If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 5-6

We get more wish granting, bonding, and warmth this week. As our lovable volunteer settles into his new role, he starts grumbling less and smiling more. But he begins to wonder if all is as it seems after witnessing some suspicious behavior from his hospice mentor.


If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 5-6 If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 5-6

After the standoff between Dr. Yang and Gyeo-re, Tae-shik takes his opportunity to wear Dr. Yang down. He shares that his cancer has relapsed, and he doesn’t plan to treat it, so he’s got limited time. And his wish is to grant others’ final wishes. (I should’ve seen the terminal illness coming.)

Dr. Yang can’t turn that down, so he agrees to let Se-hee perform. Now, I get Dr. Yang’s perspective to a point and understand his frustration with Team Genie. But his holier-than-thou attitude is getting on my nerves. He’s at his worst with Gyeo-re, likely due to jealousy, but it reads pretty classist with the doctor treating the ex-convict like he’s beneath him. Not cool.

Anyhow, the play is back on, and Se-hee shines on stage before her loved ones, fellow patients, and staff. Things get more emotional when her boyfriend, a fellow theater actor who had to give up his dreams due to vocal issues, shows up and performs alongside her. The famous actor kindly steps aside to give them their stage moment.

If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 5-6 If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 5-6

After the play, Se-hee announces she’s going home to live out her final days. She passes with her loved ones at her side.

Seon-joo comforts Gyeo-re who struggles to deal with all the death at the hospice. The two of them continue to grow closer; they even shared their first kiss, although it was technically for the play. Gyeo-re begins to open up, and he tells her about being an orphan and having no home.

And it’s not just Seon-joo he’s opening up to. Gyeo-re is fully integrated now – he’s got his own cup in the breakroom and everything. He even cooks dinner for everyone and invites Jin-gu who can’t get over how smiley Gyeo-re is now. I love Gyeo-re’s evolution from refusing to eat at the same table to cooking family dinner.

If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 5-6 If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 5-6

Amidst Gyeo-re’s transformation, Seon-joo is fully in the throes of a crush, and it’s refreshing how straightforward she is about it. There’s no denial or coyness. She realizes she likes him and then makes her feelings known.

She asks Gyeo-re if he has a dream or has ever truly been happy. When it’s a no on both counts, she suggests making being happy once in his life his dream. If he tries out being happy with Team Genie, she might just be able to give him what he’s hoping for. Pfft. When that’s not forward enough, Seon-joo straight up confesses her feelings, telling him she wants to find ways to make him smile because it’s a beautiful sight.

Since everything is going so well, naturally, something’s gotta give. Unbeknownst to Gyeo-re, his ex Joon-kyung gets out of prison, and she’s A LOT. Joon-kyung comes off as reckless with this simmering anger, and I can totally see how she could’ve tried to set them both on fire.

If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 5-6 If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 5-6

Meanwhile, the trust between Gyeo-re and Tae-shik is tested when Gyeo-re witnesses some suspicious behavior. First, he sees Tae-shik take an envelope of money from Se-hee’s family, which he then places in his secret box full of GOLD. Then, he happens upon a confrontation where this gangster-looking dude accuses Tae-shik of killing someone. Making matters worse, Tae-shik is standing and walking just fine without his crutches.

Gyeo-re is too honest of a person to beat around the bush, so he pops out from around the corner and demands the truth. He’s clearly hurt and feeling betrayed, which bothers Tae-shik, but not enough for him to freaking communicate. So he stays silent, causing a rift between the two of them. Even so, Gyeo-re isn’t mad enough to cut Tae-shik off – he just pouts and gets extra grumbly.

If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 5-6

Before long they have a new case to distract them, and it involves an SUV of Doom. This time, it’s teenaged Team Genie member YOO SEO-JIN (Jeon Chae-eun) who brings in the request. While talking on the phone to her boyfriend, he’s hit by a car and put in critical condition. The driver has powerful connections and won’t own up to his drunk driving.

