Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol: Episodes 15-16 Open Thread (Final)

As Do Do Sol Sol wraps up its final week, we’re met with a surge of hope and romance as we uncover a final secret and try to determine whether our couple will be together again. Then, the drama throws all its wonderful underpinning right out the back door with one of the worst endings I could ever imagine. Anyone have a sharp object I can hurl at my screen? I threw all of mine already.


I must start out by saying how much I loved this drama. It holds some of the sweetest and dearest moments in dramaland that I’ve seen in a while, and every character in Eunpo is so warm and wonderful. I will cherish the sweetness.

Much can be (and is!) forgiven in a drama that you love — random stalkers, underage hero reveals, uptight parents that rip apart made-in-heaven couples, wedding fake-outs, and more. I can forgive it all, because of how darling these characters are, and how much I love watching them. But do you know what I can’t forgive? Being jerked around in the final episode of a drama. Being fed a truly heartbreaking plot line for thirty minutes only to have it taken back in the last five, with no explanation whatsoever. Show, I simply cannot let this malfeasance slide.

Before we get to The Ending That Should Not Be, let’s run through the earlier action, because there’s a lot that’s rewarding and meaningful before everything goes to hell in handbasket.

The last quarter of Do Do Sol Sol has been full of pranks and tricks, most of which have been fun, though not exactly essential. The same lies in store with Joon and Lala’s recent breakup. All of Eunpo is reeling, but Lala has a sudden eureka moment that changes everything. She suddenly remembers meeting Joon in a coffee shop the day she lost her wallet to the stalker dude. It turns out she and Joon had a first adorable encounter there (squee level 10/10), and there was definitely something between them, but fate parted them.

But here’s the big twist: the coffee shop’s name was Dodosolsollalasol. What! All of a sudden it all comes together for Lala, and she realizes that it’s been Joon all along that was her secret benefactor and friend. It’s a little far-fetched, but I’m game — it fits and I actually love it.

Thankfully, this fact is enough for Lala to realize Joon’s heart toward her, and she messages Dodosolsollalasol, indicating she’s learned the truth. Cue yet another adorable meeting full of love confessions and togetherness. This really feels like their home stretch. We’re clued into the fact that the airport departure and dating were all fake-outs designed to make their break-up more realistic for Lala, but now that it’s in the open they can just be together, right?

Not so. One might ask why is Joon so intent on breaking the heart of his beloved. Well, his scattered nosebleeds take on an ominous meaning, and Joon is swiftly diagnosed with acute leukemia. His diagnosis shatters him and his family, and his mother softens, and lets him go to Eunpo to see Lala before they leave for the U.S. for treatment.

I hate everything about this diagnosis, and also find it inessential to the plot, but surely the drama has plans for something good to come out of it? Also, Joon and Lala are just every bit as cute as ever — exchanging couple rings, reliving all their cutest moments — I’m basically a puddle. Can we just end the drama here, with them cozied up in Lala Land?

No, we can’t. Instead, Joon continues to lie to Lala and goes to the U.S. to “study.” They text and call sweetly, but it’s hard to get behind this. It’s the most awful lie you can tell to someone you love, I think. But, I’m trying. I want to believe.

Lala plans a delightful Christmas concert for Eunpo at Lala Land. Joon is supposed to visit on his break, and they plan to play a duet after which Lala plans to propose. Be still my heart! The concert is as precious as we would expect, and all of her students play, but Joon doesn’t turn up. Instead, Lala plays along to a video recording of Joon playing. Haraboji cries, being the only person to know the truth. I’m getting a sinking feeling.

After everyone’s gone home, Lala is still waiting for Joon and his delayed plane. Instead of a jetlagged Joon, though, his mother comes in the front door instead. She looks mighty grim and is wearing something very funereal. She’s gentle about it, but essentially tells Lala that Joon had been dying of leukemia and that… yeah, he’s already dead. The recent text messages were from her, not Joon. The video of his piano performance was recorded months ago.

As can be expected, Lala loses it. It’s the most horrible kind of heartbreak mixed with an almost unbearable outrage — imagine not knowing the person you love has died? That they were sick for months and you never knew? That everyone has been lying to you but now it’s too late? That you could have been a comfort to them and shared precious time together but it’s all been stolen from you? I can’t think of a more horrifying ordeal.

