Lovely Runner: Episodes 9-10

Our leads are going to college! We’ve said goodbye to school uniforms and also to adulting and landed ourselves kerplunk in the middle — and I’m welcoming the change to sweatpants and varsity jackets with open arms. Jealousies are high, truth-telling is low, and our hero’s heartbreak is through the roof. But is there any sadness that can’t be curbed by having your amor fall in your arms? Twice!?


Last week I asked to shelve the serial killer so we could get back to kissing, and I got my wish! No, we’re not done with the crazy cabbie altogether, but there are enough touchy-feely moments in these episodes to make up for whatever we saw of him.

To pick up where we left off, we get a glimpse of Sun-jae’s stabbing incident. Yes, it’s the same looney that attacked Sol and he’s held a grudge against Sun-jae since then because Sun-jae reported him and sent him to prison.

We learn, though, that Sol was attacked twice by the same dude. She was kidnapped by the reservoir in 2008, but the attacker went scot-free because Adult Sol went back to the future and Young Sol had no idea what happened. In 2009, he kidnapped her again! What is this guy’s problem?

It was after the 2009 incident — when Sun-jae rescued Sol a second time — that all the hubbub started. In this instance, it went down at a construction site and Sun-jae and the creeper tussled until the police showed up. And in the scuffle, Sun-jae lost his watch — you know, that one that Sol no longer has to control time travel with?

In 2023, when Sol reads the police report from 2009, she’s overcome with guilt. It’s all her fault Sun-jae died! If he hadn’t saved her, this looney bin wouldn’t hold a grudge, and then Sun-jae would still be alive! (How’s that for logic?) Anyway, for Sol, the pain is real. She sobs, wishing she’d been harmed instead of Sun-jae, as she searches for the watch.

She ends up finding it in her own house because, as the crime victim, the possessions found at the scene were returned to her at some point. The watch now reads 1:00 — meaning she’s got one more chance. At midnight, she reactivates the time travel and wakes up in 2009 — sitting atop a very tall statue on a university campus. When she attempts to get down, she falls, floats through the air for a long while, and lands in Sun-jae’s grasp. (How does this show produce such sudden and severe elation?)

But then, she hops down and runs away. It looks like her plan is to stay away from him, thus preventing him from liking her/saving her later. (Good luck with that one, Sol.) Sun-jae’s path has changed since the last time we saw him, and he’s a college student now too, majoring in PE, rather than signed with an agency already. Cue up the campus antics!

After filing a long-belated report with the police about her reservoir kidnapping, Sol runs smack into Tae-sung — who’s as cute and flirtatious as ever. (“My ex-girlfriend has gotten prettier.” Gah, why do his lines work so well on me?) It turns out his path has changed too. After graduating from high school, he successfully started an online clothing business. And now that he’s seen her, it seems like he’s not giving up on Sol. “If you wanted a memorable reunion, you succeeded,” he tells her, recognizing the older, moodier Sol straight away — and loving it.

At the same time, lovestruck Sun-jae is wondering why Sol ran away so quickly. He’s hoping with all hope that it’s because he actually stirred up some emotions in her this time. In-hyuk shuts this theory down quickly, but it doesn’t stop Sun-jae from pouring his heart into writing a song about Sol. It’s the piano ballad we heard at the beginning, which Sun-jae played at the Eclipse concert.

For all her trying to evade Sun-jae, Sol finds herself on a student field trip with him, along with the rest of their classmates. And there’s nothing like putting our characters in a closed-off space where they can’t escape for the night and seeing what happens. To start, Sol loses a drinking game and her penalty is to go next door and dance in front of the PE majors.

She doesn’t see Sun-jae amidst the group, so she does an embarrassing dance — just as Sun-jae sits up and spots her. His face shifts from surprise to amusement in a split second, and she runs out of the room and into the woods mortified. Sun-jae follows, accidentally sneaking up on her, and the next thing you know Sol is caught in a wild boar trap and hanging by her heel from a tree (naturally).

As Sun-jae helps her unravel, she lands in his arms for a second time. Fireflies rise all around them as butterflies rise in their stomachs (I imagine), but Sol moves away before any funny business can go down. But Sun-jae is irked by Sol’s response. “Do you hate me that much? That you don’t even want to see me?” His pain is just streaming through the screen and I can barely handle the secondhand heartbreak I’m feeling.

Later, when Sol gets drunk and goes off on her own again, Sun-jae is still traipsing behind to make sure she’s all right. At one point, she’s about to fall off a platform and he catches her (again!), before Sol starts sobbing. Why is he still following her? Why does he keep doing this? She told him to think only of himself. She continues to cry and babble into his shoulder until he apologizes and says, “Don’t cry.” She tells him to act like he doesn’t know her and to not worry about her no matter what.

But Sun-jae being who he is, he ignores her advice and moves to help her onto his back so he can carry her. In the process, Sol’s lips land on his — and it’s an omen. We’ve already heard the student myth that anyone who kisses on this field trip always ends up married. No exceptions (insert list of times it happened in the past). We also see Sol’s bro and bestie have a Spiderman-kiss while they’re there, and we know those two end up hitched, so it seems like a sign.

As Sun-jae piggybacks Sol out of there, she begins singing the ballad he just wrote, stopping him in his tracks. No one has heard it yet, how can she know it? She mutters something about going back to her own time and Sun-jae confronts her once they’re back in the city. Is she really from the future?

Sol tries to explain as best she can (using Terminator as a reference) but keeps stopping time by mentioning the future. Her main point is that she didn’t mean to confuse him and stir up his feelings, she won’t do it again. Sun-jae says not to worry about it because he’s decided to go to the U.S. for a spell to get rehab for his shoulder. (He’s bluffing, but it doesn’t faze her.) He thinks all her time travel talk is just an excuse to get rid of him, so he’ll leave on his own — no need to lie. Sol is sad, but accepts the idea that Sun-jae will leave so he doesn’t run into the murderer.

And now on to the jealousy triangle! A.K.A., the good part (*rubs palms together*). So, some chick in Sun-jae’s class starts putting the moves on him and Sol is right there to see it. It gets worse when a group of classmates go out for drinks, Sunjae and said girl included — and Sol is just tables away at the same bar. Sol drops some coins, which roll under Sun-jae’s table, and as she’s scrambling to pick them up (unseen by anyone), she witnesses a total scene.

The crushing classmate confesses to Sun-jae and then asks him if he wants to date. And then leans in and kisses him! The camera cuts away as Sol turns her head not to look and we’re spared the shock. Is this a drama rebellion!? How can this casual non-OTP kissing occur?!

The truth is: it can’t. Before there was a lip lock, Sun-jae pushed her away with one finger to the forehead. But it doesn’t matter because Sol “saw” the same thing we did on the first take. Sol scrambles from under the table and runs out the door with Sun-jae unsuccessfully chasing behind. Outside, a classmate tells Sun-jae that he thinks Sol likes him and she’s probably run off because she’s jealous. This perks Sun-jae right up. (Aww, he’s so adorable perked up.)

And yes. Sol is indeed jealous, drinking and screaming from her rooftop about the kiss. In a fit of frustration, she flails her feet, kicking one slipper over the roof’s edge — where Sun-jae is standing in the alley between their houses. When she goes down to retrieve her fallen footwear, he kneels and slides it on her foot before asking the important question. How does it feel to see him kiss another girl?

Our determined Sol says it’s nothing to be upset about. (Oof.) He tries another angle. Forget about her traveling between the future and the past, was there ever a moment that she liked him? In any of those times? Sol thinks to herself that she doesn’t deserve to like him and then answers, “No.” Oh. My. God. She’s cruel. I know, I get it, she wants to save his life by having him go far away. But she might just kill him with heartbreak before he even leaves!

At school, Tae-sung is waiting for Sol. (Why am I so excited whenever he appears on the screen now?) This time, the jealousy flows in the other direction and Sun-jae imagines a teary, love-filled reunion between them. But really, Tae-sung is there because his dad is the detective on the murder case and he heard Sol was in a terrible accident last year. (The good news is: the police are hot on the bad guy’s trail.)

After a bunch of flirty banter that it seems neither of these two cuties can control, Sol asks Tae-sung for a favor. In 2023, he needs to tell his dad to protect Sun-jae. And now it’s Tae-sung’s turn to be bitten by the jealousy bug — how can his ex-girlfriend ask him to protect another guy? Sol counters that he’s just a natural flirt and brushes off what he says. But Tae-sung walks her home, truly worried about her.

What follows is a totally superfluous scene that’s also so fabulous I can’t not talk about it. When Tae-sung and Sol arrive to her house, water is pouring from the ceiling of her mom’s video rental store that’s on the ground floor. Also, Sun-jae is there holding a bucket over his head to help catch the water. The two boys glare at each other and then we’re back to the mini macho competitions we had a few weeks ago.

Mom is smitten with Tae-sung because he can’t hold in his sweet talking, even to her. But this drives Sun-jae mad. The tension ramps up as the two boy beauties steady their buckets, showing off to each other by using only one hand (hello, forearms). But when they’re left alone, the arguing turns ugly, and suddenly they’re grappling under the free-flowing water. In the skirmish, they knock down a light, which is about to fall onto the flooded floor and zap them, but Sol kills the power before it does. Phew. Electric shock avoided (except maybe for anyone that was watching that scene).

To stop Tae-sung from sleeping over at Sol’s (Mom invited him), Sun-jae drags Tae-sung to his own house for the night. There, Tae-sung tells Sun-jae that he shouldn’t feel threatened by him. If Sun-jae likes Sol, how can he not tell that she likes him back?

We end with two possible departures. First, Sun-jae’s dad really wants him to go to the U.S. to have that rehab for his shoulder. And so, the trip is scheduled and Sun-jae is at the airport. But on the same day, he’s supposed to go act as the vocalist for Eclipse, since the group was selected to try out for a spot on Superstar K (!). When Sun-jae doesn’t come to the audition, the group tries out anyway — and makes it. Will Sun-jae still be a member of Eclipse?

