Castaway Diva: Park Hye-ryun saw everyone foaming at the mouth over Start-Up and was like “Next time I’ll just confuse EVERYONE” and I find that hilarious.

The show continues to be fun and ridiculous and fizzy. I have a feeling it’s potato boy who’s Ki-ho just because he’s so mysterious so far and I don’t think the drama would be so obvious about it upfront, haha. I don’t really care who it is as long as they have a good explanation to go along with it.

But of course, what I’m really excited for is Mok-ha and Ran-joo. I’m really glad the show has this relationship as a main plot line just so that the romance hopefully doesn’t completely derail every discussion about the drama like Start-Up. I was one of the few people who was fine with the drama but found the fan behavior absolutely MISERABLE to experience. I hope that doesn’t happen to the same extent here.

Also, does anyone know who is singing in this drama?


    I don’t care about any “good, bad or ugly” explanation about Ki-ho. Rooting for N as Ki-ho / ML.

    For the first time ever I may have (surely, truly, really ..!!) got a genuine case of SLS which may explain my over-enthusiasm. ☺


    I also want to know who’s singing!
    Also will N get a chance to sing too!!
