Answer Me 1988: Episode 15

Yeah I know, I’m making that face at Jung-hwan a lot lately too. Some boys just know how to make you crazy. It’s a relatively lighter episode today, as friends help each other through some unexpected rough patches, reminding us that the bond in this group really does go five ways. The way these friends always show up for each other, rain or shine—it makes me genuinely envious that I didn’t live on one street my entire life.


Byun Jin-sub – “우정” (Friendship) [ Download ]

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EPISODE 15: “Between love and friendship”

March 1989. Sun-woo stops by to ask Taek’s dad if he plays baseball, and holds up too mitts to see if he wants to play catch. You are so sweet, it’s unreal. Taek’s dad agrees and looks utterly stunned at Sun-woo’s invitation, but then as soon as Sun-woo heads to the field ahead of him, Dad runs to change his shoes, gets Dong-ryong’s dad to watch the store, and runnnnns down the street excitedly. So cute.

Bora watches this from her yard with a big grin, and then Jung-hwan’s mom asks her to gather all the kids tonight for dinner. Apparently the moms are going on strike tonight because they’re sick and tired of cooking, and they have a girls’ night out planned. Bora doesn’t see why they can’t all eat on their own, but Jung-bong says he’ll make sure that the kids are fed.

Bora notices that Jung-bong has a permanent goofy smile plastered on his face and immediately guesses that he’s dating. He tries to deny it but he’s a terrible liar, and Bora wishes him good luck. His problem is that Dong-ryong overhears, though he promises to zip his mouth shut.

Bora and Mom discuss her last week at her part-time job, and in flashback we see that she’d decided to prepare for the bar exam after all. Mom and Dad were in tears, they were so happy about it, and Bora had told them she would quit her job after a month. She asked them not to tell anyone else either. Heh, Dad seems to want to hug Bora, but can’t really figure out how.

Taek’s dad has some trouble putting on the baseball mitt, so Sun-woo comes really close and throws the ball lightly, saying that he’ll go easy on him like he does with Jin-ju. But Taek’s dad insists that Sun-woo can back up further, and further, and then pitches a fastball right into Sun-woo’s mitt. Ajusshi can play ball! Sun-woo’s jaw drops, and then a slow smile spreads across his face.

Sun-woo’s mom leaves Jin-ju with Taek’s dad for the afternoon and sighs to see him eating a sad lunch of just rice and kimchi. She says she’ll make him anything he wants, but the thing he asks for is a different kind of kimchi.

Sun-woo tells Bora about playing catch with Taek’s dad and leans in close to make plans for later that night, but Bora pushes him aside when Dong-ryong bursts through the gate dragging Deok-sun behind him. She doesn’t want to eat at Jung-hwan’s house, but Dong-ryong and Sun-woo exchange a little nod, and Dong-ryong drags her kicking and screaming up the stairs.

Everyone gathers around the table and Jung-bong brings out two giant pans of kimchi fried rice—all because Dong-ryong wanted that for dinner, and Jung-bong had to cook to keep him quiet about his love life.

Jung-hwan comes home and stands around awkwardly because things are still tense with Deok-sun after their pink shirt fiasco, and she scowls at him when he sits down next to her. He still manages to tease her about the piece of rice that’s stuck to her face though.

Taek is away at another match and struggles through another headache. He wins despite his condition though. His baduk teacher fields calls from reporters all begging to get an interview and tells them not to hold their breath because Taek hates doing stuff like that.

The moms spend the day happily shopping at the street market and stop for some noodles at a little stand run by a grandma. Deok-sun’s mom offers to pay this time, but Jung-hwan’s mom insists on paying and refuses the change from the grandma, which she apparently does every time she eats here.

The next day things are back to normal and the moms are back in their kitchens, and when Jung-hwan’s mom orders him to set the table with silverware, he asks for a younger sibling (so he doesn’t have to do the grunt work). She tells him to shut it, and Dad jokes that they have to make a new baby because it’s Jung-hwan’s wish.

Sun-woo suggests inviting Taek’s dad over for dinner because he’ll be eating alone, and though Mom waves it off insisting that he’ll be fine on his own, she’s clearly concerned about it. Taek’s dad eats ramyun by himself, which just seems extra pathetic today.

Deok-sun’s family sees a news report about a massive wave of construction going on to build new housing in the city, and No-eul asks when they’ll get to live in an apartment. Dad says he’s working hard so that they can move someday, and Deok-sun sweetly tells Dad that she’ll buy them a big apartment someday.

Mom just begs her to go to college, but Dad defends Deok-sun, saying that she’s smart and kind and pretty, and it’s okay if she doesn’t go to college. Dad and Deok-sun exchange goofy winks, and Bora looks at them a little enviously.

Bora confesses to Sun-woo that she envies that about Deok-sun—how well liked she is by everyone, how she can make people around her feel good with her aegyo and her brightness. She really envies Deok-sun’s relationship with Dad, and Sun-woo asks why Bora and her dad aren’t close. She says it’s not because of anything in particular—it’s just her personality, and she doesn’t know how to be any different.

Sun-woo says he likes Bora better and likes her personality the way it is, though by now even he jokes that that makes him a crazy person. Back at home, Mom marvels at the money that they’ve opened a new savings account with, and she asks Dad the same thing about Bora—whether there’s a reason why the two of them don’t get along as well as he does with the other two kids. Dad insists that he and Bora are close, and he doesn’t know what she’s talking about.

Bora asks Sun-woo to meet her for a date out on the town next weekend. He gets nervous about the sudden change in her, but happily agrees and gives her a kiss goodnight.

Deok-sun is up late trying to study when she gets a call. So do Jung-hwan and Sun-woo… uh-oh. They all rush over to Taek’s, where Dong-ryong is crying over a scraped up knee. They put medicine on it and nag him for riding a motorcycle, and Deok-sun gasps so loud at that that Jung-hwan clamps a hand over her mouth before she wakes Taek’s dad.

