Bubblegum: Episode 3

Sometimes a show is so charming that it’s impossible to pull away. Such is the case for Bubblegum, with its endearing friendships that have captured my heart. Dealing with the aftermath of a breakup is never easy, so it’s lucky that Haeng-ah is surrounded by people who care for her—if only she would let them help her instead of sitting alone with those building emotions.

As for Ri-hwan and his amazing kind heart, it’s a wonder why more people haven’t fallen in love with the doctor yet. His loyalty to his longest friend is unyielding, and only time will tell until these best friends realize that they may share deeper feelings for one another that’s apparent to everyone else but themselves.


Kim Feel – “변하지 않은 마음 (Unchanged Heart)” [ Download ]

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EPISODE 3: “What I Want Is What You Want”

At Ri-hwan’s request that Suk-joon doesn’t head up to see Haeng-ah, Suk-joon returns, “What if what Haeng-ah truly wants isn’t to break up?” With that, Suk-joon heads for the elevator, leaving Ri-hwan alone with his thoughts of those nights when it feels like everything is about to fall apart and the smallest things interrupts one’s dreams.

Although the elevator stops at Haeng-ah’s floor, Suk-joon doesn’t get off and lets the doors close once more. He returns home with the cake and opens a drawer, where the sight of a roll of tape triggers a memory: He and Haeng-ah had dined out once, and she’d taped up her hands in hopes that he would feed her.

When he’d said he’s not that kind of boyfriend, she had pouted that everybody does things they don’t normally do when they’re in a relationship. In the end, Suk-joon had given in and fed her a bite, to her delight (and his).

As for Ri-hwan, he abruptly steps on the brakes when a driver cuts him off on the road, inadvertently sending the pastries to the floor. Pulling over to the side of the road, he recalls the time when he and Haeng-ah were out with their friends and he asked about any plans for her upcoming birthday.

She had yawned that she’ll likely be working, but then a text exchange lifted her spirits and she’d left them all behind, smiling. Back in the present, all three of them spend a restless night.

Over breakfast, Ri-hwan poses a hypothetical with Ji-hoon: Say he went to a bar asking them not to sell Ji-hoon any alcohol because seeing him drunk upset him. Could that be for his sake or Ji-hoon’s?

He points out how Ji-hoon says he feels sick after a night of drinking, to which Ji-hoon retorts that he loves the bottle in spite of the pain it brings. If Ri-hwan plans on doing something about it, then he should’ve consulted him first.

So when Ri-hwan tells him to keep on suffering then, Ji-hoon is oblivious to the fact that this conversation is really about whether Ri-hwan should be meddling in Haeng-ah’s love life. However, Ji-hoon knows that his friend’s love for him eclipses his own love affair with liquor, so Ri-hwan would have every right to intervene.

Looking thoroughly agitated, Haeng-ah barely takes two steps inside the hospital before exiting through the revolving doors again. The reason becomes clear when Mom explains how she first noticed Haeng-ah’s phobia of hospitals when the latter was a high-schooler and had collapsed at the sight of blood.

Both of her parents came to the hospital with what they thought were minor symptoms, but unfortunately died of stomach cancer before the age of 40. Haeng-ah is already 33, and with a family history of cancer, she should be checked out. And since Haeng-ah avoids hospitals like the plague, she hasn’t received any psychiatric help either.

But maybe we should also be worrying about Mom because her colleague reminds her how she reached out to him for a consultation. Hm, sounds like it’s more serious than momentary forgetfulness, and it gives Mom pause.

Ri-hwan sees an elderly woman at the clinic, who pleads with him to send her back to the countryside. Everything she holds dear is still there, and she only came to live with her daughter in the city after she had a fall last year.

Moreover, there’s an old sheep dog she misses terribly. She took the poor animal in, and one day, it stared up into the sky and started barking. Following his line of sight, she saw that the clouds formed into a shape of a sheep. She likens herself to that dog and its yearning to return to the countryside.

We see Haeng-ah sitting outside on the steps with a beer and admiring the blue sky while the granny cries how she feels so sorry to her daughter that’s taking care of her.

Ri-hwan’s call to Haeng-ah afterward goes unanswered while she throws out her can of beer. By the time she returns his call, Ri-hwan is called away. Instead of wallowing on the steps, Haeng-ah picks herself back up and marches away.

Yi-seul is met with immediate criticism from her mother as soon as she joins her and her older brother for lunch. Thankfully, Jung-woo lightens up the mood and asks if she’s sporting new shoes for a date. He’s curious about the mystery guy that makes his sister smile at the mere thought of him, but their mother is eager to point out that the other family is keeping Ri-hwan’s father’s identity under wraps. Interesting.