Tae-shik refuses Seo-jin’s revenge request, which she claims her boyfriend asked of her when he briefly gained consciousness. But Gyeo-re has a harder time turning Seo-jin down. He learns that she’s ostracized at school because her parents run a noraebang and once employed an escort. Gyeo-re can relate to being stereotyped, shamed, and abused for your home life, so he ends up helping the kids.

If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 5-6

Seo-jin decides to go after the driver’s weak spot: his young daughter. She was in the car during the hit and run and is understandably traumatized. Seo-jin sneaks into the girl’s school, while Gyeo-re sneaks into her father’s fancy hospital suite. (I love how this is Gyeo-re’s third time switching clothes with someone as a means of infiltration; it’s like a hobby for him at this point.)

Revenge turns out to be a strong word for her plan. Seo-jin just wants accountability and an apology from the driver. She manages to get both by video calling from the little girl’s classroom, terrifying him. She reminds him that he’s inflicted life-long trauma on his daughter by refusing to be a responsible adult.

The poor, sweet little girl apologizes to Seo-jin on her father’s behalf, promising she’ll tell the truth instead. The two girls hug while sobbing out their hurt over adults’ failures.

If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 5-6

Gyeo-re now faces a dilemma. His volunteer hours are almost up, but he’s clearly loath to leave Team Genie. They’re truly like family now, and he’s even written up a will bequeathing all his (likely stolen) money to them in exchange for caring for Son. He hides the money in the trunk of the car he drives for the hospice.

To make Gyeo-re stay, Tae-shik wonders to Seo-jin if he should tell Gyeo-re that he recognized him from the start and brought him to the hospice as his last wish. (Yes, please, communicate for once.) While he considers fessing up, Gyeo-re sees someone leaving the mysterious locked room. We end with a glimpse of a patient lying on the bed.

If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 5-6 If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 5-6

Could that be the person Tae-shik was accused of killing, maybe? I’m guessing the man who’s gone missing is the one Tae-shik’s homeless friends mentioned, relieved that he hadn’t come around recently. Regardless of who it is, why is a hospice being so secretive about a patient? That locked door and all the secrecy is like yelling, “Nothing to see here!” It’d be so much less suspicious if they just admitted a patient was in there and acted normal.

There’s no way Gyeo-re is going to leave the hospice fully now, given how attached he’s getting. I wasn’t sure how he’d react to finding out Tae-shik lied to him and is being all sketchy, but the fact that Gyeo-re didn’t cut him off is telling.

And then there’s his burgeoning relationship with Seon-joo, which I fully expect to get a bit more complicated when Gyeo-re’s frightening ex undoubtedly shows up. I just hope things don’t get too dramatic, and we stay focused on the healing. That’s what I’m here for. That and Ji Chang-wook in an ajumma hat.

If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 5-6


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That doctor better stay away from our "adeul" (sonny) 😡 The twist in the idol actor's blooming affection towards Se Hee was lovely to watch that I have hopes, that the show will not resort to usual angst in OTP story by a third party. It can be good if the hospice helps Joon Kyung to heal as it did with our protagonist.

Tae Shik's role as a mentor is heartwarming because he subtly informed Gyeo Rye he should be drawing a happy portrait of the patient. Seo Yeon Joo's confession was cute because I like woman taking incharge 😅😅
I also want to see more of "You are Jin Goo, not Chingu" person. They make a good reluctant-on-the-outside-but-are-sworn-brothers-by-heart. I fear that he may get harmed when the goons/Joon Kyung discover GH through him.


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I have to disagree with Dr Yang. My father's cancer showed me that in the end, it's no longer the number of days, weeks or months that matters, but the quality of how I spend my last days. That's why the work of Team Genius is so important.

Actually, I'm not someone who cries easily, but the first half of episode 5 had me sobbing out loud at times, while laughing in between every now and then.

And I was also pleasantly surprised that Seon-joo doesn't hide her feelings and makes it quite clear to Gyeo-re that she likes him. However, this is also the best strategy, as Gyeo-re is not the quickest thinker when it comes to feelings and the ball would probably never have started rolling if Seon-joo had not taken the initiative.