They worry about Dong-ryong having to go home like this but he says it’ll be fine as long as his parents don’t notice, sighing that Mom’s up for a promotion and is around even less these days. Sun-woo helps Dong-ryong home, leaving Jung-hwan and Deok-sun behind on their own. Jung-hwan waits till she’s done cleaning up and notices that she came over here without a jacket, but he can’t bring himself to offer his own. Why noooooot, Jung-hwan?

Deok-sun comes over to Taek’s house early the next morning to deliver food from her mom, and she goes in to check on Taek. He came home in the middle of the night and clearly took some medicine and crashed in the middle of practice as usual. Deok-sun cleans up after him and tucks him in with a pillow and a blanket.

Sun-woo is surprised to learn from Mom that Taek’s dad is good at all sports, and she warns him not to ever make bets when they play, because Taek gets his competitive streak from his father. Sun-woo says that Taek’s dad is a good person, and Mom is taken aback at the sudden statement. She asks what that has to do with her, and Sun-woo says nothing and runs out the door.

Deok-sun leaves for school quietly, already afraid of what’s to come when Mom shows up for her parent-teacher conference later that day. As Bora heads out, she overhears Mom telling Dad that he needs a new dress shirt because this is one is so frayed, but he insists that he can wear it for longer.

Dong-ryong doesn’t get caught for his motorcycle injury because no one’s even home to see him in the morning, and he just takes his lunch and limps out with a sigh.

The mood is heavy in Deok-sun’s classroom, and one by one the girls come back from their parent-teacher conference in tears. It’s finally Deok-sun’s turn and Mom waits expectantly for Teacher to tell her about Deok-sun’s college prospects. Mom says that they’re okay with any college and haven’t set their sights too high, but her face falls when Teacher tells her that with Deok-sun’s grades, college isn’t very realistic.

Afterwards, Deok-sun waits nervously for Mom to yell at her, but Mom just gives her hand a little squeeze and tells her to go back to class. As Mom walks away, Deok-sun calls out in tears that she was wrong, and Mom suddenly calls her by her real name: “Deok-sun-ah, I’m okay.”

Deok-sun bursts into tears and runs over to Mom: “Have you given up on me? Why am I Deok-sun again? I’m Soo-yeon! Mom, I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Mom just holds her while she cries and tells her it’s okay, calling her Deok-sun again.

Taek’s teacher reminds him to go home since it’s getting late, and he hems and haws before asking Taek to do just one interview with a reporter, swearing that it’ll be short.

Taek’s dad, meanwhile, puts Jin-ju to bed (with a new hairdo, of course) and waits by the window for Sun-woo’s mom to come home. She comes into the shop later than usual and out of breath, and tells him that she was just mugged on the way home by someone on a motorcycle. She wonders how she’ll walk home from work from now on because she’s so scared.

The boys walk home from school together, and when Dong-ryong says he’s going for another motorcycle ride, the other guys nag him to stop hanging out with that friend. Bora walks past so Sun-woo goes after her, though they don’t get much time for romance because Deok-sun walks past. She’s lost in her own funk though, and Sun-woo stops Bora from yelling at her.

By the time Jung-hwan gets to his front gate, he sees Deok-sun sitting alone on the steps down the street and hesitates, wanting to go to her. He decides against it (uuurg) and starts to head inside, but then when he sees her crying he can’t help himself and starts to walk toward her.

But that’s exactly when Taek arrives, one step ahead of him. Taek asks if something’s wrong, but Deok-sun wipes her tears and says it’s nothing. She asks what’s wrong with him and why he looks so tired, but he doesn’t say anything either and just falls onto her shoulder and leans on her for a little while. We don’t see Jung-hwan’s reaction, but hear the gate closing as he goes inside.

Sun-woo drops off some food at Taek’s house and asks Taek about his upcoming match. He guesses that Taek’s going to confess to Deok-sun when it’s over, and Taek wonders how he knew. They make plans for the group to get together before Taek has to leave for China, and Sun-woo runs off to school.

Bora hands out presents she bought with her first paycheck—a dictionary for No-eul, allowance money for Deok-sun, and beauty products for Mom. Dad is clearly expecting something as well, but when Bora makes no mention of a present for him, he runs off to work feeling snubbed.

Jung-bong monopolizes the phone at his house calling Mi-ok, though she doesn’t answer. He takes out a chocolate bar with a love letter written inside, asking her for a date at their coffee shop (naming the first floor this time, ha). The letter is ridiculously cheesy: He suggests Viennese coffee for the date, names Vienna as the capital of Austria, and calls her the capital of his heart. Pffft.

Mi-ok’s scary dad answers the phone instead, so Jung-bong hangs up in a fright and runs to the bus stop to catch Deok-sun before she goes to school and asks her to give the chocolate to Mi-ok.

Jung-hwan makes sure to ask the bus driver to wait until she can get on, and though he doesn’t give up his seat for her, he does get up immediately when a grandpa gets on the bus. He stands behind Deok-sun the whole way and is bothered by her not holding onto something, finally taking her hand and putting it on a handle himself.

Taek’s dad worries that Sun-woo’s mom is overworking herself with extra shifts on the weekends, but she’s just happy to get more work and thanks him for watching Jin-ju. Jung-hwan’s dad comes by with one of those spring bars that are impossible to squeeze together and suggests that Taek’s dad should exercise too, and Taek’s dad shames him by squeezing it like it’s made of paper.

Taek has agreed to the interview, but when it begins, his teacher sighs to see that the reporter totally lied—there are cameras in Taek’s face, a video camera, and the reporter right away starts asking about Taek’s family life instead of sticking to baduk.

Jung-hwan’s mom nags Dad for hopping around on the stairs at night, even though she’s the one who nagged him to go outside and exercise. She yells at him to stop before he gets hurt… and then he calls out to her seconds later, splayed out at the bottom of the stairs. Ouch. Mom screams and goes running over.