Anyhow, her mother tells her to act aloof whereas Oppa suggests that Yi-seul just go for it. So Yi-seul calls up Ri-hwan right then and there, asking to meet at Secret Garden today, much to her mother’s surprise.

Ri-hwan, for one, is puzzled by the call and Ji-hoon couldn’t be more excited for him. Her tone of voice sounded too serious for it to be a date, and then it occurs to him—what if she’s trying to sue him for possibly injuring her hand from the hammock yesterday? Realizing that his friend will need all the luck he can get, Ji-hoon returns all the “luck” he stole from Ri-hwan’s cheeks.

Upon hearing that Ri-hwan is on his way, Chef Ajusshi demands that Haeng-ah be called to the restaurant so the two can resolve yesterday’s dispute. Speaking of whom, Haeng-ah is still hanging outside the hospital entrance, unable to bring herself to walk in when she’s called over.

Neither Ri-hwan nor Haeng-ah can look at each other in the eye until he asks if she ate a lot of cake last night. She has no idea what he’s talking about, and he’s surprised to hear that her only visitor was the security guard who came to change her lightbulb.

Before Haeng-ah can apologize for last night, Ri-hwan beats her to the punch. She doesn’t get why since she feels that she was in the wrong, but he says he acted selfishly without considering her feelings. She concedes that that’s because she kept lying to him.

Haeng-ah lights up when she’s told that she can meet the chaebol woman Ri-hwan met on his seon if she sticks around. She knows of Jung-woo because he attended the same school district she did, and recalls how cool and handsome that oppa was.

Haeng-ah introduces herself when Yi-seul arrives, recognizing her as the dentist that kicked her out of the clinic last time. She’d barely been in there long enough for her phobia of everything hospital-related kicked in, and when she introduces herself as his noona, Ri-hwan corrects her that he’s the oppa because his birthday is sooner.

Haeng-ah is quick to chime in that Ri-hwan’s better known by his nickname “Younger Bro Park,” and Yi-seul picks up on their synchronous back-and-forth explanation about how Secret Garden, which once belonged to her late father, is now run by the current restaurant family, including Chef Ajusshi who used to be an actual gangster.

Ri-hwan sees Haeng-ah out when she excuses herself, and when he notices her reddened face, she admits to day drinking earlier. He scolds her for drinking after getting a flu shot, but she says it was the other way around. But… we didn’t see you get your shot, let alone walk into the hospital.

She covers her ears to block out his nagging, but Ri-hwan will have none of that and grabs both her arms to pull her close. The sudden proximity startles her, and Ri-hwan tells her not to be so negligent before childishly calling up his mother to rat her out while keeping Haeng-ah’s head away at arm’s length. Lol.

While Yi-seul admires the photo wall of Ri-hwan and Haeng-ah’s families hanging inside, she’s told of how Haeng-ah’s parents both died due to illness, and that the two kids spent much of their childhood in this restaurant. It’s at that moment Ri-hwan and Haeng-ah return to the restaurant bickering as their younger selves though still dressed in their adult clothes.

Chef Ajusshi breaks up the fight, picking Ri-hwan up and soon they’re all giggling together. What a nice picture of the present and past converging.

Ri-hwan and Yi-seul take a stroll outside, where he acknowledges that Haeng-ah was the first friend he ever made after living in the countryside. Stopping at a convenience store, he asks if she’d like some ice cream, which she declines because it’s fattening. He doesn’t believe that one ice cream could make such a difference, but her weight is a sensitive for Yi-seul, so he drops the subject.

But then he asks if she ate a lot yesterday… because she grew overnight. He wonders if her sparkly heels aren’t hurting her, and Yi-seul shrinks back, feeling self-conscious. Just then, a bike comes flying out of nowhere and Yi-seul falls and feels embarrassed yet again.

Ever the gentleman, Ri-hwan helps her to a bench. He feels bad that Yi-seul always hurts herself whenever he’s around, and she shoves him off when he tries taking a look at her injury. That’s because she’s sensitive about her supposedly chubby but are actually normal ankles, so Ri-hwan sweetly opens his mouth for her to examine his teeth so that he can return the favor.

Turns out it’s a mild injury, and he remarks it’s a good thing she has such sturdy ankles. He likens it to having strong teeth, and tells her to wait while he fetches her some new shoes. When she protests, he offers her a choice: either wait or climb on his back. Climb on his back, climb on his—oh wait, he can’t hear me.

He returns with his own winter boots, which Yi-seul admits is quite warm. Aw, like his heart?