All of Eunpo reacts, and we get a really convincing look at each of our characters grieving over the news. Everyone from Dr. Cha to Ha-young to Seung-gi think back on Joon and his last words (unbeknownst to them) as they cry. It’s so totally heartbreaking and really does not fit the tone of this drama at all. A tragic death of this magnitude doesn’t belong in a fluffy romcom concerned with acts of love like growing romaine lettuce and sharing family china.

It’s not that I don’t like a ballsy move — I do. I’ve written about killing off heroes, and why and how it can be really effective. I’ve even argued that fake-out hero deaths in melos and more serious dramas should just be actual deaths, because if you need to land your story’s point, I think you should do it with your whole heart.

Well, it certainly feels like Do Do Sol Sol is doing just that. I feel robbed, sad, and kind of sick, but surely there’s a moral here they have been planning all along?

Hold onto your butts, though — it’s not over yet. We jump five years into the future, where Lala is still happily running Lala Land, Dr. Cha is back together with his ex-wife, and Ha-young and Seung-gi have an adorable baby and are squabbling like exhausted parents are expected to. Joon’s memory is cherished by everyone in town, and it’s quite touching… but what is the point of it? What did we gain from this gush of tragedy? I appreciate seeing that everyone is fine, but it still feels like something is missing.

One evening Lala plays the lovely piece that was Joon’s welcome home song. She/we remember him running up the hill to meet her… and then we see non-dead Joon doing just that. Wait, what?!

They share a teary embrace and immediately go to the hilltop where they’ve had all their heart-to-hearts. Lala is crying her eyes out in shock as one would expect in such a situation, and asks if Joon is a ghost. He kisses her to prove he’s not a ghost. Then, to explain The Cruelest Lie in History and his five-year absence, he merely says, “I wanted to return after I was fully recovered.” And then the drama is over. Yes, really.

So, Joon did not die. Instead, he and his mother lied to the woman he loves, putting her through an unthinkable agony, only to turn up and laugh on the hilltop when they reunite and Lala is hysterical crying. I can’t buy for a second that the sweet and devoted Joon would have actually done any of this. Also, his mother must be utterly soulless.

Leaving a drama feeling like you could punch through a wall can be a good, cathartic feeling when the drama is just that affecting, and the emotions transfer onto you that strongly. But leaving a drama wanting to punch through a wall because you feel that you as a viewer, and the story as an entity, have just been shamelessly abused? That’s another thing entirely.

Show, I will never forgive you for this tomfoolery. You’ve just handed me one of the worst endings I’ve ever seen, taking the worst possible route, and the weakest. Either have Joon die and use it to teach us all something, or just don’t bother taking us on this meaningless, useless, and unexplained death fake-out. Better yet, cut out his entire illness plot arc, and let us see their relationship mature, and see Lala win over his family. That would have fit. That would have been enjoyable, in-character, and consistent with the drama’s tone.

Alas, bad endings are bad endings — and there’s no way to sugar coat this one. All the joy I got from this drama has been overshadowed by this piss-poor ending. Hopefully that will change with time, and I’ll be able to remember Eunpo with a smile, like I want to. Indeed, this was one of my favorite drama settings and drama couples of the year. But, until that happens, I’m desperately seeking anyone that found this ending remotely logical, or even slightly satisfying. Are you out there? Can you share any pearls of wisdom?


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I prefer to watch shows where the main couple stays together in the end ... no matter how unrealistic.

But man, I wish that boy just stayed dead!

Not only was he a minor, he stayed hidden for 5 years, and then he laughs when the girl is slightly upset? And why is she not madder? Like “throw him down the cliff” mad??

I would have accepted any other ending. Even if she ended up with mama’s boy who she was engaged to at the beginning. Show could have made him move to Eunpo, grow up, and woo the girl. Whatever.


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I would have accepted if he just died too! The lie about dying and coming back after five years is something I can never get over with.


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I'm still at episode 6 and now I know I don't have to continue watching. I've been basically trolling for comments before I watch a Kdrama 'cuz I have my fair share of disappointing endings. And most likely will continue to do so.


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I have not been this upset and disappointed by a finale since Game of Thrones. I have no words.


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I don't see the point in all of these smaller plotlines between episodes 15 to 16. Why couldn't they just be the cute dramas that they were in the beginning? This was going to be one of my all time favorite dramas if not for this...


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I think I blacked out for most of this show. It started out cute, but silly, then transitioned into eye-rolly and snoozeworthy. Yet... for some reason I kept with it. Must've been LJW's visuals and the fun, plucky townsfolk. This ending almost seems par for the course considering all the main plot devices used. Just surprised Writer-nim couldn't figure out how to throw in some good, ol fashioned amnesia in there.


