There is a podcast I listen to called Fated Mates that focuses on romance books. The hosts this season have a series they are calling Trailblazer episodes. It’s where they want to record the voices and stories of the people who helped make and shape the romance industry.
I listened to the Beverly Jenkins one earlier this evening and it is wonderful.
Now I’m partway through the ep with Vincent Virga the author who wrote Gaywyck. I don’t think I’ve heard of this trilogy before, but it is the first m/m Gothic romance.
It is a really great conversation so far. He drops some great names and the stories are fun, charming, and also heartbreaking. It’s a nice look into 70s publishing in New York too. Telegrams!
Anyway if anyone likes podcasts and likes listening to authors talk about the process of writing to publishing their works, especially from the 70s, 80s, and 90s I’d recommend this series of episodes.
A link to the Vincent Virga ep: