Like Flowers in Sand: Episode 11

Both the romance and the ssireum take a backseat this week, because as our investigative team grows, they gain some new intel and turn the village gossip in their favor. But between red herrings and fuzzy memories, will they be able to solve the case?


Like Flowers in Sand: Episode 11

Beanies, I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news. The good news is that Like Flowers in Sand isn’t over after all — yay, we get to stay in this story for a little while longer. The bad news is that ENA’s announcement of the Episode 12 delay was vague and if I’m honest, points to a re-edit — but let’s hope the delay was merely technical and we get our final episode forthwith. [Update: ENA has announced the finale will broadcast on Wednesday 1/31.]

We pick up in Episode 11 where we left off — the newly unveiled Doo-shik (and we’ll just call her that from now on since everyone else is anyway) shares the details of the case with the growing crew, and Seok-hee is hilariously self-gratified. Well, he’s right that he knew something was up with the reservoir case from the start. When Doo-shik mentions the phone that was briefly turned on, Seok-hee’s the first to speak up again. It was him — he found the phone in the reservoir thanks to the endless annoyance of runaway Snowball. I love how the drama snuck this in, and took what started as a silly side gag (bored cops with nothing to do but chase a naughty dog) and turned it into a long-running hint. And maybe even the clincher of the entire case? Because who keeps letting Snowball out to dig in the reservoir anyway?

Like Flowers in Sand: Episode 11

Running out of time, the team decides to turn the town gossip mill in their favor. They all know how powerful of a mechanism it is, and what will happen if Mi-ran’s true identity gets out. And add in the rumor that she’s got some incriminating evidence about her father’s death? Well, as expected, the news spreads like wildfire, and soon the ajusshis are gathered at Ran’s Coffe and shocked at whose daughter she is.

All signs point to town ajusshi PARK PIL-DU (Woo Hyun) as our culprit, since he was: a) the person who witnessed Doo-shik’s dad going to “talk” to Mi-ran’s dad before he died; b) seen lingering around Snowball’s doghouse late at night; c) the only ajusshi missing from the gathering at Mi-ran’s cafe.

However, Baek-du spends a lot of his time walking around muttering aloud to himself about this. He is sure that Pil-du is a good person, and if I’ve learned anything from this drama it’s that Baek-du’s intuition to worth betting on. It’s also worth noting that Doo-shik also takes this approach as an investigator: you can’t just assume someone is guilty when the circumstances point that way, she says. That’s how her dad was blamed for murder 20 years ago. And I dare say, Doo-shik’s willingness to look beyond the inertia of what “seems” correct is what makes her good at her job. (Sure enough, Pil-du and Baek-du’s dad have a heart-to-heart, and we learn that Pil-du is innocent and has always felt guilty about the weight his off-handed statement had in the case.)

Now that all the childhood friends know who Doo-shik is, they’ve fallen into their old rapport with her. Hilariously, Baek-du is all bent out of shape to hear the banmal between her and Jin-su. And he’s even more upset when Jin-su says flatly that Doo-shik grew up pretty (aigoo!). But I don’t think that Baek-du has any competition from Jin-su on the Doo-shik front: Jin-su has been charged with keeping an eye on Mi-ran now that the truth is out, and he does this adorably. It also reminds me how much we saw them hanging out at the beginning of the show. (Could Mi-ran be the reason he was so anxious to head back to Geosan as coach?)

Either way, Mi-ran couldn’t be less concerned about the ajusshis, so she sends Jin-su on his urgent work errand. Annnnnnd that’s when Very Sinister Ajusshi shows up at the cafe, shutting doors and turning off lights while Mi-ran stands there, frozen. It’s all so slow and subtle that it’s positively terrifying. We only see Mi-ran’s perspective here, so we’ve no idea who he is. And that, my friends, is one serious cliffhanger. Especially a cliffhanger that’s hanging on a missing finale episode.

Like Flowers in Sand: Episode 11

Like Flowers in Sand has been a delight straight through, so let’s all make an offering to the drama gods that this little blip in our drama’s schedule doesn’t make any unwanted waves. And in the meantime, let’s take a moment to enjoy the beautiful, rich writing that has brought this world to life.