After the meeting, Manager Jo reveals to Suk-joon that Haeng-ah will likely attend a team outing tonight. It’s a good thing Suk-joon doesn’t plan to go because Haeng-ah’s been getting along with that writer of hers lately.

He’s talking about Tae-hee, who has to deal with a whiny radio host about tonight’s broadcast. The team tosses around the idea about inviting a non-celebrity guest to the show, and cutie Joon-su says he’s always been curious about Suk-joon. The topic understandably makes Haeng-ah uncomfortable and Tae-hee quickly diffuses the situation.

Tae-hee does confront Haeng-ah about it afterward, however, asking what she can do to help Haeng-ah feel better about Suk-joon. She wants to help Haeng-ah to deal with the breakup, but she won’t if Haeng-ah will show up the next day and back with her ex.

“If that happens, I’d lose the only friend I’ve got. I don’t want that,” Tae-hee finishes. Haeng-ah replies that a part of her wants to believe that Suk-joon can’t live without her while the other part of her knows that sets her up for disappointment.

She felt useless when she was with Suk-joon, whom she left alone on his birthday as his gift instead of spending it together. As Haeng-ah leaves the studio, a part of Se-young’s broadcast narrates how love must often make people into fools if there are so many songs out there entitled “Fool.”

When Yi-seul visits Ri-hwan’s clinic after hours so he can treat her ankle, she marvels at the many travel books he owns as well as the map on his wall. Hearing that he’s never been outside the country surprises her, and Ri-hwan explains that he’s studying up in advance. When the time comes, he’ll throw a dart on that map and go wherever it lands.

They’re interrupted by a drunken call from Ji-hoon and soon find themselves joining the radio team outing. Haeng-ah arrives a bit later, and she sets down the pint of beer, having made a promise to Tae-hee about staying sober tonight.

And Tae-hee makes sure she sticks to that progress as the night progresses, while Haeng-ah thinks back to Suk-joon’s words on the rooftop. Back at Secret Garden, the restaurant family wonders what Yi-seul was looking at, perplexed when they find out it was a photo of Haeng-ah.

After sending everyone else home, Yi-seul offers to take Ri-hwan and a drunk Ji-hoon home. Noticing Haeng-ah waiting on the street, she offers to take everyone home. Still, Haeng-ah sends them off without her.

She also sends the taxi that pulls up away to re-enter the restaurant. A couple of hours later, Haeng-ah emerges in an inebriated state and tunes in for her own radio show. Se-young’s voice reads of how the lyrics of their next song request reflects one of their listener’s lives: too late to regret having met that someone, yet too early to call it a breakup.

As Haeng-ah drunkenly teeters around town, the lyrics go on: “I’m too old to be crying in random places / yet my heart is still too young to say, ‘life is meant to be lived alone anyway’ / We already ended things when I was about to say ‘I love you’ / I want to be able to say that I loved you / but I still like you.”

Next thing we know, Haeng-ah drunk calls Yi-seul, though the former thinks she’s calling to complain about her drink. Yi-seul on the other hand, couldn’t be more puzzled, though when she hears how drunk Haeng-ah is, she asks if anyone else is around.

So Yi-seul doubles back to find Haeng-ah happily inviting her to sit and eat together. Even though Yi-seul draws away from Haeng-ah’s snorting laugh, I find it wonderfully endearing. She takes issue with Haeng-ah calling her “unni” since they’re the same age (though Yi-seul started school sooner because her birthday’s in January).

Haeng-ah practically jumps to her feet upon hearing that Ri-hwan’s here. Ha, did you drunk call him too? But no, Yi-seul called him over, and Haeng-ah freaks out that her drunkenness is so apparent.

They dive inside a convenience store so she can grab a snack to sober up, but Haeng-ah snorts at a balding man’s head. “Barcode,” she chuckles. Yi-seul simply stares back blankly, so Haeng-ah slyly takes the scanner and “reads” the man’s head. Heh.

Ri-hwan bursts into the store before Haeng-ah can create more of a scene and deposits her into his car. He apologizes on Haeng-ah’s behalf, then barely catches her in time when she crawls out of his backseat.

Slurring her words, Haeng-ah says she just wants to say goodbye and give Yi-seul her parting gift: one of the sea cucumbers she bought so that they can each raise one. Plop! into the bag it goes. It takes all of Ri-hwan’s willpower not to claw into her right then and there.

He barely gets to explain Haeng-ah’s behavior before the latter climbs into a taxi. He makes sure to snap a picture of the license plate, then doubles back to Yi-seul.

Haeng-ah heads back to her workplace, and Suk-joon finds her passed out in the recording studio. He watches her sleep and picks up when Ri-hwan calls in worry.

Telling him to call back later, Suk-joon hangs up. Furious, Ri-hwan rushes into the building, only to be barred access by the security guard. But as soon as the elevator doors open, he jumps the barricade and hops inside.

Needless to say, Haeng-ah is taken aback when she finally wakes. Ri-hwan locates the still-lit recording studio and walks in to see Suk-joon and Haeng-ah together. Before he can do anything about it, however, Suk-joon pushes Haeng-ah back into the door and closes it.

No matter how much Ri-hwan tries and thumps on the door, it remains securely closed. He moves over to the glass, but then Suk-joon moves Haeng-ah over to a blind spot. Walking out into the hallway, Ri-hwan tries breaking the fire alarm before using a fire extinguisher to smash it.

The alarm sounds, and Ri-hwan walks back in time for Haeng-ah to open the door. Now that he has a clear path, Ri-hwan charges at Suk-joon with a right hook: “Doesn’t matter if I’m an oppa or not. It can’t be you, you bastard.”

Today’s flashback: Haeng-ah’s father scolds Little Ri-hwan and Haeng-ah for touching the elderly pet store owner’s head (they were curious whether it was warm and shiny, ha). They apologize once they hear their new goldfish could end up eaten.

To keep them from fighting, Haeng-ah’s father had given each of them a goldfish, advising them to raise their new pets with care. No matter since both fish end up in the same tank anyway, though the two little ones bicker like an old married couple.

I love how young Ri-hwan is the stay-at-home dad in an apron, complaining how Haeng-ah doesn’t appreciate him. She in turn barks back that she’s out playing all day earning Pogs, and that he can’t even maintain a clean fish tank. Ri-hwan: “Am I raising them on my own? They’re your fish too!” Hahaha.

Haeng-ah’s father arrives in time for wee Ri-hwan to declare that yes, he wants Haeng-ah to stay at home with him. Smiling, Dad tells them: “Why don’t you wait four weeks and see?”


I really love the little flashbacks we get at the end of these episodes. Whether they harken back to happier times or sorrowful memories, they provide insight into these characters whom I’m quickly falling in love with. By looking into the past, these flashbacks serve to partly explain Ri-hwan and Haeng-ah’s present-day behavior from the importance to the bracelet to Ri-hwan’s remote control car and Haeng-ah’s drunken declaration to raising marine life.

In regards to the past, what I’m most interested in is learning about how Haeng-ah’s past has shaped her as an adult. We know that she has a family history of cancer and lost both parents to the disease at a young age, but it’s also apparent that she’s set up a wall between the facade she puts on for others and any emotional pain or fears that come her way. I wouldn’t be surprised if her phobia of hospitals began as a teenager soon after she traumatically lost her father before her eyes, and it’s heartbreaking watching how her fear of the place triggers such a visceral response out of her. Like Mom, I do worry how Haeng-ah is at risk for the same illness that took her parents’ lives, though at present, I feel as if we should be worrying more about Mom’s tendency to forget instead.

So I’m glad that Haeng-ah has someone like Tae-hee by her side if only somebody other than Ri-hwan should also be looking out for her. For a girl who always seeks to deal with her emotions alone and is known to keep her colleagues and friends at arm’s length, it’s sweet that it’s Tae-hee who reaches out to her and considers her as a dear friend. These two are such a delight to watch, and I hope their friendship turns into one we can adore as well.

Theirs isn’t the only relationship blossoming in this series, of course. Even though I know that there’s only heartache for Yi-seul and her crush on Ri-hwan, I hope she can find a friend in Haeng-ah. Their awkward interactions crack me up so far, but I also get that she considers Ri-hwan’s best friend more of a rival in love than a possible new friend. Her exchanges with Ri-hwan are wonderfully sweet (even if they lead to minor injuries), and I simply love how he doesn’t criticize her own insecurities but rather uses them to boost her self-confidence. Even if he doesn’t know it yet, Ri-hwan has been a positive influence on her already, and I can’t wait for the day until Yi-seul breaks out of her meek shell and stands up to her critical mother.

I can’t say this enough—I love Ri-hwan to pieces. Moreover, I thoroughly enjoy how his friendship with Haeng-ah has barely changed over the years. There are times when they still fight like little kids, and those disputes are followed by the cutest of resolutions. Given his constant overbearing concern for Haeng-ah, it was about time that he needed to learn how to back off and give her some breathing room in her break up. His intentions are in the right place—he simply needs to find the right time (instead of every time) to speak out of love. But for Ri-hwan… I would always opt to stay home and raise goldfish together.


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im first today, cnt really say much tho bh i hope d series does soo good so i watch it completely..


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Wha!! I'm second! I was dying to read this recap! Thank you so much, Gummimochi! Now I will switch on the awesome song that you have selected and read it carefully!


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I'm totally in love with this drama. It's really refreshing to watch because of its feel good atmosphere and cinematography plus the characters are definitely great. Anyway, thank you for deciding to recap this drama again.


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indeed. finally LDW found a really good script for him after my girl. i really do hope the rating would be always more than 1+++ cuz if it's under 1, emm.. they'll cut the show.. oh noooo... i love this show so much!!!


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Thanks for getting these recaps done quickly!!

So much love for this drama *____*

One thing that didn't click for me was the grandma and the dog. I know there should be a link there with our main characters but I just didn't get it.

So many good moments. When the restaurant family went all detective! The bag not being 1500 but 15000! The drunk antics with the voice over. The awkward apologies between the best friends. The ass move of taking her out of his line of sight, but also the overreaction and fear that he did something bad. All things taehee. I love the whole cast tbh. Drunk best friend was getting on my nerves but he's getting character development too so.

I like how the radio writer is doing. I feel like the drama is breezy in tone and some of it is due to her, but the radio scenes are vibrant which I'm sure is because of her. Also generally, the voice overs are all lovely and there are some stand out quotes from every episode.


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I adore Ri-hwan. So freakin' much.

Thanks for the recap!


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I can't even express how much I'm into this drama. It seems that I was waiting for it over past few years. It's touching my heart so deeply. The storyline is simply gorgeous. I love every single character. And even some drama cliches which prevent this drama to be named totally unique, doesn't spoil the impact. What should I say more...Ri-hwan, where are you, boy? I want to have you in my life!
Thank you, Dramabeans and Gummi, for wonderful recap which highlites all those awesome aspects of this drama.
Will be waiting for 4 episode recap. Take good care of yourself, Gummi!


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Have finished recap. I love it. Thans once more. Especially for comments! I adore to see Bubbly couple's past as well. Thats only one drama, where I completely enjoy watching flashbacks with childhood. All actors in this drama are great. Even all child cast. So refreshing, like Bubblegum itself. As for Rihwan and Haenga current relationships well, of course she's feeling this tension between them. Idk if she is aware of his possible feelings or she's aware of hers possible feelings. That's another thing what I love in this drama: it's not easy to predict where is truth. I hope it will be developed. For now, this couple may become my favourite otp ever if writer won't mess up things. Many thanks for director. Cinematography is awasing. I love every single moment.
YS have made me concerned in this episode if I will continue to like her...or will like less. let's see.
And I wonder who's that mysterious Woo-bin and what he'll bring into the storyline? let's see.

Btw, today is Lee Dong Wook's birthday. Happy Birthday, oppa! Thank you for being you and giving us, fans, such a multilayerd characters, as Rihwan.


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im so glad that you guys knew what song she was sleeping next to. <3


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It's the Kim Feel song, at the top of the page. =)


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Jung Ryeo Won is one of my favorite actresses, she always portrays her characters with all these extra layers. And she has the most gorgeous smile.

And I'm so surprised how much I love Ri Hwan. This guy is an absolute goner, he's crazy about her, they way he overreacts to Suk Joon is incredibly obvious to everyone except him.

I love Tae Hee!! I love her and Haeng-ah's dynamic, what an awesome best friend to have


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I'm confused about a couple of things - how long were Haeng-ah and her ex together? Unless subs were wrong I'm thinking it was a year and she was living with him, right? If so, is it possible that Ri-Wan didn't know this or him until recently? That's the only thing I'm skeptical about in this story so far. Can someone help to clear this up for me? Thanks!


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I was under the impression that yes, Haeng Ah had been living with Seok Joon for maybe a year, but that it had been kept a great secret from everyone, more because Seok Joon did not want it to be known. in addition, knowing Ri Hwan's way of being over-protective and over-acting, Haeng Ah must have been especially careful to hide her relationship.

Until recently, Ri Hwan was still sending kim chi to her apartment, not knowing that she was living elsewhere. My guess is that he guessed that she had a relationship and had not intruded. Until he found out that she had been badly treated and had broken up, he had not found it necessary to act the oppa/offended friend.


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Ok thanks - I can see Ri-Wan silently backing off if he thought she was happy but a hidden relationship for a year is a stretch!


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I think she not living with Seok Joon all the time or everyday, she just oftenly come to staying overnight there.


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Oh thanks for clarifying this. I was also quite confused on this matter. hehee. Yet to catch up epi 3 & 4 but done downloaded it. Probably will watch it at night, hope to join the rest on epi 4 recap :D


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Yup it was for a year.

I'm guessing Rihwan knew she was in a relationship, but didn't think too much of it. I mean, they both must've had relationships through the years, and Haeng-ah wasn't remotely surprised in him meeting a woman or bringing her alone to work drinks.

Also, it can't have intruded in their daily life much because the boyfriend was too busy anyway. It's not like he would've made time to call in the middle of the day, or she'd have to make time for a date.


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I was very charmed by the first two episodes, but I can't say that the 3rd or 4th did as much for me. I'm hoping it'll rehook me again because I do really love the characters, especially Yiseul and Haengah. The flashbacks are definitely one of my favourite parts of this show too. I'd like to see Yiseul interacting more with people who aren't her mother and Rihwan. Her small interactions with seen with her brother are really cute and I think she could be great friends with Haengah if they don't go too far down the love triangle route. The side characters in general are too wonderful to waste so I'm hoping it doesn't end up all about Haengah and Rihwan, even though I do love their relationship. Though Rihwan needs to take down the overprotectiveness like 50 notches before he can be in a real romantic relationship.


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i really want to see haeng-ah and yi-seul become reluctant friends. their interactions are so adorably awkward LMAO. and i love tae-hee and haeng-ah's friendship. <3 tae-hee's pretty badass.


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And when have it been mentioned about 1 year? It seemed to me that it was few months.


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Thanks gummimochi!

I like the many ways this show is exploring the theme of what love entitles us to do for our loved one.

Can we/should we allow our loved ones to continue to make decisions that will likely hurt themselves? How much respect for another's free will and choices should there be?

From the grandma pining for the country and her dog, Ji Hoon pining for drink, Haeng Ah pining for an equal love relationship, we are asked to consider whether taking charge of their decisions is balanced between being more for one's selves or for the other. This is a true-to-life muddle of decision making and choice giving that faces anyone.

And I like that we can explore how in our relationships we can be so many things to each other... dongsaeng / oppa (unni?) / chingu / boyfriend (girlfriend) and that we change how we relate as different situations arise.

Maybe this show can help us answer some of these intricate questions for ourselves. One great reason for watching any show! :)


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Wow, great comment! That was super insightful.

Ah kdrama, does loving you entitle me to watch you to the exclusion of everything else?


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That's what I love about this Show too, or even any GREAT dramas out there. They give us different views on a specific life issue that eventually helps us in answering some of our questions.


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Ahhhhh this show. I thought I'd never find anything to satisfy my drama cravings after Twenty Again, but Bubblegum is just hitting the right notes! I love this show. TvN wins at life.


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Do you guys know what song was playing out loud in the background while Haeng-ah was sleeping in the studio?


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I have not watch this drama, but planning to. Just at the last capture pic i see little Ri Hwan and i supprised. Is the child who play little Ri Hwan is Hong Eun Taek? Little Minnie.....!! His hair little bit curly here. He is so cute..!!


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There won't be such thing as second lead syndrome if Ri Hawn continues to be this sweet, caring and handsome. Seriously he looks so good in that brown turtle neck...or anything really LOL


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This is my first time falling in love with Lee Dong Wook... Keke.


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My love for LDW is returning in leaps and bounds - I haven't liked anything he's been in since My Girl!

I really hope things stay positive with this drama...SWP went downhill for me after the OTP united...here's so hoping this couple keeps up the angst and pinning even while deciding to "date" cause mother hen Rihwan and kooky quirky Haeng Ah are the absolute MOST adorable beings ever.


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how do i to explaining this drama? i felt like im hooked ever since the first episode and getting deeper and deeper in love with every chara especially the broken-up phase of KSJ and KHA, it hit close to home ;____;

anyway, first comment i have ever wrote ever since i become a regular on this site on 2012 XD