But even though Sun-jae isn’t at the audition, he’s not on the plane either. As you can guess, he’s standing in front of Sol, telling her he can’t go anywhere because he realized that she likes him. He knows why she’s pushing him away and he’s staying around to change her mind. Not only has he been piecing things together, but he went and dug up the time capsule (right now) and found what she put inside it. He knows she’s trying to save his life and he believes her about the time travel.

He asks if he dies in 2023. And, is it because of her? Sol says no, but she’s crying and can’t really explain. He holds her face in his hands. “Sol-ah, if that’s the reason, stop running away from me. Just pursue your feelings for me. If I end up dying to save you, I’m okay with that.” Sealed with a teary kiss.

What a couple of jam-packed episodes. So much push-pull tension. The holding, the kisses, the jealousy, and oh my god the heartbreak. While all the prior weeks had me making high-pitched sounds, this is the first time I had actual tears. My heart ached for Sun-jae like every three seconds.

But in feel-good news, of the three epochs we’ve witnessed, Sun-jae’s fashion in this one about killed me — sneakers, hoodies, sweats, and letterman jackets? Yep, I’m a sucker for streamlined casualwear almost as much as I am for Tae-sung’s bad-boy attitude. I mean, I’m totally team Sun-jae (for Sol), but the return of Tae-sung had a much more pleasant effect on me than I anticipated. Still, with all the angst driving these episodes, I have a hunch we’ll be in for more happy feels next week.


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1. I was getting tired of watching Sol trying to carry Sun Jae, herself and the entire world on her shoulders. Even if she loses the next 14 years of her life AGAIN, there wouldn't be one soul to worry about her or help her. She was running towards such a lonely and messy fate, even when there are things she can't change.

Additionally, I was exhausted with how everything keeps making Sol feel like she isn't good enough or like she is the problem, while putting Sun Jae in some kind of pedestal, and making it all about him.

But THEN my boy Tae Seong came back!!!! ☺️ As expected, he gave Sol the little comfort she needed (or maybe it was the comfort I needed).
After watching her cry and hate herself, it was nice to see someone ask her how was she doing, and all that.
That was the only moment this week where she didn't look stress out.

And after all that, Sun Jae FINALLY figured things out. I hope that means Sol doesn't go around stressing out about everything anymore —tbh, I'm only happy they got together again because whiny Sun Jae was stressing me out too—.

2. Tae Seong was by far the highlight of the week for me. Except for that dumb fight with Sun Jae, all his scenes were on point. He's just the ray of sunshine in this show.

I love his relationship Sol (top 5 favorite ex-couples lol), and I can't wait to see him build a friendship with Sun Jae (no more stupid-macho fights, please). It was also cute to see him with his dad too.

On another note, I didn't expect him to be a business man, tho. Like did I miss the scene where he explains why he isn't doing music anymore? Why isn't him with Eclipse? Well, being into fashion was his thing too, so I guess his new job makes sense. Better than suddenly becoming a detective.

Anyway, I missed my guy. Like OG Sol would say, TAE SEONG MANSAE. 😂

3. I love Sun Jae with his dad. The airport scene was such a sweet moment that we usually don't get in kdramas. A father hugging his son with so much affection is such a rare thing to see on tv. Even in real life sometimes.

I like their little moments as a family. Unlike another single father I saw this week *cough* Atypical F *cough* it's good to see Sun Jae's dad try his best for his son and give him all the love he deserves.

Oh! And the scene with In Hyuk as his "other son" was adorable. And even if In Hyuk's remarks about Sol annoy the makjang out of me, I love watching him be so protective and supportive of Sun Jae.

I wish we got those little moments for Sol too. She also deserves some love. But of course this show won't give her anything that isn't Sun Jae related, sigh.

3. Eclipse... I wonder if Sun Jae goes back to rehab and continues his swimming career, or what happens to him. Maybe he goes directly to acting? Or maybe he becomes a PE teacher? Or a soloist? So many options.
I don't think he would mind any of them, so I guess it doesn't matter much his future has changed.
It could be worse. I...


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T, I can’t agree with you more even if I tried extra super hard. Your first point conveys a number of things which started getting under my skin and troubling me. Sol isn’t responsible in any shape or form for the awful attacks in Sunjae but the pervasive and nauseating paradigm of violence against women is. As much as I still love aspects of the OTP’s relationship, making Sol constantly feel like shit, grieve and blame herself has become troubling. KHY is so exceptional in this role that she elevates the script even its weakest moments but her character is being subjected to trauma after trauma which is but one dimension of the sickening way violence against women has become a central tenet of the contemporary global entertainment programs. (Just thinks about all the police procedurals, True crime genres, etc. ).

Here, we should be troubled and ask why is she constantly being burdened with what she can’t control and being made to carry the weight of this knowledge to an extent where she is mostly distraught. Her happy moments are few and far between. When she is with Tae, that burden is lifted though. So, T agree with most of your second point as well.
The relationship between Sunjae and his dad is lovely. The actor playing his dad dies a great job in bringing some comedy to his role.


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I was yelling in my head at the TV: “The person responsible for Sun-jae’s death is the criminal, not his victims!” It was exhausting and disheartening watching Sol blame herself. And in a way, she shifted responsibility from the perp to Sun-jae, too. If he just did what she told him, then he wouldn’t be a victim either. But it was never going to be that simple.


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It certainly was disheartening and exhausting. I wish that the script had been much more thoughtful and sensitive about how a young woman who was victimised twice has been made to carry the burden of these crimes because So;’s character can’t separate her guilt from her love for Sunjae and that is ultimately corrosive.
Even if Tae wasn’t portrayed as wonderfully by SGH, his character would still have been a circuit-breaker.


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That is such a valid point. Both Sun-Jae (in the radio show) and Sol have been blaming themselves for the actions of the cabbie over which neither of them had any control.


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Completely agree.
It's sad that Sun Jae being a decent human became such a tragedy.

When he said that he didn't care dying for her, I felt a little relieved (for Sol), but also sad (for him).


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So true. It feels sad than swoony that both are willing to literally die for each other. 😡 Live uri Sun Sol live. Live for each other, live together, just live.


It's also sad how the focus is so intense on Sun Jae, that it feels like the writer forgot that (1) Sol literally got kidnapped in the original timeline, and in her way of escape she got hurt to the point of being paralyzed.
(2) In the second timeline, apparently she gets kidnapped TWICE, because the psycho wanted to finish the job. And she was so traumatized she couldn't even look at Sun Jae in the eyes.
And (3), probably after attacking Sun Jae (in 2023) the plan was to go for Sol again. What if the killer only wanted to get him out of the way?

And let's all remember, that all of this happened just because a psycho decided to harm a 19yo girl that was walking by. She literally existed and for that reason she got attacked.

I seriously hope we stop with the guilt and tears from now on. Sol deserves SO MUCH more.


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Such good points as I have been so confused as to why he was so determined to finish her off when there didn’t seem to be any connection to her so it seemed odd he wouldn’t just move on to the next victim. I can’t believe it was just those two girls he has ever tried to kill as he had so much planning in place re how and where to do the deed and get rid of the evidence. It seemed too much like hard work to deal with Sol regardless of the fact she has seen him as he had already disappeared off the radar and due to her lack of memory he had never been followed up.


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He's uselessly dedicated as a random criminal.

I don't even try to understand what's the logic behind him and his place in the show. It's just so out of place and so out of nowhere.


@enriquequierecagar I forgot that I needed to applaud you for another one of your classic phrases:
‘He's uselessly dedicated’ 👈🏾🤣best turn of phrase for those extras who are just there to support the main cast.


This is so well said.


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It's annoying me especially because she has gotten tons of evidence that, no matter what she does, there are things she can't change. If you keep trying your best to change fate and the same things keep happening, wouldn't you at some point start to conclude that maybe some things are out of your control?


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I also like In Hyuk's character in these episodes. I like the scene where he directly looks at the camera -like telling us- that he's going to convince Sun-Jae to do the audition.


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I liked his wild imagination. He really is Sun Jae's bestie for a reason.


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Baek In Hyuk is such a drama queen, just like Sun-jae.


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Since Sun-jae is also adorkable, I almost thought the whole imagination sequence was real until imagination Sun-jae started wiping In-hyuk's tears.


@asianromance 💯 I too thought for a moment that it was "real". Then the "really real" scene was even more hilarious for being so anticlimactic. 😂


After his reaction to Sun-Jae's *flying kisses* I didn't think in Hyuk had it in him to be such a drama queen. 🙀😂


You got cut off T!? 🙀
Let us read the rest of your comment. 💃


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Don't worry, it was nothing.

Just a final thought about how relieved I was that Eclipse was successful without Sun Jae. Because changing their future too would've been unfair.


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The fact that they passed the audition was surprising but I was happy for them. People who want to make music should definitely fo that. Their success is well deserved.


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I was surprised too. I didn't expect In Hyuk to be the singer. Actually, I was expecting Tae Seong to appear and magically save the day. LOL

But it was a relief their future didn't change. Good for them.


Materialistic Me thought, oh no there goes Sol’s rich idol-wife life!


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🤣 I don't necessarily disagree with you! One needs to eat. 🤭


I that's probably the best thing to happen to her in this new timeline.
He even had a sasaeng breaking into his house a few episodes ago.
After all of this, Sol really deserves a quiet life.


I loved In Hyuk making that "great sacrifice" to convince Sun-Jae to audition - complete with that makjang scene. No wonder these guys are bffs. 😍


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He's so over the top. Just like his bro.


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Oh! I totally expected In Hyuk's wig to fall off during the audition or at least later when they bent over. Then I thought perhaps it would happen during the epilogue. But of course the epilogue we got was just perfect! 👌
Get your new clothes ready friends, we have a wedding to attend. 😍❤


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Some wigs are stronger than my love for Tae Seong. 😆


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🤣🤣🤣 *missed opportunity*


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Remember Yoo Ah-in's Seo Hwi-young hair in Chicago Typewriter? Survived fighting for korean independence!


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🙈 super glue to the rescue. Also all those flying manes in C-dramas. Literally hats off to those guys and gals.


I agree with your perspective on how the writer is subjecting our heroine to further emotional and mental trauma but I think in distressing times such as this, survivor's guilt will kick in. So I kinda get why Im Sol was blaming herself over what happened to Sun Jae. I hope that with Sun Jae knowing the truth, she will overcome this and will pursue her true feelings without guilt.

