A Shop for Killers: Episodes 1-8 (Drama Hangout)

Welcome to the Drama Hangout for Disney+ action-thriller A Shop for Killers, where uncle Lee Dong-wook leaves his niece Kim Hye-joon with a very illegal online shop.

This is your place to chat about the drama as it airs. You can also check out our Episode 1 First Impressions.

Beware of spoilers! This thread is for discussing the entire series.

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Run, dont walk fellow beanies because this is excellent.
LWD with a fabulous cast.
So. Much. Tension.


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Thanks for sending out the beanie PSA. I hope the beanies who like this genre come and join you here.


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Pacing, acting and atmosphere were so on point. It’s going to be hard to wait a week for the next episodes.


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I think this is something I would have to binge after it is completed because I was just left with questions such as why the niece (as well as her parents) were targeted. Even if Jinman is/was involved in the shady underworld, his relatives weren't.

It seems some kind of like established rules were broken and I'm gonna guess it's out of greed. I think I'm developing such a hatred for greed as motive (despite it being one of the most common things in the world).

I thought she was gonna hit the bully with the food tray so I was surprised she went for the chair instead. Honestly, I was kinda like "yeah! Good for you" cause kids can be just evil little jerks (putting it nicely). Just cruel and vile and people will justify and rationalize it as "kids being kids", "they don't know better", "they're just playing" but that's total b.s. especially when talking about 10 year olds. You're telling me a 10 year old doesn't know that it's wrong to lock someone in a shed, overnight no less? Or to drop milk over them or hit them with a carton of milk?

This is probably why I like webtoons like Weak Hero. The bullied fights back and wins. This would also be my draw to this show; a seemingly disadvantaged girl taking on all these bad guys who caused her alot of trauma and loss, fighting back and winning. At least that's what I think this show is supposed to be heading towards.

I guess on another level, it's probably learning more about her uncle.


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Same sentiments about prefering to binge watch this once all the episodes are released. I like the show so far but I want to know the answers to the questions asap.

Those bullies deserve to be locked up in the shed too. I hate it too when adults say "kids are being kids". Tolerating such behavior will only make them worse and grow up to be awful adults.


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"I was just left with questions such as why the niece (as well as her parents) were targeted. Even if Jinman is/was involved in the shady underworld, his relatives weren't."

To me it made sense because it's the whole "cut the family off, roots and all" trope that's very common in Chinese storytelling because centuries ago, if someone displeased the emperor enough, the order would be given to execute not just the person who displeased him but also their entire family from the elders to the newest born. Wuxia movies sometimes use that as a starting point when one member of the family survives simply because they were away travelling or gathering firewood or something and then they return to a massacre and the revenge plot kicks in.

That's how I view what's happened to Jinman's family as the logical progression in the story. It makes sense for the dangerous killers and spies that he dealt with to ensure that not only he is done away with but nobody in his family is left alive to take revenge and/or carry on his clearly influential business.

But that's just the way I watched it.


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That kind of business is worth millions and that's enough motive for gun-toting criminals.

What I'm curious about is how will she run it and where will she obtain more stock as it dwindles? Mind you, with only a couple of episodes left it's all about survival first, future in a second series (if she survives).

The morals of running such a 'shop' are basically non-existent, so it's an interesting dilemma if we ever get to it.


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It will be interesting to see how (or if) the drama addresses these very valid points that you have raised.


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The villain, Bale, is a psychopath who loves killing. He made a point that he would kill anyone Jinman cared about.


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I watched The Killer's Shopping List because I thought this show was spun off of it but I don't see how that could possibly be the case.

Then I thought maybe it was in the same universe but not directly connected to that drama. I thought that's why the same actor is in both projects though he plays different characters.


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How is "The killer's shopping list" conmected to this show? Both from same writer or production?


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I don't know people do the hyperlinks so I don't know if this will work but the same author wrote both novels.



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Thanks for the info! I did try 2 or 3 episodes of "The killer's shopping list" drama before dropping it because wasn't as exciting as this drama.


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I thought the shows were related because of the similar titles:
The Killer's shopping list
The Killer's shopping mall

I'm not that deep haha

And then the same actor was in both though he plays different characters.