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What does HAENG-AH wants?
“Haeng-ah replies that a part of her wants to believe that Suk-joon can’t live without her while the other part of her knows that sets her up for disappointment.” That was what she wanted, to believe that Sukjoon can’t live without her. Can RH gives her that? What kind of portion she holds in his heart if her best birthday gift was to be “not with him” on his birthday. I can’t think of a more lonelier person than HA, that she knew she is not the “Best Gift”, but her absence, and his solitude should be the “Best Gift”. Knowing this, how to fool yourself into believing that in long run, SJ can’t live without her…. When inside her knew she is useless when she was with SJ, she hold a portion inside SJ’s side, but not a big portion, not the First Place. Its Matters to us women, First place, or NOTHING.
Just like everyone of us, who thinks we don’t want much when we start on a relationship, but slowly we want more and more…. But what we wants were the simply things like, a cheap birthday gift, a cuddle on sofa, a simple text a day about some cheesy nonsense, a shoulder to cry on when I am sick, once a while being the First place in your heart…. Like all of us, HA just don’t want to be alone.
“When it feels like the person’s heart is absent even though that someone is by my side. And yet, when that person is my everything.” that was something linger on from ep 1.
… yes, the loneliest of all loneliness, is when you felt, that heart of yours once belongs to that someone, and his which once yours, has now drifted apart, having awakened that you are not his everything, and he was actually not your everything. That long ago fluttering of hearts was not actually love, it’s not him that you loved, it’s not you that he loved, that both of you actually don’t know each other that well, and so called “fallen in love” with an imaginary image of each other, you have only fallen in love with “LOVE” itself, falling in love with the feel of “loving”.
In short, as in the “I love You”, you have been loving the “LOVE” and not the “you”, loving the feeling of “Love”, and not knowing the “you” well enough to love “you”. So the break-up is inevitable, as you finally knew each other well enough, so “… is this the real you… I didn’t know you were like this when I start to love you… since I cannot change you and cannot change myself for you, how to love you?.... why can’t I be the first place ever?....
yes, loneliness is when you are not the first place in his heart, even though you know you owned a small portion of that heart, but a small portion is not enough now.
Loneliness is when you felt she don’t understand you and don’t accept you for who you are.
Loneliness is having to understand that she felt lonely while loving someone, and is willing to bear with this tormenting Loneliness all these years while loving him, and there is nothing you can give her to cure her loneliness, as much as RH, you are willing to give ANYTHING, there is...


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yes, loneliness is when you are not the first place in his heart, even though you know you owned a small portion of that heart, but a small portion is not enough now.
Loneliness is when you felt she don’t understand you and don’t accept you for who you are.
Loneliness is having to understand that she felt lonely while loving someone, and is willing to bear with this tormenting Loneliness all these years while loving him, and there is nothing you can give her to cure her loneliness, as much as you are willing to give ANYTHING, there is nothing she wants from you. You are so willing to give her your First Place in your heart, which she wanted to much from SJ.


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i was not prepared to like this drama. given that i have devoted myself to Ha Nora and her Hyunsuk.
am not any special fan of Lee DW, so guess liking this drama means its purely for RH alone, and his HA.
Writer, write them well, write the OTP awesome, selfless, but real okay?
thanks, gummimochi, seeing HA thru your eyes, makes her flaws but real, remind me of a manga many years ago, ....
the Japanese manga, and anime series, Candy Candy... an orphan, hope she can find her Uncle William in RH. (anyone remember Candy Candy? RH is like unto Candy, strong cheerful passionate kind spirited Candy.)


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Ri-hwan charges at Suk-joon: “Doesn’t matter if I’m an oppa or not. It can’t be you, you bastard.”
RH, angered channeled at SJ, I believed it’s still not out of trying to intervened, thus benefited from HA’s misfit. Its purely wanted to protect HA, as an Oppa, or not as one. Why was he saying “it can’t be you” to SJ, to someone that RH onced idolized and earnest dedicated himself each morning to listen to, this very IDOL was the one that ruined the happiness of his “Everything”. If SJ is worthy, I believed, as awesome as RiHwan could be, he will backed off. As much as I felt saddened that he banged himself thru the bang, set alarm off, whacked SJ… everything is so so un-cool, but I felt saddened for him. Can literally heard the thin shattering of his hearts, when idiot SJ shoved HA into the blind spot, making him believed he just “saw it”. Nothing breaks you, when you just “saw it”.
I felt him, when he said, “I Saw it.” Hope HA learned one day, how RH felt today.


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Oh man the kid actor!!! I've been seeing him so much! I gotta say I think he's also improving (mostly remember him as the little bro in I remember you). Their role play as mom and dad to the goldfish was too cute and hilarious!


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not really feeling this. skip.


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Dong Wook oppa was my first love, well honestly the first love that I will remember but not to keep in touch, lol. I can rewatch My Girl again and again just to see the cuteness between him and Lee Da Hae. :D Honestly his past works after My Girl that I watched only Partner and Hotel King.

But here, in this drama, I think I can find my first love, again... After years...


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you need to see scent of a woman. i wasn't a huge fan of my girl (sorry guys!) but i fell in love with him in scent of a woman. that drama was so emotional and beautiful.


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it's rarely in dramaland we find male lead character that is so warm, cheerful and outspoken like Ri-Hwan, i guarantee whoever watch this drama will be captivated by Ri-Hwan


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Actually not everybody. I have noticed comments, that he's too overprotective and he doesn't let her to breath and he needs to calm down. Maybe there is sence that he needs to calm done a bit, but I don't think he needs to do this for HA. He needs to do it for himself.
As you have said, I'm one of those captivated by Ri-Hwan. He is quite unique character in dramaland, very-very rare.


