You Are My Spring: Episodes 11-12 Open Thread

After spoiling us with one of the sweetest and most tender of falling in love stories, You Are My Spring hits us where it hurts this week. While our hero comes face to face with some truths he was ignoring, it sets off a chain reaction for our heroine, who must react. Past pains are echoed as new ones are felt, and this drama has a way of hitting us right in the gut.


As ever, You Are My Spring balances darkness and light with a lightness of foot that always surprises me, but makes the story that much more satisfying. So, while we have almost two episodes of straight giddy cuteness between Da-jung and Young-do, we’re also served darkness in the shape of Ian Chase’s mystery.

But this week we’ve hit the point in the story where that darkness also comes for our couple. And it hurts. Whether you roll your eyes at the noble idiocy, or feel like you got stabbed by the heartbreak, you can’t deny this breakup was a rough one. Necessary for the story? Maybe not, but definitely written well enough into our characters that I could see why it was happening even while I was busy hating that it was happening.

Young-do is such a precious character, especially this week, in his sweet Mr. Rogers cardigan and his last-minute drive to support Da-jung after she found out about her father’s passing — he’s so precious that I can almost forgive him for deciding that it was best to break up with Da-jung.

Seems like things haven’t been quite right ever since that fever he had, but I don’t really like how the drama is handling his sudden health crisis. I will believe for the story’s sake that he has bacterial pneumonia and needs to be cautious due to his heart transplant, but here in real life someone very close to me has had that same surgery, so I can’t really get behind the dramatization I’m seeing here. But I’ll forgive them, because I love this story.

Young-do is on the mend, but he knows that his health is a problem, and that Da-jung won’t be able to depend on him. He goes all the way to the hotel for a (last) 5-minute meeting with her, and says how his father used to do that for him when he missed him.

In a drama full of touching moments and stories, this might be one of my favorites, and even reminded me of the beautiful point about the “half look” that was in last year’s A Piece of Your Mind. For Young-do, this is his last moment with her, because he’s going to break up with her.

Por Da-jung has had to face a lot of pain and heartbreak this week. When her family gathers to deal with the debt her father has left behind, the moments between them were so touching and so real. This drama! From her little brother finally opening up about his memories, to Da-jung realizing the weight her mother has long lived under, it was all beautifully told.

But Da-jung is also emotionally exhausted, so finding out from her well-meaning friends that Young-do has been keeping his illness from her — she’s in pieces before long and overhears (ugh) the breakup that is coming. She narrates that she’s decided to be angry at him instead of sad, but it doesn’t go as planned. Young-do uses that anger to make the breakup even more horrible.

They’re both sobbing by the end of the episode, Young-do alone in his kitchen, and Da-jung in the arms of her mother who has come to comfort her (that killed me!).

Our little drama-within-a-drama echoes the pain of their parting, and I love Ga-young’s drama so much I both want to watch it IRL, but also want to see more of her own story with Patrick! They have to deal with a dating scandal this week, and while she quickly laughs it off and convinces the reporters it’s wrong, Patrick comes running to her, and he’s clearly heartbroken that she doesn’t want to go public with their relationship. I love them together, but it seems clear Ga-young has a little bit more to go until she has the confidence to move forward.

But in the midst of all these relationships, whether budding or broken or burgeoning, we also have our mysterious side story about Ian Chase. I’ve warmed up to him suddenly, I think because the first thing he did when he woke up in the apartment was to call our favorite detective. Though no one believes his innocence, he’s pretty upfront about what he experienced that night, and the plot around him has surely thickened.

As we might have guessed, the man responsible for the murder was the creepy not-homeless guy that had been previously investigated. We see the scene play out from his perspective, and the facts are laid out: from the brutal murder of the woman in the apartment, to the helpful monologue that gives us his intentions, we know that this guy has been connected to Ian Chase and Choi Jung-min since their teenage years.

