Strangers Again: Episodes 7-8

Trouble at home for our heroine means coming to terms with her feelings — first learning to acknowledge them, and then having the courage to express them. Meanwhile, our hero takes cover in his newest case, and though he’s trying to hide, his feelings come to find him too.


Welp, they totally had me (and Eun-bum) hoodwinked last week — thankfully, Ha-ra’s client is not the same woman that her father was involved with, but the cat is out of the bag when Eun-bum gives it all away. Painful as it is, I actually like that Eun-bum was the one to tell her about her father’s infidelities, and I also like that the drama handled that off-screen.

Ha-ra is shattered, but just like she reacted to Eun-bum’s betrayal when the drama first started, she processes her feelings by huffing and puffing and throwing all her heartache into high stakes litigation. And so, she’s busy confronting her father, chucking around one-liners, and convincing (or trying to convince) her mother to file for divorce, to file a suit against the mistress, etc.

I don’t dislike what this plot arc has brought to the table for our heroine and her growth, but we pass through this whole thing so fast that it was hard for me to feel as connected to this as I did Ha-ra’s initial hurt over Eun-bum’s infidelity. But these rough family circumstances do a few things for our heroine’s own arc — from acknowledging the difficulty of divorce, to having Eun-bum be the person she goes to again and again as her shoulder to cry on.

At first it starts out silly — like when Eun-bum walks into his office and Ha-ra is laying across his office couch with a cold pack on her forehead — but later it gets far more serious. When everything finally hits Ha-ra, and the emotional cover she’s taken in her ire and her litigation slips away, she finds herself in a dark moment… and she calls Eun-bum for help.

The drama handled this nicely, and we can see how Eun-bum is the one Ha-ra reaches for instinctively. It was also nice to see the drama returning to the imaginary scenes that it employed earlier in the show. Sure the CGI is cheesy, but that’s kind of what makes it so visceral. We saw Ha-ra in an old west shoot-out with Eun-bum many episodes ago, but now the imaginary scenes take a darker turn, as Ha-ra stands on a dark expanse of ice that’s cracking beneath her. Just when she’s about to fall, it’s Eun-bum that saves her. (This is a wonderful inversion of earlier in the drama when their roles were reversed and she let him fall from his metaphorical cliff.)

And so, throughout our episodes this week, we see Ha-ra coming to terms with the truth: she still loves Eun-bum. Earlier, when Jae-gyeom was pursuing her, she recognized that she wasn’t over him, but now it’s different. Now she knows she still loves him. And in a way, Jae-gyeom sees it too, and their breakup fight was not unexpected. While I was glad to see them part amicably (and Ha-ra quickly taking his advice to be honest with herself), I am a little salty at Jae-gyeom. I guess he wasn’t as good at waiting as he thought.

With Jae-gyeom out of the picture, and Eun-bum — and Eun-bum only — in her heart, Ha-ra has some decisions to make. With the help of her trusty (and oh-so-obviously-pregnant) Bi-chwi, Ha-ra decides to confess her feelings to Eun-bum.

As for Eun-bum, he’s neck deep in his case with Ha-ra’s ex-client. What started as a simple suit to get her daughter recognized, became a stabbing with a kitchen knife. Ha-ra is too busy with her family issues to take the case, so Eun-bum takes it on, touting himself as a lawyer with a 100% win rate. What he fails to mention is that that 100% is from his meager two criminal cases. Still, he puts everything into the case, but when the stabbed man dies, assault charges turn into murder charges and it gets ugly fast.

We get into a little too many particulars of the case for my liking — especially since we’re running short on our episode count and I want to see more relationship healing happen — but it serves to open Eun-bum’s eyes a bit, too.

Earlier, we noticed a change in his behavior towards Ha-ra. He’s subtly (and sometimes not-to-subtly) icing her out. He’s still friendly and listens to her at first, but seems distracted, and as if he doesn’t want to let her in. Then, it gets more pronounced as the episode progresses. But when did it all start? The drama isn’t explicit, but for me, it’s when Ha-ra called him in that moment of darkness on the cracking ice and told him she wanted to die. He rushed over to her, and — curses on the choppy editing aside — came to her rescue.

The two wake up undressed in a hotel room bed, and this scene is an important turning point for both of them. It’s also one of the strongest of this week’s episodes for me, because it did so much with so little.

Ha-ra wakes up and turns over in the bed, and sees the familiar sight of her undressed husband in bed beside her. He grumbles that she always takes the covers, and is intentionally sleeping on the farthest side of the bed with his back to her. The way she stares as his bare back and slowly skooches towards him was so well done. And kudos on the acting, because you never for a second forget these two characters were once a married couple.

Ha-ra is overcome with loneliness and also attraction to Eun-bum; she asks if he wants to sleep with her and we just see him staring at her and swallowing hard. In the next cut, though, Ha-ra is complaining to Bi-chwi that nothing happened, and mourns that he truly doesn’t feel a thing for her anymore. Of course, it’s obvious the opposite is true, and that his feelings for her are what are driving him away.

Ha-ra does’t realize this, and instead embarks on her ten confessions — expecting ten rejections — with the hope of moving on after that. And though we see several quick scenes of her flashing finger hearts at him and sending “I love you” instant messages at work, this is one instance where I was bemoaning the drama’s use of its screen time. The story would have benefitted from giving more screen time to Ha-ra’s evolving feelings, and her cascade of confessions, and less time to the woman that maybe did/maybe didn’t want to kill her baby daddy.

In the end, though, both plot lines converge. Eun-bum’s closing argument for the case is that both love and hate were at play in his client’s actions. He learned this from Ha-ra, because during one of their earlier exchanges, he asked her, “Don’t you hate me for what I did?” Ha-ra says she does… but that she also loves him. As our episodes close, it’s time for Ha-ra’s tenth and final confession. To her surprise, Eun-bum actually accepts it, and says they should date.

So, as cute as this was, I still need to see more of what’s going on in Eun-bum’s head if I’m going to believe that he’s willing to get romantically involved with Ha-ra again. The drama has given us precious little of him, continually focusing on Ha-ra’s development, so I’m hoping that is what our final chunk of episodes will cover. The Eun-bum we know acts like a jerk, and doesn’t mind if people think he’s a jerk, and even is kind of a jerk sometimes. But he’s also super soft, tenderhearted, and especially kind towards the younger people around him. (I’m hoping the drama is going to do something with this.)

While the drama lost a bit of its shape for me this week, especially when we were dealing with Ha-ra’s family drama (I’m still not convinced that was entirely necessary to propel the plot), I continue to admire how the drama can do breezy and serious simultaneously. Lighter moments of humor are balanced with deep emotions that are nuanced and realistic, and the latter is definitely what keeps me going through the airtime we spend in the courtroom.

I am so very invested in this couple finding their way back to each other, and I want the drama to have all the space it needs to make that a satisfying journey. My guess is that next week’s case will finally bring Eun-bum’s scars to the fore, and we’ll have a chance — along with Ha-ra — to see him heal. And then, perhaps, we’ll have the fluttery moments between our leads that are sorely needed. I don’t know about you, but this rom-com is lacking in the rom!


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At this point I am just focusing on Jang Seung Jo’s pretty eyes. It’s so pretty and sad, it’s all I see. What story? What cases?

I actually quite liked the fall out with Jae-gyeom. The way he was quick to take a side on the parents divorce and was seeing it in black and white was irking me. He didn’t really think about feelings of people involved and it made me realize he isn’t someone who will work on a relationship. Anything less than perfect he calls it quits. And exactly what he did with Ha Ra.


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I didn't connect SML's ideas about divorce in general with his larger attitude to call it quits when he runs into a problem, but you may be right. I get that it's disheartening to know that your girlfriend isn't over her ex yet, but he's known that for a while and it only became a problem for him when they started disagreeing about things. As a person who never liked him, I'm pretty happy with how things worked out.


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I also think he was blaming Ha-ra's feelings for her ex when a big part of the problem was his general pushiness. Everything was on HIS terms. Even after he dumped her, he was being pushy and demanding to see her.


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Ha Ra's confession had me squeeing. The drama beautifully captured the swoony moments of Eun Bum giving up on his will power to stop resisting Ha Ra and their conversation on love-hate was simmering with pent up feelings for each other.

@missvictrix I agree that Ha Ra's family case and the murder case served no purpose except to bring the leads together, but I was also glad that it worked as a tool for cutting off Jae Gyeom. I had never disliked a good SML as much as JG.

Now, I am eagerly waiting to watch the Bi Chwi and Si Wook baby drama play out.