While the past/present cases are what drove the plot, and brought our childhood characters back together, the drama has done a nice job of not forsaking those characters in the name of the investigation. It’s felt firmly rooted to who our characters are, and who they became, from the start. That being said, I very nearly wish we were looking at a 16-episode drama where the case could have been stretched thinner and given less precedence, and where we had a little more time to watch our crew interact with each other some more. Two episodes isn’t enough of seeing Baek-du, Jin-su, Seok-hee, Doo-shik, and Mi-ran back together again as adults. There’s so much simple joy in watching these characters interact with each other, in the past and the present, that I could watch them all day.

Like Flowers in Sand: Episode 11



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The bad news is that ENA’s announcement of the Episode 12 delay was vague and if I’m honest, points to a re-edit...

Wait. WHUT? Whoa! I had heard through the Bean-vine it was for more sports! Oh no. I've now never hoped more for a case of the dreaded "Sports Incursion."

Although now that you've said it @missvictrix the thing I had noted this week was that almost nothing really happened in episode 11. We cleared someone's name, I guess...but little else really progressed? It felt a bit like spinning wheels.

Now, I'm all for human relationship drama--and my love for Jin-su is now completely out of control--but it did seem to me that they were shoving a LOT of plot point resolution into the final hour once I realized that the murder wasn't going to be solved before then...a move that would have left episode 12 to be only about wrestling and love.

I will now hope that the first five minutes next week will therefore clear all the murder up, Mi-ran will be found, all will be well, and the last 55 can be about wrestling and love.

Also, I also vote hat Hyeon-uk should leave Seoul and work with Seok-hui on the local police force for the rest of his days, ideally also taking precious care of the "just-fine" Mi-ran.


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Yes, the murder investigation should have wrapped up without misleading the viewers with a good ajusshi who generously gave pocket money to Baek Du :'(


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Honestly, I don't know if I prefer Mi-Ran and Hyeon-Uk or Mi-Ran and Ji-Su anymore. I think my heart leans towards Ji-Su :p


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Uk-i and Seok-i are busy bonding and don't have time for dating... so Jin Su it is ; )


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Good point!


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@missvictrix I read that the postponment was due to Asia Cup football match. So, not sure why it would be an editing issue. I would be happy if it can end on 3% rating note.

Seok Hui and Hyeon Uk friendship was unexpected, but nonetheless I was immediately onboard. Loved their rapport. Like @attition above, I want either Hyeon Uk to stay behind and work with local force or have Seok Hui promoted to city. These two need to be together at any cost!

I am not sure if they are shoe-horning a romance between Jin Su and Mi Ran, but I only get a sibling vibe from them. The drama showed Jin Su always hanging with Mi Ran and being caring of her, so it would not be a surprise if they both liked each other (Sinking Hyeon Uk/Mi Ran ship, but I am alright as long as our girl, Mi Ran is happy.)

As much as I love this drama, 12 episodes is the perfect length for this story because they unnecessarily did not drag out angst or introduce new side stories, only to hastily wrap them up. Can't wait for the final ssireum match!


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I see more than a sibling vibe with Mi-ra and Jin-su. Definitely OTP. They would be a natural couple and remain in town.
Here we are at the ending minus one episode and Du-shik seems unwilling to take the next step in responding to Baek-du’s profession of love. As I said before, with Baek-du, “what you see is what you get”. I don’t know what the problem is.
I really don’t see either Hyeon Uk or Du-shik remaining in the small town. Both are going back to Seoul to their police careers.


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Yes, I’m in for a big offering to the drama Goddess. Please let us know what kind of tribute do you want to keep this blip as an isolated case. And, I would have loved a 16 episode run. Without any reservations.
@attiton: I felt too that it was a filler episode but far superior to many other KD filler episodes that I’ve seen.
The pacing could have been better planned as so much needs to be resolved in one hour but I wonder if the romance will get the short shrift. This is one relationship that I wanted to stay with a little longer but I can’t see how many plot points can be properly resolved in one hour.


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Wanna know a secret, Emma? Because you introduced me to Tale of Nokdu last week, I kept imagining Baek-du dancing with a fan during this episode--like that he'd stop muttering to himself in the street about Park Pil-du and then suddenly break out into gracious gestures.

