I haven’t laughed this much in a long time because of a drama (in a good honest non-ironic way). The baby love triangle, the otaku pair, the payoff! I completely lost it at the Yoomi scene, after a good 15-20 minutes of non-stop laughing already. And then the last 15-20 of the episodes are so smartly written, and so touching. No one can write about regret like these writers, and very few can write comedy like this. The tight directing helps a lot as well (that dramatic interogation room parody had me rofl).

Will be back again after ep 12 to spazz with all the 18 Again peeps!


    Laughed so hard at the terrorism scene 😂 I didn’t understand it at first but oh boi the one who cause the terror and fireworks😂😂😂

    and I love how Sia bb was so nice to him and thought of his situation even though he totally put her on spot making it so awkward for her.

    I liked the divorce show scene. Dae Jung continues to be amazing. Her self reflections and how she’s never ashamed of what she is. When she knows she regrets, she admits it in a heartbeat.

    SPOILERS Ep 12 –
    the restaurant scene 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I loved Dae Young’s realization of what he made Dae Jung be.

    And I’m sooooo happy that I continue to like Sia’s character… ahhhh we had a nice closure to what’s been bugging us for the last 11 episodes! I mean I kinda knew she wasn’t gonna go that route but still nice to finally see it confirmed.