Dong-ryong goofs off while the other boys in his class study, and Sun-woo reminds them about getting together tomorrow before Taek leaves for China. Dong-ryong wonders if maybe he could just get Taek to get him a job somewhere, but Jung-hwan says Taek hates asking and giving favors more than anything.

Deok-sun struggles with math but refuses to give up trying to understand it, and asks her deskmate to be patient with her and asks for help.

Sun-woo’s mom is on edge that night when she walks home from work, and she jumps at the sound of a motorcycle passing by her. But when she looks up, Taek’s dad is waiting for her at the corner so he can walk her home. Awww, I knew you’d show up and be all swoony!

Jung-hwan’s dad is screaming in pain in the emergency room, but the hospital happens to be backed up with a sudden accident in the area and they’re forced to wait. Taek’s dad runs over there and then calls Deok-sun’s mom to let her know that Jung-hwan’s dad broke his back.

Deok-sun’s dad wonders why there’s never a quiet day in their neighborhood. He yelps when Mom throws his dress shirt in the trash bin, but she tells him he’s worn it long enough and points to a gift box sitting on the shelf.

Taek’s baduk teacher mutters to his assistant that he’s done for, because it’s been hours and the reporters are just now packing up their things to leave. Teacher looks forlornly over at Taek, who’s on the phone, and is convinced that Taek will never speak to him again.

Jung-hwan’s mom is at her wit’s end trying to get a doctor to stop and help her husband, but the ER staff is shocked when the assistant chief of their hospital comes down and says he’ll do the surgery himself. They’re all surprised, but grateful.

Deok-sun’s dad opens up the gift box to find a shiny new white dress shirt and beams proudly. Mom asks why he ran off in such a hurry this morning, and we see that Bora gave the gift to Mom and asked her to give it to Dad.

Mom wonders if Dad and Bora don’t get along because they’re so similar (well duh!), but again Dad swears that he and Bora are close. When Bora comes home, Dad timidly thanks her for the shirt and says he’ll wear it well, and she just nods before heading to her room.

All the neighborhood dads are there at the hospital while Jung-hwan’s dad is in surgery, and Jung-hwan is the last to arrive. Mom assures him that Dad will be fine, and when the nurse comes by with some more forms, Mom asks her how the assistant chief came to do the surgery himself.

The nurse says that it was at the request of their hospital director, who’s a big baduk fan. When Choi Taek called personally and asked him to take care of his family member, the director saw to Jung-hwan’s dad’s surgery immediately.

Everyone’s jaws drop, and in flashback we see that Taek’s dad called Taek at the training center, and that Taek had asked for the hospital director’s number so he could make the call directly. Aw. Jung-hwan’s mom looks over at Taek’s dad like he’s the sweetest man in the world. Which he is.

Taek’s teacher shuffles his feet nervously waiting for Taek to tell him off, but all Taek does before he leaves for the night is hand him an envelope of money so that he can take the staff out. Taek says that they work so hard and he never has a chance to do something nice for them, and Teacher smiles gratefully.

Mom sends Jung-hwan home because there’s not enough room for them all to spend the night at the hospital. Jung-hwan stands outside on the street instead of going in though, because he’s waiting for Taek to come home.

Taek arrives looking exhausted as usual, and is glad to hear that Jung-hwan’s dad is going to be okay. As they walk home, Jung-hwan says, “Thanks… for today.” Taek just smiles like it’s no big deal.

Jung-hwan is the first person to notice that Taek’s shoelaces have been untied (for days now), and stoops down to tie them. Taek thanks him with a smile and they walk home side by side at the end of a really long day.

Deok-sun’s mom makes a mountain of Dad and Bora’s favorite dish, and Deok-sun frowns when Mom calls her Deok-sun again (instead of her college-hopeful name Soo-yeon) as she asks her to go deliver some around the neighborhood. Deok-sun nags Dong-ryong when she sees him running out for another motorcycle ride, but his parents aren’t home and he’s sure he won’t get caught.

Dad makes repeated attempts to put food on Bora’s plate, but she tells him to just eat and not concern himself with her, and Mom looks over at them with a sigh. They really are like two aliens when it comes to showing affection.

Sun-woo asks Mom for some of the cucumber kimchi she made and is shocked that it tastes good. She happily calls out to Taek’s dad over the wall between their houses and invites him over for the cucumber kimchi she made (because he asked for it the other day), and he runs over excitedly.

As they wait for the others, Taek inspects the Monopoly-like board game they’re going to play and Sun-woo warns him not to memorize the cards. Taek nods dutifully. Taek asks Sun-woo what he’s supposed to do if he confesses his feelings to Deok-sun and she doesn’t believe him.

Sun-woo says that’s impossible because he can tell that Taek likes Deok-sun just by the way he looks at her. He says that you can always tell when someone likes someone by their eyes, because eyes don’t lie. Sun-woo says Taek’s eyes are especially like that, and then wonders how he gets by in baduk.

The phone rings, and Jung-hwan sounds panicked on the other end as he tells Sun-woo that he’s at the police station. Oh noes, Dong-ryong got into a motorcycle accident with their classmate and got caught riding without helmets.

The whole group rushes down to the police station, where thankfully both boys aren’t badly hurt. They’re just scraped up and scared, and Dong-ryong is most terrified that they called his mother, even wishing that they’d called Teacher Dad instead.

Both Mom and Dad arrive, and Dong-ryong squirms nervously in front of Mom. He says he’s sorry, and Mom tamps down her tears. She reaches over and Dong-ryong flinches expecting a hit… but she just pets him on the head lovingly and asks if he isn’t hurt.

He’s so shocked that he can barely answer, and Mom just squeezes his hand and says it’s okay as long as he isn’t hurt. Dong-ryong breaks down in tears.

At home, Mom makes him his favorite meal, and Dong-ryong almost looks happy when both Mom and Dad nag him not to ever ride a motorcycle again. Mom is running late and gets up to leave for work, and Dong-ryong mutters sadly under his breath that he hates to eat alone.