Would have been something, wouldn't it??? 🙃🪭🕺


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What a great fusion that would make! It makes me happy to hear that.
Just between us, my imagination wasn’t as brilliant as yours. I just pictured him muttering while fanning himself to calm down and feel less anxious.


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Re-edit????? What!!! sigh..

I miss ssirieum. I want an epic match next episode! I was really hoping to see some dork dating between these two, friends chatting etc, but one episode is too less for all this.

Baek-du feeling a bit jealous is just adorable as Doo-shik points out. He is just adorable about everything.
Jin Su smiling like goon in the best thing ever!! I am so glad he is opening up more now, clearly he missed having friends as much as everyone else.

A bromance we didn't know we needed!! Uk-ie is such a fantastic character. I loved how much he knew about the villagers and you can see he made himself at home. Him and Seuk-hi, bff mode, lol.. adorable.

I really don't want to drag this murder mystery any longer.


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If the reason behind the pre-emption is not actually sports-related, but due to re-edits, I have to ask: what could they possibly need to change at this late stage? The show has been so well executed and the plot so meticulously laid out that it's very difficult for me to imagine some 11th hour demand for alterations to the story's outcome that would necessitate re-working the final two episodes.

That intrigue aside, ep. 11 was very compelling; I was soooooo nervous for Mi-ran at the end! I also have no idea who the culprit is. The mystery aspect of this story has truly been very well done.

Was it ever explained why Jin-su didn't recognize Mi-ran from the start? And why was she questioning him so much about Du-shik and feigning shock to find out she was not a he in the first few episodes? What was her angle then exactly?

I loved Du-shik muttering about how adorable Baek-du is after he stormed off in a jealous huff over she and Jin-su speaking informally. But I don't want to see her smack him in the forehead anymore, especially when he was saying something very sweet well out of the earshot of anyone. I know she's probably decided not to respond to his feelings because she fully intends to leave town, but at this point, her shutting him down like this and seeming to be ignorant of her own attraction to him is straining credulity.

Can't wait for next week!


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I think Du-shik smacking Baek-du is like "pulling his pigtails." She's always felt connected to him, and that's how she shows it. Question is: can either of them actually feel and/or display adult emotions? I guess we'll have approximately 55 minutes to find out next week! 🤓


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As I've said the last 2 weeks, that's been my fear about the relationship, and I've now come to feel that her answer to his confession in the last episode will be ambiguous at best, which is too bad, since as I keep saying, if the character of Baek-du was a bit more adult, they would be one of my favorite couples of recent kdramas.

By the way, I'm sure everybody is interested in the result of the football match that resulted in the cancellation of the episode. S. Korea reliquished a last second goal to tie Malaysia 3-3 Serves them right for postponing this episode--I hope the national team learned its lesson!


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I think they're dragging it out so that she'll say, "I only became a cop to solve this case so now I can quit and settle down in this small town as the manager of this team and marry you" and that way they never have to deal with any of the awkward questions that would arise if they got together now, like - how would this work, where would they live, will they ever have skinship where one of them isn't blind drunk?

I think these two are great together and I personally think a relationship between them could work but, as usual, I would have liked to see that on screen rather than as an afterthought happy ending with 10 minutes to spare because the writers are too scared of it.


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When the drama showed Du Shik's childhood, they revealed that she looked upto her present captain as her role model. She was even obsessed with that cop show which Baek Du recorded over his brother's championship video. So, I don't think the drama can simply run away with "I only became a cop to solve this case so now I can quit"


I hope it wouldn’t be an afterthought too as you said but it takes courage to say that these 2 have been apart for 20 years and have a lot to negotiate despite their undimmed childhood closeness. I wish we could see the drama do it justice rather than just tying the ‘loose’ ends in a somewhat perfunctory way.


While I’m a little skeptical there’s going to be anything more than an open ended promise to visit frequently, a happy ending in suggesting there could be a romance in the future but with no actual commitment, you could be right that there will be a way too hurried romantic resolution. But I feel with just a few tweaks this could have easily been remedied.

On the bus trip where both went to talk to his former opponent, Baek-du showed real maturity, and with the falling asleep and head on shoulder moment, that’s where an adult romance seemed to shaping up. But the next episode, Baek-du acted really immaturely, and the kiss was not only drunken, but really childish in execution, even for people who hadn’t kissed before, after which he ran screaming through town with embarrassment. Meanwhile Dushik’s response to the kiss was also more embarrassment than showing any type of romantic attraction. She received his confession without revealing any type of deep underlying emotion—she was more just flustered. Rewrite a few of those scenes, maybe throw in a real kiss in the past episode, and then, without altering the plot much at all, you have a more plausible, developed relationship.