I have given up on the thought that this show will address the issues concerning disabilities and mental health from the first two episodes because the future has now change. That would be a nice inclusion to the story but I don't think that is the focus. I'll continue to bask myself in the heart fluttering and nostalgic moments of this show though.


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"I have given up on the thought that this show will address the issues concerning disabilities and mental health from the first two episodes because the future has now change."

Same here.
Right now, all I want is for Sol to get a break in the next 6 episodes. No more pain for her. Please.


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Agreed, i’m tired of Sol’s crying. i’ve decided to ignore the timelines, the memories of everyone involved and just enjoy our couple and ex-couple together.


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Generally, if you stop avoiding thoughts of the trauma and let yourself think about alternate perspectives, you'll start to remember the context and that will help reduce survivor's guilt. I just don't think it's realistic that Sol has relived so many versions of this event and still is concluding that it's all her fault.


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I think it's realistic that she could blame herself same way it was realistic Sun Jae blamed him for what happened to her in the original timeline.


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His self-blame is more grounded in events than hers. His point of view on the original timeline attack shows that he blames himself because he didn't wake her on the bus - instead, he deliberately let her sleep so he could watch her and use it as a pretext to talk to her (which sounds more than a little creepy when put that way, but let’s just let him be a teenage boy with judgment to match). But it backfires horribly when he drops his bag and she jumps off at the reservoir stop before he can. His regret is that if he’d done the sensible thing and woken her in time for their stop, none of it would have happened. It was his self-indulgence that led to the disaster (in his mind).

I still don't get the intensity of Sol's guilty feelings, though. She 'fails' to save him on her first time-travel attempt, and her guilt and obsession grow after that. But she was never responsible for his original-timeline death in the first place. The only legitimate regret she could have had about that was that she didn't stick with him that evening - and that's more of a might-have-been than a failure.

Eh, whatever, guilt and regret aren't always based on reality and this show isn't either.


I think so too. I know lovely and reasonable people who feel personal guilt over small things that they can't control, so it makes sense to me that Sol would feel this way, especially since she saw Sun-jae as her savior (once from OG kidnapping, once from killing herself, second timeline drowning, second timeline kidnapping).


‘top 5 favorite ex-couples’ 👈🏾🤣 this really needs to be one of the DB posts.


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This year alone gave me two!
First, Tell Me That You Love Me, and now Carry Sun Jae.

Cute ex-couples should become a trend. Especially if they become good friends like Sol and Tae.


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I hope you get the notification to add the missing section of your comment. If not hopefully on of the alerts will show up and more importantly you remember what you planned to say.


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Don't worry, it was nothing!


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I think it comes from Sol guilty towards Sunjae all the time.
She never knew Sunjae exist just a reach away, can't remember he's the one who saved her and she even yell at him.
She didn't know Sunjae feeling until really late. Not once but multiple time Sunjae saved her but because of that he's dead.


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If I'm tired by the back and forth, time travel and serial killer, I really like the relationships. Not sure why she can say she's from the future but not the rest...

I love Tae-Sung and Sol scenes. I think we see the real Sol when she's with him. He's the most mature from the 3!

If I love the swoony moments between Sol and Sun-Jae, I found Sol acts like a teenager with him and not the 34 years old woman she's. She's like a toddler who thinks if he can's see us, we don't see him. She always wanted to save Sun-Jae but never tried to understand what he wanted for him and spent her time to stop things in his life. But everytime, she hurt him in the process. I hope now he knows, things will get better.


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Sol’s motives have always been pure. Her methods have sometimes left something to be desired. But yes — i hope that will change now that Sun-Jae is in the know.


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THIS, so much THIS. I find her exhausting because she is always trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist yet. I am hoping this is the last time we do this back and forth.


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Yeah, why did it start allowing her to reveal the future? I find that to be a huge plot hole (or at least internally inconsistent)


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i think the idea is that she is not allowed to disclose future *events* but she can say she's from the future since no one is likely to believe her anyway.


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She is not allowed to speak about the future as in what is to come. Which is why even Sunjae is asking her if he were to die in 2023, she does not voice anything, only keeps crying. Sunjae at this point is only conjecting, but it's her physical reaction and the note in time capsule that gives him the picture.


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Our boy Tae-sung! How can one not like him?! I really like the scene where Tae-sung tells Sun-Jae to not waste his energy being jealous.

Overall, I enjoyed these two episodes very much. I appreciate the writer making Sun jae smart enough to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

My only negative would be Kim Hye-Yoon's wailing...i had to mute her crying scenes a few times throughout these episodes 😬


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Opps ... did your comment get cut off too!! 🙀


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No. Typo 😆


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Ack ... no worries then.


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Sun-Jae and Tae Sung's scenes have all been really good. My favorite is of course when Sun-Jae changed his punch into a hug. I can't wait for them to be close like Sun-Jae said they were. 🤣


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that entire scene brings me so so much joy. seonjae is such a goofball. you can't help but love him.


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They make a good team perhaps as good as Sun-Jae and In Hyuk who are actually childhood friends.


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Yes, I had to lower the volume of Sol's wailing to prevent being misunderstood by the neighbors.


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I found KHY very good at crying scenes and they moved me. But I'm tired of seeing her getting into trouble every single time she tries to do something and then Sunjae had to come to her rescue, it really felt contrived. But when I started to get impatient with the show, there would be a scene that won me over. My feeling for the show has been uneven. I care about most characters and enjoy their chemistry, but I didn't really enjoy the story going back and forth. The romance in this show with all the push and pull brings back memories of the youthful time we all once had and I like that.


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We are all in for the romance and can't wait for the "other stuff" to get out of the way. 😉


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Totally agree with being tired/annoyed of Sunjae having to rescue Sol everytime she's in trouble.


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I-get-to-this-early. Yessss!!!

Just for a wee bit, like a small, itty bitty wee bit, I fell for Sol and Tae. Like, not really, but I could see them being happy together if that makes sense. It's not even fair how amazing this SL is. He is a breath of fresh air. For the first time in a show, I am in love with the second ML while never once shipping him with the FL. Did the young Sol never go back to Tae? I know the noona Sol warned him to stay away from the second-hand-embarrassment Sol, still...it would have given a nice twist lol!

Mopping Sun-jae is hard to watch. I burst out laughing when In-Hyun called him out for being about a step lower than a stalker. I mean, it is indeed quite pathetic to keep following a girl around who has clearly said no in no uncertain terms. Taking admission in the same college in hopes she would maybe notice? When she didn't even after you saved her sorry ass and she is the neighbour right across the street?

But then I guess it pays off because she lands right in his arms (what was second-hand-embarrassment Sol doing up there on that horse anyway? How did she even get there?).

My heart broke when she was searching for that watch so desperately. But interestingly, Sunjae was not dead yet, he was in the hospital, on a ventilator. So she came back while he was still alive. I found that little piece interesting.

I do love how they are not playing hard and loose with the time travel rules. Though it's all still quite fantastic, but the rules are now beginning to look consistent, an ingredient always welcome in stories that need suspended disbelief (something that Avergers made us marvel at, pun intended).

The only thing I didn't like in these two episodes was that spiderman kiss. I don't care about genders, but you don't go around kissing people when they are drunk or are in a vulnerable position. Imagine a guy doing that to a girl suspended on a bear trap.....come on! She needed to run screeching for help, not molest him while he was hanging upside down wailing his lost love - I can really do without these two.

I absolutely loved how they brought about Sunjae knowing about Sol. I didn't see that coming, and it's a game changer. This time, when Sol leaves, we know Sunjae would be there on the other side, waiting for her. In fact I can imagine this convo:

Sunjae to Tae: Do you think she is back?
Tae: Peers into Sol - Noona?
Sol- Taeeeeee, how are you here? Do you still miss me?
Tae to Sunjae - Nah! She is not back yet.

I am giggling.


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👍 for this "...even after you saved her sorry ass and she is the neighbour right across the street?" You made me laugh instantly 🤣

So true😞


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OMG Minnie please form a makjang writers trio with Sun and In Hyuk. You are a riot. "Peers into Sol" ... and you think Sun would just stand by watching. Tut, tut.


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I would be surprised if the second hand embarrassment would not have Sunjae arrested for stalking 🤣🤣🤣 so Tae is his best option.


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The level of second hand embarrassment in this drama is as high as the no of squees. 😳🥰


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@claire2009 has indeed said it best. Each time the drama makes one faceplate 🤦‍♀️ it also makes one fall in love right back again. 😍🥰❤


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* faceplate facepalm


Sunjae to Tae: Do you think she is back?
Tae: Peers into Sol - Noona?
Sol- Taeeeeee, how are you here? Do you still miss me?
Tae to Sunjae - Nah! She is not back yet.

I can totally see this happening. This two boys bonding as they watch over/take care of young Sol.


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These two could have a drama of their own and I would watch.


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Same! 😊 i sure hope the writer has more Sun Jae and Tae Sung scenes for us.


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🫘Beansprout Award🌱for best imagined scene crying out to be included in next week’s episodes.

Please let there be some begrudging friendship between the boys as they tag team becoming undercover bodyguards until the culprit is caught and please let him do some serious time for murder and attempted murder are these two his only victims? Is he a time traveller too hence the shaman bells and being one step ahead of the cops and getting through security at the hotel knowing where to find Sol.


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hehehehe! Thank you <3

It is possible that he is simply following Sol around (he does kidnap her again), hence knows when police becomes active at the crime scene.


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It's not even fair how amazing this SL is. He is a breath of fresh air. For the first time in a show, I am in love with the second ML while never once shipping him with the FL.

Omo, same! I just want him to have his own show. 😂

Mopping Sun-jae is hard to watch […] But then I guess it pays off because she lands right in his arms.

I don't what was harder to watch. Sun Jae not being able to process the rejection, or how forceful it felt everytime the show made Sol be in danger to prove that it was necessary for Sun Jae to follow her.

I wonder how OG Sol survived 15 years without him, if she falls from places every two seconds, and only SJ can help her.

