Trigger warning: Discussion of Suicide
“A closer look into Korea’s suicide statistics
New data reveals where the front lines are in the country’s battle against suicide”.

“The data, released by the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, looks into all “deaths caused by external harm,” which includes deaths caused by external factors such as accidents, violence, suicide, poisoning or natural disasters.
Of the 26,148 such deaths that occurred in Korea in 2021, suicides accounted for nearly half of the cases at 13,352. And in the 10-49 age group, suicide’s share of the deaths rises to over 70 percent.
These 13,352 suicides a year translate to 36.6 deaths per day — one suicide every 39 minutes”.


    This is heartbreakingly sad.
    I wish there wasn’t so much pressure for people to be perceived as perfect in South Korea.
    I wish Mental Health was not stigmatised.