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The word that comes to mind — bear with me here — is restraint. In contrast to some of the promotional material — this poster included — the opening two episodes were not about violence for the sake of showing how much blood, guts and high-tech weaponry the show creators could get away with. Instead, we saw the toll and impact of this violent business on the individuals caught in its path. Listen to the fights along with young Ji-ah as her childhood innocence comes to an end. Witness the lengths she’ll go to in order to survive, even when she’s not clear why she’s a target. And then when an episode of action does break out, it’s that much more effective thanks to the tension-building and character development that preceded it. Show is off to a gripping start! 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼


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Thank you you have really expressed it so well. 👏


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Aw, thanks for the kind words, @seeker 🙏☺️


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So many times one has a feeling but cannot express it in words. Then you read a comment which verbalizes what you feel and even better. It makes me happy because a) someone else also felt the same, and b) expressed it so beautifully. 🙏


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The scene in the morgue broke my heart.


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Along with not showing us the obvious violence, and so creating tension, LDW’s incredible little flashes of love, humor, and affection for his niece are all the more amazing from his restraint otherwise. That chuckle when stole the meat from him the first time she meets him to the proud happiness when she starts talking again suddenly (also over pork belly, I am just realizing.) The child actress is so amazing!


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Knowing from the premise that LDW’s character is, well, dead — I’d wondered how much of a presence he’d actually have in the show. But it’s quickly become clear that he and his niece are its heart.


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Interesting and curious to the point I don't even know if I should draw attention to it but why does Disney+ air 2 episodes while Hulu airs 1 episode each week?


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Ep 3 and 4 were as fabulous as the first two episodes. They are maintaining the momentum and the "Min Hye" character was such a kickass. Loved her tackles during the gun/knife fight. The action choreographer/stunt master deserve a special mention. Another equally interesting character was "Pasin".

The uncle niece relationship in the flashbacks is so precious that I wish LDW's character would spring back from death and tell his niece with a straightface that "Remember Jian, You never know when you will be attacked, from which siee and by whom. So, it is good be prepared"


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Min-hye is awesome. 🤩 Her fight scenes were excellent from choreo to sound design.
Also, how clever of uncle to never outright tell his niece he was training her but making sure it happened nonetheless.
Those mercenaries and their big toys. 🙄 We’ll see who’s standing at the end.


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I definitely want Samchon to return... pali pali. Just waiting for Jian to say his name thrice.


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I don’t know how I didn’t see your comment before posting mine but LOL we’re on the same page.


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Great minds. 🤣 🤣 🤣


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I just finished episode 5 and all I want is for her uncle to come back to life and put things right!! Cmon just say his name three times fast 😩


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Is it weird that I wanted her to master the slingshot over learning how to use the gun? Haha

I did like that he seemed to take a responsible approach to teaching her how to shoot a gun though. I think oftentimes, more "point & shoot" is shown or mentioned.


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First, the positives. I am really enjoying the actual story and how they have introduced the back story aspects, including how Ji-an was trained to protect herself and the probable reason why her parents were killed. The fight choreography is great. I hope the final 4 episodes continue this way.

Now, the negatives. For me, there is too much time spent re-hashing scenes. Examples include the issue around the initial attack and the rifle; did we need to see Ji-an go through the whole remembering about blind spots and then finding them a second time in episode 3? Then, the shoot out in the warehouse was just too long, with too much recap.

Finally, why do we have the long-time, computer-geek friend turning into the "baddie" who can inject drugs? Are we going to find out next week, that he has been a "plant" for all this time? Or is he going to turn to the right side?

I will watch to the end but I fear that the final thought will be "could have been just 6 episodes".


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Agree with you on the repetition of the initial sniper attack, although I like how the additions to the scene — EMP weapon and Min-hye kicking Jian out of a bullet’s path — helped establish her as a badass protector.

I’m willing to give the show a little time to reveal more about Jeong-min. It’s doubtful that he’s the ultimate big boss — his surprise at the extensive server setup seemed genuine, as opposed to the way he was acting when they first entered the mall and you could tell he was more excited than shocked. Perhaps he has a connection to Bale but is a pawn to some degree.

How big was the shopping mall business, really? I hope that if we delve into larger conspiracies, we don’t lose the relationship moments — such as Jian with her uncle, Jian with Pasin — that provide the show’s emotional backbone.


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All the Listen Jian quotes are perfect. The criticism against the Moving parents that they didn't train / empower their children to effectively use their powers and protect themselves and others is beautiful addressed here.