The only thing I didn't like in these two episodes was that spiderman kiss.
I saw the kiss while fast forwarding, thankfully. At this point, I find the secondary couple more insufferable than the killer.

PS. I love the final convo!
I also imagine Sun Sol arriving at Sol's house, and they find Tae hanging out there.
And he's like "I'm here for my ex-mother in law. We still keep contact, we're Go Stop buddies".


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ex mother in law 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


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Actually I hate every scene of the friend and brother being together.


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I think it was @elinor who said that it feels like they're in a different drama, and I cannot agree more


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They were so annoyingly clueless in the fire scene and haven't really gotten better, tbh. It feels like a mistake in character development on the part of the writer. Sol is already a frequently frantic character -- and it's completely justified in her case. So the show doesn't need the over-the-top hijinks of these two -- they're not funny and it's pretty sad that two of the closest people in Sol's life are so clueless and unable to provide her any kind of meaningful friendship.


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That fire scene... I wish it never existed. How come they didn't smell/see the smoke around them?
Sometimes they humor in this show is really funny but other times is too silly to even smile.


I do too. They're my least favorite characters. They're both loud and she tends to baby talk 😫


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I have to FF them. And in 9, all the college retreat shenanigans 🤦🏼‍♀️ were very tiresome.


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The drinking games and pranks is so tiresome. Its been done so many times before. I sure am glad that they didnt stay overlong at the retreat.


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I hate retreats in real life, so I usually don't enjoy them in dramas either


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Their scenes as adults are fine, but their 2009/2010 scenes are terrible. I had trouble buying that the brother actually had a girlfriend even though I know terrible guys get gfs all the time.

I wonder if Sol's accident (in OG timeline) and traumatic failed kidnapping (in second timeline) were things that help them mature.


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I love how In-hyuk gave his perspective from the real-life point of view, where it just looks stalker crazy to follow a girl who rejected you to college. Also brings to mind the Dobler-Dahmer theory: https://youtu.be/jkQJKeO8zUo?feature=shared


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Inhyuk has been a dumbass most of the time but he sure got that right. And, thanks for the clip!


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Thank you for a lovely recap. ❤

First things first I love both our male leads. They are so observant and actually use their knowledge and intelligence to recognize Sol-34 and acknowledge her time travel theory. They are both great at connecting the dots. All hail the rise of IQ of male leads in K-dramas which is actually put to good use in furtherance of the plot. 🙌

With Eclipse releasing their new album in 2023 can we get rid of the murderous cabbie altogether please! 🙏 I don't know and don't care to know about his backstory or relevance to the plot. Just give me more Sun Sol please, like lots and lots more.

I feel for Sun-Jae's shoulder 😳 what's with Sol falling in his arms and him having to piggyback her, holding up two containers to collect leaking water, brawling with Tae Sung etc, etc. *Ouch* Can any therapy help him !? Maybe Sol can kiss him better. 😘

I couldn't believe how was it possible for Sun Sol to come back from that field trip with ... you know. Thankfully the epilogue helped us heave a collective sigh of relief. Also with Sun-Jae's dad calling Sol his daughter-in-law and Tae Sung calling out Sun-Jae's questionable (for now) status as son-in-law of Sol's house we are all set for HEA folks. Omo ... I have to go shopping. I have a wedding to attend folks. Just imagine how cute Sun Sol will look together at the altar. I hope they release a wedding photo shoot of Sun Sol. I'm squee-ing just thinking about this. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤


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Yes to the campaign to get rid of the cabbie already😬 however we all know that is not going to happen.


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Not that is a plot hole I'd approve ... just push him off a cliff or sic a ToD on him. Nothing fancy, just a regular day in K-dramaland.


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Now that you mention Sun Jae's shoulder... I feel like he definitely needs the rehab. Not for swimming, but to survive as Sol's boyfriend.

She just keeps falling from random places. He needs to be prepared.


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I know how painful shoulder injuries can be and I totally wince in sympathy every time he jerks it.


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My husband was SO annoyed because, in real life, catching her like that would have hurt Sun-jae's shoulder


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*twirls in happiness* See i got the Doctor's note to prove my point.
*pats own back gleefully*


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Sh seemed to be a little too high. So when he catched her I imagined Sun Jae's arms giving up and him just falling with her. lol


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Gravity pulls everyone down! 😂


But it's kdrama gravity! The same kind that allows one person to fall and crash into another person's face and have it be a romantic accidental kiss. IRL, it would be like be like being hit in the face with a hard object, and there would be injured lips.


... and broken teeth! 😭


"Rehab to survive as Sol's boyfriend" 🤣🤣🤣
That is true. I can't believe Sun Jae managed not to fall to the ground as he caught her. He shouldve damaged something like his arms , shoulders or legs due to the impact


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Maybe he already has been doing some extreme training? 🤔 He knows clumsy she is.


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Knees and shoulders take maximum impact as any Weightlifting Fairy can testify. 🤭 🏋️‍♀️


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I am in no way, shape, or form as entralled with this show like others are. I thought that even more after this weeks' episodes.

I also had this moment when I just thought "we're just never gonna learn about why he was distant and detached from his friend in the original time, are we?"
I guess it can be assumed it was just the years of guilt within him just reached a point where he was just done with everything (still doesn't really explain why he wouldn't tell his [former?] best friend & groupmate that he planned on retiring. Or why Tae Sung ended up getting into a fight that led to him leaving school. Tae Sung's jealous fangirls were apparently pointless except to, what, show 30 year old Sol being more mature than them? Oh, was to have him & Sol date (even though we never saw them date and it was all chalked up to him using her)

Also, did I miss something because why did Tae Sung's dad even show up that fateful night when Sol's would've gotten run over? And the cops couldn't do any investigating because Sol didn't remember anything but Sun Jae was there, could he have not said anything? Like she was running from a white trunk? Oh! Which brings me to how did the murderer know to burn down his evidence filled warehouse? Does he have a spy on the inside? Is the spy Tae Sung's father?

I saw that a reason for the show's popularity in SK is a nostalgia factor (like the Reply series). Another reason is people are so into the male lead. Since neither of those things are affecting me, I think I'm meh about what's happening. Is jaded also an accurate word? Haha

I think I miss the first week or two when had more of the second hand embarrassment inducing comedy. I think I chuckled, smiled, or laughed more than I do now. And back then he did actually die so she had a reason to go back to the past, in this latest journey to the past, he was just seriously injured but he wasn't dead. And it doesn't make a whole lot of sense why 19 year old Sol would've kept his watch when she didn't even wanna see him (since she associated him with her ordeal).

I think Sun Jae's friend's reaction is possibly understandable but at the same time, I get a bit irked when he blames Sol for situations that she wasn't responsible for. It's not like she *asked* to be abducted. She didn't *ask* Sun Jae to come save her. She didn't *ask* Sun Jae to wait or pine for her.

Sol's actions also irked me cause couldn't she just reverse back from under the table? Did I miss something blocking her path? Why get jealous (enough to drink) when she actively pushed him away? (Then again, feelings are feelings and you can't help how you feel) but still, it irked me haha. Like "I thought I was your first love and you waited for me but then you kissed her! How dare you!" after she told him leave as soon as possible.

I think it's cute that they've kinda had multiple first kisses in each decade haha. And each of the kisses have a different vibe...


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Anyhoo, the show is likable enough that I plan to continue watching but yeah, I'm just not as into it as others.

I recognized Superstar K so I really liked that included Seo In Guk. That was a really cool moment haha.


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I wanted real In Guk. 😖 It would've been awesome. But I guess I have to be grateful for the cameos we already had.

And I feel you, trying to make sense or find "reason" behind anything happening in the show is mission impossible.


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It would have been awesome if he had a cameo or even if they aired the original footage.


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I was expecting the original footage too! But maybe they didn't use it because it was from another channel? 🤔


I'm on the same page as you. I'm just getting frustrated by the repeated noble idiocy and I don't love how the show is handling trauma


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Tae Sung just getting in a fight that has zero to do with the plot, actually fits with everything we know of his bad guy high school days. I can see him just dropping out because he did not like something.

With that said, I am 100% with you on the narrative getting too tangled and some plot points getting left behind. For once, I am still standing on the opinion that the original Sun Jae committed suicide or at least, was suffering from such a depression that he did not put on a fight. That would explain why in the first timeline there is no indication of murder in the media. His mental problems & relationship with the groupmate getting resolved just because 15 years ago he befriended his crush for three months makes no sense. While I love the show, such treatment of mental illness seems very off-putting.


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It wasn't just befriending his crush. In the new timeline, Sol can walk and never lashes out at Sun Jae on the radio. I could imagine the guilt of not being able to save her in time and of being blamed for keeping her alive but tormented is enough to lead to mental illness.

But, in the end, we'll never know whether it's guilt, the pressure of being an idol, or the shoulder injury that plunged him into depression. But maybe not knowing is more realistic.

While the mention of mental illness and suicide is fully explained in the series, I don't think the series made it feel light.

But I too would like to know what happened between the groupmates.


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Sun Jae and Sol in that final scene 🥰 all those push and pulls, yearning looks, drunken shenanigans, heartfelt confessions really paid off. Sun Jae despite his gentle nature has a petty streak. I can't help but laugh when he took revenge on that senior student for Sol. Also other scenes I like are Sun Jae and Tae Sung machismo contest. Sol just being adorable. Sol and Tae Sung conversations.💕

I have always liked Tae Sung and happy that he is back this week. These episodes confirmed to me that he became a detective in the future like his father. I would like him to be friends with Sun Jae. Afterall, he put Sun Jae's head on straight and gave him real talk. But at the same time came back to help Sol again as she is in another crisis mode. Everyone needs a friend like him.

Now with this latest turn of events, I wonder if the killer will make his move sooner. There are 6 more episodes to fill. I hope there are more Sol, Sun Jae and Tae Sung. Less killer-related scenes.


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I think it would be great if he became a detective too.


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Sun-Jae being petty for Sol is epic boyfriend behavior. 🤣
Just like QoT when Hyun-woo didn't care who said what about him but word against Hae-in would get you sued.


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🤣🤣🤣 so true!!