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one of the weirdest K drama endings. So my thoughts, they really did kill him off and then because of the possible backlash.. the scrounged last minute to throw something together. This drama was really cute and steady until episode 13/14 then it got all weird and twisted.

This was a very bad ending, I was thrilled Joon was alive but how it was done was really messed up. I mean 5 years??!! Anyhow, I still love Lee Jae Wook so whatever..


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I'm totally, totally speechless about the ending. What happened? Was the original writer kidnapped by aliens something? WTF?! 😵😵 That was one of the most horrible endings in all my drama-watching career.


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Same sentiment here!!! Fudge, I am already crying in buckets here then you’ll find out that its a prankkkk!!!O my golly!! I was expecting a moral of the story cause I am very used to that kind of ending in kdramas and one of the reasons I am addicted to it, a good plot and the unpredictable ending. But to my dismay, I felt the story has thrown its beauty due to unjustified ending. I still couldn’t believe it would end that way. Nevertheless, LJW is still the best.


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This ending makes me grateful I never made it past episode 2


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I so agree with the recaps and everyone's comments. I know it's my fault, but I was really emotionally panicked by the last episodes. The last episode was 59 minutes of pure torture. At first I was greatly relived Jun was still alive, but like a parent finding his lost child in a mall I wanted to smack him. How in the world does someone be so cruel to the person he loves. Why does he have to be completely recovered, why not contact her when he knew he was sure to recover. I felt that the writer was just playing me. OK so maybe I being a happy-ending kind of person could of forgiven all the foolery, if we could spend a little time enjoying their reunion. A wedding maybe? I loved all the subplots and those endings. How could the ending for the main characters be so cruel, not make sense and the happy ending be so short and really not feel like a happy ending?


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Just finished watching this drama and I feel scammed. 😑


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I felt cheated by the show..oh my precious 16 hrs 😭😭😭😭😭 I stayed even when the show keep throwing senseless makjang tropes, esp the last 4 eps. I have thought that maybe leaving a message about someone can overcome the sadness of losing a loved one in this pandemic era has been the writer's intention too but then it was thrown out of the galaxy in the last 5 mins of the show. The ending of CITT was frustrating, the ending of A Korean Odyssey was dumb but the ending of this drama surpassed the bitter aftertaste of those two. The cast have been doing well though, it was the writing that spoil it 😔


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I didn't think anyone else could mess up an ending like A Korean Odyssey...and then this show did the "hold my beer" lol


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Indeed, indeed! in the early episodes of this drama I would have never expected there'll be this kinda ending but yeah here it is 😂


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I agree with everything you just said. I had a sinking feeling since the end of episode 13 and had guessed that they would kill him (them being the writers), and although it did feel odd for the story line to turn to such a dark note, I was willing to accept it if it was done well. And it was. I cried for all of episode 16. It was heartbreaking, soul-wrenching. And then it stopped. I was absolutely scandalized when they brought him back. Like...ARE YOU KIDDING ME! What a cheap escape from a well constructed (although unnecessarily dramatic) ending. In the mildest of words: I. AM. PISSED! I want to scream into the world. Scream and ugly cry at the writers and directors who could do such a thing to their viewers. This is emotional abuse, plain and simple.

I am conflicted with the actors, they did such an amazing job. Now their work is completely overshadowed and tainted by that INSULTING 5 minute ending. To anyone who hasn't watched it and wants to: stop at minute 50 on episode 16. If someone had magically cropped the last episode and removed that DESPICABLE ending, I would have been able to live on with a sad and melancholic ending. It wasn't perfect. In any way. But I was fully invested in the story and it's characters so they deserve some credit.

I doubt I will ever be able to look at this story without being reminded of how I, and every other viewer around the world, was done wrong.


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If we had not loved this drama so much, we wouldn't be so angry about the totally wrong, misfit, bogus ending.


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I have been waiting for this recap! I'm glad that we are all on the same page with the W...T...F...This show was so fluffy and cute and then the underage storyline, and cancer. I understand that they had to deal with the underage part, but couldn't they have just sent him to college? WHY PRETEND HE WAS DEAD!? I mean, we had to watch the characters deal with his death, and move on with their lives and then he just showed up in the last 5 minutes...I was pissed. I can't believe that Joon would do that to ra-ra and certainly not miss the funeral of his BFF, Mr. Kim. I was excited to see Lee Jae-wook in his first leading role, but man oh man...did that ending suck.


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i really wanted to rant but i have to keep my cool so as not to ruin my day....it is nov. 30 today and i still could not move on from that cruelest ending of all time......this is the only kdrama that has haunted me since it ended last thursday.......everytime i wake up in the morning since that "fateful day", i keep on wondering how rara survived the days and nights without jun by her side...and how jun was doing after his failure to appear at the christmas concert.....well, i've made up my own plot to help "heal" myself.....well, for a start,, i'd like to rationalize in favor of the scriptwriter and the director......it's the best i can do for them...script writing is no easy task....but if the writer has run out of ideas to end the story, he shoud have asked for an assistance from the viewers..or perhaps, read the comments here and other websites.....a filipino writer and director asked how the viewers would like to end the story and we had a superb ending of a filipino drama...that fit to the viewers liking.....well, this is kdrama and there is so much cliched endings and twists......so i leave it that way....going back to my "plot-to-heal-myself", i was already suspicious when jun had those nosebleeds....i don't think it was just for drama-effect....the writer must have introduced it during rara's failed wedding to warn us something serious was going to happen in future episodes....when blood dropped on jun's notebook while he was studying, that was a bad sign for me......it was a very tiny detail that must have gone unnoticed by the viewers until his parents had that cancer-reveal at the father's clinic.......fast-forward.......rara was at the airport to send-off jun for his study abroad....fast-forward again.....rara was calling jun and jun's whereabout-reveal ....jun was only in korea for his treatment....in fact he was in the same room where he was taken in when he failed to wake up after drinking that coffee...he was wearing the same purple pajama, same windows, same bed, same bedsheets.......he could not have gone abroad alone for his treatment...., well, i want to understand why jun lied to her again but confessed his illness to mr. kim...he has been so protective of her and he does not want to pain her with his ilness....it would have devastated her...to us viewers, it would have been more logical if he revealed it to her....but who can understand jun's feelings?....only jun himself.....when rara called jun up, it was still 3 or 4 months earlier.....so he must have been hopeful that he would be able to attend the christmas concert....came "christmas break'...and jun failed to arrive....that time then, things must have turned for the worse for him...and the attending doctor, or even his father, must have told him and his parents that they could no longer contain the cancer cells from spreading....i know of someone who has a familly member who had leukemia.....she described to me that it was excruciatingly painful...


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Thank you @missvictrix all your work on DO DO. I will have a second post below with a request of you.

A few random thoughts now that DO DO has concluded (used in lieu of ended):
1. Might as well get this off my chest. The header pic used for the recaps has annoyed me almost from the beginning. Where is our Seung-gi in that pic? With all due respect to Mimi but please;
2. I loved the cast. Go Ara I first met in HWARANG. Not the most auspicious introduction. I was enjoying her performance in HAECHI when bad luck struck with an accident on set. Lee Jae-wook I first met this year in WEATHER. I thought he was terrific. As the first few episodes rolled along I thought those two made a great couple;
3. I thought writer-him had things in hand through episode 8. Even with the age reveal I gave her the benefit of the doubt. She lost me in episode 9 (I am probably in a minority here) when she made little Jae-Min into a child ‘noble idiot’. I thought the whole sequence was absurd;
4. The psycho stalker, the age reveal, the main plot lines then went off the rails;
5. On the plus side we got these lovely side stories: the haraboji back story—maybe some of the best scenes of our OTP, the Dr. Cha-Min-su bromance, the Seung-gi-Ha-young time capsule and confession of love and others;
6. I loved the epilogue to episode 15 (for me the best scene in the episode). That is the Jun-Seung-gi embrace scene. Let me give kudos to Yoon Jong-bin who played Seung-gi in DO DO. I am sure he will get a lot of positive notices from his work; and
7. The ending was a disaster in more ways than one. The more I think about it the death story can’t hold up. Too many people in Seoul would have have looked into it. I personally did not like that Ha-young and Seung-gi five years later were portrayed as a still bickering immature ‘married’ couple. I am starting to ramble so I will let it go.

I wish Lee Jae-wook, Go Ara and the rest of the cast good luck in the future.


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6. This scene was really good and I think one of the rare when Jun wasn't pretending to be someone else. He was a scared teenager and he needed his friend. Seung-Gi was such a nice guy with everybody. He just hugged Jun stronger to give him strength.


