When I was the Most Beautiful (3): Not enjoying this toxic masculine energy.


    hoping you are referring Jin here… cause Seo Jin has made me hating HSK so bad.
    She has made it clear already soooooo many times and he still pushing him in her life.


      TBH, I think this episode triggered me. I feel the toxicity for both brothers honestly, because though Hwan is /really/ sweet, they both just assume they’re the better match for her. That argument they both had in today’s episode fighting over her like she’s an object, feels like two boys fighting over a shiny new toy! They never considered how she felt at all, getting angry or persistent when she rejects both their advances. If they really, genuinely liked her, they would have backed off. Maybe given her some time to think things though, maybe still helped her with her problems (with NO condition of her returning their affections). Maybe that could’ve convinced me they’re in the right track. Right now I’ve seen none of that.🤷


        i agree with you completely… just that i dont smell toxicity from hwan rather overly sweetness… cause he is not phys forcing himself in her life, instead his advances are kind of emotionally forceful.
        but in jin’s case he is overstepping all the boundaries and that what i sensed as toxicity.
        still i second ur overall observation and judgement of both the male characters.
        i hope they get better in future episodes.


      So sorry I feel like I’ve gone off on you. I think I expected more out of leading men in 2020. 😔