But of course, the obvious riposte to my argument that it would have been easy to change, is “if you think its so easy, why didn’t you write the drama.” To that I say, I would, but I am unfamiliar with all the rules of ssireum.


I mean it's mostly just the usual kdrama discomfort with romance of anything but the most stilted and formulaic kind, which is why it always takes a back seat in these kind of dramas. Because if all romances are portrayed as being between awkward 14 year olds who have never been kissed then it kind of disrupts your tone.

I mean, how can a badass focussed cop even have a relationship if she never trips?


So, you will never get to see Baek Du be mature and I will never get to see Du Shik reciprocate her love much more openly and generously. Sigh!


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So there was a sporting event! I rather take this (I can’t believe I said this) than the possibility that the last ep was going to be re-edited as the latter almost never bodes well for any story. I know there have been PPLs in this too but grateful for not having to see clumsily inserted Subway, MacD or a beauty product PPLs.


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I agree with a lot of what you said but I can’t say I’m looking forward to next week as it will end. I know it is heretical to say on this website but I not every story can be told in 12 or even 16 episodes. I wish the KD space wasn’t largely a captive of this “one and done” format. So much drivel is made to satisfy this vicious circle of “next!” that it is amazing any worthwhile dramas can even be made. I would have liked to see another season of this which could have explained much more about Dooshik’s, Jinsoo’s, Miran’s and Hyeonuk’s trajectories as well as more of the adorable Baekdu.
Life appears hard for many people in SK based on many media reports so I hope viewers would be able discover this gem at some point and enjoy it.


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And why was she questioning him so much about Du-shik and feigning shock to find out she was not a he in the first few episodes? What was her angle then exactly?

Mi Ran hid her real identity because she wanted to find out about her dad's case without alarming anyone or alerting the culprit, so she acted like an outsider.

Also, the drama did not explain how Mi Ran found out Du Shik was a cop, but I am guessing similar to Baek Du because of her childhood connection she could feel Yu Gyeong's mannerisms to be similar to Du Shik.


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Wasn't one of the villagers (the husband) limping. Not so pronounced but he kinda walks different? The one who always hangs out with them but actually is not related to ssireum. The ladies actually joke about this at some point.


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All good point. The head slaps have really annoyed me since the beginning not to mention the Baek-du take down when he went to Du-shik’s house.


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I am truly enjoying this show, it has been a great one for starting the New Year with. However, it's just falling short of being truly satisfying.
I'm actually not mad about the mystery as in it almost has a cozy mystery vibe to it and I enjoy the players it's brought to the table, but the pacing or plotting is off. I don't want it to take up more story time, but they should of set up suspects earlier. As of right now I am not sure who it is will really matter to me. I like the pack of wrestling Ahjussis but they just kind of blend together. Since it will be revealed in the last ep we won't really see the effect on the town either.

Then my other problem is not using the goldmine they have in these characters, their relationships, and the actors who are playing them. There is so much potential here. I want more time with everyone knowing who each other is. I want more of Baekdu and Jinsu and delving in to that complex relationship. I want to see Mi ran becoming a true part of that pack and her and Doo shik become closer. I loved seeing how Doo shik took care of her when younger. It could just go on with a possible second romance couple and then our two cops and their bromance. Also, I feel like Baek du's dad should of had more to do.
But overall I have really liked it and will miss it.


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Yes to your 2nd paragraph, but what scene can be cut out to fit these missed potential? Looking back I enjoyed all the scenes and there wasn't much filler. Maybe they could have made the investigation scenes shorter like every episode Du Shik and Hyeon Uk keep summarizing the events at her old house without much progress. Maybe it is for the benefit of those viewers who may have missed some clues, but I always felt that the people helping the Seoul detectives found out more about the case than the detectives themselves.


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I think 14 episodes would have been perfect. 12 too short, 16 too long with fillers...
I think we all are missing our characters and want to see more of them.. A problem that does happen often - where we love every single character and want more of their scenes!