Mom feels a pang of guilt and sits back down at the table, and says she’ll stay until he’s done eating. Dong-ryong lights up and immediately starts jabbering to Mom about all the stuff that’s going on in the neighborhood, like he’s been dying to tell her and just never had the chance. Mom realizes that she never knew her youngest son was this talkative.

The gang gives Dong-ryong a beating for making them worry, and Dong-ryong shouts that he’s going to tell his mommy on them. They remind him that he was mad at his mom, but now he defends her, saying that Mom was just busy.

They finally get to play their board game, and of course Taek wipes the floor with all of them. I love that he’s a millionaire even in their board game world. Dong-ryong grouses at Sun-woo for teaching Taek the rules, but Sun-woo says he learned them on his own. Taek inspects all of his money and then asks why they’re missing a space travel chance card, because it never came up.

That’s because Jung-bong gave it away, of course, not that any of them know. And Jung-bong is downright giddy when he opens up Mi-ok’s book to find that she’s laminated the card and turned it into a bookmark.

Their outfits are strangely familiar, but then we see why when their foamy coffees arrive and Mi-ok ends up with a milk mustache. Jung-bong gets up and leans across the table to kiss the foam from her lips in a Secret Garden parody kiss.

Dong-ryong wants to dance and convinces Deok-sun to join him, and Sun-woo smiles knowingly at Taek when he catches him laughing and smiling up at Deok-sun with those eyes he was talking about.

Taek smiles back sheepishly, but then something else catches his gaze… It’s Jung-hwan, with that same goofy loving expression on his face. Taek looks back and forth slowly between Deok-sun and Jung-hwan as the background goes silent and the truth sinks in: Jung-hwan has that unmistakable look in his eye. Aaaah, Taekie knows!

Sun-woo meets Bora for their big date, and she gives him a shirt that she bought with her first and last paycheck. She finally tells him about quitting her part-time job, and he admits that he’s childishly happy about getting to spend more time with her.

She then tells him the whole truth—that she’s going to start studying for the bar exam—and Sun-woo’s expression changes. He asks warily if that means they’re breaking up, and Bora asks why he’d say that. Well, at least she didn’t come here to break up, which is what I expected. Sun-woo doesn’t look reassured though, and honestly, neither does Bora.


It was nice to focus on Dong-ryong today, and though his character arc has always been more simplistic than the others, it was still really great to see him make up with his mom and get just that tiny ounce of attention he so desperately craved from her. I love the way his friends always show up for him too, whether he’s run away from home or being held at the police station, because he just seems like a kid who needs affection. Bora and Dad’s running problem with affection was touching too, mostly because it’s a very realistic portrayal of an awkward and restrained parent-child relationship, though it happens more often between fathers and sons. It’s not a serious problem, but it’s sweet that they both try and fail so miserably at it, despite loving each other no less than anyone else. And I thought it said a lot about her when she admitted to being jealous that expressing affection came so easily to Deok-sun.

I was actually most moved by Deok-sun today, in her scene with Mom at school. I didn’t expect her to care about college, but I think it was feeling like she’d disappointed Mom that got to her. There’s just something about her middle-child, not-so-bright, more-average-than-average character that I really love. She just seems like a true everygirl, someone you could meet in real life who doesn’t know what she wants or what she’s good at, but just doesn’t want to disappoint her parents. I like that her self-discovery is just as important as who she marries, and that we’re made to root for her to realize her own strengths and find her own path, no matter how unconventional.

Today’s episode felt a little slow, though not in the moment-by-moment, since all the little scenes were cute and fun—it’s just that there wasn’t much change happening in the overall picture, so by the time it was done, I realized that nothing had changed since last week. I found myself actually wanting Bora and Sun-woo to break up to inject a little drama into the episode by the end. If Taek or Jung-hwan or JUST SOMEBODY doesn’t do a thing to advance a loveline soon, it actually won’t matter who the husband is because no one will care. I mean, I actually really appreciate that the husband-hunting isn’t made into a big deal in Answer Me 1988 (and am greatly relieved, in fact), but I think there’s a lot that can happen character-wise that doesn’t have to make me feel like the plot was at a standstill. Okay, so there were still really lovely moments between Sun-woo and Taek’s dad, like that game of catch. I think Taek’s dad’s loveline was actually the one that advanced the most today, so he gets a gold star for being awesome. Will ya maybe sit the other boys down and give them a good talking-to about wooing the girl next door? I mean, who knew you’d be better at it than they are?

In the very least, I’m glad that Taek now knows about Jung-hwan’s feelings. That moment was really well played, and I like that Taek discovered this on his own rather than having to be told. Though if that makes him hesitate as much as Jung-hwan, I’m going to pitch a fit because somebody needs to confess up in here. I understand all the reasons they’re hesitating and scared, but at this point I just want them to get it out there and deal with the aftermath. And obviously I want to know how Deok-sun feels in all this, so someone’s gotta pull that trigger. Hell, maybe she can confess first and shut them both up for good. You know, I like that idea a lot actually.

I do love Jung-hwan and Taek’s friendship though, so it’s not like I don’t feel the pangs when Jung-hwan sees them together or when Taek discovers the way Jung-hwan looks at her when he thinks no one’s watching. What makes the conflict work is their bond as friends, like the way Jung-hwan takes care of Taek and notices every little thing like his untied shoelaces. Or the way Taek doesn’t hesitate to sell his name and do a thing he normally hates without a second thought when Jung-hwan’s dad needs surgery. It makes me less worried about this look on Taek’s face. A little.


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Wooooohooooo it's heerreeeee! I refreshed this website for waaayyyy too many times :D


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Yeah me too... been waiting since this morning. I even watched the episode raw... heheh


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I watched it raw too!!!


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Same here. At this rate, I'm going to end up learning Korean.


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LOL, same here. After I read dramabeans, then I rewatch it again.


Same hereeeeeeeee!!!!!


