I just noticed some discrepancies on Netflix.
I won’t hide the shame: I downloaded Stove League illegally when it came out years ago🙈. I don’t regret it; it’s one of my favourite dramas.
However, as soon as it was available on Netflix in my country, I deleted the illegal downloads.
Now that I am watching on Netflix, I can’t help but notice some cuts here and there. As someone who has watched the drama over 10 times, I notice these cuts.
For example, in episode 9 when Seung-Soo returns to the Dreams, the cheesy welcome song they sang for him was cut away. That was my favourite part🥺.
I don’t know if it’s Netflix or the production studio at fault, but this reduces viewer experience and makes you feel shortchanged, especially when you have seen a version before and loved it.
This is my first time experiencing this, so it hurts.
Has anyone else experienced this?


    Copyright reasons. Anything involving a song that isn’t the OST of the show can be disrupted by copyright, because sometimes they only have the rights to use the music internationally for a set amount of time (a year or so). Sometimes they just cut the scene, other times they change the music. But if you watch something on Netflix or another service in Korea, usually the music is still there. Because of some specificity when they bought the copyright to use the music.

    You’ll notice it on Viki too for some dramas. In the US if you watch something on Kocowa though, the original music is always there. I started watching Fight My Way on Viki but the music changes were so obvious, so I checked to see if the same happened on Kocowa and it didn’t. I believe it’s because Kocowa is actually owned by KBS, SBS, and MBC.


      Oh, thanks for the clarification. The music change did take me out of it. I guess I should alternate between Kocowa and Netflix then. I like the original with the songs.
      Thank you 😊.


      It’s pretty funny on Viki sometimes, if the original song has been subbed but then changed out for a different song….funny, but also a shame.