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The amount of kids, big and small, being broken because of the actions of the adults around them in this show is just heartbreaking. I was crying along with both the young girl and Seojin as they cried their hurt out in the hallway together and then even more so when we found out what Seojin's boyfriend's first words were post-accident and also with Gyeorye's flashbacks to his childhood that were interspersed throughout this week's episodes. Even watching the ex sitting alone at the bus stop after being released from prison was just sad, because beneath everything you could just see the scared, abandoned and beat down child within her. I hope everyone finds their own peace and happiness in life by the end of the show!


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Ok, I know that musical part was supposed to be heartwarming and all, but kinda fast forwarded that part, didn't have any emotional effect on me, to be honest—sorry drama.
I always welcome more side character stories, so although I didn't want Seo-Jin's boyfriend to get into a serious car accident, I liked that we got more Seo-Jin.
Now, here's my two cent about what's going on in the room 403 and what is going on with Tae-Shik, I absolutely have no idea! I mean, I have some guesses, but at the end, the patient in room number 403 can be related to Gyeo-Re or not, either way, it's not the twist I'm waiting to happen, plus I don't think Gyeo-Re is Tae-Shik's son, cause we have photo of him. By any chance, if he turns out be, then it would be a very twisted twist! Right now what I care about is Joon-Kyung and the fact that she is going to find Gyeo-Re for sure, and that girl is a mess, I'm worried.


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@quirkycase Thanks for the weecap you did well as there were so many elements in these two episodes.

I laughed out loud and replayed this about three times to get the quote down, as it summed up perfectly the bitter and twisted comment of man who has been friend zoned watching helplessly as his love interest clearly shows affection for another: ‘you work as fast as a paramedic on matters regarding Gyeore…’ 🤣

I am worried that Seokjoon has to succeed in finding Gyeorye because he looked scared when the gang boss has made it clear that someone is dying so he is going to make sure it’s not him. Joonkyung has NOTHING to lose as she planned on dying anyway and as she can’t get hold Gyeorye as he ditched the phone, she will feel abandoned and hell has no fury like a person who has been scorned…

The disappointed children scenes were beyond sad. The SUV of Doom was bad on so many levels, the trauma of hearing the moment the accident happened is horrendous (I know of someone who had that happen in real life doesn’t bear thinking about). The dad driving drunk with his child in the car full stop and instead of the mum wanting to take him down for that she was supportive in keeping him out of trouble the poor girl didn’t have a parent to show the way and I loved that she said this. That whole zombie nightmare summed up the impact on her perfectly. I also love how he left the hospital and drove across town quicker than a call to the school office to say a child was at risk in the school led to teachers getting to the child in question.


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I loved the outcome of Sehee’s case so glad she did have family and a special man as it seemed too sad that she was alone in a hospice with no one around her.


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After D.P., I would like to see Won Ji-An in a more important role (in a drama on a big channel). She's such a good actress and has a lot of charism on screen. I'm way more interested by her than the FL.


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What character is Won Ji-an playing in this drama?
I may be confused with another actress' name?


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The one who got out from prison.


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Now I understand my confussion. when I read your comment, i thought somehow you were reffering to Won Jin ah, who did Just between lovers among other shows, but it was just my brain mixing these names. They are two different actresses... obviously... 😅😅


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Yeah, I always have to search names because I mix Korean actors names... So I understand your confusion :p

Won Jin-A is in Unicorn :p


I agree that the character of Joon-kyung is more interesting than the nurse Seon-Joo. Somehow I don’t see there’s any electrifying chemistry between JCW and Sooyoung. She’s too plain, sorry.

Joon Kyung is definitely more engaging with her looks and she’s pretty. Her gaze can terrifying and menacing , no wonder Gyeo Rye is trying to get away from her. Joon Kyung is damaged beyond repair, mentally and emotionally, and poor Gyeo Rye has to deal with her. Her fatal attraction for Gyeo Rye will eventually drive both of them mad, we have to wait and see...


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This drama is making me cry buckets. Not good for a girl with sinusitis whose condición is worse after having corona 😑😑
But I can't stop watching. Wookie, finally doing something that reminds me why I loved him so much back in healer.


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