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I'm worried about Taek though. I hope he's not going to be deeply hurt when JH and DS ship sailed


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it is a moment where he would need a big brother *khmm*


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I think Taek would take it like a man...sort of.


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Alright!!!! it's finally here....


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The way these friends always show up for each other, rain or shine—it makes me genuinely envious that I didn’t live on one street my entire life.

This is also how I felt watching those five friends. For someone who had moved around more than five times since 5 (and went to 5 different elementary schools in the process), I so envy them...


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I want to live on that street too! And make friends with the other ahjummas and have my children be friends with their children!


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Not just the 5 friends. It's everybody on this street.

Instead of swooning over the OTP (whoever it may be), I totally swoon over the friendships. So much more touching.


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@ KDaddict?JCW

Yes. I love everyone on the street. <3


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I think GF means 5 families, not only 5 friends.


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he knoOoOoOoOOoOOoooows!!!!! will be interesting to see taek's reaction to this discovery (will he back down or fight for the gurl? most likely fight but y'no). but since the husband is most likely jungpal anyway... they need to seriously dedicate more time to flesh out that relationship. i definitely on the junghwan x deoksun (... sooyeon?) ship but they've been lacking screen time for the last few eps. i mean, why the husband hunt when there aint no romance?

thanks girlfriday! ?


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or perhaps Taek goes on to date girls and becomes the person we see later.

But I don´t care. just please keep him well and safe.


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I'm actually expecting that to happen..... But only the r1988 production knows how it gonna ends......


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Yes. Please just keep him happy and safe.
But I feel like Junghwan is too obvious of a choice. People see the future husband and think that it MUST be Junghwan...but the 1988 writers could just be messing with us. Maybe it's taekie after all. Who knows.


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or funnier still.. if they troll us and it's truly dongryul HAHA


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Yeah, DongRyl and the future husband has the same hairstyle and features...


I read a comment online that actor who plays the adult husband stated he was not told who the husband would be, so he just played the husband how he wanted to.


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I agree with you. I never think the producers would make the show that predictable. Taek would date other girls before become DS's husband


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I want Taekie to have a girl who makes him smile ever so widely, like he does when he looks at DS. But maybe when he is in love, he automatically smiles like that, i.e. it isn't exclusive to DS.


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Omg me too . I was literally refreshing every second


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Less husband hunting shouldn't mean less development or a standstill of situation of emotions. I might just be beyond frustration and just am bored now. I notice the episode length for all the bad reasons. There is no more fired up excitement; it is more like a constant malaise of obligatory sertlement to see this story through. Be competitive Taek in love if that instills some action to this hamster wheel of first crush hem hawing.


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Same here ? hard to beat this addiction


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I wasn't sure if you were going to write a recap, being Christmas and all, but I'm so glad!
I wish the drama would have stuck with the friendship aspect instead of giving us this love triangle, because it just makes it difficult, I can't watch ether of the boys be heartbroken and possibly their friendship be affected. My question is now what is Taek going to do, is he going to hold off? Or will he confess?
My guess is that he will hold off and no one will get anything out until the last episode, because the way this is going, I have a feeling people won't confess until ep 20...(hopefully I'm mistaken).


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Thanks girlfriday!;) i love your recaps. Go Taek!;)


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Oh man, I'm really hoping Taek takes it up a notch. Not nastily - just that the crush on DS he's been back-burnering needs to come up his list of priorities.

I just love how he's absent-minded and a little hapless, but the boy comes through when he's needed and he has not been hiding his feelings from DS at all. Your first crush is not always the right one, DS!


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Agree. We see a lot of Taek’s maturity in this episode — from taking care of his teacher/staff to taking care of Jung Hwan’s dad’s surgery. It isn’t normal for a 19-year-old to think of the welfare of the people working for him as teenagers are normally self centered still, but instead of being angry for that interview, he even realized how hard his teacher/staff have been working and decided to give them money to treat them. Taek really is mature beyond his 4 friends because he has been operating in an adults’ world since he dropped out of high school.


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agree with all the lovely things pointed out in recap but really will someone please do SOMETHING to advance our (supposedly) main loveline?!



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go for it Taeki go for it!!!! aha. :)


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Go Team Taek!!!


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finally some normality. see, Dad and Bora, this is what people are like. Everyone else is some kind of elves. everyone in my country is just like Dad and Bora about showing emotions. I don´t know what the deal is with hugs, why do people feel like that´s a must? To mark territory? normal awkkwardness for the win.

aww Taekie and Jung-Hwan, I hope you two won´t out-idiot each other. I want everyone to find happiness and Taek to be well and healthy.


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As much as I loved dis series I wish dey move forward with the romance..I know romance is not the key story here(for which I'm greatly relieved)but come on guys it's CONFESS TIME...doooo it...we can see sumthin...


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Honestly, I'm not too worried that Taek will be hesitating (and creating a standstill), in fact, the opposite is more likely. I like that gaze (... I love and understand JH, but enough is enough). He is a player and competitive.. He also doesn't know that JH is aware and almost confessed his own feelings.

It was nice to see DR get some love and attention from his mom. And lastly, DS and mom was just so relatable. Because you can see that DS doesn't seem that into going to college but it's the disappointment and the 'did you give up on me?' line that hurt.


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Last look, some lawyer Min


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hmm, yeah, there is a little.


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That would be a massive, massive twist. Heh.


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I've only just realized how completely thrown I would be if SIG and PBG showed up in the same scene on this show. It wouldn't make a ton of sense, since PBG's character is a decade older than SIG's and they have very little reason to cross paths, but I think my brain would break a little.


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I would dance on the roof for that to happen. and he could be Taek `s competitor and play baduk with him but how would these guys stop themselves from grinning wide?


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Aahaha...it'd be like the dark sides of the Reply series....


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It does give some chills, doesn't it?
But somehow it's a bit different from the lawyer's, I can't quite pinpoint it. Is it the eyes?
I really admire Bo gum's acting!


