Part of me wants to know who they’d pick for the celebrity ’brand ambassador’ lol




    I’m not watching this show but I’m curious. Are they trying to sell an accessory that looks like a gun? Or are they trying to sell actual guns? I thought Koreans were pretty much not allowed to own guns.


      It’s a bit of a spoiler but the big bad corporation’s plan is to introduce gun ownership among Korean citizens. I don’t live in the US, so seeing advertising like this goes to show how completely crazy that kind of situation would be.
      I’m firmly anti-gun by the way, I’m sorry if my post wasn’t clear enough


        Oh. Interesting. Thanks for explaining. I live in the US but even here, I don’t see ads and celebrity endorsements for guns.


          That’s what I figured and why I wrote my initial comment above, I don’t think any celebrity would want to be associated with it


      Korea has very strict gun control laws. The premise of the show is ofc fictional.

      Their idea is to gain public support for the legislation they want to pass, by getting celebrities to endorse it.

      Knowing the bad guys in this show, they probably have enough celebrities in pocket for that to work, and knowing how Korea responds to celebrity based marketing and endorsement, it’s probably not as insane as it sounds, at least as a marketing idea on paper.
      (They also are currently manipulating the public opinion in support of the puppet president that would pass this legislation upon him winning the election, so that the public would be on the presidents side already when voted in.)
      In reality? Probably not so much lmao.
      But in the story at least, there’s this whole build up and assumption that this faction has been shifting the public this way for a while, that you kind of have to accept for the story to work at all pfft


    I also cannot see this show and am curious. Can you give us some context to these images?


      As Timelate said, pretty spoiler rife as long as you don’t mind:
      Baddies want to rig the election (puppet president and puppet government), and then legalise like, completely open gun ownership to the general citizens of Korea as their very first action- this is there marketing plan for when (if. see: the entire plot of the show lol) they win the election. By using kpop stars and pastel handguns. lmao.