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I can’t thank @dramaddictally enough for the recaps and especially for completely ignoring the screechy brother/bestie and the dumbass college retreat hijinks. If only I were watching the version of the show that skips those, too!

OK, because I love this show so much, I’m going to criticize it. 😆

I’m no more comfortable with the FL existing only for the ML and his well-being than I am when it’s the other way about, as in Marry My Husband. Sol in the original timeline seemed to have some determination and optimism and a will to live for herself, notwithstanding all the fangirling. What happened to that Sol? Now she’s almost 100% focused on Sun-jae - not just on his survival, but on the particular path she wants for him, at the expense of her own independent existence. And honestly, that’s kind of boring. Only KHY’s incredibly appealing performance is making it palatable.

I guess I’m in a minority on this, but dad also seems to me to be living only for and through SJ. SJ has never said he wanted to go back to swimming, or that he would be willing to try anything so extreme to do so. Once the Olympics were over, he made his point that he was happy while it lasted and doesn’t regret that he did it. Dad making plans behind his back and bulldozing ahead with them, without ever really discussing it with SJ or getting his agreement, doesn’t make him a good dad in my book. I know all this is to heighten the conflict and misdirection, but it’s doing Dad dirty.

And then, as @claire2009 says, every time I get impatient, there’s a scene that knocks my socks off. SJ coming back at the end of episode 10, having finally put everything together, to tell Sol what he really needs from her - I don’t think I took a breath for a good 5 minutes. Maybe I could still be a swimmer.


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I forgot to add: there’s a BTS on YouTube (no subs, alas) of the leaking pipes scene, and Sung Byoung-sook, who plays Sol’s halmeoni, takes advantage of the bucket-holding to shamelessly feel up Byun Woo-seok’s muscular arms and chest - naughty granny, but who could blame her?


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That must be why they kept the line in about his ams just to emphasise that she was team Sunjae🤣
I often wonder what it is like for the older actors to be able to hug their ‘sons/grandson’ knowing they are in a scene with the latest heart throbs.


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I kinda found it embarrassing that she was so handsy with him. I suppose older people could just be the later versions of their younger selves without much growth ot self-reflection. If she had only stopped after one light touch but no. It skeeved me out.


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I think it’s double standards when men are treated that way as it would not be acceptable if some old man was touching a younger woman like that. Due to the age/respect element and the camera being present he would not be able to say/do anything. Sometimes I wonder how much BTS is actually promotional material so things like this are exaggerated to increase the views, whether he is comfortable with it or not.


This is why he’s more popular than her. Even grandma’s are thirsting over him and tvn is doing everything to ensure they continue to do so. Him eating pizza with friends is trending in Korea. Him riding a bicycle is blowing up on Korean forums. He just needs to breathe and the forums go crazy.


@Trip: Whether or not BWS is enjoying it, there is a frenzy around him by the sound of it. For actors, chasing the limelight must be a double edge sword.


Its not just a frenzy its an obsession. The level of popularity he has achieved is another level. He's backed by a very strong and smart agency too. Varo is the offshoot of BH entertainment which houses all the big stars and is owned by LBH who is the most influential actor in Korea. He's set for the rest of his life. Endorsements and scripts will all keep flooding in.


@Trip Good for him but makes me sad for and mad on behalf of KHY if she doesn’t benefit anywhere as much as him. May she get good scripts and is recognised for how she has uplifted LR. Without her, BWS wouldn’t have shined anywhere as brightly.


@Trip: The info I looked up stated that Varo was founded by Um Heungbeom but is it now owned by the actor who was in “Mr Sunshine”? I know he comes from a wealthy background and there is an air of wealth and arrogance around that guy but couldn’t find info in a quick search that indicated he currently owns Varo.


BH and Varo are like Hybe and Ador. All the actors in Varo were transferred from BH. LBH is the founder of BH entertainment. Him and his long time manager co-founded it. All the actors in BH and Varo are prominent actors. The agency is very influential. Artist company is also founded by A list celebs but not as influential as BH.


That is one handsy woman yikes. I was thinking “Give it a rest!”.


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Sol's dance was funny during the MT, but the rest was meh. I also liked their convo in the woods.


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About Sun Jae's rehab it's kind of Sun Sol's fault more than dad's.

The show doesn't go deep into anything, so everything has to be a guess, but I think the dad couldn't be completely sure about Sun Jae's stance on swimming.
It wasn't really his choice to quit.
He told his dad he was fine (I think he gave a clearer statement to Sol), but that doesn't mean that if he actually had the chance to go back he wouldn't.

After getting the clinic's infor from the coach, he asked Sun Jae what he wanted to do. Then Sun Jae told Sol about it, and Sol told the dad Sun Jae was going to rehab.
And Sun Jae never corrected that. At the end, he decided to go to distance himself from Sol.

We already know that he let Sun Jae be an idol in multiple timelines, and in this one he let him go to college to study PE (which was a decision he took just to follow a girl lol). So I don't think he actually tries to force Sun Jae to do anything. I think he probably just wants his kid to have no regrets. At the end, he's doing his job as a dad, trying to guide him to the right path.


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I can understand why Sol only thinks about Sun-jae. Because Sun-jae is going to DIE. It's obvious for her firstly as a fan and later as a lover to just think about saving him in the short time she has in the past.


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Hrmm, you raise some excellent points. Maybe that's why I'm getting so bored with this drama. I actually find myself missing future Sol from the original timeline.


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I so agree about Sun Jae's dad. He's not overtly emotionally manipulative, and I do believe he genuinely loves his son, but it's clear that he's envisioning a certain path for him that rests on him assuming he knows what Sun Jae actually wants rather than asking him. And that path involves many secondary benefits for Dad, so it's also hard not to see the selfish elements in him doing this research and making continual, not-so-gentle push for Sun Jae to go back to swimming. Plus, Sun Jae's reactions are so non-committal; any parent paying attention should realize that he's conflicted or, more accurately, pretty much over swimming. But Dad keeps pushing it.

As for Sol, I see your point about her living only to protect Sun Jae and also push him towards the future she thinks he wants and believes is best for him. But I find myself cutting her slack because she obviously believes that the only reason she's existing and interacting in these various timelines is to save him from others and himself in a sense, too. That definitely results in some overbearing behavior, but she's working under time constraints and always in a hurry to make sure he's spared so I can see why she's such a bulldozer on this front.

To that end, I think this is why I'm not as bothered by others at Sol continually blaming herself when she's unable to fully prevent tragedy. First, because this is exactly in line with Sol's personality and two, because the timeslip premise exists in her mind precisely so she can take responsibility for Sun Jae and keeping him alive.


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I'm assuming that Sun-jae's dad doesn't know that his son has been lovesick and heartbroken for months, but has noticed that he's "off". He also knows nothing about his son's interest in music. For him, a logical assumption would be that gettting back into swimming might bring the sparkle back into his son's eyes.

Totally agree with you on Sol. All three timelines have been just a few weeks, cognitively, for her, mostly focused on keeping Sun-jae alive and happy (so he can stay alive). Her future job is clearly important to her, but the immediate priority, if she doesn't want to spend the rest of her life in regret, is Sun-jae.


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@elinor: You’ve made thought-full points about Sunjae’s dad. I’m intimately familiar with such parents and they’re a double edged sword in RL.
In LR’s universe, Sunjae’s dad has largely been a nurturing and loving dad but I agree that making the plans without consulting with Sunjae and then ploughing ahead was bad parenting. Of course given the horrors that we have seen in some recent dramas, he is comparatively and overall a good dad.


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Thank you @dramaddictally for the recap. I really struggled to watch this week’s episodes after the heavy start because I didn’t want my happy place to turn dark. I only managed to complete them today because all the fan wall posts were referring to the usual joyful moments which brought me back and with fast forwarding I made it through the scenes I didn’t want to see. I am glad I did watch it because it had so many funny, sad and cute scenes this week.

Sol’s grandma’s reactions were interesting too so it will be good to see how that came about.

I am looking forward to seeing how things wrap up with the dodgy cabbie especially now I have accepted it will be weaved into the storyline until the last few minutes of the final episode and so I will just have to fast forward again. I like that it is Taesung’s dad who will solve it.

I don’t know how the relationship will go with the time travel element taking Sunjae’s girlfriend away and leaving her younger unaware self behind like the last time, he has endured kisses and two confessions which didn’t give him the outcome he wanted, so how will he cope even knowing the time travel is the problem. I also wonder if Sol will end up disabled again or if that part of history has changed forever.


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Thank you Dramaddictally, I feel like I can visualise your gleeful smiles and giddy sighs while reading the recap, it is infectious. 
Our leads are still fabulous but it was tiring watching Sol continually push Sun Jae away.
Episode 9 had way too much filler. 
Episode 10 was back on track with " the good part (*rubs palms together*)".


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These episodes were all over the place, weren't they? This show goes from the ridiculous to the sublime in less time than it takes Sol to sprint away from Sun-jae with a trashcan on her head.


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"...from the ridiculous to the sublime..."

i think that's a huge part of its charm but maybe it's just me lol


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Gosh, Tae Sung is one of my favorite second leads ever and I don't think I have many (I don't have a list lol!). (I did like True Beauty's second lead back then.) Anyway, he hasn't had much to do. He's been awesome though. Cute and teasing one moment then caring and thoughtful the next. He's also perceptive. Glad he called Sun Jae out about Sol. He took Sol's rejection well too. I hope he remains a good, non-toxic character.

I'm glad that Sun Jae *and* Tae Sung know the truth about Sol.

There were less highlights this week. Yay for the older setting and seeing Sun Jae in his letterman jacket. But the college humor ain't it. Unfortunately, the friend+Sol's brother scenes were still a drag and they took up a lot of screen time. Did not like the upside down kiss at all.

The pettiness between Sun Jae and Tae Sung was again fun. Things were a little dramatic with the overhead light though. It was a good move that they ended it on a funny note.

I actually did not swoon at Sun Jae's last line - being okay about dying from saving Sol. I wanted him to say something along the lines of "we'll figure it out together".

