‘I’ am not doing it for validation lol. I very well known that very few are interested in what I have to say and that’s no validation now is it?


    I love to rant I rant a lot, that’s my trait and it requires no player.


      I am going to annoy the fuck out of people by making a lot of posts. It’s not my fault that posts only have 200 words and I can’t include all that I want to say in them and the comments themselves don’t have the edit option I don’t really have a choice.


      I talk to myself a lot and it’s not for anyone else’s sake it’s has crossed its way into how I rant online too. What is the fanwall for if not for me to say things I want. People can talk about their day, talk about how they are feeling, what their interests are, what they are doing, and also rant. Am I not allowed to do the same because you decide I can’t talk about things you got over or you think no one else cares about so I shouldn’t either?


        Stop projecting on me based on what you tend to do. You might or might not make posts or comment because you want validation, ‘I’ can live without it.