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Maybe the family case was just there to bring the leads together, but I think it did it in a really interesting way (or series of ways). First, Ha-ra was relying on Eun-beom for emotional support at every step of that, but I think the aftermath of her parents' breakup was even more important. Her mom was able to move on pretty quickly even though she'd been married for a long time, and I think that had a pretty big effect on Ha-ra. She thought, why can't I do the same thing when my marriage didn't work out? And finally had to answer herself honestly that it was because her feelings for Eun-beom were too complex and unresolved. I liked how multi-pronged it was.


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I was actually bored and shocked at the outcome of the Ha Ra's family case. It was like Ha Ra's parents did not have any love left between them and used the affair reveal as an opportunity to quickly move on from the other. If the drama had show a few moments here and there like Ha Ra's mom's bday party, it would have been more sensible.


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Yeah, it was really sudden, but I'm also not sure how long it took in terms of in-drama time. I'm sure weeks are passing during some of these episodes.

But regardless, it was sudden to us. I assumed they were going to stay together because her dad characterized it as a mistake he made one time years ago and is now just trying to be responsible for. But was her mom hiding the fact that she was dissatisfied with her marriage this whole time? She was certainly willing to give it up pretty easily. I think they could have handled it better, but in the end, it's just not the main point of the story, so I get why they didn't give it more screen time.


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I pretty much always dislike SMLs (Start Up was the one exception), but I haven't outright hated many like I hated Jae Gyeom.


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I really can't stand Ha-Ra... She's so immature and selfcentred. She made all her father's secret about her. She never let her mother taking the time to process her feelings. She had an argument with a teenager. She didn't try to understand the poor girl who lived as the fruit of an affair... She wasn't interested to have a little sister. When she decided to confess her feelings in a very obsessing way, she didn't think about Eun-Bum trying to save the life of her ex-client. He's not a penal law specialist, he had a big responsability, his client has a daughter, etc. but she didn't care at all.

I'm really disapointed they chose the easy story to get them back together.


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I have to say, she is very self centered. I would like to see her change more before going back into a relationship with Eun-Bum. Ask about his case and his stress. Let him work without bugging him about your failed date when he’s defending a client from a murder charge!
I wanted something g different from the show but if this is where it’s going - divorced couple who still care for each other getting back together - then at the very least I want to see Ha-Ra grow into someone who loves Eun Bum enough to at least pick up her orange peels, and respect his need for quiet when working! Sheesh.


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I’m with you; I can’t stand Ha-ra. As you said, she is immature and self-centered. I was so annoyed by her 10 confessions nonsense. She’s 31 and supposedly a hot shot attorney, but she couldn’t put her own feelings aside for a few days while Eun-bum was preparing for trial?
I don’t want them back together. I don’t think anything has changed. Maybe not in the drama, but irl, Eun-bum will regret it. Big Time.


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The show was being cagey! I thought so! At least Ha-ra’s dad wasn’t the one who tried to fight the woman and got stabbed. Part of me wants to know the full story of what he did and how involved he was over the years, and part of me doesn’t think it’s actually relevant to the story, because I’m not sure it’s relevant to Ha-ra. It’s weird though that he characterized it as a mistake he made one time when he was talking to Eun-beom, but then ends up living with his mistress and other daughter by the end of this week? Maybe he just feels a sense of responsibility because of the daughter’s heart condition. I’m glad Ha-ra didn’t blame Eun-beom for not telling her and then for letting it slip - he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. And I’m glad her whole family seems to be moving forward in a relatively healthy way.

I feel so vindicated for never liking the SML hahaha! He was super pushy last week and he was even pushier this week. He was so quick to compare Ha-ra’s dad to his second step-father, as if his feelings toward that man could possibly be the same as Ha-ra’s to her father. Ha-ra herself is the pushiest person ever when it comes to that divorce, so if she is hesitating, it’s worth hesitating for a second and making sure this is the right course of action. I was so relieved when Ha-ra didn’t let him come over and confirmed that they should end things.

I’m open to our leads trying this whole thing out again. It’s going to be messy and there are going to be lots of missteps and disagreements, but I’m hoping they are coming at it with eyes wide open this time around. It’s obvious that neither of them had closure last time, so even if they just break up again, I’m hoping they’ll at least get that. And if they don’t break up, I hope they figure out some compromises and ways to communicate that are better than what they had before. I loved the conversation they had under the rainbow. It felt like the most honest conversation they’ve had so far.

And finally: Bi-chwi. Hon. When was your last period? You’re a smart woman. You know what’s going on.


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Apparently periods don't exist in the Kdrama world, it's always women learning they're pregnant from early pregnancy symptoms (at which point they would likely be long past their expected period date).


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Maybe it's too taboo? I didn't realize this was such a phenomenon! I'm very pro-talking about periods so this is the first thing I would have asked her.


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RIGHT? Like, she's getting nauseated and certain things smell weird to her. Ha-ra is in her mid-30s and Bi-chwi is in her late thirties or early forties. The fact that it isn't occurring to either of them that she could be pregnant just feels sooo fakey.


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Periods, birth control, and condoms exists in The Law Cafe. Haha
Score for Kim Yuri!


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I agree with everything you said, missvictrix. I've been anxious for more romance but at the same time, I didn't quite follow the evolution of Ha-ra realizing her feelings, and I also don't see enough from Eun-bum to understand where he's at emotionally right now.

In fact, I haven't yet gotten the sense that he regrets his decision to divorce Ha-ra and that although he may be guilty of cutting himself off emotionally from certain people, he's enjoying his freedom and seems content overall. I can tell he still loves his ex-wife and finds her attractive, but I'm not convinced that he's *in love* with her, whereas I do see that she's in love with him. Frankly, I was expecting a lot more jealousy from him toward her relationship with Jae-gyeom than we got; Ha-ra on the other hand was openly very jealous at even the suggestion that Eun-bum might date someone.

Moving to Bi-chwi, I have to say that I'm disappointed she's pregnant. I would have preferred to see her figure out her feelings and relationship without a baby forcing them to do so.


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That ending was so unexpected! I agree that we need to know more about Eun-bum's feelings, I feel like I'm really in the dark about what's going through his head. My husband thinks he was punishing himself for hurting Ha-ra those years ago, and that's why he was refusing to be with her. I didn't really doubt that he had feelings for her, but I really would like some more scenes from HIS perspective.

It frustrated me that Eun-bum's client refused to tell the truth just so her daughter wouldn't think any less of her father.


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i can't wait to find out the missing link of their story, why they divorced - why Eun Bum faked an affair (tapping my foot, not expecting a logical reason for this, it better be good)...

i like the two of them together, but what the heck is he hiding???


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\^o^/ no more second lead male!

I resented being manipulated into feeling for Hara’s father when he told her that she’s the most important person to him. But gdamn both actors did so well in that scene.

So far the show has pointed to Eunbum’s deceased younger sister as the source of his trauma, hinted that she’s the reason he doesn’t want to be a father. But that death seems to not have any lingering effects on the life of his mother or older sister nor their relationship with Eunbum. The writers will have to work some serious magic to explain this inconsistency when they give us the full story about how she died.


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I tried to post 3x my comments but it doesn't work :(


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Hello, your first comment is now posted :)


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Yeah, but I don't know why it took so long... Usually, they said if you wrote a forbidden word and you have to wait for moderation.


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I like the acting (esp Kang So-ra), but not so much the plot. The she-loved-him-and-she-hated-him-so-she-stabbed-him defense didn't seem very good at all. Try reversing the genders and see how it flies.


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I really loved the closing and thought it was a good mirror to look into the state of the woman's mind and total situation. She was really conflicted. She can't say she wasn't guilty nor that she was entirely guilty.
And yes, you're right about the hole when a gender flip comes in. Also, I believe Goo Eun-beom would have come up with a different closing were the defendant a male.


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The way I read into it was... there are moments when we wish to 'kill someone' but we also do not want them to die. *That* conflict!!!!
Probably doesn't make a good argument in Court, but appeals to my brain, because it's kinda relatable!~


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Hello fellow Kang So-ra stan! Let’s hope she’ll do another drama soon. The last drama I actually wholeheartedly loved from her was Misaeng! And I watched all of Warm and Cozy for her okay? (Well also for Yoo Yeon-seok, but what can I say, I swing both ways 😉)


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Oh, this show! I'm addicted to it's salty sweetness. The cases are complicated and so are the relationships. Ha-ra annoyed me a lot this week. She was so selfishly pushy with her mother and Eun-bum. She didn't even offer to help when her case turned to murder! Her growth arc had better include learning to think of others' needs. I know she has said she wanted a baby, but she isn't ready to be a mother! Is Bi-chwi? I want both couples to live in next door to each other, committed but not married. Sigh.

