Park Eun-bin becomes Strange Lawyer Woo Young-woo in new drama

With her current drama heading into its middle stretch, Park Eun-bin (The King’s Affection) has announced her next project: Strange Lawyer Woo Young-woo. The drama takes a humanistic approach in exploring the legal sphere, with Park Eun-bin playing the titular character of Woo Young-woo.

In many areas of her education and law career, Woo Young-woo has excelled thanks to her high IQ and photographic memory. However, she struggles to relate to the people around her due to Asperger’s syndrome and a low EQ. When she starts to work at a large law firm, the story follows Woo Young-woo’s growth as she learns how to connect with others and turn her weaknesses into a strength.

I’ve been so impressed by Park Eun-bin since her performances in Secret Door and Age of Youth, and I really love how she continues to challenge herself by tackling different genres and roles. There’s not much to go by yet for this new drama, but I hope it’s a good character piece and that it’s treated with care.

Directing for the drama is PD Yoo In-shik (Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 2), and scripts will be penned by screenwriter Moon Ji-won (Innocent Witness).

Strange Lawyer Woo Young-woo is currently still in the planning stages and is expected to release next year on several streaming platforms, including Netflix.

Via Sports Donga




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I lovvvve Park Eun Bin, so 100% will watch.


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Anything with Park Eun Bi in it, sign me up!
Girl ain’t slowing down a bit🥰


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Park Eun Bin* 😁


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Although I'd much prefer to see an autistic actor in this role, I really love Park Eun-bin, and trust her to research her role instead of relying on stereotypes. That said, I hope the writers don't go the whole 'savant syndrome' route; obviously savant syndrome exists, but considering only about 10% of people on the spectrum present as such, it's super overrepresented. Not every autistic character has to be a full-blown genius to warrant main character status, Hollywood!


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I hear you. We had THE GOOD DOCTOR (2013). I lost interest pretty fast with the Hollywood remake even though I love Freddie Highmore.

"If you've met one person with autism, you've met one person with autism." Dr. Stephen Shore
This is so true, so it's hard to judge one's performance on the spectrum.


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Don't get me wrong, I love Park Eun-bin playing this role (I am truly enjoying her The King Affection, and some of her silly video on YouTube). But interestingly, the project is not the first time catching my attention.

In May this year, someone spread rumor about the casting by sending out this tweet ... Guess who is being considered?

IU and Byun Yohan (Mr. Sunshine)

No offense, I just feel it is funny.


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I love Park Eun-bin (and so does my wife) and she does well in any role, which is why she is among my favorite actresses. But I question the premise of the story- does the writer really understand Asperger's Syndrome? Do not get me wrong- I know enough to be able to say that it should not be considered a syndrome at all, but rather a fabulous talent which comes with a price tag- which is difficulty in relating to others. For certain kinds of occupations it provides a tremendous advantage (engineering or any kind of data science would be examples) - but for others that difficulty in human relations would be a gigantic barrier. Law is exactly such an occupation.


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We didn't see the result yet, so I won't comment on things like "does she play it well" or "how do they interpreted the nature of the syndrome", things like that, but I think in a society where human relationship and seniority is important, this show has some point of attraction as well some message to utter, so I will keep an eye on this one.

About the movie/drama with a main character who has Asperger’s syndrome, I would first think about My Name is Khan: Shah Rukh Khan plays a Muslim with Asperger’s who falls in love with a Hindi woman (played by Kajol, this pair is pretty legendary in Indian Cinema in the case of love story), marry her, and face the prejudice in Post-911 America, a cheezy yet wonderful and touching story.


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Park Eun-bin, booked and busy! I love to see it. I know that she’ll knock this role out of the park, just as she does with all her characters.

The only thing that worries me is the writing. Will the writer rely on harmful stereotypes, or will it be an authentic, respectful portrayal? Sadly, my viewing experiences tell me it’s more likely to be the latter. I hope I’m wrong this time.


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she is really trying different roles each time... Hope the writing will carry the right respect for the subjects and themes it will bring with it...

On another note.. Still waiting for a day PEB finally gets a romcom script she would take up (be if modern or sageuk... And may the casting Lord's give the Brahms OTP another run for best couple award :))


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I also love Park Eun bin, since Brahms.... I simply believe in her projects...
Actually, I should watch what she has done before... he hehehhehe
so happy!!


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Innocent witness' screenwriter at the helm of writing, some good story is cooking. I'm in for this one.


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