My last fan wall post was about being excited for “See You In My 19th Life” after watching the first episode….well, that post aged like milk, I’m afraid 🙈
I’m just sad for the missed opportunities, what could have been ~

Also I’ll probably never read a soon-to-be adapted webtoon ever again, or maybe just read it and then stay away from the drama xD


    That phrase about aged like milk made me smile. I think it’s a tough choice re the read the webtoon watch/don’t watch the drama adaption.

    I think different does not always mean better or worse but it does depend on how much you love the original. I hated the original Yumi’s cells outcome for one character and preferred the drama version even though it still didn’t end well, I felt it was more in character with both of them.


      Yumi’s cell is a good example of great adaptation imo!
      Sure, I read after watching, so I’m biased in that sense.
      But I feel like the essence of the comic was kept in the drama, so it worked out well!

      Sadly syim19l felt different in many ways, and for me, having this mindset, it was not as enjoyable to watch as I would have hoped 😔