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I love lee dong in this drama. Bubblegum is my lone these days


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From my point of view as an audience that knows well why Rihwan acts the way he is to HA, he may seem sweet, heartwarming and all. (I want one too!!!!) But when I try to see from HA's side, he is way too overprotective. I mean if I were HA and I had such bestfriend (which I really think best FRIEND-nothing more or less), I would be a bit upset with the way he acts, moreover if it's about my ex that I still had a hard time to forget. I understand that he wants HA to be happy but not with the way he is. But it's a different case if HA also has a morethanbestfriend feeling to him.

I love him to pieces though. Lee Dong Wook is looooove. Protective (reasonable) but cute guy is my ideal.


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Ah, I love this drama. But I do worry a little about where the story's going to go from here. The confrontations between Ri-hwan and Suk-joon seem a bit premature and hostile on a level I didn't expect this early on in the drama. On Ri-hwan's end, I get that Haeg-ah's well-being pretty much means everything to him, but sometimes it feels like he forgets she's a Big Girl that knows full well the consequences of her actions (or lack of) and can deal with them. I hope he gets to a place where he can care for her while just...letting her be. Even if that means watching her get hurt from time to time.

And Suk-joon - I reeeeeally don't like him. Something about the way he treats Haeng-ah always has me frowning at my screen. Telling Ri-hwan she was 'sleeping next to' him, taking the battery out of her phone (not cool) to stop him from calling, backing her into the corner like that. Dunno if that was supposed to be a romantic display of jealousy, but he just comes off looking like a prick that doesn't respect her.

I'm also very curious about Haeng-ah. As much as all this is about her, I feel like we don't really know her all that well yet. How she feels about Ri-hwan, the situation with his mom, him and Yi-seul together, etc. I hope we get a bit more insight sooner rather than later. As for Yi-seul, I do like her so far, and her interactions with both Haeng-ah and Ri-hwan are so awkward-cute. But, I mean, it's pretty easy to guess the outcome of this drama, so while Ri-hwan and Haeng-ah take their time finding their way to each other, I hope she doesn't end up needlessly hurt.


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Thank you for bringing up Suk joon's behavior. I was reading through the comments to see if anyone else agreed with me or I was just overreacting. Messing with Ri Hwan and taking out Haeng Ahs cell phone battery pissed me off. This might be my anger speaking right now but i feel like he deserved to get punched after acting like he was pushing a DRUNK Haeng ah into a corner in LOCKED studio.

Its like he's acting territorial just because Ri Hwan is there. All of a sudden he's so "affectionate" and verbal when he couldnt be bothered to even talk to her properly when she lived with him an he had every opportunity to do so.


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i'm with you here as well. Can't stand his behavior and I think it was done to humiliate RiHwan. But you can read comments in 4th episode's recap and somebody thinks, that SJ wanted just to talk to HA and RH was interferring, that's only why he has took out battery and thenpushed HA in the corner.
But cmon, how then to explain his gaze, which he has given RH before doing it? Apparently it was done to put aside RH or even show his place.


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Hi Sera... Great to see you here

It does seem like she probably didn't move out from her place and was just spending lots of time in her ex bf's place....

I adore the OTPs. LDW angst first class as Ri Hwan. I think he had a shock that she had a bf, broke up and now he is making sure she remains that way coz he felt SJ is bad for her. Or at least that's what he tried to rationalize with himself. Whatever he is doing... Banging on studio door, setting off alarm - that's very unbrotherlike... But we love him for that right?

Does HA feel any jealousy in meeting YS as RW's potential wife? It's a bit hard to tell. It's much more apparent from RW outburst and attack on SJ. Frankly I think ignoring HA wasn't a crime and RW doesn't have to go ballistic on SJ - so it's definitely something more than that.

It's the closest to admitting that he couldn't handle HA living with someone who can't appreciate her. And I think he has a pretty high expectation of who the "person" should be - not realizing he sees himself as the person who appreciates her the most.

In a way I think RW ought to be thankful to SJ. Without the confrontations, he wouldn't be able to see himself as a man to HA. And not as a brother.


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I love your post! Agree with anything. Especially I'm into your vision "he has a pretty high expectation of who the “person” should be – not realizing he sees himself as the person who appreciates her the most". So true. And for sure, HA is in denial that she's seeing RH as her man. That's why she can't stand being alone with SJ. She wants to feel that devotion, only RH can give her


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Thanks for the incisive recap. Without it there is no way I could enjoy this K-drama. THe dialogue is so fast that you want to watch it in slow motion. Very much in love with this drama RH is my father reincarnated.


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