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Seung-gi always treated Jun as an equal never as 'older' imo. As they became friends Seung-gi started to fill the hole in Jun's life that had been ripped open with the death of his best friend Ji-hoon. Jun gave Seun-gi one of his prized possesions which was Ji-hoon's baseball cap. That said everything. We are talking male friendship here.


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You provided recaps for both BRAHMS AND DODO. I watched both dramas. At some time would you consider posting your thoughts comparing the two dramas, pluses and minuses?


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This is a really fun idea, and I've definitely been comparing them in my head! While I don't think I'll have the time for a full-on comparison, I'd still love to share ideas. My number one is how each drama has a focal musical piece (Traumerei, Joon's welcome home song) and how each of those expresses the drama's emotions and structure soooo well.


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Thanks so much for the positive response.
Also, interestingly on the 'Master Recap List' the two dramas run consecutive.


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I was loving this show until it got messed up in 15/16. It seems that those last two episodes were written by a totally different team from the first 14. This recap says it all.


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I sat there surrounded by my tissues, drowning in my tears and staring at my laptop just going "what?" for like ten minutes after the show ended. What on God's green earth was that?????????????

I've never felt the need to comment before but this was unbelievably infuriating. This was my favorite show of the year and I can't believe they took everything I loved about the show and threw it in the trash LITERALLY in the last 5 minutes. He sat there laughing and they kiss and that's it?? I was even ok with all the weird plot lines starting episode 13 (I agree with everyone saying the writer hadn't planned the show past 12 episodes) but this...
Excuse me while I go eat my feelings and attempt to forget about episodes 13-16.


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ridiculously bad endings like this have happened before... get used to it. sometimes it seems like the writer ran away at the last minute and the director just had to wing it to finish the series by the allotted broadcast slot that night....
: [


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I have to agree, dramas with slapdash endings seem to occur more frequently than I enjoy. Because of this, I much prefer to have the entire drama available (something that seems to be happening less and lesson both Viki and Netflix) before I start. Then if I get the feeling that disaster awaits at the end, I can check the recaps or final comments and decide if and how much I will watch. I am not bothered by finding out how something ends. I seldom watch for the suspense but rather for the unfolding. So knowing the ending of a first view is the same as seeing a great drama more than once or reading a favorite book a second time.

But I do wonder about the many endings I have seen that seem like afterthoughts. I wonder if they are the result of a different dramatic aesthetic that does not conform to the western dramatic arc which normally requires that the ending wrap things up neatly (not just provide a quick shot of a wedding XX years later). A different aesthetic might explain why so many drama endings seem to me like afterthoughts. Anybody out there have any ideas?


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Last 20 minutes just me realized I had wasted LAST 15+Hours for this HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE disappointment.


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That ending though, Oh My God, what kind of ending is that!
I will remember this drama as cute as it is, without the ending.
They first encounter is really cute and I love it but the ending ruin it.


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Can't believe the writers/producers of this drama expect us to cheer while Jun cuts Ra Ra out of his life because he doesn't want to have her support him in his most difficult moments. What sort of relationship does it portend for their life together? And she just takes him back? It is so condescending to Ra Ra. Disgusting. The drama was fun and lighthearted until the writers/producers suddenly felt the need to create great buckets of bathos for us to wallow in. I can only guess that they ran out of inspiration around episode 12 and fell back on cliche after cliche.


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I was taught that if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything all. I really reallly really really want to say lots of things about the last episode, but I am controlling myself. Finally, I found one, the only, nice thing I can say about this episode: they seemed to have paid more attention to getting the timeline around Jun's cancer (which I assume to be ALL-acute lymphocytic leukemia). Depending on your ALL, initial treatment could take upto 2 years to complete, and there is a high chance of relapse or recurrence. And it is unusual for ALL to return if there are still no signs of the disease within 5 years after treatment. So....the 5 year time skip at the end in the context of his disease makes sense. And I will be silent now.


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I’m so mad at the writer! The ending is so fuxking horrible I want to punch someone in the face right now.


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I think he had died. Remember he reminded her to cry so she could start over and she said she was not going to cry and she was not going to forget him. Playing the song at the end brought him back so she could cry and start over. The mother’s anguish was real. She didn’t pretend to be him for a month. No mother if their child had died could do that. Mr. Kim would not have died and not told her that he was still alive. He would not have taken that to his grave because he loved RaRa like his own. He knew their love was real. The last scene, everyone had cried and started over except RaRa. She needed that closure. If he was still alive, everyone would have shared in the joy of knowing he was still alive.