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* beautifully


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Indeed! Directly and yet gently at the same time — even when reminding that guns kill people.


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That was really well done.


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My god LDW, I’m falling in love with him again. He keeps doing this. This show is excellent, fun, gritty, with amazing acting from uncle and niece. It was a mistake starting it now, should have binged it once all episodes came out. Dammit! Now I gotta wait!


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I had to go watch Tale of the Nine Tailed since I had that same feeling! I have luckily not watched it all yet as I don’t always keep an Amazon subscription.


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I saw some gifs and he was giving me all the feels.. Thats it. I am going dark side for this one.


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This series is when LDW finally successfully reeled me in.

And that's after several months of my K-Drama-loving friends attempting to push me in front of the Lee Dong-Wook Truck (TM).

That's quite a feat he unknowingly pulled with his performance in A SHOP FOR KILLERS.


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Once upon a time on an episode of The Penguins of Madagascar, it was said "don't try to make sense of revenge, it cheapens it!" And that's exactly what came to mind after watching Jinman's backstory.

I was *so* frustrated watching things play out and a part of me keeps feeling like Jinman can't really be dead. It must be some elaborate fake out because it just *feels so wrong that all of this is happening when NONE of them deserves it. Jian's parents were clueless. Jinman's mom was sick. Jian was just a child the first time they came after her and now she's clueless and in mourning yet is thrust into this world and all for what? Because a murderous psychopath had a grudge when *he* was in the wrong! Their showdown was inevitable but it still sucks things played out the way it did. The whole organization seemed to turn on Jinman.

It's weird and hard to talk about "right and wrong" when talking about mercenaries but *sigh* you would think there's *some* kind of rules in place and yet nope, it's just let's all listen to the psycho. (Which to be fair makes sense because survival instincts and greed are real but still)


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Well we don't know for sure that her parents were clueless, it just looks that way. Jinman's mother being sick is irrelevant really. He had set that business up already so his lack of morals is pretty evident. That he left the business to Jian seems to suggest it might even be a family business she would ha e been inducted into at some point if he had not been killed (if indeed he is dead and not just laying low). So I don't absolve anyone yet because they might all be horrible and she might be just about to follow them into it!


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Interesting point that it might be a family business, but the thing is Ep 6 established that Jinman was a mercenary and after some conflicting morals with the psychopath, he decided to take a break and that's when he reunited with his family after 8 years. Then the funeral killing happened and then he moved with Jian and set up a gun shop.


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Yes, I realised that after watching ep 6. I was speculating before I watched 5 and 6. However, he was obviously a mercenary for years and while not a psycho, he killed in the pursuit of his job if that is called for by whoever employed his unit. So it's degrees of immorality for me, not the absence of it in his case, even if he did rescue a girl in underwear from a wardrobe.

So now he's walked away from the thug life, he seems to have gone from being a mercenary to apparently supplying weapons from an online catalogue to anybody who wants them. It certainly looks like his brother and sister-in-law may not have known the extent of his 'career', but in leaving the business to his niece, along with a manual of How To Cope, it's a family business now!

I am really enjoying this, and the amount of mystery still to unravel. It's being skillfully done, and while the blood and guts quotient has shot up, it's been a gradual rise from the early episodes, so we are more like frogs being heated slowly in a pan of water than hurled into the fire from the start.

Jian's reaction at seeing the tape of her uncle's death makes me think he's still alive because while she was apprehensive at the start of it, after seeing him 'dead' in the bath she seemed to be suppressing a smile. What's the betting he's played dead before? He's scattered clues and instructions throughout her childhood, the importance of memorising her student ID number, saying his name 3 x in moments of danger, using anything available to solve a problem, etc. I am sure there were others she can piece together to stay one step ahead of her assailants. She's like his last resort secret weapon that nobody else would suspect. If at some point she does call his name 3 x then I'll expect him to respond (and presumably so will she).


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I’ve gone from 100 percent believing the premise that he’s dead to at least 50/50 he’s alive and waiting for the final moment to eliminate Bale and his cronies once and for all. That plan relies heavily on Jian not getting killed before then, though. I guess a combo of her training, the allies like Pasin and Min-hye and her green code status would put the odds for survival in her favor? Can’t wait for the last two episodes!


I am with you on Jian's parents and her not deserving this shit show. Even if Jian's parents were in the know, Jian was a kid and had a traumatic childhood and had to grow up on her own. She shouldn't even be a candidate for running the shop and should have been set free by her uncle by giving her a different identity.


