Start Up.E5

Wow! I am on a high with Samsan tech!! They deserve it!!

A lot had happened. And a lot about Dal Mi. My question on her educational attainment was answered. It pains me to see Halmoni crying! 😭 This “Mother” deserve to know the truth on how Dal Mi had to go through, well thanks to her! 🤬

I Love how metaphors were used in explaining the technological stuff (sorry, no techy here!) and about life (eg. the need for the rain in life, not just the sunshine makes sense!) This episode showed how insightful Do San is and not to mention how territorial he is (well that is HIS candy, no?🤔) and the dynamic between our threeSANS, Amaaaazing!

Aww, And poor Jin Pyeong, falling deeper in SLS; I hear my heart and yours breaking every time you were reminded of the past and all “what ifs”, this man deserves a lot more love! 😘

For a moment, I thought Dal Mi had it all figured out at the last moment! More characters are being added to this already brewing feist(?, haha) and I can’t wait to know more about them 🧐


    another nice touch is, as of now, the drama is not making a character jerk just to make or show another character in better limelight..

    ML is not a jerk to make Second male lead look nice. Sis is not really a vamp trying to show how goody two shoe FL is. The other coders… they heard the idea, but we see they are good at what they do and with same source material they came up with 2 different good ideas..

    I hope drama stays that way.. we don’t need unnecessary evil people..

    in that capacity, i even acknowledge in jae’s stepfather’s behavior. That is very real. he would but ofcourse promote his own son.. nothing wrong there, rather nothing non real there


      Even if they had “taken” Dal-mi’s idea (can you really steal ideas? I’m dubious), in real life competition occurs where people develop the same kind of product and the product that does a better job wins. This isn’t unethical; to the contrary, this competition is what drives the development of better products and lowers prices.


        corporate espionage is unethical and illegal
        stealing ideas is illegal and hence IP laws and plagiarism

        The case can be filed. Facebook was also sued right because the whole dating site idea was actually someone else’s idea. Samsung was sued for just rounding off the corners of the phone


      True, these are competent and fair individuals and I hope it stays through and through! Rooting for them to succeed!


    but clearly that one trope we are going to see..

    In Jae did quote dad in her email..because she heard the convo between dad and dal mi about sand..

    But ultimately, the one who really came up with that philosophical statement was dalmi and hence the originator of sandbox..

    AND, i would say.. second male lead got his break from sandbox too.. so all the more reason for him to fall for dalmi..

    Just make hana and stephanie lee best friends without any love interests.. i’d be very happy seeing these 4 ladies rocking everything (IJ as the CEO, dalmi as CMO, Stephanie as the main designer.. and the female blonde MIT coder 😀 .. and let the boys he head of dept doing their own thing 🙂 .. with SH sipping coffee with grandmom and basically being a boradmember 😛 )


      Me too! Secretly rooting for SH to be the goodyDaddyLongLegs of our two leads, I hope he not fall for Dalmi that hard, I was actually allowing myself to accept that SH would adore Dalmi as his sibling because he loves Halmoni that much!! I hope that Alex is the real antagonist and our boys and girls would hand in hand be against him (I smell evil plans, hahaha)



        even i think alex would steal idea or something..

        And on SH, that would be awesome if he could think of dalmi as his sis in law or sis 🙂

        On the letters,

        those letters were co-written by grandmom and him. Therefore, in that sense, i think there is a reason why those letters managed to strike a cord with Dalmi (at some level the content has her grandmom’s touch)
