A fine actor, the most charismatic masculine voice. Gone too soon because some low lifes and unrealistic and idolized expectations of a repressed society. RIP, Lee Sun-kyun. You’ll be forever missed.


    I’ll do something I don’t normally do. I’m extremely angry so I’ll list irritating thoughts I have about SK and its “culture”

    1. Toxic seniority: Doesn’t make sense how many times I see it displayed on screen. Superiors DONT have the right to physically (eg hitting their subordinates) and/or mentally, and/or emotionally harass their subordinates. This concept of seniority is skewed there. It’s unnatural and toxic. It’s just plain WRONG.

    2. Clean image: Do you even understand what image is? Image is image, you don’t need to protect your image because image is different from who you really are. What others perceive is different from who you are and your own worth. Many toxic Knetizens seem like they do t have a life, so they run their mouth commenting on K public figures’ image-related stuff when they in fact do nothing to improve their own or other people’s lives. Soul suckers. And yes, just suckers in general.

    3. Using drug vs selling drug: Using drug is a sign for help. It isn’t a SIN. They don’t HARM other people but themselves. For F***’s sake, really, how can a society be so skewed as thinking this is a sin??? What they teach in school then? Just how to bully other people? Gosh, the future of education there looks worrisome if they somehow end up making people think that using drug is a crime. Just a failure for the society to not be able to view things objectively and with a humanely kind heart and compassion.

    4. Divorce: What is wrong with divorce??? When two people are not happy with one another anymore, they can mutually agree to part ways and that’s called divorce. Is one isn’t happy with how one is treated in a marriage, isn’t it STUPID if one continues to stay in the marriage hoping for an impossible thing such as the situation will get better? One throws their agency out of the window, then. And to view that divorced women is worth less than unmarried women is just misogynistic. Men there can as well buy dolls. (Sorry not sorry)

    5. School bullying: It should be stopped at schools. It’s the teachers’ job. You don’t know how boring it is to watch these scenes being played again and again in different shows, it’s disgusting. If teachers can’t put a stop to these bullying acts of their students, they should just resign and let others who can to come and take care of the job. It isn’t something that should
    Be normalized by showing it again and again without addressing it as something that can be avoided and FIXED by teachers or some adult figures. Instead of we have a best hit named The Glory. And can anyone tell me what is GLORIOUS about that show? I believed there is none except superficial things (which I love) that are clothes and production design (perhaps).


      And while it seems to be true to a certain extent that hurt people, hurt peopl, it’s also equally true that hurt people may CHOOSE to be kind to others because they know how hurtful it is to be hurt.


    An angry person expresses their thoughts harshly, so I hope it can be understood. I understand and fully respect SK as a nation of wonderful things, but these things trouble me as some things that are toxic. SK is a talented nation: Competitive, so I’m sure that if they want to, they CAN change. So here’s hoping for the country to take a more positive and balanced turn for the better (if they agree, and if they wish). There are good and not-so-good people everywhere, and my comments took that fact into consideration. It’s just that if any institution can’t protect the good and the should-be-kept and protect, it’s unlikely to grow well sustainably.

    I pointed these things about because of the sad news, and because I like Kdramas in general (even though I think they are heading for a more violent turn, the decision I don’t understand).


    Thank you for expressing yourself like this. We do hope and pray for a better world where we can feel safe, loved and respected as a human being and not always judged on shallow, superficial grounds.