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Ok , I never left a comment . I am more a silent reader, but this drama ending made me furious !!!!! What a waste of my time ....
I can’t believe they had the nerve to give us such an ending, when jun laughed when Ra Ra was cryinh, I really wanted to throw something in his face .... seriously, worst drama ending ever, ruined the whole drama ....
I really liked the actor but the story was all over the placd, he should think more before he chooses his next project


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I wish she had been married with kids when Joon came back. "Well, sorry guy. Thought you were dead. I moved on. Go away now.l"


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Estoy de acuerdo contigo, no hay manera que Jun este vivo, más bien pienso que este es final que Ra Ra deseaba darle, aun recordándolo tristemente. Él la amaba tanto que es impensable que pueda provocar un sufrimiento tan agudo como mentir sobre su muerte, no es coherente con el personaje. Además, la mamá en todo momento hablaba en pasado, como que Jun ya no está aquí :/ no pudo ser tan perfecta la mentira, realmente sentía lo que estaba informándole a Ra Ra y fue doloroso. Que pena que Ra Ra no haya podido recuperarse después de 5 años :S


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I agree wholeheartedly with your post. Up until episode 16, I was thinking this was going to be one of my favorite dramas ever. I was disappointed Jun was still trying to hide things from RaRa and control their relationship, but I didn't expect the death. For the first 10 minutes after it was revealed, I was convinced it was going to be undone because this drama loved red herrings and anticlimactic resolutions to plots. After the time skip, I finally believed it. And then the undo. I wondered if he writers thought we viewers would feel more extreme joy after taking us to such lows, but it failed utterly because I wanted RaRa to slap his face and dump water on his head. Letting the person who loves you (and honestly, doesn't have that many people close to her, despite the way Ha yeong and her mother adopted her) believe you are dead rather than struggling through medical care? WTF!?!? I can't believe even a high school kid would think that was a good idea and not the cruelest thing ever. I didn't even want them to get back together! I am just rewriting the final episode in my mind and pretending that one does not exist.


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Unfortunately, this series is the proof that you can STILL ruin a wonderful script of 16 hours even in the last 5 minutes. It's not about korean twist of plot. It's about "demolishing" the fidelity of your own characters and script as a screenwriter #OhJiyoung


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Worst ending ever. Jun is literally a psychopath.


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Yes!!! I absolutely agree with your sentiments regarding the ending. I watched this about a week ago and am still fuming. I could not belive the insult to our intelligence. I loved this series, cried at times and gave myself over to it completely. I too thought that we were seeing a wish, that Jun (loved Jun) was visiting her from the after life. Very disappointing ending. Humph!!!


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The frustration feeling with this ending is so real. I was devastated because of everything: illness, lies, time jump and Jun being totally "out of character". He was not capable of something like that.


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I'm choosing to think that Lala had a brain aneurysm at the piano and died, and the last 5 minutes is her reuniting with Jun after death. It's literally the only way my brain cam wrap around that bogus of an ending


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Poor you for watching this without the group support of the watch while airing comments section.

I started this and gave up in episode one and later read about the controversial ending and was so grateful I left when I did. It sounds like it was a proper in slow mo Kimchi slap. What an insult to the audience.

I hope someone who endured responds so you are not left on your own trying to debrief after that experience. Maybe you could write something in today’s Open thread, you might be picked up by someone there. Hwaiting 💪 hope you find something good to erase the memory.


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Just finished watching this show ... after that I spend two days writing an 7k alternate ending, because I just ... I couldn't ... well, you all know how I feel.
I loved the show so much, even right up to the last ten minutes. I hated Jun dying of course, but I've seen heart wrenching endings before and could live with them. But this ... No, just no.
So, I had to add an episode to make it slightly more acceptable.
If you'd like: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42492015/chapters/106724067


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Totally unbelievable, unsatisfying ending. I was angry when the show appeared to kill Jun off...and incredulous and even angrier at the ridiculous final scene.


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Piss poor ending is very accurate. Thank you for your feedback. I echo your sentiments. That just made no sense. Off to my next love affair....Queen of Tears lolol


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I have just finished watching the series and feel utterly shocked at the last 2 episodes. After getting to know this beautiful character of Joon and then seeing what he does to LaLa. By not telling of his illness and then making her believe he was dead for 5 years. This was not in Joon's character to hurt LaLa so much. and it spoilt the ending even though it was great Joon wasn't dead.


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