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I like that he did try to give her choices (in his own way). I think given the circumstances, he did what he thought was the best. If he had given her a new identity immediately, I think he would've gotten out of her life too leaving her truly alone. (And she may have still been targeted)


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It was a tougher choice to stay with Jian and train her in his own indirect way. Still see how this plays out.


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Am I the only one who is more than a little annoyed that we spent the best part of an episode and a half (of only eight) on the past history of a sociopath/psychopath classmate and the revenge arc for the uncle? In a series of 16 episodes, I would accept such lengthy and detailed explanations of how/why things had happened, but not in this one.

My impression so far is that the fundamental story could have been told over 4 episodes, and everything else is filler.


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I was okay with the mercenary background and the conflict within the group over ethics and morality of killing people, but the revenge part made the entire story lame. They could have gone with the tried and tested formula in stories where he just chose or ended up in a wrong profession to earn money and I wouldn't have thought much, but the insertion of psychopathic character out for blood was as ridiculous as the antagonist surviving bomb blast after being shot in the head.


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@emsel Hmmm, I disagree. I like having a reason why Jian's entire upended and I liked Jinman's (and the woman who's helping Jian) backstory.

I found it more interesting than the tech "friend"'s backstory.

@kevintoronto I disagree with the filler idea. I think each episode so far has a good addition to the worldbuilding of the story and gives understanding as to why things are happening.


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I’m with you on this. I think all of the episodes were well done. I hate when they don’t show a good reason for the events that are taking place. I think the backstory shown makes the implausible more plausible.


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This week's episodes are just as tight as the previous weeks. We get the back story and the return of a supporting character in the nick of time. Hopefully they can stick the landing or at least have season 2 ready if they can't wrap it up nicely.

Also, being hit in the visuals out of the left field by a shirtless Lee Dong-Wook has left my mouth hanging open. OPPAAAAAAAA!!!!


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OPPAAAAA indeed :)


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How many Beans all want the samchon to come back after having faked his death. 🙋‍♀️


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this show does so many things right that it’s hard to know whatcontributed most to the fact that I binged all 6 episodes today in what felt like zero time flat. I want to put a plug for the score and the sound mixing. absolutely phenomenal. I would rewatch simply for these two reasons, honestly.

And I have never been a LDW person but I am an officially convert 🥰


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I've been saying since day 1 that this is best for a binge watch. It Can't wait for it to finish next week so I can rewatch. 😂


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Off the bat, I have to start with "is there supposed to be a second season?"

Next is "what the hell?"
What did I just watch? How am I suppose to feel?

This gave me Vagabond flashbacks and once again I even watched the credits in case there was a post credit scene because seriously what the hell?


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I hope your fellow beanies come join you in the hangout so you can all support each other with whatever you just saw. Sounds like you need to offload.


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ur the cutest human i don't know, honestly <3


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So sweet thank you🥰


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le sigh. i refuse to have dreams of a season 2 in light of vagabond trauma. how can i support you?!


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I have to say it three times.
Jeong Jin-man
Jeong Jin-man
Jeong Jin-man!!!


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it worked!!!


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I don't like Jeong Jing-Man. He chose a mercenary job, he knew people he worked with were bad, he was completely naive, made his family killed and instead to stop it as soon as possible, he chose a long-term plan involving his poor niece who didn't ask for anything. For what? His house is completely destroyed, Ji-An survived only because it's a Kdrama, his friends were almost killed, he did nothing and Bale is still alive...


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I thought Jin-man had a final showdown with Bale off-screen where Bale was killed and Jin-man was grievously injured.


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During the plot or after, they will need to show it in a second season...


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I thought there would be a mid-credit scene but no, nothing. Sigh!


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But I'm happy, I was right. He's alive! 😁


I screamed in delight when the taxi stopped. I so wanted to see the ending first as soon as the episodes dropped just to confirm that Jin-man was alive but somehow resisted. When I was finally able to see the episodes I kept on hoping she would get stuck badly and would call out his name thrice. I was really happy that Jian handled everything on her own. His last minute arrival was the cherry on top of the cake.