And I love it like bittersweet chocolate covered salted lavender caramel.


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Perhaps, I'm too young & biased to understand, but Ha-Ra 'wanting to be a mother' is most likely because the society has conditioned her to want a child, and not because she's critically evaluated if she's ready to be a mother, or if her relationship becomes extra fulfilling to have that child.
What if Eun-Beom asks her to pick? Between him or having a child? (I know he won't, because we're heading towards trauma healing, but.... )
This is why I love this series! Raises some really tough questions!


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Yup, I'm Ha-ra's age and the pressure is unreal. I can imagine it's even worse in Korea.


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Ha Ra was pretty annoying this episode. However, I fully understand her wanting to be with Eun Bum. She never stopped loving him. Eun Bum on the other hand I do not understand at all. I hope we start to see his motivations.


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I don't think Ha-Ra's parents' divorce or the parallel case were handled very well. At first, it seemed like the moral was going to be everyone handles infidelity differently with Ha-Ra coming to terms with the fact that a pushy and financially devastating divorce with the cheater may not always be the answer. But then we were abruptly pulled into the divorce with her dad moving in with the mistress and barely seeing his oldest (even though the two of them were supposedly SO close), and her mom with a new boyfriend. In the end, the divorce or not to divorce decision doesn't matter to the audience, but I wish the show picked one conclusion and stuck with it.

I'm not happy with the pregnancy trope. Our divorce attorneys are smarter than that. Plus, I don't like perpetuation the idea of babies "fixing" issues that two adults have.

I am happy that Jae-Gyeom is off the table. Good riddance!


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I was so not into these episodes that I didn't even know Hara's father moved in with his mistress nor her mother getting a boyfriend. The last things I remembered seeing was her home leaving the house and saying some guy was helping her go back to school. I had no idea the father moved.
So they really brought the half sister to their house just to shock the mother enough to definitely end things? Sigh, that's even more disappointing.

I thought the "every couple handles infidelity differently" was going to be the takeaway too and that's not necessarily a bad thing but instead we got this.


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What was even the point of Kim Ga Eun's case? Why should we feel pity for her because she has a minor kid? The kid did not deserve it, but she knew the consequences of what she was getting into by having an affair.


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Thanks for the weecap @missvictrix. I enjoyed aspects of the drama this week but I was very annoyed with Hara, she is constantly whining. She spends most of her conversations with her one friend/colleague and now that has switched to her ex husband moaning about the man in her life, like her whole life revolves around them. The only other topic she talks about at length is the situation with her parents. In the mean time her ex is unable to focus on his actual job and literally had to lock her out of the office so he could try to save a woman from a long sentence, using an area of law he has not focused on as he is not interested in it.

The whole pregnancy issue would have been a great storyline for teenagers but with two fully grown adults, it was really asking a lot of the audience to believe NO ONE thought pregnancy was a more realistic explanation than a three day recovery time for a hangover for someone who usually has no issues in this department.

Also, when and more importantly why did dramaland decide that we need to hear/watch people retching several times during a single episode. Can this element of realism be ditched please, it’s been going on for years now and it has got really tired.

I am desperate to know the Eunbum story about his younger sister and want us to focus on this and the other missing pieces in his storyline. He really is great with children. It is clearly an area he needs to heal so he can stop avoiding even talking about the topic.

Maybe it’s me, but I didn’t realise how rich his family is until he turned up at the massive parental home.


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LOL be glad you didn’t see the retching! Some dramas actually show it! That said western shows are way worse about this 😂

Regarding Bi-chwi, see seems like a sexually active woman. So yeah she’s most likely taking contraceptives and if they used a condom (which they should’ve especially for STIs), being pregnant might not be the first thought to cross her mind. I’m guessing the pregnancy plot will come next episode

Dammit now I want to see how their story plays out. Urghhhh will I ever be able to drop this drama???? 😅


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Yes, unfortunately I have seen those dramas where they show EVERYTHING. I always wonder if they use vegetable soup as there are always pieces of carrots on show!


