Just finished episode 1 of My Dearest 2. Gil-chae’s life has turned out differently than I expected over the last two years, but I’m glad she made the best of her opportunities and the living conditions at the time.
I am curious to see how the makers will solve this “problem”, especially after reading the outcry on the net.

In the meantime, I’ll try to post scenes again with parallels from episode 1 part 1 and episode 1 part 2.


    Thank you @claire2009 your tech response is 👍

    Really really appreciate your guidance on posting pictures, inserting text and gifs.

    👏 👏 👏


    Ha,ha, I am also curious how she (the writer) will get out of it. She is bold, I will give her that at least. I played out different scenarios during the pause, I dreeded this one so much, but I have come to accept it. I am still waiting for what was promised (per NKM)…


      So … you think we should have Cha Eun-woo’s character in A Good Day To Be A Dog recommend some escape room strategies!


      I wouldn’t have thought it originally, but the break between the two parts was just right for me. In the last few weeks I was able to prepare myself better for the worst.
      In the meanwhile, I would be happy if the writer continued to follow GWTW closely. I’ve already come that far. Still, the ending is guaranteed to kill me, what am I kidding myself here.


        So glad you’re enjoying it. After all as Shelly said –

        We look before and after,
        And pine for what is not:
        Our sincerest laughter
        With some pain is fraught;
        Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought.


        Agreed, the break was my mourning period for whatever will happen. I am into the accepting anything phase now. Well, almost anything…there are still some scenarios going forward from here that I will never accept and I will not be staying in the time-out corner! 🤣


        I will say one thing and hope I don’t spoil too much…I kept thinking about that red string pulling her towards him at the end of the episode. I don’t know if it was done on purpose, but I could see it.


          I am sure they will come together. Only when and for how long? Here I have scaled my expectations very far down.