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He has a lot to be forgiven for, if I was her, I would hesitate to shoot him somewhere not lethal too :p


@Kurama I would totally shoot him too and in the most fatal place his heart .... I'll shoot my most deadly weapon 🫰🫰🫰🫰


I hope so! I like the poetic justice of that, as Bale went after JJM when JJM thought he was dead.


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I hadn't thought of that. It was poetic justice indeed. 👏


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I kept being like, should she go outside, where’s Bale? Then that… considering how the show spent so much time going back and showing us what happened, it seems that a season 2 is in order. But I also really liked the ending with that last look between uncle and niece.


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I would be thrilled to have a season 2 about the story from Jeong Jin-man's POV and also about how Jian and Jin-man will run the shopping mall together with Pasin and Min-hye. I loved Moving but this was somehow more "moving". 🤭 I loved the fact that Jin-man had spent the whole time actively training Jian to fight and survive.


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With the amount of money he had, he could simply send her overseas to have a good education and prepare her for a lifetime of peace and happiness. Instead he had to prepare her for a life full of danger knowing there are people out to kill both of them. Her family was murdered because of him and so he opted to prepare her to defend herself? This is a dumb show in my opinion.


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The moral duplicity was always going to be part of a show with this setup. That’s what’s interesting. It’s tv, it’s a thought experiment. Jian is appalled too to find out her uncle is a killer, and yet he’s the only family she has. She asks Pasin if he is a murderer, and he can’t respond. Part of a second season should be her grappling with it all.


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Usually Netflix does these "incomplete" seasons. Look what they did to Song of the Bandits. 😭
While there was never going to be much of an exposition (leave alone logic) in this kind of show but the two storylines were so disjointed that even all facets of an admitted flawless Lee Dong-wook physique could not fill the plot holes. Hoping for a more cohesive Season 2. **Looks around frantically** We are getting one aren't we. Jebal! 🙏


So many dead bodies, blood and gore and Jian had a few opportunities to kill her tormentor but hesitated. I got frustrated watching this and regretted it as there were so man flashbacks and mindless killings.


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I thought it was all well done, but I love good action movies or shows, especially ones with amazing action scenes and badass women. It gave me kdrama Jonn Wick vibes, which is my cup of tea.

The parts where Jian kept hesitating were frustrating as the viewer, but it made sense since she’s not a stone cold killer. I doubt any of us would be able to kill someone point blank without hesitating, unless one of us is a psychopath like Bale lol.

What made you keep watching past the first ep if you don’t like violence?


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The first few episodes was a mystery and since it was a short drama I thought it would amount to something worthwhile to watch. Sad to say, there was no depth to the characters, as most of them were cold blooded killers killing innocent people for monetary rewards. I don't empathise with any of the characters nor see any meaningful reasons why the need to kill Jian and her parents. Yes Bale is a pyscho but then why are all of them the same? The rescue of the woman and her escape from the mercenaries was not fully explained nor why was she so important that caused the Company to put Jin Man on the wanted list? All of the characters are 2 dimensional especially Jian's childhood friend without providing much background story. All quite superfluous in my opinion.


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I couldn't stop laughing as I read the director's comment that "Jin-man, is actually a very heavy-built, bald man in the original novel and there wasn’t an actor who could portray that in terms of looks
". 🤣

He said that "Unlike in the novel, in our show, we wanted to showcase the backstory of the character, and a lot of the series is dedicated to the past of Jung Jin-man. So I wanted a good-looking, fierce guy who had that combative spirit. For me, I also wanted the character to have an ice-cold demeanour so I thought Dong-wook was the perfect fit." 🫰


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Ohhhhhhhhh so the backstory that makes the whole show dumb was added... ofc it was.


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While I'm all for storytelling in two timelines there seemed to be no logic in the mercenary story other than more Lee Dong-wook looking cool and broody.


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🤣 I detect no lies


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I did not mind the mercenary story that much because he could have joined it to make some wages for all that we care, but the Bale guy surviving after all that shit unbalanced the story.


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I like backstory too. A good one would have been better 😅


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Of course they added because otherwise they will not get LDW onboard. LDW is not maintaining his stunning physique for doing voice overs or for being a ghost🤣🤣🤣


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‘LDW is not maintaining his stunning physique for doing voice overs or for being a ghost🤣🤣🤣’👈🏾🤣 I am not watching this but this comments gets the 🫘Beansprout🌱 award for being my laugh out loud moment on DB today.