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How do I unread this?🤣


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‘ Dammit now I want to see how their story plays out. Urghhhh will I ever be able to drop this drama???? 😅’ 👈 I totally understand because this was me with Love is for suckers. The weecaps were never going to compare to the joy of watching the side character’s storylines so I had to keep watching despite the random shift of the blossoming love being showcased so beautifully in the side couple rather than the main love line.


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That’s what FF button is for! I have no clue honestly about what’s happening in most of the show, some divorce, secret love child, knifing someone etc

Just pausing and watching when I get to my favourite couples 😉
(well now only one couple 😭)


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Me too! In fact, I have to include Love is for Suckers in my list of favorite dramas just because, thanks to that side couple, I've rewatched it more than some of my actual favorites. Plus, I think the joy is in watching their storyline unfold, and a lot of that happens even outside of their actual relationship development.


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I'm glad to see Jae Gyeom go. I thought I was done with him already. Until he started comparing Ha-ra's family situation to that of his second step father. Like....guy, are you okay at all. I liked the eye look Ha-ra gave him cause I had the stink eye on already.

I like it when characters can be adults and at the same time be children to thier parents, and vulnerable (as in act like a child with all the pouting and stuff) to those they hold dear. And Ha-ra is doing just that with Kang So-ra nailing it to the perfect t. Have some downtime.

I really do not understand whatever it is that went on with the legal what-have-you's in Ha-ra's parents divorce brohaha but I very much enjoyed the case of Kim Ga-eon. And yes, Eun-beom's defense was not strong enough even though it created doubt but I freaking liked his closing statement.

I look forward to how Love and Hate plays out in Eun-beom and Ha-ra's case next week. I really don't know why he had to wait for her 10th trial but whatever it was for him. I am just going to use how my fav couple in Hospital Playlist began their romance to understand why it had to take 10 full askings for Eun-beom's okay. And, I am waiting for the sweet and bitter consequences of his response next week.


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I think Eun-Beom needed to voice his newly-found opinion on 'Love & Hate' in the court case, out in public, just to be sure he's fully convinced of it himself! Ha-Ra's 10th 'confession' just happened to after the final hearing. Although, I'm sure it was for dramatic purpose! xD


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After watching this week's episodes, I think I was just left with more questions than any particular satisfaction. Is this what people mean when they talk about a show dipping in the back half? Why is the male CEO even there? What does graduating from marriage mean? Why did Hara go from using Bi Chwi as a sounding board to Eun Beom? Did they really just change Jae Gyeom's personality within 2 weeks? Are we really supposed to believe Bi Chwi doesn't have an inking she's pregnant?

Mainly I just felt disappointed because I didn't want Ha Ra and Eun Beom to get back.
I liked that he could be a support to her and could give her a different perspective aside from Bi Chwi but I didn't want them to end up together.

Ha Ra and her half sister did have a bickering sisterly dynamic instantly.


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Thank you @missvitrix. I'm in agreement in relation to Eun Beom. We're getting lots of insight into Ha Ra, but way too little into the ML. The relationship feels a little flat as a result. I hope we get to see a little more in the next episodes.


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Those episodes felt rushed and chaotic. At a point I am worried Ha-ra might be mad at Eun-bum for keeping the affair from her and the other she is winking love fingers at him. I don't understand the process of her coming to terms with her feelings. Too rushed.

I didn't expect Eun-bum to accept to get back with her that quickly either. We need more explanations otherwise the show will feel flat. I don't get the moral of this week's cases.If anything, lots of things were out of place and happening out of nowhere that it became meaningless.

I agree with @missvictrix. The show is lacking in romance and aside from the bickering moments, the lead couple has no chemistry and I don't feel the spark of love between them.

A side note, Eun-bum's sad eyes says volumes.


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I have officially dropped this drama now (I keep saying that don’t I?) since my pairing has broken up Ha-ra & Jae-gyeom. I know Ha-ra didn’t have feelings for him so I understand, but it still hurts okay? That said, they had one of the best breakups I’ve ever scene in kdramaland. When they both shook hands and said farewell…

The only other pairing I’m somewhat interested in is Bi-chwi & Si-wook. Pretty sure Bi-chwi is pregnant! I’ll root for them in the recaps! I loved the moment when Si-wook got whatever Bi-chwi was trying to reach for but it turned he used the step ladder!
Best representation I’ve seen for shorter people, especially men!

