ's response to him is natural ... he has been kind to her and she is both angry at him and protective of him. I don't see her as a doormat at all; she is a realist. She can't afford to alienate him ... she is starting a business and needs his help. His food is what gets people in the door.


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He has never been kind to her so far. He has acted out of pity towards her, believing that she will be dead soon anyway.

And even when he acted like he was "kind", he totally uses that to guilt trip her later. He reminds her that he helped her out when her former colleagues showed up (by telling them that she is his boss -- which she is), so he can treat her as a servant and order her out of her house.

Of course, she doesn't know about the cancer pity thing, she might still be confused about his "functional psychopath" routine.

And she doesn't really need him at the restaurant. Her plan always was to do it herself, she WANTED to get rid of him. He costs her more money than he makes and he orders her around.

The only real reason she wants to keep him around is because she has a crush on him. The only real reason why she is a complete doormat and takes all his bullshit is because she has a crush on him. She is to him what he is to Ji-won.


The last screenshot annoys me to no end. GW is an idiot, a brat, a manipulator and more – but WHY oh WHY is JJ closing her eyes? Even if she has a crush on him or likes him or whatever (feelings she should seriously question after having been treated like dirt by him again and again), she should be slapping him, kicking him, or at least turn her face away/step away.


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It seems to me that the main character is very very lonely. It seems that his relationship with his brother and sister are distant. He love her, he know her well, and she is like a family to him..... If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas =))))

I like him, he is not a bad. He is like real man, some times he is so sweet, but sometimes you want to "kill" him.


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Ms. Ivga, a man could compromise on the small things, but his word is sacred. He will do his best under pressure, and if you really need him, he will do everything he can to respond.

There are degrees in things, and sometimes it worries me that a lot of people doesn't recognize what's important and what's not... it is not the same thing your husband sneaking to see football with his friends (infuriating) than your husband buying a new videoconsole when you don't have shoes nor dress to go to work (non negotiable: solidarity is a principle). On the same issue, for Gun-Woo to give Jun-Joo's dinner to Ji-Won is really infuriating, but to steal her gold key to buy champagne is unforgivable (since respect is a principle), as is using Jung-Joo to make Ji-Won jealous (we are still speaking about respect).

This is no man, he is still a bratty child. A person you should put in the friendzone forever (even consider him as morally disabled)... and to be very careful about what you trust him.


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i think this drama is quite cute... gets better by each episode.

love yoo yeon seok's pouty outbursts... especially after watching "youth over flowers" - the trip with him, baro and son ho jun (the answer me 1994 boyz)...

YYS is such a sweet grounded guy in that reality show... it's fun to see him being such a brat.
; )


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Oh, show I love you. I just hope ratings won't affect the final result and ruin it for us.


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I know everybody is hating and disappointed at BGW's character and for good reasons. But I am just trying to see it in an another way, 1st I don't think he is going to kiss. 2nd why BGW loves JW well don't know but it reminds me that he met her on his bday, the day mom told or revealed something about his which I assume was not very pleasant and JW somehow comforted him in his vulnerable condition. As we all know what a opportunist she is !!! She is using him as a ladder to reach wealthy hyung. I think from then on BGW is obsessed to be with JW by any means, though he knows it's all fake. But he really craves that affection, Hyung and noona loves him very much but don't show it and forget mom. Well none of these can justify his actions towards JJ.

And why JJ is falling for BGW??? Same reason, he might be the 1st person to show care and affection but unlike JW that is not fake :) they are really twins !! Aren't they ??? ;)


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Just finished watching the episode and I've a theory. I don't think that GW really meant what he said to JJ about knowing that JW is bad and that he still likes her and will still like her even if she'd married. I think that he probably said it in anger to 'spite' JJ for stating the obvious. (He's so childish, it's possible). He was probably angry with her for 'interfering'. And she was. It was a personal thing between JW and GW, and he was very hurt by her bald-face statement that they were not an item, especially after he went through all the trouble to cook for her, and the meeting at the market. But it's for him to deal with, not for JJ to get angry with JW and demand payment. It actually made him look even more pathetic. In the first place, why didn't JJ ask who was going to pay for the dinner? Did she assume that GW was going to pay? How could he afford to? And she lent him her credit card so freely. And if she thought that JW or a member of the team was going to pay, then why did she just let them go out of the restaurant with out giving them a bill?
I think his pride was hurt even more when JJ stood up for him and to make matters worse, she actually questioned his judgement. Hence he said was he said.


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JJ assumed that JW's boss would pay for the dinner. Because that's what GW told her. He didn't show up to pay, so JW had to pay for it of course.

She didn't give them the bill because she went to see how GW was doing and they already left when she got back.