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Definitely don't want filler. I love when a drama is just at an hour and I am so engrossed I'm not checking the time. But agree that 2 more eps would probably be perfect.


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It's really nice to see all of them working together, Hyeon-Uk and Seok-Hui new friendship, Jin-Su keeping a eye on Mi-Ran.

Sadly, Baek-Du's journey about ssireum and what he wants is not really the theme anymore.

The romance didn't move on but Du-Shik said she needed to find the murderer. I think she will be able to think about it only after that. But I can't still imagine them dating.

For the murderer, Lee Kyung-Moon would correspond with his clothes. I think he was wearing red on the first episode like the guy who talked to the coach and was wearing black when all the ajusshis were in the café like the silhouette we saw at the end. But except money as a motive, I don't see any reasons and it makes very young 20 years ago... He's not in the ssireum athletes group but in the market one. But he often left his job.


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Here a list of videos about this drama. There are BTS videos and the casting reacting to some scenes with subtitles :



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Was Coach Yeon there 20 years ago? Because he is the one who called Jin-su away. And he was close to the old coach. ( And what actually is Coach Yeons job? He is not the actual coach, and he is not the administrator- what does he do? It was also suspicious how Chil went to Jin-Sus families restaurant as if he was meeting someone- is it someone in Jin-su's family?


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So Jin Su knew Mi-Ran was Mi-Ran from the beginning, right? That explains why he would hangout with her in the cafe even in Ep 1.
Yes, I am disappointed that ssireum took a backseat. I wish they had a parallel track with him competing in a few matches and slowly finding his grove. They just left it at - he is practicing.
Yes, I think it's the same dude. The one who hangs around and is always trailing with the group of Ajhusshis. He walks different (may be he has a lifted shoes to make up for the height difference between legs)


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I don't think Jin-Su knew because he was the one who explained to her who was Du--Shik when she already knew who was Du-Shik in the first place. But I found her less teasing with him than with Hyeon-Uk.

When I look the group of friends, it looks they all grew up except Baek-Du. It's why I want him to find his own path that is not connected to Du-Shik.


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The new pairings (Hyun Wook & Seok Hee, Mi Ran & Jin Su) are great! It would be nice to see more and more of the whole friend group. On the other hand, I feel I might lose interest if their scenes become filler with no direction. Well, I still hope that there are good, lovely scenes in the final episode. It sucks that we have to wait a week! Broke the flow. Hope the ratings will not be badly affected. =(

Jin Su was visibly relaxed (well, until he had to go on his errand) and so expressive with Mi Ran! It's the most I've seen from him and I can't get enough.

I wasn't thinking about twists so the small town vibe and the first hint at Park Pil Du lulled me into believing he was the culprit. He can pull off a sinister look. His part of the story pointed out how easily things can get skewed with the cop leading him on or not believing him when he was unsure about certain details.

I'm impressed that they still kept up with the childhood flashback and connected it well with the present. It was chilling when I immediately noticed the full group photo was different from the initial ones. And that there weren't any adults around until the show revealed the culprit was right there, hidden in the car/background.

The last tension-filled scene was sooo creepy. Cool cinematography though. Subtly thrilling. Hand on the sign. Lights off. I like that there wasn't blood or violence shown. A particularly eerie shot was when the camera followed Mi Ran from outside to inside as she was closing the cafe. She moves across the room and there's one glimpse of the man and then he's out of the frame.


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I agree. I just wish we had heard less of some of the town people and seen more of Jinsu. I wanted to know more about Jinsu and Dooshik’s lives. The mark of a good story-teller is when they generate continuing interest in their main and supporting characters. That the audience feels concern, affection and at times anxiety on their behalf. We have been feeling these emotions consistently for these characters. The final episode cannot fill that void. It is such a pity.


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yes! Need more Jin Su.. more of his smiles. Need more dad and mom scenes.. Need more matches..Need more time with the friends. I am not ready to say goodbye to these wonderful people.


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That photo reveal was so well done!! Mystery reveal done right! very tense and gripping. And we have to wait a week for ep 12!! Arghhhhh..


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This penultimate episode with a week long wait for the final made me savor this show. I know there are many things that need (or I want) to be resolved, but for now, this episode allowed me to appreciate all the little things, which in the end, is what this show does well.