We’ve seen flashbacks that hint at what went on, and how one of the twins played this guy — and that seems to be the aim of his game now: to get revenge on the twin that tricked him. And right now it looks like since he doesn’t know which twin is which, better to attack both? I’m not sure how involved he is in the wider story, but the deeper it gets the more we learn.

There was a hidden camera in Ian Chase/Choi Jung-min’s bedroom, there’s a whole lot of powerful people involved, and more, but what I’m really dying to know is which twin is which. Did they know each other? Is one “normal,” and the other a sociopath? I don’t know where the line is between them, but with all the talk of the line where one crosses into that dark psychological space, I think we will find out before our drama is over.


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I think I understand when some viewers think that what Youngdo did is considered to be noble idiocy. At first I also thought of it that way but then I realised if I was in his shoes, I might have the same thoughts.

Youngdo’s personality is that he is always putting others before him, he never wants to be the one that inflicts pain on others. He told Dajung the truth in that he received a heart transplant and the survival rate could be only 10 years. Then she told him that she doesn’t believe in forever and that two hours is enough for her. So in a way she is telling Youngdo that she is okay with having that limited time to be together. After having that dream that Dajung might leave him, he decided to take that leap of faith and see how things go from there.

But after the almost accident and his infection, he realised that he might not even have that 10 years left. He could be putting Dajung in danger. (especially after the accident where he almost hit the passerby and when the senior told him that what if your girlfriend was in the car with you) Then the words that Dajung’s mom told him triggered him even more. Also what Dajung told him about the one minute eternity, Youngdo realised that he possibly doesn’t have that much time left in his hands. So he decided to be the bad guy and broke up with her (even though Dajung already knows the real reason why).

My heart is so broken right now 😭


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I wasn't surprised by the break-up, Kdramas taught me that if the couple is happy, it won't last. But I think he did it for her but for him too. He doesn't want to hurt her more than she already is. But since he's dating her, he became reckless with his health too.

I really liked Da-Jung's scenes with her family. At least, their father's death made them open up about the past.

But one of my favourite scene was Young-Do and Ian Chase in the police station. I really liked how Young-Do didn't loose his professionalism and his composure. He didn't have to feel guilty for what happened in the past, but he can help him now.


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My favourite scene was the 'lets get Da-jung jealous' imagination scene.

Especially Imaginary Young-do saying something like: you're trying to kiss me when you've got me pushed against the wall. That's not romantic. Your use of force shows signs of underlying sadism. Maybe you need therapy.

Thank you writer-nim! I appreciated that


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Sorry, noble idiocy is noble idiocy (even if it's missing the stereotypical varnish). I am enjoying this drama with fervor and absolutely enjoyed this week's episodes, but this break-up was a bit of a fly in the ointment for me. YD had plenty of legitimate reasons to break up, because of his health, because he was scared, because his feelings changed or because he just didn't want to be in a relationship. All of those things, while painful, I would have understood. But as soon as it was made about him "protecting" DJ, I was letdown. Thinking you know better than the other person about what's good or right for them is, to me, classic noble idiocy. DJ is a grown, intelligent woman who is aware of his situation. She can make her own choices. The noble idiocy was underscored by his "cruel to be kind" approach to the breakup. He didn't honestly explain why he wanted to end the relationship. He was just a jerk on purpose to "make it easier for her." I realize many may disagree with me, but I expected better of this drama. If he's the type of person who doesn't want to inflict pain on others, than he never should have begun a relationship in the first place. Period. Once he was in, that was always going to be a possibility.

Paralleling that with the Ga-young and Patrick relationship on the rocks, I am almost left with a feeling that the theme of ep 12 was 'when things get hard, we bail.' The performances are really selling the struggle, and please someone give SHJ another award literally right now.

With four episodes left, I'm not sure at all where we'll be going - and I love that!