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I think I was so mesmerised by his eyes that I just paused at that scene and stared for a long while. I was trying to pin point why it gave such an impact. Is it the lighting? Is it the subtle change in emotions on PBG's face? Am I the weird one here?


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no, you aren`t weird. his micro-expressions are of a different class what makes it different from Min is that he had the same look in that private room where he prepared for a match.


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yes, it's like a... calculating stare. I can almost hear wheels clicking in his head.


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Actually, for some reason, I find that really attractive. Some actors do it better than others. The American actor, James Spader, is also really good at doing this - he can look at a person, say something, and you can tell he's already thinking something else (usually setting another plan in motion). It's sexy as hell.


It takes attractive to a whole different level.

Yep, sexy is the word :-D


You're not weird at all. He's really good at showing you that a thought is crossing his mind.


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I agree with the James Spader thing @dramapanda. There is just something about a smart brain that makes you sexy.

Well, he is a Baduk player, Taek knows how to strategize and out-think his opponent. Like SunWoo's mom said, he's competitive. I'm hoping he'll be straight with JungHwan, because really, I'm getting really antsy about JungHwan swallowing his feelings all the time.

If you snooze, you lose JungHwan. Move it boy. You got to earn love.


I like Reddington.


oh my god?!?!?!?! THAT'S CREEPY AS HECK


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I would love to see taek be competitive when it comes to DS. When I think about it, it actually fits his character well. Competitiveness has always been in his nature and this show has emphasized that a few times. It'll give this show a much need forward push if he actively pursued DS now knowing that JH likes her too. I wouldn't dislike him, if anything I'll like him more. Just gimme some love triangle process ASAP!


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Yes I would love to see that too. It doesn't only fits his character, but I don't think the writer will give us TWO noble idiots and let us dwell on that till the end of the series (I'm only 90 percent sure, though LOL, the possibility is still there).

Guess we'll see tonight, huh? Or two weeks from now?


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I just can't see him stepping back. He's so competitive and while he wouldn't be ruthless, it's hard to imagine him giving up without having tried his best.

Taek's been content to have been mothered a bit by everyone else, but does he really get pushed into things he doesn't want to do? And it's not like he's in everyone else's debt, he pulls his weight in that group. Also he's rich! There's genuinely no reason he would cede the position to JH in a bout of noble idiocy.

Hoping for a fair fight on this one, possibly through Taek just laying out the board for DS and calmly telling her about her options. And I really want DS to understand that Taek's bouts of weird maturity are not flukes - he is much, much more adult than she thinks.


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Yes, it'll be refreshing and will give the main love line a much needed forward push if he continued with his plan to confess despite knowing about JH's feelings.

However, I'd like it if they show how Taek came to that conclusion after giving it a thought, carefully and strategically weighing between the options, because a baduk stone placed in the same spot at different times could very well make all the difference between winning and losing (the lesson we got from his match this episode).


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I hope Taek makes the first move and I hope JH knows that Taek is doing it despite knowing that JH also likes Doeksun. Maybe he'll finally wise up and realize that his noble idiocy is not winning him any points with anyone.


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I love this episode despite the seemingly standstill. I think Taek's discovery is a big step forward in the love's story.


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Aw poor taek!
Dont worry if deok sun wont choose you....noona is right here ready to give lots of hugs and kisses...

And lol at secret garden's foam kiss parody.....made me miss that drama so much....hyun bin for the love...


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Junghwan & Taek shipper here!!!

screw Deoksun! hahaha


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My favourite scene of this episode is JH and Taek thanking each other and walking home together. They may as well have been holding hands. That's how it looks to me anyway :)


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haha, same here


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YESS.. kept waiting for Taekie to collapse on JungHwanie's shoulder like cmon boys!! They are just too cuute & need to be together caring for each other & their Deokie.. ? #TeamOT3 forever!!! ???


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Finally, it's out! Been refreshing this since morning. Judging from the preview, we will finally see someone fighting for the girl. Now it all depends whether Duk Seon/ Soo Yeon accept his heart... #TeamDukSeon


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I laughed too hard at the secret garden parody


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Nice episode though .................... First of all, that kim joo won - Gil Ra im foam kiss stolen moment ............... Hillarious !!! couldn't stopped laughing after all... Hahaha

Second ........... Well, with Deok Sun uncertain feeling of both boys and now Taek new invention of Jung Hwan feeling ... its like watching a sport game with 0 - 0 score... The opponents parties are standing head to head with 'almost' same conditions is very interesting to watch ...

Hopefully, she will find someone that could both support and love her and a place to lean on with, vice versa, after all its heart wrenching to have no one next to you when you needed them most ...


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As you narrated above, Taek is getting competitive sometimes. What if knowing Jung Hwan feeling towards Deok Sun just become big green signal to confess Deok Sun ASAP. This loveline runs on turtle speed or even snail. Papa bear even gets medal for get a girl he wants.


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I kept refreshing also!

Thank you for posting the recap. I remember Like An Indian Doll because FinKL did it in their remake album.


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I don't know why but I stopped watching after episode 10 and only stick to the review here.

I love the story and it's great but my heart is hurting whenever I see Jung Hwan and his noble idiocy act :(

I wish to see the story progress in the next episodes... :( Only 5 episodes left.....


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Thanks for the recap! Even though it is xmas. Best present! Man, I am loving some of these side story lines. Bora has really grown and fleshed out as a character. And I love the taek's dad and sun-woo's mom arc. Sooooo cute. I am okay with the main story line being held off for the next weekend. I don't think we need more than 2-3 episodes to develop the relationship, after all... lifelong friends.


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Oh my god...the way they had Taek discover Junghwan's feelings was PERFECT. I love this show!!!

But I totally agree-at this point, I could care less about who she ends up with because they aren't selling it. I'm afraid it might be too late for me at this point.


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This show just reminds me of my high school years. Had tonnes of crushes but never had the guts to confess. I was happy just seeing them, yes, them, around. That is why even though as a viewer, this show is quite slow in the romance department for DS, JH and Taek, it's believable to me. They are good friends, and they also have a looming important examination that would determine their future. Is it worth the risk to date?