She then intercepted JW on the parking lot and asked her to pay the bill.

Of course, JJ WANTED to interfere here (on GW's behalf, as she thought, because she still assumed that GW was a decent human being for some reason), but the line of action was EXACTLY what she had to do.


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Thanks @Jon.G .. U said it :) I was going to say the same thing


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I'm wondering why this show has 100 plus comments already because honestly it's not that great, like lukewarm tea and falling for innocence which was awesome has 49 comments and it's been up for days.not fair I wish I could make people like what I like.
End of silly rant


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Well, many of those comments are complaints about certain aspects of the show. If the show goes on like that, some people who complain a lot (like me) will drop it and it will stop to get so many comments.


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i haven't watch Age of Innocence, but I still like this show despite what happened in this episode. There are a number of cute and funny bits, esp with the locals, and I do like the leads and their chemistry. But like everybody else, I do wish that GW would grow up and ditch JW.


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Take from someone who love Falling. It was great, I absolutely loved it. This is a different show, different style, different writers, different network. All dramas and all series are not to be compared. In the beginning of Falling (and up to the end) people were ranting about the transpant, his character, the concept and blah, blah... Who cares? If you like it, you like it. Dramas are supposed to be fun. And nothing is fun when you are overanalyzing. You are about one thing, though. Sometimes like you, I wish I could persuade other people to share my views. But as all things in life, that's never going to happen.


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In general I find higher comment counts on shows that javabeans and girlfriday recap. (Though the exception to that was Secret Door. You could hear crickets on those posts.)


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I like what you like.


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Don't worry Klava...49+ comments are better than none. You can't always count on the high number of comments in the recap threads or lack thereof to be a true indicator of how good or bad a particular drama really turns out to be.

Plus, sometimes it takes a couple of days for people to see a particular episode due to delayed subbing, access, holidays, time constraints, etc. Also, take into account that people's viewing habits differ. Some people watch kdramas as they air live while others choose to simply wait until a drama has completely aired to marathon it. Moreover, the good news is that there is a constant stream of new fans — discovering and succumbing to the addiction of past & present kdramas.

"...not fair I wish I could make people like what I like."
You're not alone. Quite sure many other fans (not just with FFI but with other dramas as well) at one time or another have felt the same way — wishing for the masses to share in their excitement.


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The best thing about this drama are the diving ladies, they're incredible. More of their back story and less of the nonsensicle triangle please.
Haven't watched this episode yet but I already have a permanent 'you did not just say that'- face.


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man i wished you recapped EX GIRLFRIEND CLUB instead of Warm and Cozy. That drama is so much better and even though Song Ji Hyo may not be AS funny as the other girls, her normlacy makes her endearing. The drama is fun and the characters are waaaayyyy more bearable than any of the Warm and Cozy characters (other than Jung Joo). I know you were worried that the 'exes' might be too superficial and stereotypical, but they are so much better than that.

I think you dropped the ball by picking this drama instead


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Can I triple sign that?


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Thumbs up to this comment.


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I think it's the choice of a recapper to decide what drama appeals to them and what they are going to recap. It's not our place to say that they make bad choices when our interest in dramas is different from theirs.

I do love Ex-girlfriend Club, though, with a passion, so I understand your viewpoint. I also wished it was recapped, it would be fun to see what others think of it. I also love Warm and Cozy, despite all its flaws. I find it very soothing to watch and quite picturesque.


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I, too, wish Dramabeans recapped more series. And Ex-Girlfriends is a great drama, though not successful in ratings, actually it does inexplicably badly. It does have various scenario issues, but the actors make it seem a masterpriece. I haven't seen in a long time this sort of acting dedication where the script and the direction doesn't exactly help. Nevertheless, it is Dramabeans' prerogative to recap any drama they wish and I doubt the recapping is some sort of "award of merit" by definition. Remember Hyde? We have the opportunity to watch it and talk about it in the Open Thread.


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They started recapping Marriage, Not Dating after it started airing because so many people requested and they also liked it. I think it's risky these days choosing to recap or not recapping a series based on hype and what sounds interesting.

I hope they become more lax about picking up series that go under the radar but end up being really good but that would mean possibly dropping recaps of dramas that stop garnering interest or that get really bad which I doubt they'd ever do.


