She breaks down the wall, finally.


    Just saying something before the finale …

    With this scene, I am pretty sure Yeonsu and Woong will go happy ending. Finally Yeonsu opens up her pain in heart with Woong, so I am pretty sure Woong can work things out to avoid the breakup 5 years ago. Woong’s “unfortune” (harsh criticism from a “famous critic” as well the copycat Nuah) may makes him a bit unhappy (“We are all so pity,” he said before Jiwoong), and Yeonsu’s current states may not help him back; however since he has the ability to help others before comforting himself, that will only act as a small hitch, even something that enlighten himself. So I am pretty sure if Yeonsu can go through her current hard time, she will go to France with Woong, and live her own life with Woong happily ever after.

    What I am not so sure will be Jiwoong, her sadness is way too deep, I wonder if he can go through, but let’s see. NJ will be okay, too, although I doubt she will have someone beside her romantically (She reach out to be friend with Woong seems already a great happy ending for me, so please don’t give her a boyfriend, thank you very much). Eunho and Solyi will probably get together (wish their restaurant will get good business). Someone say Woong’s true father may appear in the end, but honestly I don’t care (and Woong doesn’t need him to live a happy life) …

    So, happy finale, everyone!!


      A special shoutout to NJ, as well the actress behind her, Roh Jeong-eui. Her character may have been the farthest away from our reality, but for those follow some top female artists in South Korea (like, for me, IU), NJ is pretty close to them, except more lonely.

      Good job.