P.S. PBG's nose seems to have a little dent. Is this due to an accident or something?


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It's the way it is I suppose...natural. Park Shin Hye's nose is also the same... Once I thought they are siblings because of the nose.


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Since I don't care about the husband is I always love watching this drama. How naturally the relationship between family and friend. Its make me sit comfortably like watching Misaeng which no loveline.

Again we know that its about husband hunting, and its so slow for main loveline. So hopelly Shin PD will give us spin-off one full episode new drama of Deoksun & Husband. Haha

Thanks for recaps, its best Christmas present ever ?


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Totally agree. I enjoy the main love line, but more because of how it informs the friendships. And I love the friendships in this drama


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Ok, this is me watching this episode:

Awww….Dad oppa-ya is just too cute…

…and he’s good at baseball! *stars flying out from eyes*

Just give her your damn jacket, JH!! Aiishh…

Aaww… look at DS taking care of her Taekie…she loves him, but what kind of love? When will she know? When will WE know??

*cries with DS & mom*

Ahahahaha *at dad oppa-ya squeezing the spring bars like its a piece of cake*

Aaawwww….swoon… *at oppa-ya walking SW’s mom home”

D’aaawwww….dad oppa-ya is really the sweetest man in the world *eyes shoot hearts again*

*breathes deeply* Prepare for the upcoming storm, you two (at JH tying Taek’s shoelaces)

Aaawww….DR gets his moment with mommy…it’s about time..

Ahahahaha (at the foam kiss)

YES! Taek knows! But NOOOOO, he knowwwss???? *hears someone’s heart (or many hearts) breaking*

Well, all in all, it was quite a light episode, but many heartfelt moments, as always.
I hope Taek's realization moment really sets up the base for this storyline to move forward. As much as I'm not focusing on the husband game, this really raises the interesting factor a notch higher. I would love to see competitive Taek not only in front of the baduk board but also in front of the girl he likes. Soon, I hope...


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Bora is so relatable . Even I'm awkward around people and everyone finds me scary . But that's just the way I am .


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Seriously!! it's this drama and Yoon Seung Ho's REMEMBER that keeps me waiting all day and night. Yed it was really satisfying to see Dong ryong's back story even if they have been showing us it in fragments. I was like Awwwww finally dong ryong made up with his omma~


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OMG that scene where Junghwan sees Deoksun's crying in the stairway and hesitate to comfort her when suddenly Taek appears!

Junghwan's love for Deoksun is strong, indeed, but his love for Taek is even stronger... We all can see from his eyes that he badly wanna comfort Deoksun (especially when she cries), but he hold it all in and freakin hesitating bcs he knows Taek's feeling for her, and he worships their friendship just as much. But dude, just how much longer will you hesitate?!

Meanwhile, Taek's not hesitate at all at expressing his own true feelings for Deoksun (mainly bcs at this moment he doesn't know about Junghwan's crush yet) but well, at some point he can be so childish-- he only needs Deoksun to fulfill his own needs, like a mother. I mean.... he clearly saw Deoksun's tears in her eyes but what did he do? Making Deoksun his pillow to comfort him from his lost game once again?

Ugh I love these 2 boys but they both can be so fckin annoying at the same time!


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maybe taek said something to DS while his head is on her...just maybe


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i agree with your point....Junghwan saw Deoksun crying and couldn't control himself and was about to go to her...he stopped at last min.after seeing Taek.....but what bothered me more was that Taek clearly saw her crying...and even though he was all tired and stuff he didn't even bother to ask her what happened to her....this makes him come of as a person who will make Deoksun feel lonely in a relationship (if they ever even have a relationship...which i highly doubt with this snail paced progress) because she will always have to put up a strong front in front of him, rather than sharing her own difficulties, like she did today.


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Im team taek all the way...
If jung hwan dont have the guts to confess his feelings to the girl then too bad for him....

So what if deok sun like jung hwan at first...love can change....love can shift...remember that deok sun got a crush on sun woo at the start...

Taek, if he play his cards right, can really get the girl...

Go team Taek!!!!


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Is this really finishing at 20 episodes? It really does feel slow. Every time Junghwan gave one of his 'looks' I just wanted to throw something at the screen because there's heartbreaking, and then there's just frustrating. (Oh, I think it would be worse if this was real life, because I certainly was, but I mean - for the drama's sake.) The preview, though obviously not to be trusted, really does show the difference between JH and Taek.

The small moments were nice. Obvious, and needless cuts, but nice nonetheless. I really liked that moment with Taek giving over the envelope of money, even though the repeated 'Taek's going to hate this I'm dead' was tiring.

Perhaps I would like this series better if this was a daily drama heh. A daily drama with 1000 episodes.

+ I wonder what has happened to the present scenes. They should've either kept them constant or not have had them at all. I think it would've been nice to see an older Sunwoo by now, at least. Or even a grown up (wow ok ahjumma) Jinju, hehehehe.

Thanks for the recap!


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glad that taek found out but still frustrated to see the love line standing still.


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What if Taek and Jung Hwan both go the noble idiocy path and Dong Ryong ends up the husband? -_- Him and Deok Sun are getting a lot of scenes together lately, and we also got some skinship, albeit forced, in this episode? :')

I hope we advance in the love triangle tonight!! And also have some clues for the kids' future careers. What will become of DS of she can't go to college? :(


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ever since the olympics episodes, i've wondered whether deok-sun will end up becoming famous. her prettiness is frequently mentioned, and i thought there might have been a bit of foreshadowing today when she told her dad she would earn heaps of money and buy them all a huge house. there's also the fact that in the present day, she (or someone else) appears to be the subject of an interview. just a thought! i'm just curious to know what paths these kids will pursue once they leave high school, though that means the show would almost be ending...!

loving this show more and more with each week. i do agree that it feels a bit slow on the romance front—SOMEONE needs to do something—but i'm also just really happy with focusing on all the different friendships and bonds instead of solely on the main romance. this is what i hoped for from the beginning—just a good drama about people relationships—and that's what it's proving itself to be. this show is just as good as 1997, which is saying a lot, because i didn't think i'd like this show all that much at first—it's just good in a different way. more family centered. so much warmth.

i'm so envious of the bonds and friendships on that street. everyone is so solidly THERE for each other. there's no behind-the-scenes badmouthing or jealousy. everyone is genuinely happy for each other when good things happen to one of them, they are genuinely concerned for each other, they help each other out in both big and small ways. they're what a family should be like, and they're not even family. not to mention the friendships. if you had even one out of five of those friendships you'd be pretty damn lucky, but they've each got each other. not to mention they've also got their own individual families and those families all look out for all those kids as if they were their own too.

i don't know if this sort of thing really is representative of korea in the eighties, but it's really nice and heartwarming to watch.


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I'm really happy Dong Ryong finally got his day. It's nice to see more of his story, and finally he gets a bit of attention. He's slowly crept into my heart too - the group needs his mischievousness and his silliness!

I really enjoyed the bits with Taek's Dad too - that yes, he may wear a bobble on his hair, but he has a mean pitching arm and is STRONG. It's really nice to see things shaping up for him and Sun Woo's mum. Go, Sun Woo - for moving past his own issues and trying to welcome Taek's Dad in.

Also, there were just many little touches in scenes this episode that were delightful. When Dong Ryong's dad strode into the police station, all the kids took a big step backwards - that's how scared they are of him. Hahaha. Also love the mum's doing their noodle shop thing, and Jung Hwan's mum always leaving the change.

It's also nicely shown the difference between the two sisters. One has confidence in her studies, but wishes she's as easy to warm to as her sister, whereas Doek Sun is well-liked, but wishes she could do better in school. It was an interesting portrayal to see how two sisters can be that different in a family, and it's probably why they tend to fight so much in their youth.

How cool is Taek, really? He has the cache to call on the assistant head surgeon, and can beat them all at his first go at Monopoly. And he still remains really sweet and unassuming with his friends. I just wish he didn't always come home looking so drained.


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ok, I will dance on the roof AND donate my favorite book to charity if only Seo In Guk would cameo in the same scene with Bogummy


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Taek' love for Ds is not a puppy love per se. he has met more girls than other boys in the group, he understands he is very popular with girls,,, with his peculiar way of picking a girl he somehow chose DS. it is not because he grew up together so he only knew her. this is not just a temporary and ordinary youth crush. Sad thing is that he is always tired and busy with his work so no good time to confess.
I always wonder If Ds had introduced her friends to Taek, they would have told her that he really likes her... then things might have turned quite differently,,,, it is Her fault that she is so ptrotective (shall I say quite possessive )for Taek?!


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Junghwan, I'm rooting for you! But seriously, you need to confess and make Deoksun choose between you guys. Poor Deoksun. You break her heart. Please stop this noble idiocy.


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Nice little throwback moment - we played that triangle game in school too!


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I have a strong feeling that there's going to be a confrontation scene of Jung Hwan by Taek which might be accidentally heard or seen by Deok Sun, when there will be no need for them to confess at all, but even then there will be a self confession of Deok Sun... It would be wonderful if my imagination turns out into a scene...


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thanks for wonderful recap... I am really appreciate it.
I hope uri Taek get Deoksun, he very sharp and direct, He will fight for his feeling. Ok Master Taek this time heat the engine and run at full speed


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I hope Taek confesses because I deaperately need this romance to move forward already.

And writer-nim, stop making Jung-hwan so frustratingly quiet. If you don't plan to make him endgame, at least don't make his journey one without a fight. We all know he's king of efforts before he knew about Taek's feelings. Don't let that go to waste.


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Can anyone explain why Jung-hwan's nickname is Jung-pal, or why Taek's nickname is Choi Ee-dong?


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Jung-hwan is called Jung-pal, meaning Jung the Dog. Doek Sun mentions this at the beginning of the show as she describes that he is "not quite human yet". I take that to mean that as a teenage boy, he's a bit brusque, aloof and seemingly not very warm - like how he is with his father at the beginning of the show.

Taek's nickname is Hee Dong, which is named after a cartoon character.

Heedong (Korean: 희동) came to live with Uncle Kildong after his parents went abroad to study. He misses his mom everyday, but feels utterly entertained by Dooly the Brother. Thanks to the excessive amounts of time he spends with Dooly, he isn't afraid of anything. He is also really good at biting someone or scratches them when they make him mad. He has broken Douner's Time Cosmos' Spaceship.

Apparently, Doek Sun is sometimes called Dooly.


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Heedong is a famous 80s cartoon character from "My Friend Dooly." There are many reference to this catoon in the drama, especially the character of Heedong(Taek).

First of all, Dooly lives in Ssangmoon, which is the neighborhood of Reply88. The name of the local convenience store in the neighborhood is Dooly Super(market). Jinjoo watches Dooly on TV and she exclaims "Kantapiya!"(famous line from the cartoon) Deoksun is sometimes called Dooly. The gang of five friends are often referred as Doolydul(the plural of Dooly). Taek's Dad's nickname is Ko Kildong. The kids sometimes call him Kildong Ajussi. Kildong is the uncle of Heedong. Heedong is a toddler whose parents are away so he is like a half-orphan. He came to live with his uncle Kildong, and meets Dooly. Dooly takes good care of Heedong and they become inseparable. Heedong is only a baby and appears to be cute, sweet and vulnerable but very clever and competitive. Under extreme circumstances he shows his almost super-natural power in combat. Heedong's nicknames are "super baby" and "pacifier of horror" The writer of Dooly once mentioned in an interview that Heedong has somewhat autistic tendencies altho not so apparent in the cartoon.


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I stay and live for the moments like this <3
I somehow forget all his shortcomings with cute scenes like this.


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