Omo omo omo, why doesn’t Lee Soo-jin have children of his own?! He is so good with kids!


    In one of the episodes of Three Meals a Day, he admitted that he’s never going to get married. I think he said he liked living on his own


      That’s a bit sad, although I can’t really say much. I’m the same way and I also don’t plan on getting married.


        I am not getting married either. Time is the constraint. I love my me time where I get to chill out everyday after work and no commitment. I don’t think I can survive working and raising children/family in the same time. I’d be too exhausted.

        Moreover, the my community still have view women mostly in traditional role. Even though the view has changed and improved over the years, the career women are still burdened with traditional family responsibilities. That does not fit me, who is used to flexible work life in IT. There were also days when work consumes my whole day and that definitely won’t do well with family responsibilities.

        So I am enjoying my single life. I can shamelessly swoon over pretty oppas everyday after work 😄