On one hand, I want Sol to do something more to save Sun Jae. However, she has done things like reporting to the police and providing statements/evidence. I'm not sure what it is. Maybe I want her to find new clues on her own or be more analytical about the killer and mystery. She hasn't told her family and Tae Sung commented on this so I wonder if she will eventually inform them and gain support & protection.


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Yes her not telling the family was ridiculous.


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Especially when her old self (19yo Sol) knows nothing and will be completely defenseless the second she (2023 Sol) travels back.


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Okay these episodes were nice but the best part was the last scene as always, they do surprise me with these twist. And unlike others i don't ship tae and sol but I DO WANT THEM TO BE BFFS, like common they have so much bff energy more than couple energy 🤧. Sol and Sunjae are the most innocent people so it does makes sense they both feel guilty for the actions they didn't do. Sunjae was feeling for not saving Sol for all those 15 years in OG timeline, and now it's sols turn. But I love they don't drag anything.. it's keep interesting. But but just stop with the second leads..they're really getting worse every episode...like there are so many cute second leads I've seen, why couldn't writer write it like them...and with the toilet jokes..I don't know why are they so obsessed with it..but other than that it was lovely.


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Yes I thought the same thing with the toilet humour; there was a hole where the lock should be so there was no reason for him not to use that to hold the door himself. Also why would they have so many people staying in the lodges and only have portable toilets? It was a completely unnecessary scene, I am sure Sunjae could have got payback on him in some other way.


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That toilet scene made give a negative point for Sun Jae because he isn't that heartless to embarass a person. It was not in line with his character.


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Writer thought it will fall in the category of joke but nope..


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Ikr..the obsession I swear 😕. Every writer has one..it's toilet for this one😭🤧🤧


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It just makes no sense as the implication is that Korean food leads to having digestive issues and after doing all the PPL for traditional food why undermine it.


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I like how kdramas are very "everyone poops!" instead of pretending we don't. But sometimes, they go overboard. When I have diarrhea from food not sitting well in my digestive system, I have about 30 minutes of cramping to endure before I really need to go. Like if I try to go on the onset of the intestinal churning, nothing comes out yet.

At least, here it is because he keeps swallowing mouthwash. The lesson is to not walk around with mouthwash in your mouth anticipating to get a kiss. Also mouthwash kills all the good bacteria in your mouth.


@asianromance I think it’s the frequency of showing the severe end rather than the full range of needing to go to the toilet and that the shame factor is always played for laughs.
I prefer how they normalise period pain or an unexpected arrival with a female friend/colleague helping out or a male character being ok buying pain meds or products for their girlfriend.


Four toilet humor scenes in ten episodes are "a bit" too much.
_ Sol's friend.
_ Sun Jae's dad.
_ Sol.
_ That boy in the camp.


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@skiee Great point about the toilet humour. It was terribly off putting.


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@dramaddictally Wonderful recap and I have only one point to add which is the acting in the last 5 minutes of Ep 10. Both did a tremendous job and the BTS showed them discussing the approach to that scene. They both are hardworkers and glad their effort is paying.


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I watched their BTS scenes and it is fun to watch both of them discussing on how they will approach the scene from their character's personality. They have a healthy collaboration even with the drunken kissing scene.


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healthy collaboration

No wonder their onscreen chemistry is sizzling. This drama might have easily been a flop because even TvN did not expect this much popularity, so to see these actors give their all in without expecting much in return shows the love they have for their profession.


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So true, it's filled with cliches and yet these cliches are making me feel mushy. There's an article released that the show was delayed by 3 years because no actor wanted the script until BWS. They also emphasized that the show is NOT aniticipated so surprise, surprise it actually performed beyond their expectation! And now I read that they are planning to organize a special event.


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Special event with the leads??? That's great because KHY too needs the recognition. BWS is having fan meetings left and right and is being requested for TV variety showw, but there is silence in KHY's agency. In fact the agency is getting flack for not promoting her. TvN's youtube videos on LR are filled with discussions about the lack of promotion for KHY. Hope it is a wake up call for that agency.


Thats interesting. I watched '20th century girl' which is really similar- its like someone said 'lets make a series of this movie, we will just add time travel'. I know, all of dramaland is full of repeated scenes, but still, its striking.


I love when things like this happen!

It's wonderful when no one has faith in a creative project but then, suddenly, people decide it's worth taking a risk on and then they end up with an unexpected hit. So vindicating for all involved.


this drama & ep10's end scene is everything to me


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I am team Tae-Sung. I really like his characters interactions with Soo, and I can see why young Sol was so smitten. They are very cute together.

Sun-Jae is totally in love, and I am glad Sol loves him back, but sometimes it feels like she loves future Sun-Jae the fantasy idol vs the real person. So it’s interesting to me that the future idol (or maybe not now) is sort of stalking his future fan girl!

I’m happy however it ends up, but I really enjoy Rae-Sungs rapport. Both boys are sweet and fun.

My hope is we have a happy ending. For all 5 of the young people in love ❤️.

I’m too lazy to log in!


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"too lazy to log in" 🤣🤣


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reading this, im tempted to watch now bc of the rivaly and brotherhood because that part seems so real but Sol annoys the hell out of me so ... she just is kind of lost at who she even is. she is not grounded in a personality just built her identity around him. so like, the bromance seems hilarious but with the romance I so hope he will just break up with her and move on.

tell me if there are more scenes between those two doofuses I will watch those.


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i hope there will be MORE of the bromance also!! they are great, i like them both...

but, i'm still going to be Team SunJae. tho i think TaeSun is so sweet in his bad boy way...


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I've only just started gushing about the whole MT sequences being cathartic for Seol, because for the first time she could admit out loud that she felt guilty and responsible for Sun-jae's death. She needed that admission before she could work through the fact that it wasn't her fault, and every time Sun-jae saved her, it was by his own choice. But then the drama decided to just run full speed ahead, culminating in Sun-jae figuring out the real truth behind Seol's baffling personality changes. (Also, a neat way of bypassing the time travel's strict rule about sharing future knowledge.) And here I was, left with the mess of my emotions because this drama knows how to juggle the clumsy romance, the suspenseful thriller, and the heart wrenching moments so smoothly.

Sun-jae is definitely killing it in the seducing department with this week eps. That last sequence at the end of eps 10?? Shocking, heart tugging, moving, sincere, swoony, and everything in between. It's exactly what Seol needed to hear right at that moment when she was wracked with guilt and unacknowledged hope that Sun-jae would still come to save her. Just perfect *chef's kiss*!!

As a side note, I noticed that Lovely Runner kept up its excellence at on-point social commentary delivered in a light way. Be it the skewed practice of fangirling, the misused seniority among college student, or the prevalent (sometimes forced) alcoholism. Seol as the old soul occupying a much younger body and someone who has lived through 4 different timelines was the perfect person to carry through those sensitive messages. Kim Hye-yoon owned those outburst moment so well I could hardly imagine any other actress in her place.


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@emsel @gadis What is MT?


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It's the trip the students sent on.

I think it's like "Meeting Trip"

It's suppose to like bonding on an overnight trip with your classmates/schoolmates/collegeues/etc


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MT: Membership training.

Yep, it is for bonding.

Read More


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I liked these two episodes. Firstly, let me cheer for the return of Tae Sung! I was so happy to see him. I enjoyed the silly pointless boy fight too. He is such a cool 2ML who doesn’t make Sol uncomfortable and in fact even chided Sun Jae for being so dense.

The show manages to mix up the angsty emotions and light heartedness well.
I felt for Sol. Poor girl has to relive her life and go through the fear of being kidnapped and getting into an accident, fear losing her leg again and again. The fact that she still chooses to go back tells us how much she cares for Sun Jae.

I was so relieved for her when she finally revealed her time travel secret to both the boys. She needed the support. Hoping the three of them together can solve this and come out alive and healthy.

And I swooned when Sun Jae figured out and said that he was ok if he ended up dying trying to save her in the future.

I absolutely hate the brother and friend arc. I feel nothing for them and they take up too much of screen time. The brother’s acting is so cringe.


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Episodes 9 and 10 clarified both what I love about the show and what I don't like so much.

What I love:
Sol and Sun Jae together: KHY and BWS's chemistry is magical. These two episodes had them together less, except when Sun Jae caught Sol (how can she not fall for him, because that is what the writers have her literally do repeatedly), but the two big scenes of them, the drunk scene in the woods and then the ending Ep. 10 scene, made me cry.
2. Kim Hye Yoon: She was fantastic in Episode 9. Sol's desperation, despair, guilt, and longing were also well conveyed. BWS has been great--take nothing from him--but she carried these two episodes.
3. Tae Seong: I admit I am not a shipper, but Tae Seong has rizz--even Sol's mom fell for him. Of all the secondary characters, he is the best set up and best acted. It is totally believable that he was the heartthrob in high school because he has that charm. Besides that though, he has a perceptiveness that seems to span time too. Gravitas with charm and witty banter--that's a winning combo. His chemistry with Sol and with Sun Jae are both great and I love his scenes. I wish he had stayed in Eclipse--wouldn't that been an interesting storyline forwards and backwards.

What I don't like so much:
Geum and Hyun Joo: Something is missing and off about this relationship for the amount of time they devote to it. I think a key thing is the way Geum is written and acted, but also, Hyun Joo's obsession with Geum is also not understandable. If I ever pooped in public in front of someone, that would send him way to the bottom of the list of potential boyfriends, not the top. The couple is just not much fun or sweet.

As to the killer, I actually like that we don't see much of him and that they only give us the bare minimum of his motivations (going after Sol and Sun Jae because they both witnessed one of his crimes). I don't need a lot of screentime of him plotting or explaining--just enough for the plot, but no more.

One thing I wish Sol realized is that the changes that she wrought and can make may be small, but are impactful. She keeps on trying to do the big save, but each trip, while she may have done what she thinks is big, like prevent her mom's burn or her paralysis, the butterfly effect of other things had just as much impact. For example, she supported and understood Sun Jae when he tended to struggle alone, and that made him not have depression and panic disorder (the hotel coffee table had desserts not pills after the first trip). Her encouragement of Tae Seong had him straighten out his life. Those small things in life are often overlooked but just as important as catching someone falling off a statue (which is important, but the opportunity to do so is rare).