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You can politely ask for an additional drama to be recapped by DB's blog but your demanding EGC or any other drama for that matter INSTEAD of Hong Sisters' newest one sounds like an alien has just dropped by this thread.
Don't get me wrong, I find lots of dramas appealing, EGC included; however having Warm and Cozy in this blog feels more like a religious act or an act of deep love, imho. Nobody can turn their back to their beloved ones.
Motion denied, I presume^^


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i've been following this blog for a while and i have high regards for the writers, i am in no way demanding that they pick up EGC after 6 episodes had already aired. I do not believe that my single voice is enough to get the writers to pick up EGC and I my comment was in no way trying to convince them to drop WC for EGC, I was just stating my POV on what had already been done. Dramabeans always picks amazing dramas to recap and a lot of the time, I chose what dramas to watch based on what DB has been fanning over/recapping, so I stayed away from EGC, but I ended up giving it a shot and in comparison, I'm actually quite surprised that DB didn't give EGC a shot. I'm not an 'alien' that dropped by. Chances are, I've been on this blog longer than you have (for years) and I'm just giving my opinion. Why you interpreted it as rude is your issue, not mine. If anything, I was being rude to the Hong sisters and their writing rather than Dramabeans.

So yeah.


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so I just wanted to voice my disappointment on the decision, i do not want DB to start recapping EGC now, midway through, I just wanted to express how I feel esp bc the writing in WC isn't that great. I actually agree with the way DB wrote their recap and their frustrations, but the drama itself fell flat. I don't really know why you took my comment and acted like i was directly insulting DB or anything, but that's the way you interpreted it and i'm just clearing that up.



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FYI - I've known DB to very occasionally pick up dramas to recap after they've aired a few episodes. Remember Marriage Not Dating? I believe girlfriday and LollyPip picked that one up after it had aired about 6 episodes. They were gracious enough to recap it episode by episode and then get caught up. Which I felt was an unbelievable feat, since recapping must be hard work!


I'm finally finishing Marriage, Not Dating and goodness, I forgot how good of a romcom and drama it was.


I've learnt my lesson the hard way trough so much bashing happening between people on social media and I don't take anything personal anymore. So, I wouldn't dare to defend nor attack DB on their blog.
Good Lord, it's their own world after all. I have one and only objection against their favoring another drama over Warm and Cozy and stopping the recaps. Your being rude to Hongs Sisters is actually your prerogative since none of us know them on personal basis.
Besides, I'd rather they recapped LE2 than EGC at any time. But I can't do anything about it, can I? The drama is almost over and that possibility has already bidden me farewell, right? At least ECG still stands a chance!
I'm sorry if you felt offended by my post; that was NOT my intention at all. You're so right, you may be way older than me and I should be more respectful. Peace out^^


I remember when DB recapped something awful I can't even remember right now... oh wait Hyun Bin drama... instead of Kill Me Heal Me. They seem to go for the bigger names and hype regardless of quality. At least it lets me satisfy my curiosity about these dramas without having to go through the pain of actually watching them.

I think Masked Prosecutor in this time slot is a much better drama. It's too bad there aren't many comments for those recaps.


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+1! Thank you!
Finally someone who doesn't suffer from amnesia...
The KMHM example is quite recent, right?


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Of course he won't kiss her. He's an #/$@ and is just using her to make know jiwon jealous. I say they deserve one another. An #/$@ and a b&$@!.

By the way are they supposed to be twins? I am getting the vibe that our leads are treading into incest territory but then a big reveal will show they are not related


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Agree with your first statement. I think GW and JW are made for each other. I wish them all the best.

As for the twincest: That hasn't been addressed since the introduction scene in the first episode. I don't think we are supposed to still have that in mind. It may have been a simple one-shot spoof of the twin tropes (that just happened to be not funny enough).


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I bet the twincest will come back once JW is dealt with, it will be the angst motive of the last 4 eps. I love the HS Sisters but they always mess up on the final eps. The hero discovers he is in love with female lead around the 8 ep, they get together around the 12 and then the crazy melo kicks in until the happy ending.


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Well, the whole "father" thing is going to come up again for sure.

I'm not a big fan of "conflict cabinets", where you introduce some conflict, immediately put them in the attic/"conflict cabinet" and never mention it again until suddenly it gets dragged back into the narrative as a temporarily central conflict.


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Oh nooo. I was thinking GW's mother told him something shocking about his dad, but also that he isn't JJ's dad or something like that. Of course they'll get back to that topic. Incest is the worst.


Sam Okyere is so cute! I wish he were sticking around a little more.
This drama is definitely hitting some cliches, but I guess I don't mind. This is my first time seeing Kang So Ra and she is wonderful! I love her scenes with the mayor, but only because I love seeing more of Kim Seung Oh- I don't really see chemistry there.


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Thanks for your comment. I thought he was hot as well.

I'm always glad when Kdramas add foreigners to their programs, it makes me feel that they are part of the international community after all, and not so isolated.

Of course, it is probably a kind of product placement, they're trying to appeal to foreigners to come over to Jeju Island as a tourism hotspot! LOL.


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Part of that cliche is, of course, your protagonist automatically talking to a foreigner in English. Usually, part of the trope is that it doesn't work that way: The foreigner speaks some other language instead of English, or he/she speaks rather fluent Korean anyway.

I thought Kang So-ra's attempt at a bad Korean accept in English was adorable.


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Dayum man what the heck is going on with this show. Seriously why the hell is gun woo using jung joo I am just mad at him. I'm surely not going to forgive him for this girls. Really arghhhhhh!!!!!!! I'm going mad ? jung joo my poor little peanut I'm never going let that bastard hurt you baby.


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I SO AGREE WITH WHAT U SAID BUT 'MY POOR LITTLE PEANUT' I can't breAthE it describes her perfectly


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WTF was that??? What I cannot actually believe is that Gun-woo is actually aware of how fricking evil the situation is between him and the Ji-won bitch and how he summarised it perfectly ... ugh.

I don't know whether he'll be able to redeem himself in my eyes if he does the jerk thing and kisses J just to make Ji won jelly. I'll kill him with my eyes.

AND WHY DOES HE LIKE JI WON??? I dearly wish that we could see what merits she has .. like how did he fall for her? Because I can't understand it at all.

And final thing; Gun-woo's childish demeanor is getting frustrating. Reaaaally frustrating. I may be in the minority, but I don't find it cute at all. The man-child in him has zero appeal to me. And merged with this recent messed up side to him, he's becoming seriously unlovable.


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Haha I was really hating Ji-won for showing up, but I'm gonna thank her for pushing the story along. SO CUTE the way Geun-woo kept trying to text her (and got jealous about the mayor), and the way mayor boy was giving her relationship advice on how to play hard to get. Awwww.

That black guy's Korean is awesome! I feel so inspired to work harder at Korean class now.

But omg that last few minutes. PLEASE TELL ME IT DIDN'T END THAT WAY. )=


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I was also really hoping that hyung would've shown up at dinner full of admiration for Jung-joo, and get Ji-won seething. )=


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I'm having Hong sisters second lead male syndrome for the first time since Best Love, Kim Sung-oh is just adorable as Wook.

I wish Wook was the hero of some other drama since we know he isn't going to get the girl, but on the upside he can join Yoon Kye-sang and Lee Jun-ki on the list of Hong Sisters Second Male Leads I Like More Than the Main Lead.


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Especially for LJK!!! ^_^


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Heh. It's the first time I'm seeing Wook's actor taking on a role that fleshes out his story a little more - he was just for laughs in Secret Garden and I don't recall him much after that - and I quite like him. Especially since he's a little more complex. He's a responsible mayor, also smart enough that he knows to be wary of gossip, friendly to Jung-joo and wiling to give Geun-woo's cooking a chance, and he even teaches Jung-joo how to 'handle' the townspeople. Win!

By the way, no 2nd lead syndrome for Master's Sun? I mean, Seo Ji Sub was AMAZING and there's no way I'd want him to be passed up, but Seo In-geok was such a sweet puppy I felt so bad for him to be heartbroken!


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......on the bright side, at least this episode moved faster than the four before it.

And also, Kang Sora's 'WTF?!' face is A++++++.


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I've been really trying to understand the relationship between Gun-woo and Ji-won, and it seems to me that the Hong sisters may be really troping on The Great Gatsby with these two characters. Especially since they made a point of showing the book in the first episode. Ji-won is a lot like Daisy, all facade and utterly selfish. And, at least at this point, Gun-woo seems a lot like Gatsby, obsessed with Ji-won/Daisy and creating the dream restaurant/rich lifestyle that she wanted. I don't know how far the Hong sisters will go with this trope, and I don't know how well it will work since Great Gatsby-meets-rom-com is kind of an odd combination to me. But since it is a rom-com, Gun-woo will obviously change (instead of dying in a pool) and Ji-won will be relegated to second lead status (instead of living on without any apparent consequences for her actions). I'm curious to see how it plays out.


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great recap but bbaaaddddd drama. Unfortunately I'll be tagging out and dropping the show. It feels like a waste of an hour but I'm actually glad you're recapping it, so that way I can skim your recaps each week and see if the show is worth watching again without wasting my time with the actual show.

But for now, good bye Warm and Cozy, hopefully I'll get to see So Ra in another production.


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I don't believe he IS going to kiss her but whisper his words to her ear closely, quietly and emphatically to Stay out of His Love life! It's None of her business!
I Love this drama and all the characters are played wonderfully! The mean girl is doing a Fab acting job! We all want to smack her! Lol.
Thank you for the recaps! You guys Are The Best!


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