Favourite dialogue in this episode for me:

I still thought I was a good person…
But know I only realised…
That I could be the worst experience for someone…
Generally people are complicated…or evil according to someone
I guess that’s true


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I guess, Eun-Beom never needed to change! Neither did Ha-Ra. He needed to come to a realization (in ep8) that the human heart is capable of loving someone even if you hate some parts of them, and come to terms with the fact that he still loves her underneath all of that vocal display of how he was miserable in their marriage and couldn't continue living on with her.

I hope more people realize that this isn't contradictory but perfectly normal and only human. And that life isn't a quest about finding that arbitrary someone who's perfect and checks all your boxes, moving from one person to the next. Yes, seems like a toxic/ retrograde way of thinking...
Super excited for them to give this a second shot. In a non-conventional way where cohabiting, marriage and kids isn't necessarily the end-goal! ^^


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I am glad that there's finally some clarity on his "cheating", but the fact that we still don't know exactly why he wanted to break-up when he admitted that he was so madly in love with her. And yes, since we always know whats going on in ha-ra's mind, I'm really curious what goes in eun-bum's mind.
I know people are rooting for the second lead couple, but honestly after the last few episodes I'm a bit turned off by them. I really hope that their characters evolve more before something more happens between them(and yes, i know she's pregnant, but they really need to evolve before something happens).
The scene where hara lashes out at her step-sister reminded me of the typical evil women in the illegitimate child trope, but it made me see it in a gray light instead of just black and white.
All in all, I'm really curious how the story will go and how the characters will develop.


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Good riddance to Jae-gyeom.

These episodes did flesh out some elements of Eun-beum's character- and allowed me to like him more than I originally did. It is now obvious that his "Jerkiness" was never his basic character but rather a defense mechanism. If it had been his actual nature Ha-ra would not have been able to push him around for years the way that she had (which triggered his suddenly moving for a divorce once he had had enough- this was an act of desperation). Instead, he would have been right in her face the whole time and pushing back- until she dumped him, long before they got married.

We have seen how she has finally understood the need for mutual accommodation in marriage. But he and his traumas were also part of the problem in their marriage and the reason why he had never been able to communicate what he was feeling or needed. It is time that he took responsibility for his part in all of this, or everything will just repeat itself.

That is why I really hope that with his sudden acceptance of her overtures that he can change his way of doing things, beginning perhaps with an understanding of why he has been doing what he was doing before. That is not a simple process nor an easy road but if any of his actual actions in these episodes tell us anything it is that he really never stopped loving Ha-ra- even if at times he also hated her.


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Omg I absolutely LOVE this show. Binged 8 episodes in less than 48 hours lol. The "flaws" that people are talking about are completely flying over my head lol. I don't care much for the legal cases, they are clearly put in as plot device to mirror the main couple's relationship and make them realise what they need to address in their relationship. Also - the message here is clearly that in any relationship to work - communication is key. But it's also showing us how difficult it can be to keep up a great level of communication. It's so easy to keep things to yourself, until years pass and so much of unhappiness and resentment is built up and boils over, that no amount of communicating is going to help solve anything. And sometimes, as this show also depicts - it's best for both parties to divorce and live their own lives.
Alot of people are calling Hara headstrong. I agree. But I don't think it's a flaw like what so many people are saying. She knows that she's been very pushy with Eun Beum when they were married and knew that she had made a mistake, so she's trying her best to be a better person now - in her interactions with EB as well as with Jae Gyeom.
What I love about this show is how incredibly realistic all the romantic pairings are. I've been in in Eun Beum's shoes, in Hara's shoes when she was married, in Hara's shoes when she's with Jae Gyeom etc. Relationships and humans are flawed and imperfect.
Love it when the leads are on screen together, KSR has a very mature vibe. But shoutout to the second leads. The SFL has such a unique face and Kwon Si Wook is just such a hilarious character with his deadpan expressions - I can't lol. What a gem of a show!


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Yeah to me eum-bum needs to show ha ra that’s his truly loves her and sorry for hurting her. And this has to be shown by action- romantic action - he needs to win- her- over.


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I pulled the ripcord at episode 7.5. I just can’t commit to another four episodes of this. Eun-bum is busting his butt trying to save Ha-ra’s former client and she is focused on getting revenge on her father’s mistress. Adios.


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