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I think I’m with u on this! I was so glad when the twin BFF scolded YD’s friends and said “DJ and DJ alone should decide how much DJ will get hurt!” - but alas, even with that, the show already decided to go the way it chose. And I was initially so proud of YD in the previous ep when he told Ian Chase off n said, “I will never discuss DJ with u” - yes, exactly! Everyone has to stop entertaining this other pair of creepy twins!! Buuut in the end, YD still disappointed me.. the teaser for next week’s ep gives me a tiny little faint hope tho, so still crossing my toes n fingers really hard, cos otherwise I love this lead couple to bits.. and SHJ really killed it in this ep for me (somehow was that much more convincing here, than the one where she revisited her childhood trauma with YD). Puppy KDW just needs to let her love him!!


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I agree. The salient point for me, too, is that DJ actually does know what's going on behind the scenes of his decision. She essentially understands it's a farce and his true motivation behind it. So while what he said hurt (he knew exactly where to aim that arrow, and her reaction was instinctive), she also has the bigger picture. And that's what I'm interested to see play out next week - hopefully!


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I am totally heartbroken. The breakup was totally expected given how selfless YD is towards everyone else but himself. I really feel for YD, from his sad childhood and how his mum treated him after his brother’s death though it was no fault of his and how lonely he is. He really has no one to turn to. Everyone goes to him for emotional support and he carries all that burden on his own since he always felt he’s living on borrowed time so he tries his very best to save every single one of his patients to make up for those he couldn’t save. So of course he’s going to breakup with DJ knowing how hard it was for her to overcome CJ’s death and her childhood trauma. He’s not going to become ‘the boyfriend who died on her’ and cause her more misery in life.

The most saddening part is how DJ understands all these and how hard it is for him to come to this decision. They understand each other’s difficulties but there’s no easy solution in sight. I’m so sad I don’t even know if I’m making any sense.


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The nurse's words foreshadowed what was to come. "If something go wrong will you back out?" indeed he did. I thought we've dealt with the noble idiocy already. What was I thinking? It wouldn't be a kdrama otherwise. I'm proud of DJ for telling YD like it is though. That he's running away under the pretense of preventing her from being hurt, he made the decision thinking it's for her sake but he doesn't know what DJ truly wants. She asked the questions that needed to be addressed for their relationship to move forward. It's never going to work if it's one person's effort and the other is always ready to run away. What Eun Ha said couldn't be more true, DJ has the right to know and decide for herself. So frustrating yet I can't hate YD, instead I really want to give him a big hug. It broke my heart when DJ said he doesn't even have a mum to cry to. It's so sad how even when in pain they still think of the other person.

I wonder if YD's dad will make an appearance. He told YD he didn't need to donate his organ to save his brother but perhaps he never told him not to blame himself or think he is responsible for what happened. DJ had the opportunity to resolve her family trauma but clearly YD hasn't even begun to open up about his wound. He blames himself for what happened with his brother, his patient. He thinks he's responsible for saving everyone around him even if it means putting his health at risk. He's selfless to a fault. Please take some of your own advice onboard YD, it's not your fault, it's okay to break down and it's okay to lean on someone as you get back up. This is a healing drama after all I have high hope we'll get our happy ending but of course not before lots of pain and tears, true kdrama style. 🤧


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YES! I, too, want to give YD a big hug. I can understand YD's decision and choices, no matter how frustrating it is. I understand the context of his character, and how he still has a long way to go with his own healing. We've been able to see DJ heal a bit, but we haven't been able to see YD tend to his wounds. I have trust in the team behind this drama, and I can't wait to see how everything will play out in the remaining episodes!

Everyone needs a big group hug IMO.


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Maybe I am reading it all wrong and have watched too many K-dramas (Mouse!), but I am now suspicious of Young-do, he is just too selfless and good to be true. Da-jung seems to have a history of falling for the wrong guy.

I am also waiting for a stronger connection between the twin/killer story and Da-jung/Young-do. I cannot think of a good reason to run a romance story and a mystery side by side with very little cross overs. What did Dr Chase mean when he reminded Young-do where his heart came from? But as I said, I might suspect things that are not there.


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Oh. my. god. I think my brain will actually explode if YD is "too good to be true." The entire paradigm of my k-drama viewing will be blown to bits. I can't even imagine - but what an interesting concept!!


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I'm on my slow brain days can you tell me what are you thinking about exactly


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All very vague suspicions. Possible closer connection between YD and the twins in the orphanage. It could well be nonsense, but I do not understand the relationship between Dr Chase and YD.


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I have started to wonder about that teenage meeting between Dr Chase and YD. We see a teenage kid cleaning blood from his shirt in the bathroom and we've always seen it through the lens of that kid being a potential killer. But what if the kid was the one who'd been attacked? What if the blood was his own? And then another kid came into the bathroom and didn't offer to help him but just stared, turned and walked away. In Dr Chase's eyes, that would make YD not a good person - at least not back then

*am now doubting EVERYTHING*


I think what Ian implied re the heart could possibly be that the detective who he got the heart from might be shady. Related to the church maybe, covering up for their dirty deeds. Hopefully we'll soon find out.


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I thought that what he meant was that YD's heart came from someone who was murdered by either the twins or the Dodgy Man (is that Da-jung's father?)

YD lives because someone else was killed


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Yeah it could just be that simple and I'm reading too much into it. Anyway I don't believe YD to be suspicious at all. If he is I'm watching the wrong drama because that would make everything we've seen of the ML a lie and they can't possibly call this a healing drama 🤧.


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Has anyone else noted that KDW actually looked like he lost a lot of weight (compared to the earlier eps) and looks ill. Don't know if it is just good make up or camera work or acting (posture) or combination. I do remember though watching an interview that KDW takes acting so seriously(aka method) so I wonder if he is actually taking that far here.


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I noticed that too. I wouldn't be surprised since I rmb for FMIYM just for a scene he also lost weight (the grief scene). I also thought his crying scene was very well done. He doesn't look like he's trying to force tears rather he's trying to hold back but unable to 😭.


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I didn't notice but I'll have to rewatch to see. He's such an amazing and underrated actor!


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Sigh, 😒😪😪😪😪. Well this was coming, I'm actually glad it came sooner rather than in the penultimate episode. This is noble idiocy times 2. It was still sad though, imagine not being with someone because the other person dying will be too heartbreaking. But to quote the great Alfeed Lord Tennson "tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" well we have drama left, so let's make this a good last 4.


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So much heartbreak. I'm hoping we got it all over in these episodes and things start to be resolved from now on.


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As much as I love every single character of this drama, I think this week's spotlight goes to Seo Hyunjin. I have watched her stuff post Oh Haeyoung (except temperature) and I am convinced that she showcased her best acting in this one. I can't even count how many different kind of crying she has done (and really well on top of that). Outright bawl? Check, crying out of shock and horror? Check, supressed sobbing? Check, and the last but not least.... When she got herself together and literally cannot contain her emotion the moment she saw her mother...... that was so amazing........................

Weirdly, I have no problem with the noble idiocy..... He did say everything was harder now that he likes someone, Dajung heard that and agreed with that and both of them have no choice. Though, I was kinda pissed off that he decided not to tell Dajung he was in the hospital. But overall i think this is the first time that I get to understand the choices (the noble idiocy choice) a drama character made.

But gah... I can't wait for next episode and y'all i think i'm jumping ship to Haneul and Eunha, his little crush(?) on her is just so funny kdjdhdhsshsgs


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I'm trying to find this post I found of all the screenshots of SHJ crying. She's really good in this one. I'm with you! So is KDW


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If SHJ is so good at showing so many different expression (and different cry), KDW is so good at showing so many different emotion with bare minimum movements on his face idk how he does that but he did. Ugh if only Eric and Seo Hyunjin's chemistry weren't so off the roof, I'd say these leads are like my fave SHJ couple ever! lol


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Just like YD, YAMS def "hits us where it hurts this week", and knew exactly where to hit that hurts the most too. No kissing, almost handholding which lead to a breakup...yea you just heard the sound of our poor hearts collectively broke and our weeping along with DJ & YD!