Still, I love this show. I can't wait to see where it takes us next and with what hairstyle and clothes. I will put on a face mask too in preparation.


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the changes that she wrought and can make may be small, but are impactful.

I am loving this domino effect. The story has some good layered intones and that itself could be a fodder for a drama.


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Although I'm not going to join you in the face mask (by the time you are my age nothing can help) I am completely with you in the likes and dislikes. Also, your point about Sol's "saves" seems to me to be one of the very sentimental, but still pretty sweet points of the show--how such little matters of consideration, and proper timing, can change a life course.

Just as Sun Jae in the original timeline changed Sol's perspective with his heartfelt phone message, so Sol in her returns keeps doing the same with everybody, even including her incredibly obnoxious brother (the drunken point on how he really enjoyed the kiss through the mask, for example, is a step toward him realizing how much he likes her that leads to the marriage, for better or worse!)

Any mystery about why Sun Jae stays in love with Sol through multiple timelines has been put to rest by the endearing things she's done for him, as you point out. In fact, I really hope, but am not overly confident, because there are so many episodes left, that Sol's noble idiocy will come to an end, when she realizes that the best way to "save" Sun Jae is to not just declare her love, but actually be with him as much as possible.


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I think maybe that the time capsule clock now will be the time travel tool. If Sun Jae uses it, the dynamic between them will be changed. Maybe Sol will be the steadfast one? Maybe he will change things in all the timelines like Sol did? Oh my head—I just ventured into trying to understand the time travel rules, which is an area I avoided because there are no consistent rules, just what the writer’s want.


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Very small thing: Didn't Sol's grandma have the watch in the first episode and didn't she also say something about "keeping it safe for unni"?
I don't like the idea of Sun-jae not being an idol, he seemed happy and well-adjusted in the second time line and Sol will be guilt tripping like crazy because he's not.


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Tae-sung-not a fan. If he is such a sweet talker and heartthrob why does it appear there was only one other girl who liked him in high school besides Sol and none now? I hate love triangles to begin with so that's probably why I get irritated every time the dude has a scene.

My opinion though. No hate on anyone enjoying his character.


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“Sol-ah, if that’s the reason, stop running away from me. Just pursue your feelings for me. If I end up dying to save you, I’m okay with that.”
THIS DIALOGUE RIGHT HERE, is peak romance my friends🥹🥹🥹 my heart cant handle anymore of their sweetness, how can a character be so utterly in love to the point where he doesn't care what happens to him in the imminent future if his love is safe🥹🥰 Sunjae-ya the man you are❤️💜

I cant begin to say how much i adore the cast and the drama with all my heart, hope it stays that's way until the very end, pleaae🥹🥰


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Everyone remember the scene with the mom having cancer and telling the family she was going to Jeju Island with friends instead of telling them the truth about having cancer surgery? That same scene plays out the same way in My Father is Strange which aired in 2017.


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This drama is like a collage of many others, to be honest. Lots of common places.
Maybe someone who has been watching dramas just for a month or two won't notice.


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I have to say Kim Hye-yoon knocked it out of the park these episodes. She made me laugh one minute and cry the next. While it’s definitely the serial killer’s fault, it feels so very human to blame oneself. Watching Sol’s mental health slowly deteriorate is so very painful to witness, and the last five minutes had me bawling my eyes. Time travel, however tempting, feels like a double edged sword. The optimistic Sol we saw from the first episode has all but disappeared...

I know this will be a controversial opinion but I want to go back to the original timeline, with only one change, for Sol to get a ride from Sun-jae. I want both of them to forget all about the time travel shenanigans which I know is a cop out. But just how Sun-jae’s words saved Sol, I want Sol’s words to save Sun-jae. And if the serial killer turns up at their doorstep I have no doubt they’ll be able to deal with him as a duo. Also while there’s rumours about Tae-sung, there is nothing to suggest he wasn’t happy in this timeline


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There are currently two foreshadowing reasons why I hope this will be the ending. In the previous episodes Sol and Sun-jae spent time and talked about their unresolved feelings. I’m also guessing the fact that Sol was working in the film industry, will be also be the reason Sol won’t give up the her dream career in the original timeline. Also in these current episodes we find out Eclipse will be successful without Sun-jae, therefore implying that Sun-jae being dissatisfied and quitting the band won’t be the end of him or Eclipse


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I agree with you both on Kim Hye-yoon's acting, and that some variation on what you describe will be the ending. The only sad thing about it will be that she will still be in a wheelchair. But I do think there will be a return to some of the original timeline.


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I love your idea. Returning to the original timeline seems like the most legitimate way for Sol and Sun-jae to end up together with their memories and past selves basically intact. The primary difference would be that Sol's time slips revealed high school Sun-jae's feelings for her, that he loved her with a devotion that would last until present day. So when she suddenly finds herself back in her wheelchair on the snowy bridge and he offers her a ride, she understands he has been waiting for her all this time. There's no way she's going to get in her friend's car, and they figure out how to deal with the killer together, as you said.


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i know - it drove me crazy that her BFF pulled up when he offered her a ride... the well-meaning friend... gotta love her, tho.


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I would love that.
Besides the many changes that I didn't like in the new timeline, what I really want then to keep is OG Sol's connection with Sun Jae. And I also want Sol to live a life she remembers living.

She only has the memories of the original timeline, that's where she belongs. And that's the only life in which she has a real connection with Sun Jae.


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"where she belongs" -- exactly! Having an ending with Sol in any other timeline wouldn't feel right.

I'm seeing some potential similarities to the conclusion of "Hello Me!" The young FL had to go back to her timeline and a certain tragedy couldn't be avoided, but the time slip had provided her the perspective and personal growth to respond to it in a different way and alter the course of her life for the better.


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So far they have not engaged with the issue of disability and ablism in any depth. I hope against hope that they can at least do a half decent job of acknowledging the tragedy which affected her physically and emotionally in profound ways but also be sensitive and respectful towards people with disabilities should about why they should not be portrayed as tragic people, value their existence, honour their advocacy for much more equality because the ableist world has continued to only slowly make reasonable adjustments for our fellow citizens.


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Lovely Runner (as well as our stars Kim Hyeyoon and Byun Wooseok), have really restored my faith back in kdramas after months of feeling compelled to watch dramas just because it was overly hyped (MMH) or had uber famous stars (QoT). I love that my underdog kdrama has been getting all the buzz and love and with good reason too!

There is something maddening about how appealing Sunjae is as a character. I like that there's subtle layers to him. He is obviously completely enamored by Sol, even despite Sol's unsuccessful attempts at avoiding him and her insistence that he move on and start thinking about himself.

And when he is with Sol, he swings back and forth from the soft and fiery sides of him. While he cares for her and is protective of her, he is frustrated because on some subconscious level, while she insists that she is not, he may feel that, deep down, she obviously loves him just as much.

*This week's episode highlights*
-The Taesung-Sunjae fight was silly and epic and whoever worked on that fight scene BGM deserves all the awards.

-Jealous drunk Sol's lil monologue: To say that Sunjae should have "conservative lips" made me chuckle considering Byun Wooseok probably has the most pillowy and pouty lips in the biz

-Ep 10 ending confession scene caught be so off guard because of its subtle beauty. Sol's tearful, cherubic eyes and Sunjae's pleading to Sol to stop running away and pursue him even though it may lead to his death


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I love all of their BGM in this drama... especially Naul's song during early episode 😆😆😆. How impressive their BGM that makes me sway, swoon and sad in the same episode. Gosh, I missed good Kdrama that manage to capture all the charming details!


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After the tragedy of last week's ending and this week's beginning, I had cognitive dissonance when we suddenly saw Sol high up on the statue. Why was she there? Was she actually wasted? Why would this Sol be drinking heavily? If she was so drunk how did she safely get up there? Had taxi guy been chasing her and she climbed up to save herself, then couldn't get down and fell asleep? Is the universe trying to balance things out by crippling her again? (In which case Sun-jae better stay close by in eternal catching mode.)

I was still reeling from this when show went into silliness hyperdrive with the college hijinks (although I did like the strawberry grapefruit game and its aftermath). And not one but two main characters being caught in very improbable boar traps in woods where dozens of drunken college students routinely ramble? I have no trouble accepting time travel and Watches of Destiny, but this strained my credulity big time. Fortunately Byeon Woo-seok's lovely sincerity and Kim Hye-yoon's irresistible charm carried me through to episode 10, where my ship righted itself.


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The strawberry grapefruit game was one of the most tense moments of kdrama watching. I'm not well-versed in drinking or drinking games, but the drinking games I see in kdramas seem like you need to be practiced and well-coordinated in order to win. I'm incapable of rubbing my head and patting my tummy at the same time.


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My Korean has improved but it is still not good enough for me to fully understand comments written by native speakers. I know the views of netizens traverse the execrable to barely tolerable spectrum and shouldn’t be worth anything given the kind of awful people that often write these comments. Given that, when I came across the following on Koreaboo, it confirmed for the billionth time that this kind of forums are vile. Just read this nonsense (won’t take long). I hope this is a storm in a teacup and that will not have a blowback against KHY. She needs to be acknowledged and seen not have these morons write about how her fans are being unreasonable in asking for her agents doing a decent job: https://www.koreaboo.com/news/lovely-runner-kim-hye-yoon-popularity-backlash-artist-company/


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These “fans” are not Koreans, they are mostly international crazies using Google translate or its equivalent to post in Korean. They bother her agency for nothing, so no blowback is expected. KHY IS acknowledged in Korea, no worries.


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I didn’t mean that the fans are the problem but the commenters/netizens dismissive attitudes. What they are saying is hardly unreasonable. Why are they crazy? That is fairly pejorative and harsh. We clearly mean different things but if KHY is acknowledged, then I would like to see some evidence of it but so far it has only been about BWS whose acting by the way I’ve liked.


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In this particular case, the international fans are crazy because they are getting into things they don’t understand and can’t control. Fans can’t dictate actor’s agency how to promote them or make them more popular. All they can do is to show up at fan meetings with an actor, upvote, vote for their actor or buy things for them. That’s how agency views them. It’s not agency’s fault that KHY doesn’t “seem” as popular as the ML in this drama. Most viewers are young straight females who have hots for handsome male lead. You can hold fan meetings for KHY 3 times a day, or put her on variety shows, and it won’t change how popular she is. Why? Because she is already an established actress, unlike her male lead SHE doesn't have to prove herself. The agency, and most important, the potential future directors know her acting skills, talent very well. Not so with the male lead. He is popular because this drama clicked for him- chemistry, directing, great character. He still have to prove his acting skills and keep building up his reputation for future projects in order to make money for HIS agency and himself. Of course his agency promotes him non-stop now.


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I know they can’t. Obviously but they are expressing their views just as fans are wont to do. Korean fans say and do lots of nonsensical things too but asking for better treatment isn’t outrageous. And, using bad Korean doesn’t make them unhinged. Intelligent adults who make mistakes in languages not their own are not stupid because of that.
I understand that the fans might not understand the complexities of the situation but we have had an ongoing chat in BD about how KHY’s career didn’t get a bounce after EY unlike her 3 male costars. So crappy management then was an issue and changing over to a new agency has left open the qn why there is so much buzz around BWS and so little around her.
I fully understand who are the demographic of KDs but gender bias is gender bias regardless. BWS has good if not stellar acting skills so on top of his looks, height, voice and charm, he will do well notwithstanding other issues whch may occur.
KHY is established but what she has appeared in doesn’t reflect the level of her skills, charm, emotional power and vibrancy on screen. There is clearly a difference. Apples and oranges. She deserves just as many if not more praise and good opportunities going forward. I sincerely hope that is the case but would like some evidence of that rather than just suppositions.


KHY explained that she was in a middle of switching agencies when filming this drama. Everything is fine and has been scheduled for her by her new agency. The sad part? She was MADE to explain it publicly and apologize for misunderstanding caused by her overzealous fans. “Overzealous” fans works better than “crazy” in this case. Poor Korean actors. Their own netizens hunt them down for dating or saying one wrong sentence because they think they own them or something. The international fans feel like giving unsolicited advice to their agencies now. In Korean. Why not in English? They can read English just fine. Everyone in the whole world feels like they have a say in actors lives because they stan them.


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A few fans complaining online with good intentions isn’t the equivalent of stalking and traumatising an actor.

And, your last sentence is uncalled for. I’m not a stan and I resent your implied characterisation. I have nothing else to say to you.


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Thank you for the recap! This drama gives me both happy sighs and excited squeals - most notable Sol mumble-singing the song Sun-jae wrote and Sun-jae finally accepting Sol is from the future and figuring out her feelings.

I'm glad I didn't go to university in korea. I would not survive all the MTs, though I hope with social media now, some of the abuses that seniors inflict on their juniors are curbed somewhat. It was hilarious watching Sol trying to worm her way to the door.

I'm almost convinced that the key to saving Sun-jae was to make Sun-jae and Tae-sung be friends. The two guys went to the same high school but barely interacted. And the way to bring the two together is Sol. Sol telling Tae-sung about her kidnapping and the next attempted kidnapping may spur him to join the police force. Maybe he'll be Sun-jae's roommate in Sun-jae's non-idol version of his life.


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Sunjae heartbreak is so real that I can't watch him without crunch my heart. I always love that the drama don't dragging and we got the nth confession that he's okay even though he'd dead tried saving her, you are hopeless Sunjae, you put the standard so high!


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This show…You know how sometimes you see yourself in a show and it gives you new insight into your own life? That “totally superfluous” scene with Sunjae and carrying water bowls reminded me of something that happened to me in college. My mom and dad were moving and I somehow convinced my current boyfriend and my ex-boyfriend to help them move some of their heavy furniture. Anyone who has been on this site for the past 8 years with me knows my type—and that type can move furniture pretty well. So I have these two boys (who are basically carbon copies of each other) at my mom’s house and I start seeing how freaking awkward this is. Seriously, I was so dumb. And although they didn’t have a knock down, drag out fight while electrocution was at their fingertips, they did try to outdo the other. My ex was the greenest flag (so much like Sunjae) and he still is after 27 years. And I didn’t date that other boy long enough to know if he had any red flags at all (but he did have long term girlfriend before me that I felt like his rebound which is why I broke up with him), but dang did that scene take me back. So maybe it was superfluous, but things like that happen in real life too. My husband and I were talking about our exes the other day and if we went back in time and made different decisions before we ever met each other what would have happened. He guessed that I would have probably ended up with that college green flag ex-boyfriend. My husband has actually met him because I’m still good friends with him. (We just went to his mother’s funeral this past year.) And he’s probably right. He would have married his college girlfriend who happened to be deaf. And our lives would be completely different. But glad we did find each other and waited to find one another. Time is a funny thing. When you’re living it, it doesn’t seem that important, usually. It’s when you are in your future and then look back does it give that past more meaning than when you were living it. Sol said something similar a few episodes ago. I’ve said something like this in one of my guest essays as well. The writing of this show is really amazing. It’s poignant, especially for us who have loved and lived and maybe loved the same person for a long time before they ever loved us back—or had people who have loved us for ages that we just couldn’t love back as much. It’s heart breaking, but also what makes life interesting and gorgeous. So whoever is reading this, live whatever moment you have now and cherish it, because, unlike Sol, you only can live that moment once. Tell that person you like them. Reconcile with that loved one, or cut that person out of your life that is ruining it. You may regret not forming that friendship, going out of your way to see someone that wants to see you. Being cherished is a rarity. Find people that cherish you and cherish them back. That’s what I’m getting out of this show. Maybe it’s just me, but that’s what it’s telling me.

Also, that whole...


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compare your hand too your crush’s is totally a thing. At least it was for me 30 years ago in high school where I was that second female lead in that class with my crush with the FL sitting probably an arm’s length away. Do I regret it? Not in the slightest. They weren’t dating yet and how was I to know they were interested in each other? 🤣

Back to the actual show though. I’ve been soooo impressed with the natural chemistry that Byeon Woo-seok and Kim Hye-yoon have with each other both on and off screen. The BTS clips of these last two episodes in particular are more heart palpitating than the actual scene. Of you haven’t seen the million gifs and reposts, do yourself a favor and find them!


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Waaahhhhh,can't believe I'm so late to jump in the bandwagon 🙈! This drama is wayyyyyyyyy better than QoT 🤭.
Why did I always felt in love with 2nd lead? 😅😅😅😅... Eun Seung and Tae Sung 😬😬😬😬, they are both scene stealer for me 😍
I did marathon 10 eps in one-go, what a fresh breeze after 2 mths of kdrama watching. Happy to wait for finale 😊


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I don’t know if it’s better, but it is fresher and younger, and just “lovely!!!” And glad you came over to join us!!!


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I think it would be great if SJ was not a member of Eclipse. He wrote their hit song, so he could be a PE teacher and continue secretly writing songs for them. Not in the public eye, he would be a lot safer from the serial villain.
Sadly, I think its a misdirect- looking outside the drama, BWS and Eclipse is big for the OST for this show, so he is going to have to be involved somehow.
Either way, there is still that piano solo at his concert, and we never heard what he said before he started playing. At least in the new timeline, its going to somehow be a dedication to Sol for her to hear when she comes back

Changing the subject- When Sol returns to her own time, what happens to the other Sol? Supposedly she had her own friends and maybe lovers, and all that just gets disappeared? Makes me a bit sad for her. Though its likely that TS and SJ will be keeping an eye on her, and not let her do anything really silly.

I really enjoyed the silly bits in ep 10. SJ and his best friend both have active imaginations. And the fight scene!


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I wish the Old Sol would start writing a diary for Young Sol to read when she returns to her body and for her to understand what happened during that time that she thinks she forgot.
The first time when Old Sol returned to the present, Young Sol ran to Tae-Sung. The second time, she just woke up after the attack, not knowing how she got there and what had happened.
A diary would have helped her a bit, methinks. And if she didn't believe what's written in the diary, she could ask her friends, who would confirm her "strange" behaviour.


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As for me, I think that Sol is portrayed thinking like a high school girl. Given that the life that she lived and remembered was the life where she was paralized, I'd assume she'd be quite strong psychically. In the beginning, when everything goes wrong, including the job interview and the missed concert, she keeps her calm and can still smile. For me, this means an enormous strength which became part of her lifestyle.
She goes to the past and changes her future, but she lives the alternate future, where she can walk, for a short amount of time, she seems not to remember some things from her alternate life, and then goes back to the past, and thinks about solutions like a teenager, not like an adult woman. The lack of comunication with Sun Jae is killing me. The fact that she is convinced that by staying away from him he will be safe is jut too plain and childish. After all, from bits and ends, Sun Jae managed to piece up what's going on, and Tae Sung too, so maybe she could have found a way of making them more aware about what is going on.
I liked that she went to the police and told them about her kidnapper, that was a mature thing to do.
As regards Tae Sung, I love his bad boy image in this k-drama, while he was so wise and aethereal as Thomas in Missing: The other side.
Also, Seo In-Guk running out of the audition with the T-shirt because he passed it killed me !


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wait... did i see it wrong? am rewatching ep 10 and he's winding the clock CLOCKWISE this time... wth....


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When he did it counterclockwise the first time, I didn't assign any significance to it - I assumed BWS just didn't know how. Given the actor's real age, it might well be the first time he'd handled a wind-up timepiece. Now I don't know what to think. He noticed that it didn't work that way? Someone on the production team noticed? It actually is significant, and will make a difference to the clock's possible time-travel function?

Or maybe it's all meaningless and just another way to get us to notice BWS's pretty hands. 😎

Someone on another site noticed that the clock is in original-timeline Sol's box of Sun-jae-related memorabilia in episode 1 (timestamp roughly 35:00), under the digital time-travel watch. 😮🤔


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That scene where she was being chased by the crazy taxi dude was giving me anxiety. Get off the damn road!!! Who tries to outrun a car on foot? Cars can't go far in the bushes, but two feet can. This was driving me bonkers.


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I like this show AND yet it is driving me crazy!! Am I the only one? I love the leads and the supporting cast, but I feel like a confused yo-yo…


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