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Fake ghost*


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💃 🕺 best comment!! 👌

IMO all of us were high low-key hoping for him to be alive and kicking ass while looking as grim-reapery as possible. 😜


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They had Park Kwang-Jae! He's 1m95, I'm sure he would have shaved his head if they had asked him.


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The moment I saw him I was like - Oh! Moving samchon. And when I read the article, I was like - look who you have right under your nose. 😅 They better give him a better role in Season 2.


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I don't usually ask for S2, but this drama needs it. There were few missteps, but overall I enjoyed it. I liked all the characters on Jinman's side. The action sequences were interesting to watch, but blood spill was a bit too much to my taste. It is a shame that DB did not have regular recpas for this, but anyone reading this, do give it a try.


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^^ Perfect summary. I actually think recaps would have generated more buzz on DB. Otherwise IRL, all the buzz was thanks to Lee Dong-wook, sorry Park Kwang-Jae you were the perfect novel samchon but in dramas we like eye candy.


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I loved the early episodes so much I am willing to forgive the later missteps more than I normally would. It was an interesting idea to review the early events from the uncle’s perspective but then it was mostly fight scenes that became repetitive. It’s then frustrating that they skip over everything that happened to him since his fake death. I didn’t need the hanging boy to come back as a threat. Cut that and give me more uncle. Pasin lightly rejects Jinman when he shows up at his house. How does he get reeled into best friend status? I loved this character and Min Hye too. I am surprised that Min Hye and Jian would have never met before. So many plot holes! The early dynamic between Jinman and Jian was so great and the closing shot of Joan’s expression at seeing her uncle was brilliant. I liked the moral ambiguity of Jinman’s character. His failure to testify against Bale was bad, but felt authentic as did his regret. This conflict was representative of the larger tension of Jinman’s role as mercenary and estranged family member. I would love a second season that more quietly explores these issues and main characters.


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I loved the early episodes so much I am willing to forgive the later missteps more than I normally would. It was an interesting idea to review the early events from the uncle’s perspective but then it was mostly fight scenes that became repetitive. It’s then frustrating that they skip over everything that happened to him since his fake death. I didn’t need the hanging boy to come back as a threat. Cut that and give me more uncle. Pasin lightly rejects Jinman when he shows up at his house. How does he get reeled into best friend status? I loved this character and Min Hye too. I am surprised that Min Hye and Jian would have never met before. So many plot holes! The early dynamic between Jinman and Jian was so great and the closing shot of Jian’s expression at seeing her uncle was brilliant. I liked the moral ambiguity of Jinman’s character. His failure to testify against Bale was bad, but felt authentic as did his regret. This conflict was representative of the larger tension of Jinman’s role as mercenary and estranged family member. I would love a second season that more quietly explores these issues and main characters.


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ahhh i loved this SO MUCH. I reeled my cousin into watching, and we settled on the best description for the show: immersive. it's been a long time since a show hooked me in the way this one has. i can't explain it but time flies. i am locked in from the moment i press play, which rarely (if ever) happens when i'm watching a show. i can't put my finger on exactly what makes it so engaging (but do want to shout out the sound mixing and score again! so good). of course there are open questions, and i would love to see more, but i feel satisfied if there is no season 2 (vagabond burned me so no expectations here). i hardly ever rewatch shows, but i almost want to rewatch the whole thing again. i hope more people will watch this!


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I binged all the 8 episodes and really loved it. The twists were amazing. But I got disappointed that they didn't show how uncle was alive. Also Bale being alive was unrealistic. We need more episodes!


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Knowing nothing about the source material, I’m willing to accept Bale being unrealistically alive if it means more episodes because that storyline isn’t over. There’s lots left to explore — do Uncle and allies go after Babylon and the general next, moral questions about running the mall, the military base remaining oblivious to the war zone next door. And no doubt Jian has a few things to say to her uncle about how his choices both wrecked and saved her life.


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Just finished the final two episodes 5 minutes ago and:

1. I liked that Jian had to handle the showdown with Bale and the mercenaries herself... and won because she used her brains and wits.

Writer-nim and PD-nim made the right choice to have Jinman only come back right at the end otherwise it would've been too much deux ex machina.

2. Jinman coming back at the end and Pasin and Minhye disappearing also sets things up nicely for season 2.

3. Overall a very satisfying watch. Like I said before - it's a great cross between JOHN WICK and LONE WOLF & CUB.


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