Over and over, I have raved about how JDY completely inhabits and embodies Baek Du. That still holds true. However, this week, let me gush about how this physicality and embodiment is true of some of the other characters.
-Choi Moo Sung as Baek Du's father is slaying in his role. Every time he appears on screen, his presence is felt even without much dialogue--from when he walked in to watch Baek Du in the first tournament (he walked like the sirreum champion he was and owned the stadium without any arrogance); the way he piggybacked his wife and their loving connection and understanding could be felt; his "match" with Baek Du when he tried to revive Baek Du's sirreum passion; his conversations with Baek Du (they really seemed like father and son); and his listening to Pil Du revealing the understanding of regret and sorrow of past mistakes. CMS didn't grab me like this in Reply 1988 because his characters was so shy, but in LFIS, where he is playing a sirreum champion, the physicality of his presence is brilliant and I am drawn to him every time he appears on the screen.
-Jinsu: Okay, who knew when this man genuinely smiled, that it would melt glaciers and his character's icy reserve. Charisma unleashed.
-Hyun Wook: Him knowing everyone in town because he actually went undercover and tried to become part of the town unlike Du Sik was a brilliant touch.

I am hoping for an extended last episode so we can have time for everything. I really would like to see what happens with Du Sik and Baek Du, and I want to see more sirreum (which the previews promise). But until then, I will go back and rewatch some of the episodes and appreciate this gem.


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Totally agree about Choi Moo Sung! Even the way he sits quietly and does chores at home. He is so believable as a champion who everyone respects.

Yes please, can we have a 80 min Ep 12 please! You won't hear me complain here..

I am rewatching earlier episodes and I am enjoying it so much more.


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@pynyc, Gum Shoe, sorry for the delay. Your third paragraph actor/character analysis is spot on right down the line.

When I saw that Choi Moo-sung had been cast as a former ssireum champ and Baek-du’s dad in SAND I thought what great casting. Just look at the guy and he is perfect. I loved the scene in the ring with Tae-baek (dad) and Baek-du.
CMS as dad and the more emotional Jang Young-nam (one of my favorites) as mom have given us one of the great long time married couples in a awhile in kdramaland.

That Jin-su (Lee Jae-joon) smile so late in the drama brought back to me memories of Jung Kyung-ho’s late drama smile in LIFE ON MARS (2018) and Yang Se-yong’s last episode smile in DUEL (2017). A simple thing like a smile really can bring on a ‘wow’ in a drama.


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Baek Du's parents indeed seem to have a great long-term relationship. It struck me that in many ways Baek Du and Du Sik are similar to Baek Du's father and mother--his father is solid and incredibly perceptive and Baek Du's mother is fiery (her temper is well-known) but fiercely protective and loving. Perhaps it portends well for Baek Du and Du Sik.


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So no finale this week? (Sigh.) I rewatched the cast interviews and BTS footage. JDY saying that he can beat any actor at ssireum made me laugh.

And yes, more Jinsu smiles please!


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thank you for the recaps missvictrix & DB community. i have been reading & up-to-date with the show, which is very lovely by the way.

i luv how Baek-Du is very earnestness, he wears his heart around town, and not afraid of his feelings. not sure the fitness of JDY, but i'm amazed every time i see him running to find Doo-Shik, hahahhaaaa...

clap-clap-clap to the writer for voicing out one of my pet vees, people not answering messages. you clearly see that they've read the message, but not having the courtesy to reply, hmpppp... it's like low-key ghosting, i know, i know, small matters, hahhahahaaa...

points for having a piggyback scene of Baek-Du's parents. it's typical for the leads of the drama to do this type of scene, but it speaks highly of the writer & director to give this to the parents, it's like a stamp of their love and affection, without the hug or kiss. i also luv the Baek-Du family & their breakfast scenes, seems like food is over-flowing and the siblings clearly enjoy each other's company.

not sure how they'll resolve the love-story of BD & DS, but for sure they're the end-game, right? this drama is such a gem, it's like my kidnapping day of 2024 :)


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Thanks for the review and the comments, Beanies!

When I saw the delay, I tried to wait so that I could watch 11 & 12 together...but this drama is so good that I've already watched 11. Episode 12 should be a good wrap, probably with an open ending.


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