Castaway Diva ep 6
Laughing at Mokha and Ranjoo speculating about who’s Kiho like we’ve been doing for the past 2 weeks!! XD


    About that…is this the most anticlimactic reveal ever or what?! XD

    With ep 5 ending I was on the edge of my seat! It left me very confused!! And for what?! ..Ep 6 immediately confirmed all my previous suspicions, revealing everything at once!! I spent a whole day thinking about this for nothing!! Ahahah!!
    Maybe it’s just because I was expecting them to drag the whole thing for longer lol

    (Sidenote: thankfully Mokha is not buying a single word of that stupid lie Woohak told her 😆)


      I had the exact opposite reaction. I am finally relieved they stopped this guessing game when we knew all along Kiho is. There is no doubt about is as the other option is too extreme even with Kdrama logic. To me the reveal was actually done on ep 5 as the photo confirmed who is who.


        So, yes, I am very glad the guessing game is done, too.

        My point was that it felt somewhat anticlimactic.
        I think it’s because the reveal scene was split between Ep 5 and 6, so my brain spent the time in between overthinking the whole thing, while the actual reveal turned out to be exactly the scenario I had expected from the start! Hence why, a little underwhelming! 😅

        Having said that, I actually really liked how they did it, how the story played out!
        The rest is all because I gaslight myself after episode 5 ahaha!!


          I get that, and yes, when you think about it, it was a bit underwhelming since the show went for it in the first few mins of ep 6. But at least we can move forward from that plot point now.