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Totes, my heart broke into a million little pieces on Tues night! The drama better fix it in the next 2 weeks!! (Pun unintended.. I mean, poor YD’s heart..)


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I'm almost scare to watch the next episode


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Thank you for recap. These week I fall in love with our 2 leads. They were both amazing to watch. Plus an amazing cinematography since . It is like reading a great novel.


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I had disliked the creeping noble idiocy and had held onto a small hope that the end of the episode would subvert it. While that hadn't happened, I did realize that while Da-jung had been going through the motions to tackle the hurts caused by her childhood, Young-do really hasn't. True he is a doctor but its also true that he hasn't really brought up a lot of details (except, err... a one liner?). I can see that he would not want someone to be harmed by his sickness (or death) like his mother was by his sibling.

I didn't realize I needed Eun-ha's no-nonsense until she went directly into communicating. I really respect how she respects that Da-jung can choose what she would like to do.


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Now that you mentioned his mother, i think i can understand him better now, he did go through a lot, and he saw for himself how his mother got crazy and emotionally died because of his brother’s illness. His family was torn apart because of that. That trauma is still there and he never processed it. Dajung had a knife stuck in her throat, which got pulled out thanks to Young do , but he still had a knife in his heart.


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Exactly, and nobody has told him it’s not his fault his brother died and it’s not his fault his family fell apart. He is always helping other people heal from their emotional wounds but nobody is doing that for him. I want to go in there and give him a big tight hug!


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I know she needs time to proceed, but I think the the next eps is turn for Dajung to get her grip and finally realize she'd be the one helping Yongdo to feel better. Be in his side, telling him it's okay to be with her and put him in ease.


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Agreed! I think/hope next week we along with DJ will learn more about YD's backstory (what happened with mum etc) to better understand and address his wound. YD needs to learn to allow himself to accept and receive love too.


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Oh dear don't like the breakup hoping they sort things out they need to be together that's obvious but I'm no clearer as too who's who and I'm usually pretty good and sussing this out not yet I do think Ian Chase is OK but think he is as confused as we are but still love this drama hopefully many more


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Ahh my heart. I finally got to watching this week's episodes and here I am still reeling from it all. SJH & KDW are really great actors - showing such emotional depth and really poignant heartbreak and care. They both care so much about the other, but can't quite make it to the other side yet. I really feel like what we saw prior to this week was a honeymoon phase of sorts - a dip in the water of what being with each other and being carefree with one another could be like. They still have to tend to their own healing, and confront and tend to deep childhood wounds, YD a little more than DJ, and learn to trust themselves enough to allow themselves to be loved.

I'm reminded of that dream YD had while on the roof waiting for DJ where DJ tells him that he believes that only he is capable of giving love; whereas she is only capable of receiving it. I think once our leads have full faith in themselves to not only offer love, but be capable and deserving of receiving love, than they will be back on the path towards each other again.

I am also still intrigued by all the Ian and church cult and hospital surgery mystery surrounding Ian! What is the backstory of the twins and the murderer? Who is that lady and is there a connection to the man Ian is supposed to operate on, and the creepy church cult he was raised in?
Also - does this mean Ian had contact with his twin brother 18 years ago?

Other moments I love:
- when DJ and her brother released the secret of knowing their mother was physically abused by their father , their conversation in the car
- all of DJ and YD friends interactions, and DJ's best friend's line about how DJ should make the decision for herself about whether or not she wants to get hurt or break up due to the pain
- episode 11 when YD had them hide in his room when his friend barged in, I was LOLing so hard when his friend did a fake out of leaving his house. ;D

Can't wait for the remaining episodes! Hopefully our tender hearts will have an opportunity to mend soon!


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I don't think the breakup was noble idiocy but I do think how he went about it was. 'Cruel to be kind' is mostly just cruel, even in this case where she knew it was coming and understood why she did it.

Still no idea what's happening with Ian Chase, that plotline makes very little sense to me. But if I haven't said it before now, Ga-Young is a perpetual delight.


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